My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3458 Small Gifts

"Uncle, uncle, how long has it been since Jiang He last sent someone to contact you?"

Zhang Kuang gently took a puff of dry cigarette, stretched out his hand to scratch his brow, his eyes flashed with thought.

"The last time we contacted you, was it two months or three months ago?

For a while, I really couldn’t remember clearly. "

As soon as Zhang Kuang's somewhat uncertain words were finished, Hu Yanyu turned his eyes slightly and pondered for a moment, then looked towards Young Master Liu with a faint smile.

"Your Majesty, it has been three months and six days."

Hu Yanyu smiled lightly and said the exact time, which immediately attracted a large group of people to look at him.

Young Master Liu turned around and looked at Hu Yanyu curiously.

"It's been three months and six days. Brother Huyan, how can you remember it so clearly?"

The others also looked at Hu Yanyu with curious faces, waiting for his answer.

"Your Majesty, you don't know something. The day before he sent someone to contact us in Haining, it happened to be my birthday.

That's why I remember it so clearly. "

Seeing what Hu Yanyu said, Liu Dashao and others suddenly nodded in realization.

"I see. No wonder Brother Huyan remembers it so clearly."

"Hey, it's just a coincidence, just a coincidence."

"Three months ago, when Jiang He contacted you, where did they stop?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, we are at the port of Greece."

"A port in Greece?"


Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, stood up from the chair, and turned his eyes to look at the map in front of him.

“Three months ago, it was in Greece.

Uncle, uncle, Brother Huyan, can you estimate where Jiang He and the treasure fleet he led must have sailed to by now? "

After hearing this, a group of generals turned around and shifted their gazes to the map, thinking secretly as they pondered.

It took about ten breaths.

Nangong Ye withdrew his gaze, smiled softly and cupped his hands towards Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, based on the time and the positions of the Western countries, Haininghou and his treasure fleet should have sailed to the territory of the Franji Kingdom by now.

It is also possible that they have already passed the Franconian Country and reached the territory of the Sun Never Sets Country.

Of course, this is just the veteran's estimate.

As for their specific location, the veteran couldn't say clearly. "

When Liu Mingzhi heard Nangong Ye's answer, he immediately moved his eyes to the positions of the two countries, Francoji Country and Sun Never Set Country.

When he saw the location of Fo Langji Kingdom, his face couldn't help but froze.

"Fo Langji Country? Isn't this the location of the White Clothes Country?"

Listening to Young Master Liu's confused tone, Nangong Ye quickly turned around and waved to Zhang Kuang.

"Brother Zhang, this is your responsibility. It's up to you to explain it to His Majesty."

Zhang Kuaole nodded gently and immediately stood up and walked to Young Master Liu's side and stopped.

"Your Majesty, you don't know something. The Franji Country is a small country that is close to the ocean and was separated from the rule of the White Shiro Country in recent years.

Therefore, it is not a problem for you to say that the Kingdom of Folangji is a white-clothed country.

However, since the Franji Kingdom completely broke away from the control of the Bai Yi Da Shi Kingdom, they no longer recognized Bai Yi Da Shi's rule.

In these years, they have always called themselves the Kingdom of Folangji in the Western countries. "

After listening to Zhang Kuang's detailed explanation, Mr. Liu nodded with a clear expression.

Then, he murmured softly: "So that's it. I thought I remembered it wrong, young master."

"Huh? Your Majesty, what did you say? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing."


Liu Mingzhi looked at the location of the White Food Country on the map and sighed silently with a strange look on his face.

"If you put it this way, the current situation in the White Food Country is not very stable."

Zhang Kuang nodded happily after hearing what Liu Dashao said.

"Your Majesty has a keen eye, and he immediately saw the current situation of the White-Clothed Food Country.

According to the reports from the spies, in the past few months, the kings of the three kingdoms, the Kingdom of White Shirt, the Kingdom of Frank, and the Kingdom of Never Sets, have been having very close contacts in private.

The ministers and others were still discussing before, and they may have reached some agreement on mutual help. "

“Hehehe, maybe.

Okay, let’s not talk about this for now. Let’s continue talking about the rivers and fleets. "


Liu Mingzhi stared at the map in silence for a moment, then turned to look at Zhang Kuang standing next to him.

"Uncle, can our golden eagles and falcons directly contact the secret agents hidden in the country of Fo Langji, the country where the sun never sets?"

"Back to Your Majesty, I can't contact you directly. The Dashi King's City is too far away from those two countries, so I need to make a transit in Frankland."

Liu Mingzhi frowned instinctively, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Then, he looked at Zhang Kuang with a slightly helpless look and said loudly: "Just transfer it as soon as possible, as long as we can be contacted.

After you go back, immediately send a message to the golden eagles, or falcons, who are the secret agents hiding in these two countries.

After receiving the letter, they were ordered to immediately send people to inquire about the news about Jiang He and his treasure fleet.

Once they found out the information about Jiang He and the others, they immediately rushed to meet Jiang He as quickly as possible.

Then, he sent an order to Jiang He and ordered him to lead all the officers and soldiers of the treasure fleet to rush to the Dashi Country as soon as possible. "

"Yes, I obey my order. I will draft a letter after I return."

Liu Mingzhi nodded and looked at the map again.

"Are there any ports for ships to dock in those cities near the Mediterranean Sea in the west of the Great Food Country?"

Zhang Kuang nodded without hesitation, walked directly to the desk, stretched out his hand and clicked on the map several times.

"Your Majesty, there are a total of seven ports along the western coast of Dashi Country.

Among these seven ports of different sizes, the two closest to the Dashi King City are Beru Port and Haifa Port.

After Haininghou and the others land at any of the ports, they can go straight to the Royal City at any time. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced roughly at the locations Zhang Kuang had clicked, and nodded with a smile.

“It’s good to have a port, then just let Jiang He and the others sail directly to the frontier ports of the Great Food Country, and then land at one of the ports.

As for which port to dock in the end, Jiang He and the others will decide according to the situation. "

"Yes, the old minister understands."

Liu Mingzhi sat on the chair behind him again, chuckled and closed the jade fan in his hand, then turned to wave to Liu Song.


"The young one is here, young master, what are your orders?"

"The Four Treasures of the Study."


Liu Song nodded quickly, picked up the Four Treasures of the Study on the desk beside him, and trotted to Young Master Liu's side.

"Master, please."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and nodded, first put down the jade fan in his hand, and then directly rolled up his sleeves.

"Liu Song, spread out six pieces of rice paper." "Hey, I obey, little one."

Liu Song nodded vigorously and immediately picked up a stack of rice paper.

"Master, are you coming one by one? Or are you laying them all out at once?"

"Get it all ready at once."


Young Master Liu dipped his pen in the ink, put it down directly on the first piece of rice paper, and began to write swiftly.


On all six pieces of rice paper, Mr. Liu's vigorous and powerful calligraphy was left.

Then, Liu Mingzhi placed the pen on the brush washer beside him, then opened the fish bag at his waist and took out his personal seal from it.

After he breathed on his seal, he directly stamped his seal on the bottom corners of the six pieces of rice paper one by one.


"The old minister is here."

Liu Mingzhi put away his seal, smiled lightly and nuzzled at the six pieces of rice paper on the table.

"Jiang He's character is extremely cautious. If there is no proof, I am worried that he may not believe the words passed down by the spies.

Just in case, when you send a letter to the spy brothers in the two countries, please also take the letter written by me, young master, with you.

After this kid Jiang He saw my handwritten letter, he wouldn't suspect anything. "

"Your Majesty is wise, I obey your orders."

"Okay, put it away quickly."

"Okay, okay, I will put it away now."

"Liu Song, please remove the Four Treasures of the Study."

"Yes, my little one obeys."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea cup and took a casual sip of tea. He looked up at Zhang Kuang who was carefully folding six pieces of rice paper.

"Uncle, Jiang He and the others may have sailed to the territory of the two countries, Folangji Country and the Sun Never Sets Country. This is just our speculation.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality.

Also just in case, after you send a letter to the spies in these two countries, you also send a letter to the spies in other countries near the seaside.

After receiving the letter, they were ordered to immediately go to inquire about the news about Jiang He and his fleet.

No matter where the brothers found Jiang He's whereabouts, they all followed the methods I just mentioned. "

"Old minister, I obey. I will start preparations immediately after I return."

"That's all for now about Jiang He and Dingbang.

Uncle, please go back and sit down first. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, sir."

After Zhang Kuang sat down, Young Master Liu chuckled and looked around at the generals around him.

“We’ve pretty much talked about the important things.

Master, I have another small matter here that is not particularly important, and I would like to inquire about it from you.

Uncles, uncles, uncles, Yale seniors, brothers, do you know this person? "

When everyone heard Young Master Liu's inquiry, they all looked towards Young Master Liu.

"Krich, a Westerner?"

"Krich, why does this name sound so familiar?"

"Yes, yes, brother Cheng Kai, you are right. I also think this name sounds very familiar."

"Krich, Krich, I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

When Liu Dashan saw everyone thinking hard, he was about to say that Krich was a businessman.

Wanyan Chizha suddenly opened her eyes wide and clapped her hands vigorously.

"Krich, I think about it, isn't this the one?
Your Majesty, is the Krich you just mentioned a Western businessman? "

When Liu Mingzhi saw Wanyan Chizha reveal the identity of Merchant Krich at once, he knew that he had already figured out who he was talking about.

"Hahaha, uncle, you are right, this man is indeed a Western businessman."

When the rest of the people heard what Young Master Liu and Wanyan Chiezha said, their eyes lit up.

"Oh, I remembered it, I remembered it, it turned out to be him."

"Haha, I also remembered it.

Crich, isn't this the big businessman from Rome? "

"That's right, it's him, that's him."

"Hey, I just said why this name sounds so familiar. It turns out to be this person."

Liu Mingzhi saw the reactions of the generals who suddenly understood. He pulled out the stopper on the wine bag with a smile, raised the wine bag and took a sip of wine.

"My young master, from your reaction, it seems that you all know this person?"

All the generals cupped their hands in unison and responded in unison.

"Your Majesty, everyone knows this person."

When Liu Mingzhi heard this, he smiled in surprise and shook his head.

"Hehehe, it seems that I, the young master, have underestimated this person.

Can any of you tell me how you met this Krich? "

As soon as Young Master Liu said these words, a group of generals suddenly looked at each other with strange expressions.

Seeing such a reaction from a group of people, Master Liu couldn't help but show doubts on his face.

"No, what's going on? What's your reaction?"

Zhang Kuang stretched out his hand to pinch the tip of his nose, and laughed several times with an angry expression.

"Hehehe, Your Majesty, what's that? After I told you the reason, I hope your Majesty won't be offended."

Young Master Liu heard the arrogant words and frowned hesitantly.

Finally, he raised the wine bag and took a sip of wine, without directly answering the arrogant words.

"Uncle, you'd better tell me what's going on first."

Zhang Kuang couldn't help but become nervous when he saw Young Master Liu's reaction.

"Your Majesty, it's like this. All of you have been given gifts by this person."

"What? Krich gave each of you a gift?"

"Return to Your Majesty, that's right."

"Then did you accept the gift he gave you?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, all the ministers and ministers who gave me valuable gifts made excuses to decline.

I couldn't refuse the small gifts, so I accepted them. "

Hearing the crazy answer, Young Master Liu quickly glanced at the generals around him, and his expression instantly became serious.

"small gift?"


"Are you sure?"

"In reply to Your Majesty, I am willing to put my head on my head as a guarantee, but all I receive are small, worthless gifts.

Some things are not even gifts. "(End of chapter)

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