My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3447 The old tree blossoms

Chapter 3447 The old tree blossoms

Liu Song's shout instantly silenced the hall that was filled with laughter and laughter.
A large group of people in the hall stood up from their chairs when they saw Young Master Liu walking into the hall at the lead.

Qi Yun, the third princess, Hu Yan Yunyao, Huang Lingyi and the other sisters walked lightly to the center of the hall and all bowed to the oncoming husband. .

"Sisters who are concubines see their husbands."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Kaitai, Gu Melanya, Zhang Kuang and the other generals, as well as a dozen big cannibals, saluted Liu Da one after another.

"Yue'er pays homage to Daddy."

"Little sister, see your brother-in-law."

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

"My little daughter Safisa, please see His Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor, long live long live."

"Your Majesty Muraf, please see His Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor, long live long live."



Liu Mingzhi walked unhurriedly to the center of the hall, turned around and looked around at the large group of people who were saluting, and gently held up his hands with a smile on his face.

"No gifts, no gifts, no gifts at all."

"Thank you husband."

"Thank you Daddy."

"Thank you brother-in-law."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After everyone straightened up, Young Master Liu looked curiously at the dozen or so big cannibals, men, women, old and young, standing next to Hu Yanyu.

"Uncle, Brother Huyan, they are."

Zhang Kuang raised his eyebrows, glanced at Hu Yanyu narrowly, smiled happily, and walked to Nangong Ye's side and stopped.

"Your Majesty, let Brother Huyan introduce me to you."

When Young Master Liu heard what Zhang Kuang called Hu Yanyu, he immediately shook his head angrily.

"Uncle, Brother Huyan is my elder brother-in-law. I call him Brother Huyan here, but you call him Brother Huyan.

Where do you discuss the titles between you?
Calling it that way, isn’t that a bad thing? "

Seeing Young Master Liu's unhappy expression, Zhang Kuang chuckled a few times and waved his hands nonchalantly.

"Hahaha, Your Majesty, let's discuss our own affairs.

If you brothers call each other that, that is a matter between you two brothers.

How we old guys get along with Brother Huyan is a matter between us.

We will not interfere with each other. "

Listening to Zhang Kuang's very open-minded tone, Liu Mingzhi scratched his brow with a tangled expression.

"Having said that, I always feel a little awkward about this young master.

In this case, isn't it true that this young master is a generation younger than Brother Huyan for no apparent reason, and has been taken advantage of by him?
If Brother Huyan is just Brother Huyan, I won’t say anything.

The key point is that Brother Huyan is Yaoer's eldest brother and my uncle.

When you call him brother, it always sounds a little weird to me. "

Seeing Young Master Liu's troubled expression, Zhan Jing chuckled a few times with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, hehe, Your Majesty, we are almost done, isn't your seniority in the Liu family already chaotic enough?

My adopted sister has become your wife.

Ordinarily, after she meets my husband, she should get married and follow my husband and call me uncle together with you.

Now, she has been married to you for more than ten years.

After so many years, doesn't she still call me "big brother" every time we meet?

Did I say anything about my adopted sister's situation?

I didn't say anything, but you still picked the right one. "

As he spoke arrogantly, he licked his old face and smiled, turning his head to look at Murong Shan who was standing in front of him to his right.

"Hehehe, Sister Shan, is Brother Wei right?"

Seeing that Murong Shan was seeking confirmation from her, but in fact she was deliberately joking with her husband, she pretended to be unhappy and rolled her eyes.

"You're such a big-headed guy, you don't even care how old you are, you're still here joking with the juniors and making fun of them.

Arrogant, arrogant, you don’t want your old face anymore. "

Zhang Kuang's face froze, and he quickly turned his attention to Young Master Liu, raising his finger and pointing at Murong Shan several times.

"Hey, hey, hey, your majesty, you have seen that when it is time for a husband to take care of his wife, he does not.

Now, suddenly, the husband and wife have become together.

The old saying is true, girls are extroverts, really girls are extroverts. "

Seeing this situation, Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly and waved his hand quickly.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop."

"Uncle, let's not talk about these things. Let's talk about the business first. Let's talk about the business first."

Hearing this, Zhang Kuang immediately put away the smile on his old face and nodded seriously.

"Yes, yes, let's talk about the business first, let's talk about the business first."

As he spoke arrogantly, he turned to look at Hu Yanyu and winked a few times.

"Brother Huyan, the rest will be left to you."

Liu Mingzhi took out the Wanli Jiangshan jade fan from his waist and flicked it gently, then turned his attention to Hu Yanyu and a dozen big cannibals with a smile.

"Brother Huyan?"

Hu Yanyu clasped his brow with a strange expression, and waved sideways to the pretty lady standing next to him.

"Your Majesty, this is the queen of Dashi Kingdom, Queen Safisa."

After hearing Hu Yanyu's introduction, Young Master Liu looked at the exotic and pretty lady standing next to Hu Yanyu, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He never thought that the woman standing opposite him would be the queen of the Dashi Kingdom.

It should be said that he did not expect that the queen of the Dashi Kingdom would get along so harmoniously with people like Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, and Hu Yanyu.

You must know that the imperial court of Dashi Kingdom was destroyed by the iron cavalry of Dalong soldiers.

This is the hatred of subjugating the country and the hatred of destroying the family.

According to common sense, the queen of the Dashi Kingdom hates arrogance. How could Nangong Ye and the others get along so harmoniously with them before it was too late.

It is for this reason that Liu Mingzhi naturally would not think about this woman's identity as the queen of the Dashi Kingdom.

It seems that there are many things that I don't know about here.

"Queen of the Big Eater King?"

"Return to Your Majesty, that's right."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a slight smile, casually closed the jade fan in his hand, raised his hands with a smile and gave Safisa a fist.

"Queen Safisa, you are polite."

Upon seeing this, Safisa hurriedly returned a salute to Young Master Liu.

"Don't you dare, Your Majesty the Emperor, Safisa is polite."

"you are welcome."

"Your Majesty, this is Murav, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Dashi."

Liu Mingzhi turned to look at the middle-aged man-eater Hu Yanyu was pointing to, and nodded with a slight smile.

"It's polite."

“I don’t dare to be a minister, I don’t dare to be a minister.

Minister Muraf, to His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live. "

"No need to be polite, no more courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor."

"Your Majesty, this is the Big Eater Country..." It didn't take long for Hu Yanyu to introduce the identities of the dozen or so Big Eaters present to Young Master Liu.

After hearing Hu Yanyu's introduction, Young Master Liu also gave a general greeting to more than a dozen people one by one.

"Your Majesty, there are still some people who are not in the palace for the time being. I will introduce them to you when they come back."

Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows and nodded cheerfully.

"Okay, okay, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, I have plenty of time here."

When Zhang Kuang saw that Hu Yanyu had introduced everyone to Young Master Liu, he waved with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, let's stop standing. Please sit over here."

Liu Mingzhi turned to look at Zhang Kuang, chuckled and shook his head.

"Uncle, I'll just sit next to Yun'er, Yan'er and the sisters."

"Okay, okay, Your Majesty, you can do whatever you want, Your Majesty, you can do whatever you want."

Qi Yun walked to Young Master Liu's side with light steps and waved with a smile.

"Husband, come this way."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded, then followed Qi Yun and walked straight to the table and chairs on the left front.

"Okay, here we come."

Qi Yun led Mr. Liu to a table in the first row and pulled out a chair on one side with a smile.

"Husband, sit down first."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled, waved his hand, and placed the jade fan directly on the table.

"Hey, let's sit together, let's sit together."

After Young Master Liu sat down, Xiao Keai, Song Qing, Zhang Kuang, Wan Yan Chi Zha, Hu Yan Yu, Sa Feisha and others turned around and walked towards their seats one after another.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the pot and poured himself a cup of tea. Just after picking up the teacup, he suddenly realized that something seemed not right in the palace.

Wherever Hu Yanyu went, Queen Safisa of the King of Dashi followed him step by step.

When Liu Dashan saw this strange situation, he stopped drinking tea and looked at Hu Yanyu in surprise. Safisa started to look at it.

Um?what's the situation?
Ren Qingrui sat elegantly on the chair behind him, with a look of surprise in his bright eyes.

Obviously, she didn't quite understand what was going on.

Among the large group of people present, except for Liu Dashao and Ren Qingrui, who looked a little surprised, the rest of them looked as if they were used to it.

Under Young Master Liu's surprised eyes, Hu Yanyu suddenly stopped and looked back with a wry smile at Safisa, who had been following him.

"Queen Safisa, where are you going to sit?"

"Brother Huyan, little sister, I can sit wherever I want."

"Queen, since you can sit anywhere, then you should sit down."

"Brother Huyan, take your seat first. After you sit down, my little sister will naturally take her seat too."

Hu Yanyu took a long breath, stretched out his hand to scratch his brow, turned his head and looked around.

When he saw Zhang Kuang, Wan Yan Chi Zha, Yun Chong and the others sitting at the table where there was an empty chair, he immediately started to walk over.

Arrogant, Wanyan, Yunchong, Yeluha and others looked at each other with smiles on their faces when they saw this situation.

When Hu Yanyu was still four or five steps away from the table, Wanyan turned sideways and waved to the cutie on the table diagonally opposite with a smile on his old face.


"Hey, uncle."

"My dear granddaughter, didn't you complain just now that most of the buns served on your table were plain buns?
Come on, come on, uncle, there are a lot of meat buns on the table. We old guys are too old to eat so much. Come here quickly. "

The little cutie turned her eyes and looked at Hu Yanyu's back, stood up suddenly, and ran straight to the desk where Wanyan Chiezha, Zhang Kuang and the others were sitting with a smile on her face.

"Hehehe, here it comes, here it comes, thank you uncle."

Under Hu Yanyu's helpless gaze, the little cutie rushed to Wanyan Chizha's side with a smile and directly occupied the last empty chair on their desk.

"Uncle, Yue'er is here."

Hu Yanyu looked at the cute little girl who was already sitting carelessly on the chair, and the corners of her eyes twitched involuntarily.

He pursed his lips as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he was too busy to say anything.

As if not seeing the change in Hu Yanyu's expression, Wanyan Chizha directly picked up a bun and put it into the little cutie's hand.

"My dear granddaughter, eat quickly."

"Yeah, yeah, thank you, uncle."

Hu Yanyu took a deep breath with a depressed expression and looked around again.

However, as he turned around and watched, some people in the palace changed their positions while talking and laughing.

"Brother Cheng Kai, you also know that I have no desire to have sex with you.

Come on, let's change places with each other. "

"Oh, that's great, brother, I just feel a little unwell these days.

After the doctor in the army prescribed a dose of medicine for my brother, he also specifically told me to eat as little meat as possible while taking the medicine.

Come on, let's change places. "

“Brother Ning Chao, shut up, don’t you fucking know that my favorite thing to eat is steamed buns stuffed with chives and eggs?
Brother Feng, let’s squeeze in. Let’s squeeze in.

Oh, I'll go. Ning Chao, your uncle, leave a few for me. "

In the end, there were only nine empty chairs on top of all the tables in the hall.

One of the chairs was the one the little cutie was sitting on just now.

Next to that chair, the three princesses, the queen, Wenren Yunshu, Yun Xiaoxi and their sisters were sitting.

Without exception, they are all female relatives.

As for the remaining eight chairs, a table was neatly left empty.

There was no one on the eight chairs next to the chair at the table.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the surrounding situation, and the surprise in his eyes was gradually replaced by doubt.

No, can anyone tell me what is going on?

Hu Yanyu looked at the chair where the little cutie was sitting just now, then at the vacant table, and finally walked towards the vacant table with a wry smile.

Upon seeing this, Safisa immediately chased after Hu Yanyu.

When Hu Yanyu sat down on a chair facing the direction of Young Master Liu, Safisa directly ignored the other chairs and sat down on the chair next to Hu Yanyu.

Then, she smiled and mentioned the tea tree on the table.

"Brother Huyan, my little sister will give you some tea."

Liu Da saw this situation and suddenly his eyes widened.

At this time, he vaguely understood something, but he was not sure.

Qi Yun saw the change in her husband's expression, smiled lightly, walked to Young Master Liu's side and whispered softly.


Young Master Liu looked at Hu Yanyu and Safisa with a strange expression, and nodded with understanding expressions.

After Qi Yun's explanation, he finally understood.

No wonder Safisa, the food-loving queen, can get along so well with Zhang Kuang and Hu Yanyu.

Co-author, the root of the problem lies here.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, lowered his head and took a sip of tea, then quietly turned his head and glanced at Hu Yanjunyao next to him.

Seeing her looking at Hu Yanyu with a smile on her face, Safisa let out a silent sigh.

Then, Young Master Liu held up the tea cup and gestured to Hu Yanyu with a smile.

"Brother Huyan."

"The minister is here."

"Hehehe, Brother Huyan, this old tree of yours will bloom one day."

(End of this chapter)

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