My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3452 I would rather make a mistake than let go

As soon as Nangong Ye and Hu Yanyu finished speaking, Wanyan Chizha silently blew out a puff of dry smoke.

"Your Majesty, the old minister suggested that for the sake of safety, the soldiers should also bring back a batch of fruit saplings.

It would be a good thing if it could be brought back safely and planted.

On the contrary, we have nothing to lose. "

As soon as Wanyan Chizha said these words, Yun Chong's eyes lit up, and he nodded in agreement happily.

"Your Majesty, I second my opinion.

Brother Wanyan is right. Anyway, it doesn't take much energy to do things on the fly.

Whether it's successful or not depends entirely on God's will.

At the same time, you can also test the ability of these date palm trees to adapt to water and soil. "

"Your Majesty, the old minister also seconded."

"The ministers and others also seconded."

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi glanced at Wanyan Chiezha with a slightly raised brow, and nodded with a smile.

"Uncle, an old fox is an old fox. After all, he is more thoughtful than us young people."

Wanyan Chizha's face stiffened, and he pretended to be depressed and shook his head in annoyance.

"Hi, Your Majesty, is there an emperor like you?
You just made a joke about the old minister, but you actually added the title "old fox". Aren't you slandering the old minister's reputation? "

Seeing Wanyan Chizha's depressed expression, Young Master Liu suddenly burst into laughter involuntarily.

"Hahaha, hahaha."

"Hahaha, brother Wanyan, I think what your majesty said is very appropriate."

"Go to your uncle."

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry cigarette silently, and then waved his hand.

"Forget these jokes, apart from good things like date palm trees, are there any good things here in the Great Food Country that we don't have in the Great Dragon?"

Upon hearing Young Master Liu's question, a group of generals immediately frowned and began to think.


After a group of generals thought carefully, they shook their heads at Young Master Liu.

"Is there nothing like that?"

"Your Majesty, for now, I really can't think of anything good that our Dalong Celestial Empire doesn't have.

In these years, Haining Hou led all the officers and soldiers of our Dalongbao fleet to go to sea again and again to inspect all the countries in the West.

As long as it was a good thing that existed in the Western countries, he would bring back whatever he saw.

As far as the veteran knows, there are some things that Hai Ninghou would rather bring wrong than let them go.

Unconsciously, several years passed quietly.

Thanks to the hard work of Haining Hou and all the officers and soldiers of the treasure fleet, as long as it is good for our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty, we Dalong now have everything.

There are also some good things that Haininghou and their fleet cannot access. Through our Dalong caravan and the caravans of the countries in the Western Regions, our Dalong has already had the comings and goings of the caravans of the Western countries.

Under such circumstances, it is really hard for me to think of anything good. "

"Return to Your Majesty, the old minister seconded."

"Your Majesty, I also second my opinion."

"Your Majesty, for now, there really is nothing good in the Western countries worthy of our Dalong Celestial Empire's heart.

As for whether it will happen in the future, who can say for sure. "

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and nodded. After taking a long puff of dry tobacco, he happily knocked out the half-burned tobacco from the pot on the steps at his feet.

"Hehehe, forget it if you don't have it.

As the saying goes, those who are content are always happy.

It seems that I can’t be too greedy, young master. "

As soon as Mr. Liu finished his sigh, an arrogant voice came from not far away.

"Your Majesty, the tables, chairs, benches and sand table have all been placed."

When Liu Mingzhi heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Then, he immediately waved his hands to the group of generals around him, got up and walked straight to Zhang Kuang's side.

"Uncle, uncle, uncle, let's go and sit down, brothers."

A group of soldiers stood up hurriedly and followed them in unison.

"I will obey your orders."

Zhang Kuang looked at Young Master Liu walking over and waved his hand with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, please."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled, nodded, and raised his hand to wave to the group of generals following him.

"Uncle, uncle, uncle, brothers, you can just sit down wherever you want."

"I will obey your orders."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the sand table in front of him, smiled lightly and turned to look at Liu Song, who was standing a few steps away.


"The little one is here."



After Liu Song responded loudly, he quickly waved to Du Yu and Sun Mingfeng brothers who were standing beside him.

"Brothers, hurry up, hurry up, map."

"Ok, here, here, here."

Liu Song rolled up his sleeves and trotted to Young Master Liu's side.

"Master, should the map be hung or laid on the table?"

"Put it on the table."

"Okay, little one understands."

"Brothers, hurry up, put the map together on the table, and then spread the map on the table."

"I'm coming."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Song, Du Yu and others who were busy, gently waving the jade fans in their hands, and turned to look at Zhang Kuang standing next to him with a faint smile.

"Uncle, these palaces in the Dashi King's Palace and the apse are too dark. I am really not used to it.

Have you explained that I asked you to build a house in the style of our Dalong house? "

Hearing Young Master Liu's inquiry, Zhang Kuang nodded without hesitation.

"Back to Your Majesty, I have already made arrangements as soon as I returned from your stay yesterday.

At dawn this morning, Houjun's craftsmen had already begun preparations to build a house.

They are currently divided into five groups: those who prepare the foundation, those who select the wood select the wood, those who draw the drawings, those who prepare the bricks and tiles, and those who transport the food.

The veteran made a rough estimate. With the progress of their joint efforts, in less than three days, they will be able to provide the houses that you, Your Majesty, the Queen, other empresses, Princess Yue'er and Miss Lanya need in less than three days. It was built.

Even if something happens, it will not take more than five days at the latest.

After dealing with some other issues, it will only take about seven or eight days, and your majesty can move in directly. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and thought for a moment.

"Uncle, please immediately send someone to inform the craftsmen in the rear army. The house does not need to be too extravagant, as long as it can accommodate people. This young master and our group will not be able to live in Dashi Country for too long. There is no need to waste that manpower and material resources.”

"Your Majesty, this, this."

"Huh? Is there a problem?"

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, the drawings drawn by the soldiers are for you, the empresses, and Princess Yue'er to build a house based on the scale of the small palace ten times smaller."

Young Master Liu's eyes suddenly widened and he shook his head angrily.

"It's just a fool's errand. Is it necessary?"

"Your Majesty, I feel that the brothers of the rear army craftsmen did the right thing.

You and the Queen are the king of a country and the mother of a country.

Coupled with the concubines and Princess Yue'er, even if the house you live in cannot be too luxurious, it must at least be decent. "

Seeing what Zhang Kuang said, Young Master Liu sighed helplessly.

"Uncle, we have known each other for so many years, do you think I am the one who cares about these things?
Building a house according to the scale of a small palace, even if the size of the house is reduced ten times, is not an easy task.

With this money, it is better for you to transport it back to the treasury for me than to spend it on such things. "

"Your Majesty, I know you don't care about these things.

But if you just..."

"No but, you immediately send someone to inform the craftsmen in the rear army and ask them to cancel all current plans for me immediately.

At the same time, tell them to draw new drawings and build some small villas that can be lived in.

I have skipped all the pavilions, pavilions, gardens and the like, and there is no need to build any of them.

I don't have the time and leisure to appreciate these things right now, young master. "

"His Majesty."

"That's it, give me the order."

The word "order" appeared directly in Young Master Liu's words.

This also means that there is no need to refute anything anymore.

as predicted.

When Zhang Kuang heard Master Liu say the word "order", he had no choice but to smile bitterly and nod.

"Yes, the old minister obeyed."

Immediately, Zhang Kuang waved to a soldier a few steps away.

"Lao Jiang, did you hear what His Majesty just said?"

"Go back to the Commander-in-Chief, I heard this."

"As long as you heard it, I don't need to repeat it again, so I can go and deliver the order."

"Yes, I obey."

After the soldier hugged him, he immediately turned around and ran away.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the soldiers flying away, smiled lightly and said again: "Uncle, our reception banquet for this young master will be arranged around evening.

I don’t know much about what needs to be prepared, so you can just make arrangements. "

"Yes, I understand. I will send someone to make arrangements immediately after we finish our work here."

Liu Mingzhi smiled and nodded. Just as he was about to speak, Liu Song walked over with a smile on his face.

"Master, the map is laid out."

Liu Mingzhi glanced roughly at the sand table and map in front of him, and raised a finger to Zhang Kuang on the side with a smile.

"Uncle, one hundred steps."

After dealing with Young Master Liu for so many years, Zhang Kuang understood the meaning of Young Master Liu's words without even thinking.

Immediately, he waved his hand again to a soldier a few steps away.

"Old Wu, give the order immediately, within a hundred steps, no...

Within 150 steps, no one is allowed to come close without my command. "


Liu Mingzhi put the tobacco bag in his hand on the table, then casually put his hands behind his back, and started walking around the sand table and the table covered with maps.

The soldiers who had just sat down not long ago stood up from their chairs when they saw Young Master Liu's behavior, and gathered towards the sand table with light steps.

Liu Mingzhi's eyes kept scanning back and forth on the sand table and map on his left and right sides, stopping to ponder for a while from time to time.

Upon seeing this, a group of generals followed Young Master Liu's every move with their brows slightly furrowed, carefully observing the location where Young Master Liu's eyes had just glanced.

They were roughly guessing what Young Master Liu was thinking based on his gaze.

As for whether the guess can be accurate, only they themselves know best.

After a long time.

Young Master Liu paused for a moment, raised his hand to clasp his brow, and turned to look at Zhang Kuang with a slightly doubtful look on his face.

"Uncle, based on the content of your last Golden Eagle report, the current situation in the Frankish country seems a little different from what you reported to me before, right?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's confused tone, Zhang Kuang immediately set off and walked to Young Master Liu's side.

Then, he stretched out his hand and waved it casually on the sand table.

"Your Majesty, in the past few months, Frank's situation has indeed changed a lot compared to the previous situation."

"Oh? Tell me quickly what changes have taken place in Frankland recently."

Zhang Kuang smiled and nodded, turned around and picked up a few small flags from the small bamboo baskets on the edge of the sand table, leaned over the sand table and inserted them one by one.

"Your Majesty, please look at the flags in front of you, which represent the situation in the Frankish state before.

The flags at the back represent the current situation in the Frankish country. "

Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at the small flags planted on the sand table, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Uncle, according to the situation on the sand table, in the past few months, the Frankish country has been expanding to the surrounding areas?"

Zhang Kuang picked up a small flag again and planted it directly on the border of Prussia.

"Your Majesty, the young man on the throne of the Frankish King is more ambitious than the ambitious young man in the Roman Kingdom.

According to the reports of the scouts and spies, the young man from the Frankish country has been trying to expand their territory in the past few months. "

As Zhang Kuang spoke, he directly picked up the bamboo pole on one side and lit it on the sand table with a chuckle.

"Your Majesty, this place used to be one of the important border areas between Frankfurt and Prussia.

In just three or four months, this place has become the territory of the Frankish country. "

As soon as the arrogant voice fell, the bamboo pole in his hand immediately changed its position.

"Your Majesty, look here again. This is the land bordering the Frankish, Prussian and Roman countries.

With the Frankish offensive, the border guards on the Prussian border are gradually shrinking their defense lines on the border.

Once Prussia's defense line shrinks, it means that Rome's border defense line will be completely exposed to the offensive of Frankish troops. "

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded, frowning slightly as he glanced at the location where the bamboo pole was in Zhang Kuang's hand.

"Uncle, except for those key pass positions, as the Prussian troops gradually retreated, the Roman border defenses were almost completely exposed to the Frankish offensive.

In this case, you only need to send about 1 or even [-] cavalry all the way, and you can march straight in.

Once the cavalry drives straight into the border area, even if the border defense line does not collapse completely, it will be almost there. "

"Your Majesty is wise, this is indeed the case." (End of this chapter)

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