My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3449: Heartbeat, no action

Chapter 3449: Heartbeat, no action
Seeing the look of disappointment on Ren Qingrui's pretty face, all the beauties looked at each other in confusion.

Afterwards, all the beauties turned their attention to Ren Qingrui one after another.

Qi Yun pursed her lips and lightly frowned her delicate eyebrows.

"Here, sister, your husband didn't touch you?"

"This shouldn't be the case. How could this happen?"

"Oh, my husband, when did he become so calm?"

"That's right. The beauty has already thrown herself into his arms, but he can still sit still. Isn't this too unlike his character?"

The third princess, Qinglian, her sisters and others all murmured in confusion.

The Queen folded her arms casually across her chest, and her bright eyes turned slightly.

"Good sister, tell me quickly, have you used all the methods that your sisters gave you to your husband?"

Ren Qingrui turned her eyes and glanced at the Queen, then silently tapped her head a few times.

"Well, sister, I used almost all the methods you gave me yesterday.

However, no matter how I teased my sister, Daguoguo would not touch me. "

The Queen raised a slender jade finger and gently pressed it on her smooth and delicate chin a few times, then clicked her tongue twice with a strange expression.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, this heartless person is too tolerant, isn't he?

Ordinarily, he is not like this.

If we didn't stay together every day, I would really wonder if he was a different person. "

Huang Lingyi heard the Queen's words and immediately echoed softly: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

In front of our sisters, it is not an exaggeration to say that my husband is a devil of lust.

Why did he suddenly become a gentleman who could sit back and relax when he arrived at Sister Ruier's place?
Weird, really weird. "

Ren Qingrui heard the doubtful tone of the good sisters, and the expression on her pretty face became more and more disappointed.

How could the doubts of Qi Ya, the Queen, Huang Lingyi and their sisters also be the doubts in her heart?

The more she listened, the more uncomfortable her heart became.

"Sisters, stop talking. The more you talk about me, the more uncomfortable I feel.

Now, sister, I just want to relax for a while. "

Seeing Ren Qingrui's dejected look, Murong Shan turned around and looked around a few times. After making sure there were no people around, she directly pulled Ren Qingrui towards a corner.

Ren Qingrui's pretty face was startled, and she couldn't help but exclaimed softly.

"Hey, hey, sister Shan, why did you pass me?"

Qi Yun, the third princess, Qi Ya, and their sisters saw this situation. Although they were a little confused, they all started to follow.

Ren Qingrui led Ren Qingrui all the way to the corner outside the palace. Under Ren Qingrui's puzzled gaze, he stretched out a pair of jade hands and groped up and down Ren Qingrui's graceful and delicate body.

Ren Qingrui's delicate body trembled, and her pretty face, which was already a little red, instantly became even more rosy.

At the same time, she subconsciously twisted her slender waist and struggled a few times.

"Hmm, Sister Shan, Sister Shan, what are you doing?
Oops, giggling, Sister Shan, you tickled me. "

Qi Ya, Hu Yan Yunyao, Yun Qing Shi, Ling Weier and other sisters looked slightly startled when they saw Murong Shan's behavior, and then immediately moved to surround the two sisters.

After a moment.

Murong Shan suddenly retracted her hands and looked at Ren Qingrui, who was blushing and still twisting gently out of habit. She frowned slightly and shook her head.

“You should have breasts, a butt, and a natural beauty, and a beautiful face.

For a stunning beauty like you, Rui'er, not to mention a man like your husband, even a woman like me, my sister, is a little moved.

Facing such a great beauty, my husband chose not to eat you up, my good sister.

No reason?No reason at all? "

Listening to Murong Shan's questioning words, the other beauties finally understood why she suddenly wanted to drag Ren Qingrui here.

At the same time, their sisters and others also cast their eyes on Ren Qingrui and looked her up and down carefully.

As Murong Shan said just now, she must have breasts, a butt, and a look that is rare and stunning in the world.

What man would not be moved after seeing such a stunningly beautiful person with beautiful face, flowers and jade, beautiful country and beautiful scenery?

However, he was not attracted by his stinky husband.

Well, that might not be accurate.

It's no secret that my stinky husband is already attracted to her.

The key is, his heartbeat is of no use, his actions are what!

No reason, really no reason.

After Ren Qingrui heard Murong Shan's words, she also knew what she was doing just now.

She first looked down at her curvy and curvy figure, and then looked at the different graceful figures of the good sisters in front of her.

Compared to my sisters' figure, I'm not that bad.

Qi Yun frowned in silence for a while, then turned to look at the group of sisters around her.

"Sisters, in the past few days, none of us sisters have secretly gone to our husband's to steal food, right?"

The third princess, Qinglian, Yun Xiaoxi and other sisters heard this and immediately turned to look at Qi Yun, all shaking their heads without hesitation.

"Sister Yun, I promise there is nothing here.

Ever since we sisters agreed with each other, my younger sister has not gone to rest with her husband for eight days in a row. "

"Yeah, yeah, my little sister is here too.

Since we agreed, my little sister has not let my husband touch me for many days. "

"Sister Yun'er, the same goes for my sister. During the past seven or eight days, not only did she go to her husband's place to eat secretly, but she often avoided him intentionally."

"Sister seconded the proposal. In order to create opportunities for sister Qingrui, in the past few days, my sister has not even let her husband touch her hands.

As for other private things and bed matters, let alone them.
Three or four days ago, my husband asked my sister and me to rest with him.

In the end, my sister made a random excuse and refused him.

At that time, my husband complained for a while because of this. "

After Qi Yun received the answers from the sisters, she shook her head gently.

"Sisters, I don't have one here either."

From the words of the beauties, it is not difficult to guess what Qi Yun just meant by eating secretly.

Qi Yun frowned slightly and sighed helplessly.


"Our sisters are getting older and older, but my husband has been reluctant to take sister Qingrui's body.

If this continues, what will happen in the future? "

"Who says it's not the case? Our sisters have not let our husband touch her for seven or eight days in a row. Under such circumstances, he still did not eat sister Qingrui.

I really don't know what he is thinking. "

Huyan Yunyao rolled her beautiful eyes a few times and bit her silver teeth gently with a hesitant expression.

"Sisters, let's ask, is it possible that it's the husband's body that's missing?"

Upon hearing this, all the beauties turned their heads and looked at Huyan Yunyao.

Even Ren Qingrui looked curiously at Huyan Yunyao. "Huh? Sister Yao'er?"

"Sister Yao'er?"

"Sister Yao'er, what's that?"

"Yes, yes, sister Yao'er, please tell me clearly, what's going on with your husband's body?"

"Sister Yao'er?"

Huyan Yunyao looked at a group of sisters who were staring at her, and raised her hand to press her pretty nose with a strange expression.

"Oh, that's it, what's that?"

"Sister Yao'er, what, what is it?"

"Yes, what, please explain clearly?"

Xue Bizhu seemed to understand what Huyan Yunyao meant, and suddenly Tan Mou opened his mouth slightly and took a breath of cool air.

"Hey, sister Yao'er, you're not talking about what happened to your husband's body, are you?"

"Huh? Sister Bizhu, what are you two talking about?"

Huyan Yunyao coughed a few times and said in a humming voice: "Cough cough cough, cough cough cough, sister Yun Shu, just don't hum."

"Hmm? What is it?"

Seeing the strange expressions on the faces of Hu Yanjunyao and Xue Bizhu, some of the beauties probably understood what was going on.

However, there were still a few beauties who still didn't react for a while.

Hu Yanyun turned his head and looked around for a few times, then lightly stamped his lotus feet with a look of helplessness.

"Oh, it just doesn't work."

After hearing Huyan Yunyao's answer, several beauties immediately waved their hands speechlessly.

"Hey, that's it."

"Hey, sister Yao'er, this is just a small matter, why do you make it so mysterious?"

"That's right. My sister looked embarrassed and thought it was some big deal. We talked about it for a long time and that's all."

"That's right, we are no longer seventeen or eighteen years old, or in our 20s. Sister, what are you embarrassed to say?"

"Sister Yao'er, when we sisters served our husband together, my sister saw that you acted quite wildly.

All the sisters together are not as good as you alone, sister.

Why are you so shy now that your husband is no longer with us?

Good sister, by the way, husband, you two won’t do anything wild in private that your sisters don’t know about, right? "

Huyan Yunyao's pretty face was embarrassed, and she quickly waved her hand to Huang Lingyi, who was looking at her up and down.

"Oh, screw you, screw you, what are you looking at?

Of course you won’t think anything of these words.

However, if my husband knows these words, do you think he can easily spare me?

Don't say it's me, sisters, do you dare to let your husband know that we sisters are discussing in private about his failing health?
Do you dare?Do you dare? "

Regarding the teasing remarks made by some good sisters, Huyan Yunyao pretended to be unhappy and retorted.

Qi Yun saw a group of good sisters joking with each other, and shook her head with a wry smile.

"Okay, okay, sisters, this is not a joke for us.

At the moment, the most important thing for us sisters is how to make sister Qingrui get her wish. "

The three princesses, Qinglian, the Queen, Wenren Yunshu, and Huang Lingyi, all the beauties, heard the words and put away the smiles on their pretty faces, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

"Sister Yun, it's not that the sisters don't want to help sister Rui'er, it's that the sisters really don't know how to help."

"Sister, what Sister Lian'er said makes sense, and my little sister agrees.

Now the sisters have helped Sister Qingrui think of all the ways they should think of, and have taught her all the things that should be taught to Sister Qingrui.

No matter what, my husband just doesn't touch sister Qingrui.

In this case, what else can we sisters do? "

"Sister Yun'er, we sisters have not let men touch our sisters for seven or eight days in a row.

We have made my husband hold it in for so long, and he can still bear not to touch sister Qingrui's body.

To be honest, under this situation, we really have no other option.

After all, some things cannot be forced. "

"Yes, there are some things that cannot be forced.

If your husband doesn't want to, we sisters can't drug him, right? "

Suddenly, a group of beauties all looked towards Ling Weier.



"Sister Wei'er."

"What? Sister Weier, what did you say?"

Ling Weier saw all the sisters looking at her and shook her head hurriedly.

"Sisters, don't think nonsense, I have no other meaning when I say this.

If it was 20 years ago, no, no, no, even ten years ago, it would not be a problem for us sisters to act like this.

It's a pity that you don't think about how old your husband is now.

My husband, at his age now, there are some things that he cannot mess with.

If something happens, we sisters will regret it for the rest of our lives. "

After hearing what Ling Weier said, the expressions of all the beauties instantly returned to calm.


As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality.

If something happens to your husband, your sisters will regret it.
The sisters are not stupid. Their husband's body is more important than the love between him and his sister Qingrui.

Comparing the two with each other, of course the husband's body is more important.

Qi Yun raised her slender hands and gently kneaded her temples a few times, then sighed with a pitiful expression.

"Hey, isn't there a way to get the best of both worlds?"

"In front of sister Qingrui, I said something unpleasant.

If a man doesn’t want to do something, how can we sisters be able to interfere with it? "

Ren Qingrui looked at the group of good sisters with helpless and complicated expressions. She took a few steps forward lightly and gave a blessing with a smile.

"Sisters, I appreciate your kindness.

As Sister Ya just said, if Daguoguo doesn't want to do something, how can you, Sister, interfere with it?

Sisters, you don’t need to ask about the matter between me and Da Guoguo.

For everything, just let it take its course. "

(End of this chapter)

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