Chapter 3450

Qi Yun directly stretched out her hand to hold Ren Qingrui's hands, and gently patted the back of his hands twice.

"Sister, now that things have happened, we can only let nature take its course."

The third princess, Qinglian, and Murongshan sisters also opened their mouths to express relief.

"Good sister, don't be too anxious. The sisters will try their best to help you think of other solutions when they have nothing to do."

"Yes, yes, sister Ruier, you must not be depressed because of this matter.

As long as you two, husband, can continue to get along, we will find a solution sooner or later. "

"Yes, we sisters will come up with a solution sooner or later. As soon as we have a solution, we sisters will help you implement it immediately.

When the time comes, strive to win it for sure. "

Ren Qingrui heard the words of encouragement from several good sisters. Although she was in a slightly bad mood, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Pfft, Sister Shan, what did you say?

Why do you strive to win the girl? I seem to care about the girl. "

Murong Shan smiled sweetly, stretched out a finger and tapped Ren Qingrui's slender waist twice.

"Keke, good sister, don't you appreciate it?"

Ren Qingrui's delicate body trembled for a moment, and she couldn't help but chuckle a few times. The sore feeling in Liu's waist made her involuntarily twist her slender waist that could not be grasped.

"Keke, oh, sister Shan, you are evil."

Looking at Ren Qingrui with a look of coquettishness on her face, Qi Ya seemed to want something, and immediately asked softly: "That's right, sister Qingrui, having said that, I forgot to ask you just now.

As for how to let your husband stay alone with you for about ten days, or about 20 days, have you thought of a solution now? "

Hearing Qi Ya's question, Ren Qingrui smiled, looked at a group of good sisters and nodded vigorously with smiling eyes.

"Sister Ya, sisters, there is no need to think of a solution to this matter anymore. I already finished it yesterday."

As soon as Ren Qingrui said this, the expressions of all the beauties became surprised.

"What? You've already done it?"

"Good sister, is it true?"

"Sister Rui'er, how did you do it?"

Ren Qingrui looked at the surprised expressions of all the good sisters, smiled softly and said softly: "Sisters, speaking of it, this matter has a very important relationship with Yue'er."

"Huh? Yue'er?"

"What? Is it related to this girl Yue'er?"

"Sister Qingrui, tell your sisters quickly what's going on?"

"Yes, yes, tell me quickly, tell me quickly."

All the beauties looked at Ren Qingrui with curious expressions, and they began to urge me with words.

Ren Qingrui listened to the urging words of a group of good sisters and immediately began to explain the reasons with a smile on her face.

"Sisters, this is what happened. Yesterday when my sister was resting with Da Guoguo, he wanted me to..."

"Da Guoguo asked me to help him find out the reason, and because of my strong request, he agreed.

20 days, 20 days in a row. "

It only takes about half a cup of tea.

Ren Qingrui had already roughly explained the reasons to Qi Yun, the third princess, the queen and other beauties.

"Sisters, this is what happened."

After listening to Ren Qingrui's story, all the beauties nodded with clear expressions.

"So this is ah."

"If you put it this way, this matter does have a very important relationship with this girl Yue'er."

"Hey, this is a coincidence. Sister, you haven't even started to think of a solution yet, but your husband has taken the initiative to give you the opportunity.

There is no book without coincidence. It is true that there is no book without coincidence. "

While the beauties were talking, the queen, who was frowning slightly, suddenly clapped her hands.

"Yes, yes, why didn't I think of this?"

After the queen muttered to herself, she quickly reached out and grabbed Ren Qingrui's jade hands.

"Good sister, I have to ask you for a favor."

"Oh, sister Wanyan, it's all about asking or not asking for help between us. If you need my sister's help for anything, just ask."

The Queen turned her head and looked around, and after making sure that the little cutie was not hiding in a corner eavesdropping, she leaned her waist slightly.

"Good sister, the help my sister asked you to do is the same as the help she asked you to do without any conscience.

I also need you to help my sister and find out about that stinky girl Yue'er. The reason why that stinky girl insists on traveling with us has something to do with that guy Duan Dingbang. "

After hearing the help that the Queen wanted from her, Ren Qingrui immediately tapped Zhen's head a few times without hesitation.

"Hey, that's it. Sister, you and Da Guoguo want sister and I to help. Isn't this just a matter of convenience?

Sister Wanyan, don't worry. After I get the results, sister, I will go to you first and tell you the results as soon as possible.

Then, I went to report the situation to Da Guoguo. "

When the Queen saw Ren Qingrui saying this, she immediately chuckled with a bright smile.

"Hey, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, good sister, it's not in vain for me to help you like this."

"Hehehe, sister Wanyan, we are good sisters, and it is the right thing for good sisters to help each other."

"Oh, your little mouth is so sweet."

"Sisters, now that we have said everything we need to say.

Then, let's go out of the palace and walk around the streets, and prepare all the things we need to prepare in our daily life. "

"Okay, okay, second the motion, second the motion."

"Little sister also seconded."

"Sister Qingrui, where are you?"

"Sisters, I will accompany you."

"Sister Rui'er, you just spent a long time wandering on the street with your husband.

After you came back together, before you had time to have a good rest, you had to go out with your sisters again.

Can your body handle it? "

"Yes, yes, sister Qingrui, can your body bear it?"

Ren Qingrui listened to the concerned tone of several good sisters, directly reached out and lifted up the hem of her clothes, and jumped a few times with great ease in front of Qi Yun and the others.

"Sisters, as you can see, my sister is in good health.

Why don't you just go for a walk on the street?It's not a big deal. "

When Qi Yun, Qing Lian and the other sisters saw this situation, they could only chuckle and nod.

"Well, since sister Rui'er you are not afraid of getting tired, then let's go together."

"Sister, you have to go with me, your sisters are not forcing you to go.

If you are tired, don't complain to your sisters. "

"Oh, I got it, I got it." Huyan Yunyao gently shook the folding fan in her hand, then suddenly turned around and walked backwards.

While walking backwards, she looked at the good sisters and said softly: "Sisters, I want to take Queen Safisa to accompany us."

Hearing Huyan Yunyao's words, the other beauties all set their eyes on her.

Qi Yun turned her eyes and glanced in the direction of the palace door, frowning hesitantly.

"Sister Yao'er, have you really thought about it?
Regarding Queen Safisa's identity as an externalized woman, there is really nothing to care about.

After all, our daughter-in-law Serena is also an outsider. After Chengfeng and his wife got married, they lived a harmonious and happy life.

However, the key issue is that Safisa is not just a simple disguised woman.

She is the queen of the Dashi Kingdom, and she is also a widowed queen. "

As Qi Yun spoke, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh, sister Yao'er, I have something to say that doesn't sound nice to you.

With Brother Huyan's current identity and status, what kind of girl does he want to marry but can't?

Why bother, why bother to find a widow? "

"Sister Yaoer, sister Yun is right.

Regarding Brother Huyan’s life-long event, how about you think more carefully about it? "

"Sister Yao'er, my little sister also agrees, why don't you think about it carefully.

With Brother Huyan's identity and status, he just wants to marry a young beauty who is twenty-eight years old, twenty-nine years old, or two decades old.

There were also a large number of girls lining up for him to choose one by one.

Moreover, he not only married one main wife, but also married three wives and four concubines at once.

Under such circumstances, it is really inappropriate for him to find a widowed wife. "

"Sister Yao'er, although according to the customs of your grassland tribes, you don't care too much about whether you are a widow when it comes to marrying a wife and having children, but you can't be too casual, right?

My sister also hopes that you can think twice before you act. "

Huyan Yunyao listened to the words of persuasion from several good sisters. She remained silent for a while with a complicated expression on her pretty face, and sighed softly.


"Sisters, how can I not understand these things you are talking about?

As you said, with my eldest brother's identity and status, it doesn't matter what kind of girl he wants to find as his wife.

However, the key is that he has to find my stinky big brother.

Sisters, as of today, my silly older brother is already [-] years old.

He is already this age, but he still has no idea of ​​starting a family.

How could I, as a younger sister, not be anxious for him?

Now, there is finally a woman beside him, both in appearance and character, who is very good, and she is also a woman who has been pestering him and is interested in him.

In this way, it doesn't matter what her background is, or whether she is a perfect young girl or a widow.

As long as she can marry my silly brother and leave a descendant for my silly brother, I will be satisfied.

As for the rest, I don't care. "

After Huyan Yunyao said this, she sighed again with a melancholy expression.

"Alas! In a word, I can't just watch my stupid brother not even leaving a single heir.

Especially since he is still in the military, what if... what if he accidentally... that's all.

As his sister, I have to leave him someone who can go to his grave and burn paper in the future.

I can't, can't watch my eldest brother die like this! "

As Huyan Yunyao spoke, she seemed to be talking about the sadness in her heart, and two lines of tears suddenly fell from her pretty eyes.

"Hmph, hum."

After Huyanjunyao sobbed a few times involuntarily, she quickly grabbed her sleeves and wiped the tears on her cheeks.

"Sisters, we sisters have been together for so many years, and you all know some of the things that happened before I married my husband.

I think back then, my damn dad never really loved us brother and sister because our mother was a girl from the Han family.

We, brother and sister, have always been dependent on each other since we were young. No matter how hard or difficult life is, we support each other step by step.

What I do has nothing to do with the damn father of our brother and sister.

I don't care at all if the Huyan family's bloodline can continue forever.

I do this just to hope that my eldest brother can get married and have children.

I just hope that my mother and other elderly people are still in heaven and no longer have to worry about our brother and sister.

Now, I am married and have children of my own.

My mother is alive in heaven, so she doesn’t have to worry about me anymore.

If she could see my eldest brother, he has already started a family, married a wife and had children.

I think she should be able to truly smile. "

As soon as Huyan Yunyao finished speaking, two lines of tears quietly slipped down the corners of her eyes uncontrollably.

The cheeks she had just wiped clean were once again stained with tears.

Seeing this, Qi Yun hurriedly took out her handkerchief from her sleeve and gently wiped Hu Yanjunyao's cheek a few times.

"Sister Yao'er, I'm really sorry, it's the sisters who didn't think carefully.

We only focus on the things in front of us, but ignore other things. "

Listening to Qi Yun's words, the other beauties also spoke to comfort her softly.

"Yes, yes, good sister, sisters think too simply."

"Sister Yao'er, don't be sad."

"Hmph, hum."

Huyan Yunyao sobbed a few times involuntarily, looking at the sisters surrounding her and gently shaking her head.

“Sisters, it’s okay, it’s okay.

This matter has nothing to do with you. I know very well that you are telling me this out of good intentions.

This is the deep love between us sisters. We don’t distinguish between each other, so you would talk to me about this.

If it were anyone else, you probably wouldn't even pay attention.

I appreciate your kindness.

The only one to blame is my stinky big brother for not living up to his expectations.

Otherwise, as long as he strives for success and cares about himself, why would he let me, my sister who is already married, worry about his life-long affairs? "

"Hey, silly sister, don't say that either.

Perhaps Brother Huyan has his own difficulties. "

"Yes, yes, maybe Brother Huyan has his own difficulties.

Sister Yao'er, please be more open-minded and don't think so much. "

(End of this chapter)

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