My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3448 Well-informed

Chapter 3448 Well-informed
"Ah? Your Majesty, this is me."


Hu Yanyu looked at Young Master Liu with a look of embarrassment and hesitated for a long time, but in the end he didn't give an explanation.

Liu Mingzhi saw the embarrassed expression on Hu Yanyu's face and waved his hands happily.

"Okay, okay, brother Huyan, you don't need to explain, I understand, I understand everything."

"Your Majesty, this is not..."

Looking at Hu Yanyu who still wanted to explain something, Liu Dashao looked at Hu Yanyu with a faint smile, winked and waved his hand again.

"Oh, Brother Huyan, I understand, I understand everything, you really don't need to explain anything.

We are all men, I understand everything. "

Hu Yanyu looked at Mr. Liu who was winking at him, and he felt as depressed as he wanted.

You understand it even before you say anything. What do you understand?
However, he finally understood at this time that Young Master Liu had a preconceived idea, and he couldn't explain it at all now.

In other words, now is not the appropriate time to explain this matter.

He smiled bitterly and turned his eyes to peek at the beauty sitting next to him, and nodded silently.

"Well, since you understand, Your Majesty, I won't say anything more."

When Liu Mingzhi saw what Hu Yanyu said, he immediately smiled and nodded.

"Oh, that's right.

Besides, this kind of thing is not a shameful thing. On the contrary, it is a very good thing to be happy about. What are you embarrassed about?

To be a man, you must dare to act bravely! "

Now, Hu Yanyu no longer wanted to care about what Young Master Liu said.

No matter what Mr. Liu said, he nodded happily.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, your Majesty, what you said makes sense."

However, he was only focused on dealing with Young Master Liu's words, but he did not notice that Safisa, who was sitting next to him, looked directly at Young Master Liu with bright eyes after seeing his reaction and behavior in front of Young Master Liu. passed.

Safisa looked at Young Master Liu who was smiling, and her eyes moved slightly.

Then, she secretly glanced at Hu Yanyu who was sitting beside her, and a flash of joy quickly flashed deep in her eyes.

At this time, she had probably thought of how to break through the relationship between herself and Hu Yanyu.

Liu Mingzhi put down the teacup in his hand and turned to look at Qi Ya, the third princess, Xue Bizhu, Wenren Yunshu and the other sisters.

"Sister Ya, Yan'er, how do you like these buns that my husband sent you?"

"Sir, the taste is quite authentic. After I took the first bite, I thought for a moment that we had returned to our Dalong.

Along the way, I haven’t had such an authentic taste of my hometown for a long time. "

"I second my opinion. It's been a long time since I've had such an authentic taste of my hometown."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and nodded, then turned his attention directly to the two sisters Xue Bizhu and Huang Lingyi.

"Bizhu, Lingyi, you two sisters run a restaurant. You sisters should also share your opinions."

"Husband, I have the same opinion as Sister Ya and Sister Yunshu. The buns do taste quite authentic.

However, compared to the buns we make ourselves, these buns lack some seasonings and are not as delicious as the buns we make ourselves. "

"Yeah, husband, Sister Bizhu is right, these buns are missing several kinds of seasonings.

I roughly estimate that at least three seasonings are missing.

Therefore, when I eat it, I always feel that it is missing a bit of flavor.

The overall taste is quite authentic. "

After listening to the comments from Xue Bizhu and Huang Lingyi, Young Master Liu smiled and picked up the teapot to refill himself with a cup of tea.

“The buns we make at home are eaten by ourselves, so we must be willing to put in all kinds of seasonings.

When you sisters make steamed buns, for the sake of taste, you must use whatever good seasonings are available.

However, they are in business and their buns are for sale, so they naturally have to consider various cost issues.

They used all kinds of expensive spices, so the cost was naturally high.

When the time comes, what will happen if the customer doesn’t buy it? "

"Husband, my sisters naturally understand what you are talking about.

It was precisely for this reason that Sister Concubine only commented on the taste of the buns. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, then turned around and laid his eyes on Zhang Kuang.


"The old minister is here, Your Majesty?"

"Uncle, our Dalong soldiers, the food-eating people in the royal city, and the food-eating people in various places outside the city, their daily food..."

As Young Master Liu was talking, he seemed to have thought of something, and his words suddenly stopped.

Then, he directly brought the tea cup to his mouth and drank the tea in one gulp.

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I choked on the tea leaves."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Just be fine with each other."

Liu Mingzhi put down the tea cup in his hand, turned his head and looked around at the large group of generals sitting around.

"Have you all eaten?"

"Back to Your Majesty, I have all finished eating."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and stood up from the chair happily.

"Just finish eating. Come with me to my residence, young master. I have something to ask you."

After hearing Young Master Liu's words, all the generals stood up quickly.

"I will obey your orders."

Liu Mingzhi picked up his jade fan, smiled lightly and hugged Queen Safisa of the Dashi King.

“Queen Safisa, I still have some things to deal with here.

After I'm done, let's have a good chat. "

Upon seeing this, Safisa stood up from her chair in a hurry and saluted Young Master Liu with a smile on her face.

"Safisa understands. Send it to His Majesty the Emperor."

Young Master Liu chuckled, nodded, and walked straight out of the palace door.

When he passed by Qi Ya, the third princess, the queen and their sisters, he paused slightly.

"Yun'er, Yan'er."

"Hey, my concubine is here."

"The concubine is here, my husband?"

"Yun'er, Yan'er, as my husband, I have to discuss some serious matters with my eldest brother, uncle, and uncle, so you sisters don't have to follow me.

We just settled in the palace yesterday. You sisters, Yue'er, and Lanya, you should have a lot of things to prepare.

After a night's rest, your bodies have almost recovered.

If you don't want to be idle, then you can go out of the palace together to walk around the streets, take a look, and prepare everything that needs to be prepared. "

"Hey, sister concubine knows."

"Yeah, yeah, Dad, Yue'er knows."

"Brother-in-law, go slowly."

Young Master Liu chuckled, waved his hand, and continued walking towards the door of the palace.

Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, Hu Yanyu and other generals saw this and hurriedly followed. "The Queen, ladies and gentlemen, Your Highness the Princess, I will go over first."

Hearing this, Qi Yun smiled lightly and tapped her head a few times.

"Okay, walk slowly."

Queen Safisa reluctantly looked at Hu Yanyu who was gradually disappearing in the crowd, frowned helplessly, and sighed softly in a faint tone.


After Young Master Liu, Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye and the others walked out of the palace gate and gradually went away.

Qi Yun, the third princess, the queen and the other sisters all flocked towards Ren Qingrui in unison.

When the little cutie saw the reaction and behavior of a group of mothers, her pretty face was filled with curiosity and she raised her hand, gently scratched the back of her neck, and then moved closer.

She was extremely curious in her heart and wanted to hear what her group of mothers wanted to talk to Aunt Qingrui.

However, before she could get close to Ren Qingrui, Wenren Yunshu next to her grabbed Destiny's earlobe.

Wenren Yunshu pinched the cute little round earlobe and twisted it twice, not lightly nor hard, and shook her head pretending to be unhappy.

"Stinky girl, for mother's sake, we have important things to discuss with your Aunt Qingrui, why are you just joining in the fun?

Go, go, stay and drink your tea. "

As soon as Wenren Yunshu said this, Qi Yun, the third princess, the queen, Ling Weier and her sisters, who were crowding towards Ren Qingrui, all turned around and looked at the little cutie.

Then, the sisters said words similar to those of Wenren Yunshu.

"Smelly girl, the elders are talking to each other, why are you, a junior, following along?

Come on, go and drink your tea and eat your melon seeds. "

"Yue'er, mothers and your aunt have something to talk about, so don't come with me."

When the little cutie heard the words of the mothers, she reluctantly pursed her pretty red lips, and then gently twisted her waist.

"Oh, mothers, Yue'er also wants to join in the fun with you.

It's not like you want to talk about military matters. Yue'er, there's nothing I can't listen to.

Mothers, Yue'er, please. "

The little cutie directly faced Qi Yun, and the three princesses and other sisters showed off their usual coquettish skills.

She thought to herself that since she even used her coquettish hair, her mothers would no longer reject her.

It's a pity that the little cutie is destined to be disappointed.

Looking at the cute little girl with a smile on her pretty face, Qi Yun, Qi Ya, Qing Lian and the other sisters shook their heads in unison.

Then, the sisters replied in unison with the word "little cute".


Hearing the decisive answers from a group of mothers, the little cutie was dumbfounded.

No... no?
After the little cutie asked three questions in a row, her watery eyes widened in disbelief.

No, this situation is wrong?

The queen looked at the little cutie's stunning face with an expression full of disbelief, and directly raised her jade finger to point at the table a dozen steps away.

"Smelly girl, sit over there."

At the Queen's words, the little cutie came back to her senses and turned her head to look at the position of the Queen's fingers.

When she saw the table and chair pointed in the direction of the Queen's finger, she withdrew her gaze reluctantly, pouted her cherry lips and pointed to the chair two steps away on the left.

"Mom, can Yue'er sit there?"


"Oh, what a good mother."


"Oh, okay, I understand, just go."

After the little cutie responded angrily, she walked towards the position of the Queen's finger with a depressed expression.

She turned around and looked at the group of mothers behind her, humming and shaking her sleeves.

"Humph, if you don't want to listen, then you won't listen.

You won't let me listen, but I'm not even interested in listening to you. "

The little cutie withdrew her gaze and snorted again.

"Humph, what on earth is going on? Is it so mysterious?"

For a person who likes gossip, he actually can't hear the gossip he wants to know.

This is undoubtedly a very painful thing.


The little cutie's eyes suddenly lit up, and she felt blessed for a moment. She seemed to think of what her group of mothers and Aunt Qingrui were going to talk about.

Apart from things between men and women, there seems to be no other things that I can't let myself get close to, and I can't let myself hear.

After the little cutie figured out the key issues, she turned back to Qi Yun, Qing Lian, Queen, Yun Xiaoxi and other sisters and secretly stuck out her lilac tongue.

"Slightly slightly, slightly slightly."

A bunch of stupid mothers, I have gone to brothels more times than all of you sisters put together.

This girl, I have been in brothels for more than ten years, and I have never seen anything.

The postures I heard from the girls in the brothel...well...well...

"Cough cough, cough cough."

You may not know the knowledge I heard from those girls.

After the little cutie roughly guessed the reason why a group of mothers gathered around her Aunt Qingrui, she no longer had any curious thoughts in her heart.

Isn't it just a few things? It's not necessarily certain who knows more than others.

After all, although I have not personally experienced anything like that.

However, I am well-informed!

You’ve never eaten pork, and haven’t you seen a pig running?

If you haven’t experienced it, how can you still not hear about it?

What don’t those girls in the brothel understand?

The little cutie turned around and picked up the teapot and teacup she had just used. She walked slowly to the table in front of her and sat down on the chair out of boredom.

Qi Yun, the third princess, the queen, He Shu and the other sisters naturally didn't know about the little cutie's affairs.

At this time, they were walking towards the door of the palace with Ren Qingrui, whose pretty face was red.

After a group of beauties left the palace, their eyes instantly fell on Ren Qingrui.

"Sister Qingrui, how are you? Has your husband touched you?"

"Good sister, tell me quickly, did you get what you wanted last night?"

"Yes, yes, yes, tell me quickly, husband, did he eat you?"

"Sister Rui'er, is your husband gentle to you?"

Ren Qingrui listened to the questions from a group of good sisters, her pretty face turned red, and she grasped her sleeves and twisted them gently a few times.

Immediately, she lightly pouted her gorgeous red lips, and gently shook her head a few times with a disappointed expression.

"Sisters, do you think I am walking without any scruples? Do you think I am broken?"

(End of this chapter)

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