My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3446 Don't Ask

Chapter 3446 Don't Ask
"Hey, come, come."

Ren Qingrui glanced at the stall owner angrily and immediately chased after Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, just wait for me."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and looked back at the beauty who was catching up, and made a few vague gestures.

"Silly girl, for my brother's sake, I can still leave you behind."

"Hehehe, you can't tell me that."

"Silly, let's go, let's continue walking around."

"Yeah, yeah, here we come."

When Liu Dashao and the two figures gradually walked away, several stall owners around the stall owner gathered over with curious expressions.

"Lava, how many more silver coins did you earn this time?"

"Hehehe, the base price is three silver coins, I earned two more."

"Rava, you are so bold. Don't forget that the big food country today is not the big food country where we cannibalize people.

The person who really calls the shots in the palace is not our King of Dashi.

If you deceive two distinguished guests from Dalong Celestial Dynasty like this, aren't you afraid that they will be angry? "

When the stall owner heard the words of an old acquaintance, he waved his hand angrily.

"Go, go, what are you talking about? Why did I deceive those two distinguished guests?

As you all saw just now, the short distinguished guest was originally going to bargain with me.

As long as that distinguished customer can lower the price from me, I will naturally sell him the pair of earrings at the lowest price.

It was the tall distinguished guest who suddenly interrupted, interrupting the short distinguished guest's attempt to lower the price.

I'm just trying to be clever, why am I cheating?
Besides, the two distinguished guests from Dalong didn’t say anything, so why are you so worried about it?

Walk around, go back to your own stalls, don't delay my business. "

Seeing this situation, several stall owners shook their heads helplessly and turned around to disperse.

"Lawa, brother, I advise you to try to be less clever, especially when you are facing guests from the Dragon Celestial Dynasty, you should be less clever.

Otherwise, your little cleverness, even if it won't kill you, will sooner or later make you suffer a big loss. "

"Go, go, if you don't say nice things so early in the morning, go back to your own stall to sell your spices."

"Oh, just take care of yourself."

The stall owner waved his hand angrily and quickly leaned forward to pick up the five silver coins that Mr. Liu had dropped on the stall.

Immediately, he first gently held up the silver coins in his hand, then picked up each silver coin and bit it one by one.

When he was sure that there was nothing wrong with the five silver coins in his hand, he immediately pulled off the money bag from his waist with a smile on his face.

However, when he had just pulled off the money bag from his waist and had not yet untied the rope on the money bag, a group of patrol soldiers in full armor walked to his stall with neat steps and a strange look on their faces and stopped in front of his stall.

When the stall owner saw this, his body shook violently, he quickly put down the money bag in his hand, and looked at the soldiers nervously.

"Gentlemen... Gentlemen, what do you want to do with me?"

What happened in front of the stall owner's stall immediately attracted the attention of several stall owners around him.

They looked at the nervous stall owner, and then at the large dragon soldiers who were fully armored and had strange expressions. Their eyes instantly became different.

Some people's eyes showed a look of gloating, and some people's eyes showed a look of worry.

After the leader of the street patrol casually glanced at the jewelry on the stall, he looked up at the stall owner opposite with a half-smile.

Just when he was about to say something, a strong voice suddenly came from a few steps away.

"Hold on."

The leader of the street patrol officers was slightly startled when he heard these two words of Dalong's words, and instinctively turned his head to look over.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a light gray gown and a bamboo hat, with an unremarkable appearance, walking towards me slowly and slowly.

The leader looked at the visitor's attire, frowned slightly, smiled lightly and gave him a fist.

"Brother, who are you?"

The middle-aged man stopped, pretended to adjust his clothes, and gently lifted the clothes around his waist.

Immediately, a very exquisite waist badge came directly into the eyes of a group of patrolling soldiers.

The leader's expression changed when he saw the word "大内" on his waist badge. He quickly adjusted his armor and punched the middle-aged man again.

When the middle-aged man saw the leader who was about to speak, he shook his head gently.

Upon seeing this, the leader of the street patrol officers nodded immediately.

"Brother, why are you here?"

The middle-aged man casually glanced at the nervous stall owner, chuckled and held the bamboo hat on his head.

"The commander-in-chief said, brothers, you don't need to ask about this matter.

The words have been delivered, and we are destined to meet again. "

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, he turned and left without waiting for the leader to react.

The leader of the patrol officers looked at the middle-aged man who just walked away without looking back and let out a sigh of relief.

"Head, what should we do next?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm just following orders."

"This, just let him go?"

"Your Majesty... well, the commander-in-chief doesn't care, so of course we have to obey his orders."

"Okay, I understand."

The leader breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the nervous stall owner.

“Boss, it’s better to do business with integrity.

Otherwise, if your reputation is ruined, your business will not last long. "

After the leader of the street patrol soldiers left a piece of advice to the stall owner, he waved directly to the brothers behind him.

"Brothers, continue patrolling the streets."

"As ordered."

After the stall owner watched the dragon soldiers go away, his body suddenly softened.

Immediately, out of instinct, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to press his stall, and then he supported his body and did not directly collapse to the ground.

Seeing this, the bosses who looked worried before stood up again and gathered around.

On the intricate streets in the royal city, on a certain avenue.

Ren Qingrui took out the handkerchief from her arms, put the pearl earrings in her hands into the handkerchief, and then put the handkerchief into her arms again.

"Da Guoguo, that stall owner actually ripped off customers, it's really too much."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head happily.

“Hehehe, girl, this is nothing too extreme.

After all, people set up stalls just to make money.

There are also many such things in Dalong, so there is nothing to make a fuss about. "

Listening to her sweetheart's open-minded tone, Ren Qingrui's watery eyes suddenly revealed a look of surprise.

"Da Guoguo, you were treated as a fat sheep and slaughtered, aren't you angry?"

"Angry? Why should I be angry, brother?"

"Sister Daguoguo, I just told you to spread, and you were treated like a fat sheep and slaughtered.

Shouldn't you be angry if something like this happened? "

Listening to the beauty's puzzled tone, Young Master Liu opened his arms and stretched his body with a smile. "Hahaha, girl, people can make money from my brother, this is their ability.

Brother Wei accidentally fell into the trap of others' words. This is because Brother Wei is not as good as others.

As a brother, I am not as good as others, so why should I be angry?

I can't just blame others because I'm not as good as them, right?

In this case, wouldn't Wei Xiongqi become a despicable villain who has no tolerance for others? "

When Ren Qingrui heard this, she tapped her lips on her forehead, and nodded her head a few times with understanding.

"Well, it seems, that's right too."

“But, for my brother’s sake, I’m a little unconvinced, but that’s true.

I think that I, Liu Mingzhi, have been in the world for most of my life. I have never experienced any ups and downs.

Now, I actually fell into trouble at the hands of a small stall owner in a foreign country.

Regarding this situation, I am somewhat unconvinced. "


Hearing the beauty's inquiry, Young Master Liu chuckled a few times and waved his hand indifferently.

"Hehehe, so what? So, naturally let's just let it go.

What's the matter, as a brother, can I still send someone to retrieve the situation?

In that case, who would I, Liu Mingzhi, be?

To be honest, as a brother, I can't afford to lose that person. "

"Uh, okay, as long as you can look away from Da Guoguo."

"Hahaha, let's go, let's continue to appreciate the customs and customs of Dashi King City."

"Hey, come, come."

"Da Guoguo, my sister's wrist is a little sore. Please help me pick out a lantern for a while."

"Okay, give it to your brother."

"Hehehe, here you go, thank you Daguo Guosa."

Time passed quietly.

The sun is rising and the sky is bright.

Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui wandered through the streets and alleys of the royal city, and had a good appreciation of the customs and customs of the royal city.

The rising sun in the sky gradually rises.

Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui, while talking and laughing about what they saw and heard in the city, turned back toward the royal palace in the royal city.

After half a day.

It was about three poles above the sun.

Young Master Liu and the other two returned to the palace gate together, talking and laughing.

At this time, the guards outside the palace gate were no longer Shen Qi and his soldiers, but another group of soldiers.

When the soldiers guarding the palace gate saw Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui coming straight towards the palace gate, they controlled the excitement on their faces and saluted directly.

"We see the commander-in-chief, and we see the lady-in-law."

"Excuse me."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you, Marshal, and thank you, Mrs. Sister-in-law."

After a group of soldiers stood up, they immediately gathered towards Liu Dashao and the other two.

"Commander, sister-in-law, you are back."

Young Master Liu nodded happily, turned his head and looked around.

"Brothers, where is this piece of shit Shen Qi?"
"Back to the commander-in-chief, before changing posts with the general, Brother Shen said that he was not feeling well and that he urgently needed to go to the army to see the army doctor to take a pulse and prescribe some medicine.

Then, he also told the general, if you want to find him, Marshal, ask General Cheng Kai to send people to find him in the camp. "

When Young Master Liu heard this, he rolled his eyes angrily, and then started to curse lightly.

"Damn, this bitch runs pretty fast."

"Hehehe, Marshal, Brother Shen is also thinking about the safety of you and my sister-in-law, so don't be like him."

Young Master Liu raised his hand and clenched his fist and hit the captain's chest moderately, then sneered a few times pretending to be unhappy.

"Hehehe, hehehe, it seems that Shen Qi has explained everything clearly to you after changing posts with you!
You bastards are quite united. "

"The last general will not dare, the last general will know his mistake."

"Good brothers, let's catch up on old times when we have time.

Have the steamed buns from Baiweilou been delivered? "

"Back to Marshal, in about half an hour, the boss of Baiweilou brought those steamed buns over.

After the last general sent someone to notify Deputy Commander Song and General Du, they rushed directly outside the palace gate in person.

Later, the two of them had a brief chat with the store owner, and then took the buns back directly. "

"Okay, okay, I understand.

Brothers, you continue to be on duty, I will go in first.

After I am completely settled here, I will have a good chat with my brothers on the school grounds outside the city. "

Upon hearing Young Master Liu's words, all the soldiers immediately saluted.

"We congratulate you, the commander-in-chief, and we congratulate you, my wife."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, nodded, and walked straight towards the palace gate.

Ren Qingrui smiled slightly, waved her hands to the soldiers, and immediately followed Young Master Liu.

It took about the time of a cup of tea.

Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui returned to the outside of the palace.

Outside the palace gate, Liu Song, who was eating melon seeds out of boredom, saw Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui coming in front of them, and hurriedly ran towards them.

"Master, Miss Qingrui, you are back."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, walked slowly outside the palace door, and directly placed the two lanterns in his hands on the ground.

"Liu Song, have you brought all the maps I asked you to bring?"

"Back to the young master, the younger one has already placed the map in the palace."

"What are the sisters Yun'er, Yan'er, Lian'er, Lingyi, Yue'er, and Lanya doing now?"

"Back to the young master, the young ladies, Miss Yue'er, and Miss Lan Ya are having breakfast in the main hall of the palace with Master Song, the Protector and the others."

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a while with hesitant expression, then raised his head to signal.

"Let's go, lead the young master, Qingrui and I to the main hall to have a look."

"Yes, young master, Miss Qingrui, please come this way."

Soon, Young Master Liu and the others arrived outside the main hall of the palace.
"Master, this is the main hall in the palace used for discussions."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile and walked directly towards the main hall where the sounds of laughter and laughter were echoing.

Liu Song quickly followed and shouted at the top of his voice.

"Your Majesty is here."

(End of this chapter)

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