Chapter 3444 Qualified
"If my son-in-law knew about this, he would be really angry.

You two military masters, if you two really don’t have any copper coins on you, forget about this meal.

It is my honor to meet these two military masters today.

I’ll treat you to this humble breakfast. I’ll treat you to it. "

As soon as the shop owner finished speaking, he reached out and picked up the five silver coins on the table, and handed them to Young Master Liu with a smile on his face.

"Master Jun, please."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the very sincere look on the shop owner's face, glanced down at the silver coins in his hand, chuckled and waved his hand.

"Brother, how can this be forgotten?

Your son-in-law, like our two brothers, is a soldier of Dalong. You should have heard him say that our army also has military rules.

Today, if we, two brothers, do not pay for meals, and the generals and governors above find out about this, we two brothers will have to shed our skins even if we do not die.

Therefore, we two brothers have no courage to violate the rules of the army. "

After Young Master Liu finished these words, the shop owner's face suddenly became embarrassed.

"Ah? This! This!"

He lowered his eyes and looked at the five silver coins in his hand, and had a vague feeling in his heart that Mr. and Mrs. Liu didn't seem to be here to have breakfast, but rather to deliberately cause trouble.

However, he couldn't figure it out. His family had no grudges against Mr. Liu in the past and had no grudges recently. Why would he come to trouble him?


The shop owner seemed to think of something and took a breath quietly.


Could it be that these two people have any conflict with their son-in-law?
Because of the rules in the Dragon Army, they were not allowed to cause trouble for their son-in-law, so they deliberately came to cause trouble for their own family.

If this is the case, after sending the two of them away, he will immediately ask his eldest daughter to inform his son-in-law of the matter so that he can take precautions in advance.

The shop owner calmed himself down secretly and sent it forward with a smile on his face.

"Master, how about this? You two will pay your bills today.

When you two brothers come to take care of the business in your store next time, you will settle today's outstanding debts together.

I don’t know, Master Jun, what do you think? "

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyebrows, chuckled and looked up at the smiling shop owner.

"Oh? Brother, can you settle the account here?"

When the shop owner saw Mr. Liu asking such a question, he felt happy and nodded hurriedly.

“Yes, yes, I can handle the accounts, I can handle the accounts.

Many officers and soldiers in the army, or many servants of my sons-in-law, occasionally pay the bills when they come to our restaurant to eat.

When you go out, it is inevitable that you will forget to bring money or it will be inconvenient.

In this way, it is very normal to occasionally hang up accounts. "

"Brother, among our other brothers in the army, do many of you have debts with your family?"

"Fortunately, fortunately, most of the people with accounts are regular customers, and occasionally there are some strangers."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, chuckled and asked again: "Brother, did they all come over to pay you later?"

Hearing Mr. Liu's inquiry, the store owner nodded cheerfully.

"Back to Master Jun, whether they were regular customers or new customers, they all came to settle the bill.

Even those strangers, no one defaulted on their debts. "

Liu Mingzhi rolled his eyes slightly and frowned suspiciously.

"Brother, are you really telling the truth? You don't dare to tell the truth because we two brothers are also soldiers in the Dragon Army, right?"

Feeling Mr. Liu's suspicious gaze, the shop owner tightened his expression and shook his head without hesitation.

"No, no, everything I say below is the truth."

"You are sure that even those strangers did not default on their debts in the end."

"Go back to Master Jun, I'm sure, very sure.

Perhaps the military masters who were strangers did so out of consideration for their son-in-law, so they did not default on their debts in the end.

Military Lord, you don’t know that my son-in-law is very popular among your Dalong army. "

When the store owner said the next words, whether intentionally or unintentionally, he specifically mentioned the fact that his son-in-law was very popular.

Young Master Liu nodded with a smile on his face, vaguely understanding what the store owner meant by what he said.

"Hehehe, brother."

"Hey, Master Jun, tell me."

Liu Mingzhi stood up with a faint smile, opened his arms and stretched his body.

"Brother, these five silver coins in your hand, including the breakfast money we two brothers just spent, how many buns can you buy with the remaining money?"

"Ah? What? Master, what did you say?"

The shop owner looked stunned, and for a moment he didn't understand what Mr. Liu meant by asking this question.

"Hehehe, let me tell you, apart from the meal money we just paid for, how many buns can we buy with the remaining money?"

After hearing Mr. Liu say it again, the store owner finally reacted.

"Master Jun, are you talking about these five silver coins?"


The shop owner immediately frowned, lowered his head, clasped his fingers and began to mutter softly.

After a while, the store owner raised his head and looked at Mr. Liu again.

"Go back to Lord Jun, three copper coins for the meat buns, two copper coins for the vegetarian buns, three copper coins for eight-treasure porridge, and two copper coins for tofu nao.

The meal money you two brothers just had was thirty copper coins in total.

Five silver coins, totaling five hundred copper coins.

After excluding your meal money, the remaining money can buy more than 150 meat buns... No, no, no, 180 meat buns.

As for vegetarian steamed buns, there are more than 200. "

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and nodded, then turned and pointed at the steaming steamer not far away, filled with fragrance.

"Brother, how many buns are there in those steamers?"

"Back to Master Jun, there are probably more than 300 left."

"Brother, do you only prepare three or four hundred buns in your store in the morning?"

Although he didn't know why Young Master Liu asked these things, the store owner still answered honestly in order to send Young Master Liu away as soon as possible.

"Come back to Master Jun, this is just the first batch. Are your family members and workers still making buns behind?"

"So it is, so it is."

Liu Mingzhi's mind was racing. After making a mental calculation, he took out five silver coins from his sleeve again and slapped them on the table with a faint smile.

Seeing Young Master Liu take out five more silver coins and put them on the table, the shop owner was immediately confused.

At this moment, he really couldn't figure out what Liu Mingzhi meant by behaving like this.

Liu Mingzhi saw the stunned expression on the shop owner's face and turned to look at Ren Qingrui.

"Girl, are you full?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm full."

"As long as you're full, let's go."


Young Master Liu chuckled and took a few steps forward. He leaned over and picked up the lantern on the ground, then looked back at the shop owner.


The store owner came back to his senses and quickly turned around to focus on Young Master Liu.

"Master Jun, what are you doing?" Liu Mingzhi picked up another lantern and handed it to Ren Qingrui, then happily walked out of the shop.

“These ten silver coins, two hundred meat buns, and the remaining all-factor buns.

After you have gathered enough money in your store, you can just send someone to the palace. "

Hearing what Young Master Liu said, the store owner was stunned again.


Liu Mingzhi ignored the store owner's reaction and walked out of the store.

When Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui had taken a few steps, the shop owner reacted belatedly.

Immediately, he hurriedly chased after him.

"Two military masters, if the guards guarding the palace gate ask, I have to tell them who sent these buns and to whom.

You two must leave a name for me. "

"Song Qing."

"Song Qing?"


"Then, who did you give it to?"

"Du Yu."

Young Master Liu responded to the shop owner loudly and continued walking forward without looking back.

The shop owner watched Mr. Liu and Ren Qingrui's retreating figures, looked down at the five silver coins in his hand, and scratched his head in confusion.

No, what on earth is going on?

Are these two people here to cause trouble?
After muttering to himself, the shop owner raised his head again and looked at Mr. Liu and the other two.

However, the figures of Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui had already blended into the still dim night.

"Song Qing, Du Yu."

"Song Qing, Du Yu."

The shop owner repeated these two names softly twice, turned around quickly and ran towards his shop.

This is a big business. You can't remember the name wrongly. You have to find a note to write it down.

As for whether those two people were looking for trouble, they would have to ask their eldest daughter to inform her son-in-law before they could find out.

According to common sense, they should not be looking for trouble.

After all, whoever is looking for trouble would not embarrass himself and say nothing, but instead buy himself hundreds of buns?

On the main street of the city.

Ren Qingrui glanced at the patrolling soldiers passing by, smiled slightly and looked at his sweetheart who was puffing away silently with a pipe in his hand.

"Da Guoguo, has the situation in the royal city met your expectations?"

When Liu Mingzhi heard the beauty's inquiry, he turned around and glanced at the pair of patrol officers who had just passed by. He turned back to look at the beauty and chuckled, nodding in a gesture.


The beauty rolled her eyes a few times and nodded with a slight smile.

"It's okay, it's okay. So, the results of my uncle and uncle's Western expedition for many years can still be considered qualified?"

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment with his brows slightly furrowed, then turned his head and looked around on the street.

"Let's look around again."

"Okay, then where should we go?"
"Hehehe, wherever there is a road, just go there."

After hearing her sweetheart's answer, the beauty's expression suddenly became strange.

"Go where there is a road, Da Guoguo, you don't plan to visit the whole city, do you?"
Young Master Liu blew out a puff of smoke and glanced sideways at the beauty with a smile.

"Can't you? What's the matter, girl, are you afraid of being tired?"

When Ren Qingrui heard what her sweetheart said, she immediately puffed up her chest with an unconvinced expression.

In this way, the beauty's already slender figure instantly became more majestic.

“Da Guoguo, don’t forget it.

When I was in Chengzhou, my sister and I had to go to the mountains to pick herbs and carry spring water every day.

My sister, I am not afraid of getting tired even when faced with twists and turns and uneven mountain roads.

Now on this flat street, do you think I, my sister, will be scared? "

When Liu Mingzhi saw the beauty's movements, his eyes subconsciously glanced across the beauty's chest.

Immediately, he gently took a puff of the dry cigarette with wonder in his heart.

This girl, at such a young age, has already caught up with Sister Ya, Sister Shan and Wanyuan.

If this had taken a few more years, it would have been okay.

No longer, no longer, I guess it has reached a point where Ling Yun'er, Yan'er, Lian'er, Xiaoxi and the other sisters are envious, right?
Tsk tsk tsk, tsk tsk tsk, this is what is called extraordinary talent.

It's useless to envy someone who is born like this.

Even if you try your best throughout your life, it will only be the beginning.

On this point, you can't accept it.

After Liu Mingzhi sighed secretly in his heart, he smiled and pursed his lips in front of him.

"Hahaha, okay, girl, since you're not afraid of getting tired, let's keep walking."

The beauty snorted softly, and raised her white jade neck with an arrogant expression.

"Hmph, just leave, whoever is afraid will let you go."

Time passed quietly, and the dim night gradually became brighter.

There are more and more pedestrians on the streets in the city.

Liu Mingzhi looked back at the group of patrol officers who had just passed by him and Ren Qingrui. He frowned thoughtfully for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

"Oh, this Shen Qi is really fooling around."

Ren Qingrui's pretty face was startled, and she looked towards the flowing water without knowing why.

"Da Guoguo, how is Shen Qi doing?"

"Silly girl, haven't you noticed that there are more and more patrol officers around us?
In just one cup of tea, two teams of patrolling soldiers passed by us.

This situation is completely inconsistent with the patrol rules of the patrol officers.

If my guess is correct, it must be Shen Qi, that bastard, who sent someone to inform the patrol officers about the situation here after we left.

Otherwise, how could the patrol officers appear around us so frequently.

The density of this kind of street patrol has exceeded the night patrol of the street patrol soldiers. "

After listening to her sweetheart's explanation, Ren Qingrui subconsciously turned back and looked at the pair of patrolling soldiers who had gone away.

Ren Qingrui looked at the retreating figures of the group of soldiers, frowning slightly and tapping her head a few times.

"It seems, it seems like this."

"Silly girl, what do you mean it looks like this? It's obviously like this.

Just wait and see, brother, I estimate that within about half a cup of tea, another group of patrolling soldiers will definitely pass by us. "

Ren Qingrui nodded slightly and immediately turned his head to look around.

as predicted.

After about half a cup of tea, another group of patrolling soldiers walked past Young Master Liu and the other two in neat steps.

Ren Qingrui turned around and glanced at the soldiers passing by the two of them, then approached Young Master Liu with a smile on his face.

"Daguoguo, it's really like this."

(End of this chapter)

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