Chapter 3445 Sloppy

"Hehehe, silly girl, do you think I will tell you something that I am not sure about as a brother?"

"Da Guoguo, what should we do now?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly, breathed a sigh of relief, and walked forward.

"What can I do? Just let them go. As a brother, can't I drive them back?"
"Oh, it's also Sa."

Ren Qingrui nodded lightly, and then immediately set off to chase after Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, just wait for me."

Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui continued to walk on the street.

As the sky gets brighter, more and more pedestrians come and go on the street, and it becomes more and more lively.

When a bright light appeared in the eastern sky, Liu Dashao and the two extinguished the lanterns in their hands.

Ren Qingrui looked at the lively scenes on both sides of the street and approached Young Master Liu with a smile on her face.

"Da Guoguo, this is indeed the royal city of Dashi Kingdom. The royal city is the royal city. It is much more lively than the other cities we passed by before."

Listening to the beautiful woman's sighing tone, Mr. Liu withdrew his gaze from observing the vendors on the street, turned to look at the beautiful woman and nodded with a slight smile.

“Girl, this situation is absolutely normal.

Over in Dalong, isn't the capital much more lively than other state capitals?

The same situation is the same among the thirty countries in the Western Region.

Of all the nations in the world, there is nothing better than this. "

Ren Qingrui smiled and nodded. Just when he was about to say something, he suddenly raised his hand in surprise and pointed to the stall in front of him and exclaimed softly.

"Ah, Da Guoguo, the stall over there seems to be selling jewelry. Let's go over and take a look."

After the beauty finished speaking, regardless of whether Young Master Liu agreed or not, she directly reached out and took Young Master Liu's wrist, pulling him straight to the stall on the right front.

Seeing this, Liu Dashu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He could hardly remember how many times this situation had happened.

Anyway, whether it is in the territory of more than thirty countries in the Western Region, or in the cities of the Dashi Country that my group passed by before.

Whenever you encounter a jewelry store or jewelry stall, a scene like this will always happen.

Sometimes it's Qi Yun, sometimes it's the third princess, sometimes it's Qinglian, sometimes it's the queen, sometimes it's...

Along the way, Qi Yun, Qi Ya, Chen Jie and the rest of the group of sisters were all pretty good. Including the little cutie, they all seemed to have staged such a scene for themselves once or even multiple times.

Under Young Master Liu's wry smile, Ren Qingrui pulled him all the way to the stall she just mentioned.

The two walked to the front of the stall and took a look. The stall was filled with all kinds of jewelry.

as predicted.

As the beauty said, this stall is really a stall selling jewelry.

The stall owner, who was greeting passers-by softly, saw the faces of Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui, and a smile appeared on his originally dull face almost instantly.

The speed of its change is comparable to the face-changing of the Great Dragon Shu.

"Two guests from Dalong Celestial Dynasty, please take a look at it as you like.

The jewelry I have here is the best in the city.

You two buy it as a gift for your women, and you are guaranteed to make them happy for several days. "

The owner of the shop, Dalong, spoke very stumblingly and was very difficult to pronounce.

It can be said that it has nothing to do with the four words "Zhengtongyuanyuan".

Fortunately, Young Master Liu and his group have already become accustomed to such things after a period of baptism in the Dashi Kingdom.

Although the shop owner's Dalong words were a bit hard to pronounce and not so fluent, Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui were still able to tell what he meant.

Just like the bosses selling jewelry that Young Master Liu met in various cities in the Dashi Kingdom before, the stall owner's words were extremely exaggerated.

He kept saying that his own jewelry was the best in the city.

Young Master Liu looked at the shop owner's sincere eyes and sincere expression, and shook his head in an imperceptible manner.

If I hadn't been used to this kind of thing, I would have almost believed him.

Ren Qingrui, like Young Master Liu, seems to have been accustomed to these cannibal routines for a long time.

She just smiled and nodded at the stall owner, and then lowered her head to scan the jewelry on the stall.

After seeing the reactions of Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui, the stall owner also realized that Renren, the two big dragons, didn't seem to be that easy to fool.

After he sneered a few times with a bitter look on his face, he continued to shout softly at the passers-by around him.

"Take a look, take a look, it's the best jewelry in the city."

Liu Mingzhi casually glanced at the jewelry on the stall, then lowered his head and leaned towards the beauty's ear.

"Girl, how are you? Do you have the jewelry in the photo?"

Ren Qingrui shook her head gently and replied in a sweet voice: "They are all too ordinary. Only the pair of pearl earrings in the upper left corner look good."

When Liu Mingzhi heard this, he instinctively raised his eyes and looked at the pair of pearl earlobes in the upper left corner.

When he saw the pair of pearl earrings, he nodded imperceptibly.

The craftsmanship of that pair of earrings is indeed good.

"Girl, you have good taste. The workmanship of those earlobes is indeed quite good."

"Daguoguo, I just don't know what the price is."

Young Master Liu frowned, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Hey, girl, what do you care about the price?

As long as you like it, girl, no matter how much money it costs, we can just buy it.

What's the matter, for my brother's sake, I can still save money. "

Listening to her sweetheart's bold words, Ren Qingrui rolled her eyes with an irritated expression and quietly tugged on Young Master Liu's sleeve.

"Hey Daguoguo, please keep your voice down so that the stall owner doesn't hear you.

Even if we don't lack money, we can't waste it in vain.

If you can buy that pair of earrings at a normal price, why bother spending extra money?
What's going on, does it look like you've spent a lot of money? "

Listening to the beautiful lady's reproachful tone, Young Master Liu nodded happily.

“Okay, okay, I’ll listen to you, I’ll listen to you.

Whatever you say, we will do it.

By the way, girl, are you already planning to be a housekeeper before you even get married?

Aren't you afraid that your sister Yun will be unhappy if she finds out? "

When Ren Qingrui heard the two words in front of her sweetheart, an uncontrollable smile suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

I'll listen to your every word. Whatever you say, we'll do it.

This sentence is not sweet words, but more sweet words than sweet words. It can be said that it directly opens the heart of the beautiful woman.

Although the origin of this sentence is just a small piece of jewelry, it makes the beauty feel that she is valued by her sweetheart.

It's not easy to be taken seriously by your sweetheart, and how can the beauty's heart not feel happy.

However, when her sweetheart said the next two words, the smile on her pretty face disappeared in an instant, and she immediately gave Young Master Liu an angry look.

The stinky guy who doesn't understand the style is still the same stinky guy who doesn't understand the style. He really hasn't changed at all.

I am so happy in vain, my happiness in co-writing is in vain.

"Oh, go to hell." Ren Qingrui glanced back at Young Master Liu with an angry tone, and raised her finger to point to the pair of pearl earrings that she liked more.

"Boss, take that pair of earrings and take a look."

When the stall owner saw that Ren Qingrui had really fallen in love with the jewelry on his stall, his expression was instantly overjoyed, and he quickly lowered his head and pointed at the pair of pearl earrings in the corner.

"Dear guest, are you talking about this pair of earrings?"

"That's right, bring it over."

"Okay, okay, take it now, take it now."

The stall owner nodded hurriedly, and immediately carefully picked up the pair of pearl earrings on the stall, and handed them to Ren Qingrui with a smile on his face.

"Dear guest, please take a look."

Young Master Liu saw Ren Qingrui raising her beautiful hand to take the earrings handed over by the stall owner, and quickly reached out to stop the beauty's movement.

Hey guys, are you kidding me?

How can the girl's hands be easily touched by other men?

Under the puzzled and slightly surprised look in the stall owner's eyes, he smiled lightly and took the earlobe into his hand.

Then, Young Master Liu happily placed the earring in his hand into the beauty's palm.

"Yah... hmm, good brother, take a look."

After seeing Young Master Liu's behavior, Ren Qingrui couldn't help but smile.

Afterwards, the beauty directly handed the lantern in her hand to Young Master Liu.

"Now, go on."

"Okay, okay, keep going."

Ren Qingrui held a pair of pearl earrings in her hands and looked at them carefully. After making sure there were no flaws, she looked up at the stall owner opposite.

"The goods are of average quality, what's the price?"

"This distinguished guest, you have really good taste.

This pair of earrings, in the words of your Dalong Heavenly Dynasty, is the most valuable item in my stall.

If it is a guest from our big food country, or a guest from Tianzhu, Persia, Rome and other countries, if it is less than five gold coins, I will not sell it at all.

However, you are the distinguished guest from Dalong Celestial Dynasty.

Now that our Great Food Country is under the control of your Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty, I naturally dare not charge more money from you.

Distinguished guest, you only need one gold coin to take this pair of earrings back and give them to your woman. "

Ren Qingrui's expression changed and she frowned.

"What? It's a gold coin, and you're trying to steal it?"

Young Master Liu also frowned and looked at the stall owner with an unkind expression.

"That's right, are you trying to steal money?
How dare you ask for a gold coin for your pair of broken earrings?

I can give you five silver coins, young master, which is too much. "

When the stall owner heard Mr. Liu's words, he immediately became happy and clapped his hands vigorously with a smile on his face.

"This distinguished guest, as you said, the deal is settled for five silver coins."

When Young Master Liu heard this, his expression suddenly froze.

No, what, what is the deal?
"Boss, are you mistaken? What I just said was that for your pair of broken earrings, I will give you a maximum of five silver coins."

"Dear guest, that's right. You said you could give me five silver coins at most. Is that what it looks like?"

Young Master Liu frowned slightly and nodded subconsciously.

"Yes, that's right."

“So, distinguished guest, I won’t charge you a single gold coin, but only the five silver coins you mentioned.

Distinguished guest, considering that you are a distinguished guest from the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty, I am suddenly short of five silver coins for you.

Dear guest, you have made a lot of money. "

Young Master Liu looked at the stall owner with a smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Damn it, what I said was that I would only give you five silver coins at most.

This does not mean that the final transaction price is five silver coins.

After Liu Mingzhi cursed secretly in his heart, he gradually came back to his senses.

At this moment, how could he not be clear in his heart that he had been caught by the stall owner opposite in his words?

It's a pity that I knew that the stall owner was playing some word games with me, but I couldn't catch the loopholes in the stall owner's words.

Damn it, when Qingrui girl asked the question just now, she shouldn't have interrupted.

If he doesn't interrupt, Qingrui girl will naturally negotiate the price with him.

In this way, nothing will happen.

However, when he interrupted like this, something that was originally very simple became not simple anymore.


Hasty, hasty.

Young Master Liu casually touched the stubble on his chin and sneered a few times.

"Hehe, hehe."

Immediately afterwards, Young Master Liu raised the corners of his mouth slightly and narrowed his eyes.
Has this guy forgotten who owns the big food country now?

Ren Qingrui breathed a sigh of relief and tugged on Young Master Liu's sleeve in a subtle manner.

“Da Guoguo, this big cannibal is really dishonest.

I don’t want this pair of earrings, girl. Let’s go. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced sideways at the beauty, chuckled and shook his head.

“Good brother, didn’t you hear the boss say, we’ve made a deal?

We, the people of Dalong Celestial Dynasty, have always said what we say and do what we say.

Brother, since I said it was five silver coins, it is five silver coins. "

Ren Qingrui's pretty face tightened, and she looked helplessly at the pearl earrings in her hand, then turned to look at Young Master Liu and nodded gently.


Liu Mingzhi took a deep look at the stall owner, happily took out five silver coins from his sleeves, and threw them directly onto the stall.

"Boss, we have a deal.

Now, these earrings are ours. Can we two brothers take them away? "

The stall owner looked at the five silver coins that Mr. Liu had thrown on the stall, and nodded excitedly.

"Two distinguished guests, this pair of earrings belongs to you now. You two can take them away at any time."

"Hehehe, then we brothers will leave."

"Two distinguished guests, do you need me to wrap it up for you?"

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and shook his head. After raising his hand to signal to the beauty, he walked straight towards the crowded street.

"Good brother, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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