My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3295 Wen Zhi Wu Gong

Chapter 3295 Wen Zhi Wu Gong
The queen frowned: "Oh? Just what?"

Young Master Liu looked at the Queen with a faint smile, and let out a light breath.

"It's just that, for my husband, I have to live well now.

As a husband, I have to pave the way ahead for our sons and daughters while I am still full of energy and can still play and punch.

As a husband, only by paving the way ahead for the children can I truly have no worries.

Only then can I accompany you sisters and have a good rest. "

The queen turned her head to look aside, blinked lightly a few times, and suddenly had inexplicably sour bright eyes.

This unconscionable guy always said some sour words to himself when he had nothing to do.

The empress breathed out silently, and after calming down her mood, she raised her jade arm and touched Young Master Liu's arm.

"Okay, okay, what's dead, what's alive, let's stop talking about these unlucky words."

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of wine, moistened his dry throat, turned his head to look at the queen and nodded cheerfully.

"Okay, my husband listens to you, stop talking, stop talking"

The queen smiled sweetly, bent down directly, grabbed a handful of snow that had not yet melted from the side of the garden path, held it in her hand and played with it with smiling eyes.

"So, when do you plan to order Zhang Shuai, Nangong Shuai and the others to use troops again?"

Hearing the Queen's inquiry, First Young Master Liu put one hand behind his back, and casually shook the wine gourd in his hand with the other.

Young Master Liu didn't answer the Queen's question, but instead asked: "Wanyan, I'm asking you for my husband, what is the most important thing for an emperor to do?"

The Queen gently tossed the snowball in Yu's hand, then turned to look at First Young Master Liu, her bright eyes were full of complacency.

"Without conscience, if you ask another question, I might not be able to answer it.

But, don't forget, my old lady, I was also the majestic king of a country back then.

You really can't help me with this question. "

"Hahaha, then you can talk to Weifu."

The queen smiled, and said with a smile on her face: "Hehehe, as a king, you should be diligent in government and love the people, and take it as your duty to benefit the common people in the world."

"Then what is it that judges the merits of an emperor?"

"Ah! That's too much. In general, it can be summed up in four words.

Wenzhiwugong. "

"Hahaha, you are right, Wenzhiwugong.

To put it bluntly, history books evaluate the achievements of an emperor, Wenzhiwugong is indispensable.

Wenzhiwugong, Wenzhiwugong.

If you practice martial arts, you cannot practice martial arts.

Then, no matter how good you are in martial arts, in the end, it's just a waste of martial arts. "

The queen rolled her eyes lightly, pondered for a while, then turned her head to look at Young Master Liu and nodded her head a few times.

"So, the question goes back to what you just said, you are waiting for an opportunity."

"Hmm, that's right."

The empress looked at First Young Master Liu curiously and asked: "Then, is it convenient for you to tell my old lady what kind of opportunity you are waiting for?"

Young Master Liu looked at the Queen's curious expression, nodded cheerfully and said, "Of course, after one conquers a territory, he can control this territory at any time.

This is the time to be able to rule both martial arts and martial arts. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's answer, the queen frowned slightly.

"The opportunity to be able to govern both martial arts and martial arts at the same time?"

"Of course."

The queen rolled her eyes lightly, thought for a moment, looked at Young Master Liu and said softly: "You have no conscience, I just thought about it carefully.

To be honest, it may not be easy to achieve this step.

Both Wenzhi and martial arts can be practiced.

If you want to do this without conscience, there are two very important prerequisites.

First, every decree issued by you, my husband, needs to be passed on to the local officials in the shortest possible time.

Then, it will be carried out by the local chief officer.

Second, in order to prevent some people from showing disobedience and acting rebelliously, our soldiers and horses of Dalong must rush to suppress the rebellion as quickly as possible.

If you have no conscience, you can only realize your ideas after you have achieved these two points.

However, no matter what I think bluntly, I feel that such a thing is unlikely.

Just like what you said just now, our big dragon is really too far away from the Far West.

It is so far away that just going to the last time will consume several months.

In this case,"

The queen was talking, her words suddenly paused, and she chuckled a few times before she could speak.

"Hehehe, even if I don't say some things, you can understand them."

Young Master Liu looked at the Empress cheerfully, and gently moved the dry grass in his hand under the empress's delicate nose a few times.

"To put it bluntly, not necessarily."

The empress's face changed instantly when the withered grass in Young Master Liu's hand touched the tip of her nose.

She immediately glared at First Young Master Liu angrily, and quickly turned her head to look aside with shortness of breath.

"Hmph, hum, yawn... yawn... yawn..."

After the queen yawned several times in a row, she looked at First Young Master Liu with an angry expression, and directly raised her lotus feet to kick Young Young Master Liu's ass.

"Smelly bastard, you are going to die."

Seeing this, Young Master Liu leaped to the side, and made a face at the queen with a smile.

"Hey hey, hey hey, you look so good-looking even when you're angry."

"You! Stinky bastard, stop for me."

As soon as the queen finished speaking, she hurriedly covered her delicate nose and turned to the side.

"Yawn... yawn..."

Immediately, the empress rubbed the tip of her nose with one hand, held the hem of the skirt with the other, and chased after Young Master Liu like flying.

"Stinky bastard, stop for me, I can't spare you."

Seeing the empress's reaction, Young Master Liu pulled the cloak on his body, ran forward and ran away.

Young Master Liu looked back at the Empress while running, and said loudly, "Hey, hey, to put it bluntly, it shouldn't be like this?"

"It's not like your grandma has a leg, don't run if you don't have a conscience, stop for me if you are capable."

"To put it bluntly, with your vicious look now, it's no wonder I dare to stand still and not run away as a husband."

As soon as Young Master Liu said this, the empress' face turned dark instantly, and she accelerated towards Young Master Liu, gnashing her teeth.

"Okay! Okay! I'm a vicious old lady, right?
You heartless thing, you better not let my old lady catch you.

Otherwise, old lady, I will have to peel off your skin and break your third leg. "

Just a few short breaths.

The couple who were chatting and laughing just now became tense in an instant.

"Smelly bastard, you stop."

First Young Master Liu glanced back at the empress who was chasing after him, and hastily quickened his pace.

"Stop? It's just a fool to stop!"

For a while, the couple chased each other directly on the path in the garden.

However, Young Master Liu and his wife seemed to have a tacit understanding.

Between each other, no one has used lightness kung fu, and they are chasing and fighting with their own physical strength.

After half a day.

The queen's delicate face was blushing, and she stopped panting.


The queen bent her willow waist, supported her knee with her right hand, and panting heavily, beckoned to First Young Master Liu.

"Huh-huh-you have no conscience, don't run away.

Old lady... Old lady, I won't chase you anymore, I won't chase you anymore. "

Hearing the Queen's out of breath yelling, First Young Master Liu stopped abruptly.

After he stopped, he was also out of breath, panting heavily, and turned around to look at the queen behind him.

"Hey, ouch... ouch...

Don't chase... don't chase? "

The empress gave Eldest Young Master Liu a supercilious look, covered her willow waist with one hand, and looked around.

Immediately, the Queen's gaze was fixed on a lawn on the left side of the path, and she staggered over.

The empress sat down on the lawn carelessly, watching Young Master Liu wave her hand gently.

"No more chasing, no more chasing.

If I continue to chase, my old lady will die of exhaustion. "

Major General Liu looked at the Queen suspiciously, and cautiously walked towards the lawn next to the Queen.

"Are you sure, sure you don't want to chase?"

The queen moaned and tapped Zhenshou a few times, opened her slender jade arms, and lay down directly.

"Sure, very sure."

Seeing the empress lying directly on the lawn, First Young Master Liu immediately grinned loudly.

"Hahaha, hahaha."


"Huh? What?"

The queen turned sideways slightly, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a look of grievance on her pretty face.

"No conscience, my mother's legs are sore."

Upon hearing the words, First Young Master Liu hurriedly got up and trotted over without even thinking about it.

"Wanyan, thigh? Or calf?"

The queen looked at First Young Master Liu angrily, and said, "Hmph, I'm all sore."

Young Master Liu immediately threw the wine gourd in his hand on the grass, quickly picked up the empress's slender jade legs and put them on his own lap, nimbly pressed the empress's jade legs with his ten fingers and kneaded them gently.

"You, you, let me tell you what you want as your husband?
Tell me about you, why do you have to be so serious with my husband?
If you can't catch up with your husband with physical strength, can't you use lightness kung fu? "

Seeing Young Master Liu's helpless expression, the empress pursed her cherry lips and let out a soft snort.

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to say it, can't you be more polite?"

Young Master Liu beat the Queen's calf lightly, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"To put it bluntly, you are really wronged as your husband.

As a husband, if I don't let you, I will just use my lightness kung fu and run away.

However, as a husband, I would never have thought that you, a silly woman, would be so serious.

If you had used lightness kung fu just now, wouldn't you have caught up with me, my husband? "

The queen raised her jade neck, and snorted again with a proud expression.

"Hmph, old lady, I'm not taking advantage of you!"

Seeing the queen's arrogant face, Young Master Liu pretended to be annoyed and flicked the queen's forehead.

"Tsk tsk tsk, then what do you want my husband to say?"

The queen gritted her silver teeth, and directly used the two-finger Zen magic skill to pinch the soft flesh around Young Master Liu's waist.

"I don't care, you just didn't let me go anyway."

Young Master Liu shook his body, hurriedly grasped the empress's bright wrist, and nodded with a smile on his face.

"Yes yes yes, to put it bluntly, you are what you say, because my husband was wrong, because my husband knew it was wrong."

Seeing Young Master Liu's reaction, the empress let go of her slender fingers, and couldn't help laughing out.

"Puff, giggle, look at your virtue.

Alright, let me politely stop joking with you.

Quickly tell Wanyan, what you just said may not mean what? "

Young Master Liu raised his brows, beat the Queen's legs lightly, and said with a smile: "The meaning is the same, and the situation is the same."

"Oh, don't tell my old lady, hurry up and tell me."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nonsense, of course it's not necessarily what you just said.

What do you mean by this not necessarily? "


"Not necessarily!"

"Why do you need it?"

Seeing Young Master Liu pretending to be stupid, the queen's jade-like white teeth creaked.

Immediately, the queen straightened up and sat up, grabbing First Young Master Liu's vitals.

Young Master Liu shook his body for an instant, and bowed his body abruptly.

"Hmm! Wanyan... Wanyan...

You... are you planning to be a widow in the future? "

"Heh heh heh, if you continue to pretend to be confused for my old lady, it's okay."

During the Queen's words, she lightly and forcefully grasped Young Master Liu's delicate hand.

"Hmm, hum, hiss!"

"Speak or not."

"Tell me, talk about it, it's so polite, can't I just say it for my husband?
Come on, let go.

If you try harder, you will really be a widow in the future. "

The queen let go of her jade hand, and smiled triumphantly.

"Virtue, count your knowledge."

"You don't need to waste your time with me, my old lady, it's all about what you said may not mean anything.

Just tell my old lady, what time are you waiting for? "

Young Master Liu sat up cross-legged, lifted the wine gourd on the lawn sideways, and took a few sips of fine wine with a light smile.

"Honestly, there are some things, do I need to tell you personally as a husband?
With your ingenuity, you only need to use your brain to think a little bit, and you should be able to guess what the opportunity I said to be waiting for is your husband. "

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's words, the queen's face was slightly startled, and she couldn't help frowning her eyebrows.

"Huh? Can I guess it?"

First Young Master Liu nodded slightly, laughed and said, "Hahaha, if there are no accidents, you can definitely guess it."

The queen turned her head to look at First Young Master Liu, gently kneading her forehead, her beautiful eyes flickered with a hint of thought.

Both Wenzhi and martial arts can be used.

Wenzhiwugong, Wenzhiwugong.

For small barbarian countries thousands of miles away, if you want to merge the two.

There is no other way, there is no word of speed.

Speed, speed.

At what speed will it be possible to reach this point?

This heartless stinking guy has never been a targetless person.

Since he said that he was waiting for an opportunity, it meant that he must be fully sure of being able to do this.

You can control the world in time, and you can use troops as quickly as possible.

Could it be... Could it be... Could it be...


The Queen's eyes lit up, and she suddenly turned her head to look at First Young Master Liu.

"You have no conscience, old lady, I think of what you are talking about."


The queen took a deep breath and grabbed Young Master Liu's wrist.

"The dragon car, it's the fire dragon car."

(End of this chapter)

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