My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3457: Take the essence and remove the dross

"Sir wait."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the generals in front of him, lowered his head and spit out the tea stem on the tip of his tongue.

"Since you are so optimistic about this person, then you can leave it to Muraf to recruit people for our use.

You can discuss the specific matters with Muraf privately. "

After hearing Young Master Liu's explanation, all the generals bowed their hands in unison.

"I will obey your orders."

After Yun Chong straightened up, he cupped his hands again with a hesitant look on his face.

"His Majesty."

"Huh? Uncle, do you have anything else to say?"

"Your Majesty, this is what I think about it. Let's ask Muraf to help recruit people. We must have a more suitable name, right?
Otherwise, recruiting 8000 to [-] people at once would easily attract the attention of others.

Now, there are quite a few spies from the Western countries lurking in the city of King Dashi.

Let's ask Murav to help recruit so many people at once, and the noise created by then will definitely not be too small.

In this way, there is a high probability that it will attract the attention of the spies hidden in the cities in the Western countries, and then they will definitely report these things to their respective courts.

In this way, the kings of the three Frankish countries are very likely to associate the matter with us.

Although there is no direct evidence to prove that we are operating everything behind the scenes, after such an incident occurs, it will definitely arouse Western countries to be wary of us.

If such a situation really occurs, it will be extremely detrimental to our future actions in the Western countries.

Therefore, the veteran believes that it is better to find a suitable name in advance. "

After listening to Yun Chong's clear pros and cons, Liu Mingzhi nodded silently.

"Uncle, you are right, we do need a name."

"Then, Your Majesty, what name do you think should be appropriate?"

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment, then chuckled and said: "Building roads, mining, cultivating fields, digging rivers...etc., any suitable name, as long as a large number of manpower can be used, just find any one."

Seeing Liu Mingzhi mentioning so many ways to use a large number of manpower at once, Yun Chong nodded happily.

"Okay, old minister understands."

"Uncle, uncle, having said that, there is one more thing you should pay attention to."

"Your Majesty, please tell me."

"My uncle's words just now gave me a wake-up call.

In order to prevent attracting the attention of those Western spies, when recruiting people, try to avoid those big food countrymen in the area around the royal city.

Even if you can avoid recruiting big cannibals, try not to recruit big cannibals.

There are so many Westerners, so it is not necessarily necessary to recruit people from big food countries.

Then, after recruiting all the people, directly arrange them in some cities far away from the Dashi King City.

If you can act in secret, do it as secretly as possible. "

"Your Majesty is wise, I will obey your orders."

Liu Mingzhi nodded and took a sip of tea, then put the tea cup directly back on the table.

"Besides what we just talked about, do you have anything else to report?"

When a group of generals heard Young Master Liu's question, they all turned their heads and looked around.

After they made sure that no one had anything to report to each other, they immediately bowed in unison.

"Go back to your majesty. I'll report nothing."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and nodded, then picked up the jade fan on the table and flicked it gently.

"Okay, then let's talk about other things."

"You don't have to stand anymore. Sit down. Sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After all the generals thanked them in unison, they immediately dispersed towards the tables nearby.

Liu Mingzhi gently shook the Wanli Jiangshan engraved jade fan in his hand and grabbed a few nuts from the plate at hand.

After all the generals sat down one after another, Young Master Liu turned sideways and looked at Zhang Kuang.


"The old minister is here."

When Liu Mingzhi saw Zhang Kuang who was about to get up, he immediately held up the jade fan in his hand and pressed it down.

"You don't have to get up, just sit down and answer."

"Yes, the old minister knows."

"Uncle, when did you lead the soldiers to fight against the Franks?

This young master only remembers that it was probably the fourth year of our Dalong Shengping. In what month specifically, I can't remember it all of a sudden. "

When Zhang Kuang heard Liu Dashao's question, he immediately asked loudly: "Your Majesty, are you talking about the time when I helped Rome conquer the Franks?"

"Yeah, it was that time."

Zhang Kuang nodded slightly, raised his hand to stroke the gray beard on his chin, and recalled carefully with his eyes.


Zhang Kuang put down the palm stroking his beard and replied with a faint smile: "Your Majesty, I sent out troops in July, and the war ended on November 28."

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, pinched open an almond and threw it into his mouth.

"July of the fourth year of Taiping, September of the seventh year of Taiping. Before you know it, about three years have passed."

"Return to Your Majesty, that is exactly the case."

"Uncle, tell me, what is the strength of the Frankish army?"

"In my opinion, the Frankish army is not that powerful, and in terms of strength it is far inferior to our Dalong soldiers.

However, the armor they wore and the weapons in their hands should not be underestimated. "

"Oh? Are the armors and weapons of those Frankish soldiers and horses very powerful?"

"Your Majesty, the armors worn by the Frankish soldiers and horses are quite sophisticated, protecting almost all the vital points on a soldier's body.

Some soldiers and horses even have an iron mask on their helmets.

When the mask fell down, only a pair of eyes could be exposed on the entire face.

Such a mask can almost allow soldiers to ignore any oncoming arrows.

The soldiers are not afraid of the oncoming arrows, which invisibly increases their morale when charging into battle. "

As he spoke, Zhang Kuang reached out to pick up the tea and moisten his throat.

"To say that their armor must be more powerful than the armor of our Dalong soldiers, that's not true.

However, there is one thing we have to admit, that is, their armor is slightly stronger than our dragon's armor in terms of protective capabilities.

When the two armies are fighting, if our Dalong soldiers don't have pumpkin hammers, maces, armor-piercing hammers... and other heavy weapons designed to deal with heavy armor, they will definitely suffer a big loss.

However, fortunately, the number of troops wearing this kind of armor is not very large.

For our Dalong soldiers, it can only be said to be a small threat, not a big trouble. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression and put the newly peeled nuts into his mouth.

"The more sophisticated the weapons, the more difficult they are to produce. This situation is the same everywhere in the world.

As long as they cannot equip this kind of armor on a large scale, there is no need for us to pay too much attention to this issue. "

Hearing what Mr. Liu said, Zhang Kuang happily raised his hands.

"What your Majesty said is absolutely true." "Uncle, even so, we must be on guard. We sent an order to the spies lurking in the Frankish country to pay more attention to the replacement of Frankish troops and horses.

As the saying goes, know yourself and the enemy and you will fight a hundred times.

Only by understanding the changes in the situation in Western countries can we make timely responses.

As you know, I don’t like being passive the most, young master. "

"Old minister, I understand. As soon as I return home, I will send a letter to the scouts and spies from all walks of life, Jin Diao."

"What's the condition of their weapons?"

"Your Majesty, there is nothing special about the weapons.

All kinds of weapons they have are in the hands of our soldiers.

On the contrary, they may not have all the weapons we have here.

The old minister dared to say something proud. When it comes to the weapons and equipment provided to the soldiers, all the troops and horses of all the countries in the West, large and small, are not as complete as the weapons and equipment in the hands of our Dalong soldiers. "

Young Master Liu listened to the arrogant and heroic words and nodded with a smile.

“Uncle, being confident is a good thing, but don’t be too confident.

As the saying goes, a proud soldier will be defeated.

When we have pride, we must also retain some humility.

All the things in Western countries may not have any merit.

When it's time to learn from each other's strengths, we still have to learn from each other's strengths to offset our weaknesses.

In a word, take the essence and discard the dross. "

"Yes, yes, I understand.

Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the veteran will not act arrogantly just because we currently have most of the advantages. "

"So good, so good.

This young master believes that uncle, you will definitely grasp the appropriate measures. "

"Yes, the old minister understands."

Liu Mingzhi casually patted the debris on his hands, raised his arms and stretched his body.

"Everyone, we have almost finished talking about the matters in the Western countries.

Now, we should talk about the situation on our Dalong side. "

"Your Majesty, please speak, I am all ears."

"Your servants are all ears."

Liu Mingzhi casually adjusted his sleeves twice, reached for the wine bag on the table, pulled out the stopper and put it into his mouth.

After taking a few sips of wine, Liu Mingzhi took the jade fan and pushed the tip of his nose with the fan bone.

"You should tell me about the current situation of Duan Dingbang, the Second Army Marshal."

"Back to Your Majesty, this boy Dingbang led his troops to the territory of Persia some time ago to help the Persian court assess the rebellion."

Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"How is their current war situation over there in Persia?"

"Your Majesty, you don't know something. I've been waiting here for about seven or eight days, but I haven't received a letter from the golden eagle from the guy in Dingbang reporting that he's safe.

Therefore, I don't know what the current situation of this boy Dingbang is. "

Young Master Liu's pupils shrank slightly when he heard Nangong Ye's answer.

"What? He hasn't sent a message to you Golden Eagle for about seven or eight days in a row?"

"Return to Your Majesty, that's right."

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and took a big sip of wine, then he lightly tapped the table next to him with his brows furrowed.

For seven or eight days in a row, no letter was sent.

What is this kid doing?

Upon seeing this, a group of generals suppressed their voices speaking to each other.

Soon, Young Master Liu came back to his senses from his thoughts.

"Uncle, uncle, uncle, how did this boy Dingbang report to you on the previous battle situation?"

"Back to Your Majesty, according to what this guy said in his battle report, he led an army of [-] soldiers and horses, and since they entered the territory of Persia, they have been unstoppable, winning consecutive battles and victories."

When Liu Mingzhi heard Yun Chong's answer, he chuckled and nodded.

"Unstoppable momentum? Continuous battles and victories?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is true.

At first, I and others kept praising this boy for his ability to lead troops in battle, and were waiting for his battle report documents later.

Unexpectedly, his side suddenly lost contact with Chen and others.

At present, only he knows the situation on his side. "

"Your Majesty, the former Tianchen and others have already dispatched 36 elite scout brothers to rush to the Persian territory to inquire about the situation.

If everything goes well, in two days at most, we will receive the golden eagle letter from the scout brothers.

Then, we can know what is going on with this guy in Dingbang now. "

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a while, looked at Zhang Kuang and said directly: "Uncle, no matter what the situation is with Duan Dingbang.

After you return, send him a letter immediately.

You told me in your letter that no matter what the situation he is facing now, the top priority is to save the lives of the [-] soldiers under his command.

If he dares to make fun of the lives of the soldiers, I, the young master, will not only remove him from his post as Generalissimo of the Armed Forces, but I will also skin him. "

Zhang Kuang was slightly startled when he heard what Mr. Liu said.

"Ah? Your Majesty, isn't that inappropriate?"

“There’s nothing appropriate or inappropriate, just write it like this.”

Seeing Young Master Liu's resolute attitude, Zhang Kuang could only smile and nodded.

"Okay, I obey."

“That’s it for the Dingbang guy’s problem.

Let me tell you, Master, about the current situation of Jiang He, Luya and his wife, as well as our Dalong treasure fleet. "

A group of generals looked at each other for a few times, then bowed their hands to Young Master Liu.

"Reporting to your Majesty, I really don't know anything about the situation at Haininghou.

Your Majesty, you also know that the problems faced by the ministers and Hou Haining are completely two different situations.

Unless something extremely important happens, there is very little contact between the two of us. "

"Your Majesty, compared with the steady progress of the ministers and others here, the treasure fleet of Haining Hou and theirs has been drifting in the vast sea.

To be honest, I don’t know where Haininghou’s fleet is now. "

"Your Majesty, if you want to know the details of Hou Haining now, I have no choice but to immediately send people to Yemen and other countries to inquire about the information about Hou Haining.

As for whether it can be found out, there are still two opinions.

Regarding this point, I am really helpless here. "

"The minister waits for a second opinion."

"I also second the proposal." (End of this chapter)

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