"Good sister, I don't want to worry about these unhappy things. I don't want to anymore."

Hu Yanjunyao blinked her tearful eyes hard several times, looked at the concerned expressions of a group of good sisters, and nodded her head a few times with a forced smile.

"Yeah, yeah, I don't want to, I don't want to."

"Sister Yao'er, since you are determined to promote good things between Brother Huyan and Safisa, let's ask her to go for a walk on the street together.

First of all, we just arrived in Wangcheng yesterday, and we are not familiar with this place. It is just right for her to be a guide for us, saving us from getting lost again after we have gone far.

Secondly, we can take advantage of this opportunity to go shopping together out of the palace and ask her sideways whether she really has any thoughts about Brother Huyan.

Only when we determine what she really thinks can we, sister Yaoer, really worry about Brother Huyan's life-long affairs.

Otherwise, if we sisters misunderstand, it will be a joke. "

After hearing Qi Yun's very thoughtful words, Huyan Yunyao nodded hurriedly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, sister Yun, little sister, it's just out of convenience that I decided to ask her to go shopping with me."

Qi Yun smiled sweetly, raised her head with a smile and gestured to the palace door in front of her.

"Keke, if that's the case, let us sisters go into the palace to find her."

"Huyan Yunyao smiled slightly and nodded, a look of worry flashing through her pretty eyes.

"Sisters, this is just our sisters' wishful thinking. I don't know if Queen Safisa is willing to go with us?"

"If you are willing to go together, you will know after asking."

"Sister Yao'er, don't worry, if she is willing to go with you, that would be great.

On the contrary, we should try our best to find ways and excuses to get them to come with us. "

"That's right, there are so many of us sisters, can't we still deal with her alone?

As long as she had nothing really important to occupy herself with, it was not up to her whether to go or not.

Today she has to go whether she wants to go or not. "

"Hey, sister Shan'er, what you said doesn't sound like the words of a good person.

For those who don’t know, I thought you were the queen of the mountains who wants to rob civilian girls! "

"Smelly Lingyi, go to hell."

When all the beauties walked into the palace gate one after another, they immediately saw the cutie, Gumelanya, and Safisa chatting and laughing while eating melon seeds.

When Qi Yun, Ling Wei, the sisters and others saw this situation, they couldn't help but look stunned.

The little cutie and Gu Melanya got together. They didn't think it was any surprise. Why did Safisa even get in there?

Are the three of them familiar with each other?


The little cutie paused while chewing melon seeds, and quickly turned her head towards Qi Yun. The Queen and her sisters looked over.

"Hey, mothers, Aunt Qingrui, you are back."

"What are you talking about? You are actually having so much fun talking."

"Hehehe, we didn't talk about anything, we just chatted casually, just casually."

Qi Yun shook her head gently and looked at Queen Safisa of the Food King next to the little cutie with a smile.

"Queen Safisa."

Safisa immediately stood up from the chair and saluted Qi Yunfu with a slightly reserved expression.

"Sister, my little sister said, you can just call me Safisa."

"Well, I'd better call you sister, or sister Safisa.

Sister, I wonder what you think? "

Safisa's eyes lit up and she nodded without hesitation.

"Yeah, yeah, that's good, that's good."

"Sister Safisa, we sisters plan to leave the palace and walk around the streets to prepare some things that we will use in daily life.

However, as you know, sister, the sisters are new here and are really not very familiar with the various environments in the royal city.

So, my sisters plan to invite you to go with them. What do you think? "

Safisa nodded quickly and went straight to Qi Yun with a smile on her face. The three princesses and their sisters walked over.

"Yes, of course.

Sisters, when do you plan to leave the palace and go to the streets? "

"We plan to leave the palace now. Is it convenient for you, sister?"

"Convenient, convenient, my little sister is here anytime."

"That's great, let's go then."

"Okay, okay, sisters, please go first."

"Please, please."

"Sister Safisa, you're welcome, let's go together, together."

"Lanya, Yue'er, are you two going?"

"Hey, go, go, come, here it comes."

"I'm going too, I'm going too."

After a group of people walked out of the palace gate, Ling Weier seemed to have thought of something when she saw Safisa's dress.

Immediately, she looked directly at her sisters and others, as well as the gown on the little cutie.

"Sisters, now that we have arrived, why don't we also change into women's clothes?"

As soon as Ling Weier said these words, all the beauties realized that at this moment, they were still holding folding fans and wearing long gowns, pretending to be men.

Everyone looked down at their clothes, and then looked at each other a few times.

"Sisters, how about we go back and change into women's clothes before going out?"

Yun Xiaoxi thought for a moment and shook his head gently.

"Sisters, I think it's better not to change it yet.

After walking on the street for a long time, we must be sweating a little.

After we came back from the street, we naturally had to take a shower and change clothes.

As a result, there will be an extra set of dirty clothes to wash.

Nowadays, we sisters do not have personal maids following us around, so we wash the clothes we change by ourselves.

Therefore, I think it is better for us sisters to change into women's clothes after we come back from the street.

Sisters, if you want to change the queen, then you can change it yourself. I won’t change it anyway. "

After hearing what Yun Xiaoxi said, several beauties immediately nodded in agreement.

"Since you won't change it, Sister Xiaoxi, then I won't change it either."

"Me too, I won't change either."

"Well, I think it's very convenient to wear men's clothing, and I don't plan to change it.

By the way, let's talk it over first. I'm not lazy, the main thing is that I don't want to cause trouble. "

Seeing this, the other beauties immediately gave up their thoughts of going back and changing into women's clothes.

"Hmm, what about that? You're right. Wearing men's clothes is quite convenient."

"I'm just like sister Lingyi. I'm not lazy, I'm also afraid of trouble."

"Second, second."

When the little cutie saw a group of mothers who were obviously lazy but were still making excuses, she rolled her eyes in annoyance and curled her lips in a murmur.

"Hey." "You are just lazy, why do you have to make excuses?"

Immediately, the little cutie leaned over with a smile on his face.

"Hehehe, Yue'er thinks what you said, mother, is absolutely right, and I agree with you.

Compared to changing into women's clothing, it is indeed more convenient to wear men's clothing. "

Qi Yun chuckled, shook her head, and took the lead to move forward.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go."

"Sister Yun, why don't you go back and change into women's clothes?"

"Well, what about that? All my clothes were washed last night and are not dry yet."

"Hmph, pffff..."

"Hmm, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle."

After half a day.

Qi Yun and the others walked all the way to the gate of the palace where Young Master Liu lived.

At this time, Zhang Kuang was commanding more than 20 soldiers to place tables, chairs, benches, tea and other things outside the palace gate.

Young Master Liu, Nangong Ye, Wanyan Chiezha, Hu Yanyu and a large group of them were squatting beside the tall pillars outside the palace.

While they were puffing on their dry pipes, they were talking softly to each other with different expressions on some issue.

"Hey, husband, uncle, and uncle, why are you all outside? Why don't you go sit inside the palace?

Also, why do you prepare so many tables, chairs and benches? "

Hearing the beauty's inquiry, Liu Mingzhi immediately raised his head and fanned the curling smoke in front of him a few times, then turned to look at Qi Yun, the third princess, Xiaocutie and the others.

"Yun'er, it's too dark inside the palace. My husband is not used to it, so I asked someone to place some tables and chairs outside."

"Oh, that's it, I understand."

"Yun'er, why did you come here just now?"

"Back to husband, we were a little stuffed after breakfast, so we walked around the main hall and ate some food before coming here.

No, we are planning to leave the palace and go for a walk on the street. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded understandingly, smiled lightly and waved to Qi Yun and the others.

"Okay, okay, then you should go take a look on the street first and take a good look at the scenery of the King of Food."

"Hey, I know it, so I'll take my leave first."

"Sisters, I will take my leave first."

"Dad, this girl needs to leave first."

"Brother-in-law, little sister, please leave."

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I will take my leave."

"Hehehe, go, go."

Qi Yun, Xiaocutie and the others nodded and headed straight for the palace gate.

Liu Mingzhi watched Qi Yun, the Queen, and the Third Princess gradually disappear, and then turned to look at Nangong Ye, Yunchong, and others.

"Uncle, according to what you just said, it means that all kinds of food from Dalong can be grown in Dashi Kingdom and Tianzhu Kingdom."

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is true.

In the past few years, whenever it was time for sowing and planting in the two countries, the ministers and others would ask the soldiers to specially select some fields.

Then, let them plant all the seeds of various grains, fruits and vegetables brought from our Dalong Heavenly Kingdom.

In the past few years, the harvest every year has been very good. "

"How does the harvest from one acre of land compare to our harvest from Dalong?"

"Back to Your Majesty, one acre of land is too small, so the comparison result is not accurate.

Because of the weather or various other reasons, the result is more general.

Based on the scale of five acres of land and ten acres of land, the harvest of some grains is about [-] to [-]% more than that of Dalong, and the harvest of some grains is not as good as that of Dalong.

It’s hard to say what the harvest of various fruit trees and the like will be.

There are many fruit trees that have not really grown up yet, let alone blossom and bear fruit.

In the case of jujube trees, it is slightly better.

In the second year, the results of cheating had already begun.

However, some of the results are not particularly ideal.

By the way, Your Majesty.

Speaking of jujube trees, there is a kind of jujube in the southwest of the country of Dashi, in the surrounding areas of Persia, which is much sweeter than the dates of our Dalong.

In terms of taste, everyone's taste is different, and I dare not make any judgments.

But in terms of sweetness, this kind of dates is much sweeter than our Dalong dates. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently when he heard what Nangong Ye said about dates.

"Uncle, uncle, do you think it should be dates?"

"Huh? Your Majesty, do you know about dates?"

Young Master Liu looked at Nangong Ye, Yun Chong and others looked surprised, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Hahaha, uncle, on this journey westward, we have seen dates like date palms not thirty times, but more than a dozen times on the way.

I know dates are called dates, is that weird? "
"Oh, yes, yes, I am confused, I am confused.

The old minister always subconsciously thinks that Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you just arrived in Dashi Country yesterday and you are not very clear about everything.

The old minister’s fault, the old minister’s fault. "

Yun Chong blew out a puff of smoke and took over Nangong Ye's words with a slight smile.

“Your Majesty, this kind of date is very sweet and can be used not only to make sweets but also to make wine.

I just don’t know if we can grow such dates in the soil and water in Dalong.

If the water and soil in our Dalong Kingdom are suitable for planting this kind of jujube tree, it will be easier for the people to eat sweets in the future.

Half a year ago, after the ministers and others gathered together, they were still discussing when to send someone to bring back a batch of jujube trees to plant, or to find a way to transplant some jujube seedlings and send them back to Dalong.

As a result, before I could carry out the plan, Your Majesty, you took all the empresses and Princess Yue'er to the royal city of Dashi Kingdom. "

Liu Mingzhi gently took a puff of the dry cigarette and recalled it with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

If his memory is correct, Dalong seems to be able to plant this kind of jujube tree.

However, these memories have nothing to do with the memories of his own life.

Nangong Ye, Yunchong, Cheng Kai, Feng Buer and others immediately stopped talking when they saw Young Master Liu seemed to be thinking about something.


Young Master Liu came back from his memories, chuckled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Given the distance from the Big Food Country to our Big Dragon, it is too difficult to transplant fruit saplings.

When the next batch of gold and silver is sent back to our Dalong, let's take a batch of date palm seeds back with us.

After bringing the seeds back, plant them and take a look. If you can't grow fruit trees, it's not too late to try to transplant fruit saplings. "

Wanyan Chizha, Nangong Ye, Hu Yanyu and others heard this and nodded in unison.

"That's fine, that's fine."

"Then do as your Majesty said and take the seeds back first to try." (End of Chapter)

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