Chapter 3459
"Your Majesty, I am also willing to pledge my head as a guarantee. Please give me your Majesty's approval."

The other generals waited until Zhang Kuang finished speaking and immediately echoed in unison.


"Return to your majesty, seriously!"

Liu Mingzhi shook the folding fan in his hand and nodded thoughtfully.

"So best."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"Tell me what's going on."

"Your Majesty, you don't know, in fact, I don't even want to accept those small gifts.

However, this person is really pestering.

At first, he wanted to come to the palace three or five times a day to ask for an audience with his ministers.

After I guessed his purpose, I directly rejected this person's request for an interview. Moreover, every time he asked for an interview, I refused.

However, this person was not angry after being rejected by his ministers.

However, he did not leave. He just kept guarding outside the palace gate for a whole day.

At the most extreme time, as soon as it gets dark in the morning, he has already gone to guard outside the palace gate and will not leave until around sunset.

As soon as I walked out of the palace gate and saw my figure, I immediately smiled with a smile on my face and respectfully came up to greet my minister.

Then, either I want to invite you to a restaurant for a drink, or I want to invite you to the fireworks place to have fun. "

Young Master Liu raised his wine bag and took a sip of wine, then glanced at the group of generals with a slightly raised brow.

"Oh? Did you go then?"

When Zhang Kuang heard Liu Dashao's inquiry, he waved his hand hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, as the saying goes, when you treat others with courtesy, you must ask for something.

I know clearly that this person is acting like this, and he must be asking for something from me. If this is the case, how can I dare to agree to this person's invitation?

However, this person is really pestering.

No matter how the ministers rejected his invitation, he still persevered and continued to invite the ministers.

As the saying goes, don't slap someone in the face with your hand.

The ministers and others have obviously been tortured endlessly by him, but they are helpless.

After all, he neither violated the rules nor did he do anything excessive to his ministers, nor did he say any unpleasant curses.

We can't let the soldiers teach someone a lesson just because they want to invite you to drink and have fun with them every day.

Besides, he didn't force his way into the palace gate, he just sat idle outside the palace gate with nothing to do.

We can't just ask the soldiers to drive people away just because they are sitting outside the palace gate, right?

After all, it's not an important place outside the palace gate. If someone wants to sit there, that's their own property, right?

During that time, I and others had already been tortured by this person.

However, I am waiting here, and I cannot stay in the palace without going out.

We have so many things to do every day, including patrolling on the city wall and inspecting the soldiers' battle formations in the military camp.

In this case, how could I never go out?
Then, as soon as I go out, I will be blocked by this guy.

Then, the scene from the past is reenacted.

First, with a smile on his face, he greets you respectfully, then he takes out some rare gadgets for you and stuffs them into your hand like a treasure.

When I saw that you didn't accept it, I started to use the same rhetoric of inviting you to have a drink again.

You say you are busy in the morning, but they say they will treat you in the evening.

You say you are busy today, but they say you will be invited tomorrow.

If you say you may not be free these days, they will tell you when you are free, and you will be rewarded when you are free.

This, this, this, this.

This guy seems to have no idea what shame is. "

When Zhang Kuang said this, he smiled helplessly and sighed.


"Your Majesty, this is already the case. Do you think I can stop accepting those small gifts from him?"

Seeing the helpless expression on the arrogant old face, Liu Mingzhi turned his head and looked at the other generals with a strange expression.


Nangong Ye, Wanyan Chizha, Yunchong, Cheng Kai, Ning Chao, Han Peng and others all nodded helplessly when they heard Liu Dashao's question.

"Go back to your Majesty, that's true."

"Your Majesty, I really had no choice but to accept those small gifts.

"Your Majesty, you can't beat me, you can't drive me away, you can curse me occasionally, but I don't care at all.

As long as there is some way, I will never accept those small gifts. "

"Your Majesty, my salary for a year is quite large. I can't buy anything I want.

When we were in the Great Dragon Kingdom, we had never seen the good things we wanted, so how could we be greedy for his small gifts.

There is no way, really there is no way. "

"The ministers and others seconded the proposal, please learn from your majesty."

Seeing the helpless expressions on everyone's faces, Young Master Liu couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, hahaha.

Interesting, really interesting.

It seems that this person is a wonderful person. "

Zhang Kuang picked up the wine glass on the table and drank the wine in one gulp. He chuckled and shook his head with a sad expression.

"Your Majesty, this person has a thick skin, which is rare in the world.

But then again, being thick-skinned naturally has its benefits. "

Liu Mingzhi pinched an almond and put it in his mouth, leaning sideways on the chair and crossing his legs with a smile.

"What happened next? What did he do after you accepted his little gift?"

Zhang Kuang picked up the pot and refilled himself with a glass of fine wine, looking at Young Master Liu and letting out a sigh of relief.

"Later, just as the veteran said before.

Courtesy to people, there must be something to ask for.

After I waited for most of the people here to accept the small gifts from this person, about seven or eight days passed.

He began to send some more expensive gifts to his ministers, each time becoming more expensive.

When the ministers saw that the gifts were of great value, they excused themselves on the spot.

Then, this guy started his shameless style again. No matter whether the minister accepted his gift or not, he still delivered it without fail.

Keeping it like this is not an option.

Later, when the ministers, brothers and others gathered together, they simply asked him directly what his purpose was.

When he gives gifts to his ministers, they are definitely not for nothing, they must be for something.

The ministers and others discussed it and decided that if his plea was not too much, we might as well just do it for him.

This saves him from pestering the ministers and others every day, which not only affects the ministers' mood but also delays their time.

Therefore, the ministers and others took the initiative to send someone to invite this person over during a day when each other was free.

Good fellow, Your Majesty, you don’t know.When he came to the palace for an appointment, he directly brought ten boxes of gold, silver, jewelry, and various rare treasures.

After I saw this situation, I was stunned on the spot. "

Liu Mingzhi chuckled, raised his eyebrows, and threw the newly peeled melon seeds into his mouth with a smile.

"Hehehe, uncle, although there are indeed a lot of gold, silver, jewelry and various rare treasures in ten boxes, it won't make you stunned, right?"

Listening to Young Master Liu's slightly questioning tone, Zhang Kuang raised his glass and took a sip of wine, smiling gloomily a few times.

"Hehe, hehe, Your Majesty, I was not stunned by the gold and silver jewelry he gave me, but by the way he gave the gifts."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Your Majesty, when someone gives a gift to someone, they don't do it secretly.

It was good for him. After he and his servants delivered the ten large boxes of gifts to the ministers openly and honestly, he did not care whether there were people from the imperial court of the Great Food Kingdom or the patrolling palace guards present, and asked his servants to put the ten boxes of gifts on the spot All the big boxes were opened.

Boy, all of a sudden.

It was a shimmering golden light, jewels and jewels, so dazzling that the eyes of everyone present were dazzled.

Your Majesty, let’s not say that I had no intention of accepting these valuable gifts.

Even if I really want to accept these valuable gifts, if he does this, can I still accept them?Do you still dare to accept it?
I have been living for decades, and this is the first time we have seen someone giving gifts to others like this.

I have to say that it was an eye-opener for me and others. "

“Hahaha, hahaha, interesting, interesting.

Uncle, what next? "

“When I saw this situation, of course I didn’t dare to accept it.

Later, when I invited him to sit down for dinner, after three glasses of wine, we didn't hesitate and asked him on the spot what his purpose was. "

Hearing Zhang Kuang get to the point, Liu Mingzhi gradually put away the smile on his face and his expression became serious.

"What did he say?"

"Your Majesty, Krich heard my question. After hesitating for a while, he told me the purpose of his actions.

He hopes that my brothers and others can come forward and take the lead for him and our Dalong caravan.

Then let me persuade all the caravans from our Dalong to sell all the goods from our Dalong Celestial Dynasty brought by our Dalong caravan to him at a suitable price. "

Liu Mingzhi briefly recalled the words that Cliffie said to him at that time, and rolled his eyes thoughtfully.

"Uncle, this head shouldn't be in vain, right?"

"His Majesty, the Holy Ming, spoke of the key point at once.

Krich clearly told his ministers that only our Dalong caravan will sell all the goods from our Dalong Celestial Empire to him.

He can guarantee that all of our Dalong caravans who are willing to sell goods to him can make money.

It's just a matter of making more or less.

Moreover, this person is quite honest.

He told his ministers without any secret that if our Dalong caravan sold the goods to him, although it would make less money, it would save a lot of time.

With the time saved, our Dalong caravan can travel around the western countries and buy some rare goods that our Dalong side lacks.

In this way, the money that is missed can be quickly made up from other places.

As for those dragon caravans who are unwilling to sell their goods to him and plan to trade with the locals themselves, they may make more money, but they will waste a lot of time.

Earn less money and save most of your time.

To earn a little more money means to waste some time.

In the end, whether you earn it or transfer it, you just have to think about it yourself.

These words are the exact words that Crich said to his ministers. "

"Uncle, I still have the same problem. Isn't this head pulled for nothing?"

"Your Majesty, this head is indeed not in vain.

In order to thank his ministers, he was willing to divide the profits he gained with his ministers and the caravans who were willing to sell goods to him.

I can make [-]% of the profit here, [-]% will be given to our Dalong caravan, and the remaining [-]% will be his own. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyebrows slightly, raised the wine bag in his hand and put it into his mouth.

After taking several gulps of wine, Mr. Liu laughed and took a long breath of wine.

"Hehehe, you are [-]%, and our Dalong caravan is [-]%.

He gave away [-]% of his profits at once, this person is quite courageous. "

Zhang Kuang listened to Young Master Liu's slightly surprised tone and nodded with a look of deep approval.

"Your Majesty, you are right, this person is indeed very courageous.

When I was waiting here for the first time, I was also surprised by this person's courage.

It was then that we realized that this person was not only a thick-skinned man, but also a man of great courage and magnanimity.

I dare to tell the truth, if it weren't for the dragon caravans in our hands, they would all be caravans disguised by fellow spies.

Chen and other brothers and others really want to cooperate with them. "

"So, you just rejected him directly?"

"Your Majesty, what else can I do if I don't refuse?

The things that I and other brothers are busy with here are all major military matters. We can't really put down what we are doing to cooperate with them just because we want to make so much money, right?
If you delay some trivial matters, they will be delayed, and no loss will be caused.

A major military event cannot be delayed for even a moment. "

"The minister waits for a second opinion."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, smiled and took a few sips of wine.

"Uncle, uncle, what was Krich's reaction after you rejected him? Did he just give up?"

"Back to Your Majesty, after he was rejected by me, he probably thought that I was dissatisfied with the benefits he distributed to us.

So, he told the ministers that he was willing to give up another [-]% of the profits to the ministers.

We had no intention of cooperating with each other, so we rejected him again without hesitation. "

"What happened next? He just gave up?"

"Your Majesty, he may have noticed that I really have no intention of cooperating with him.

Then he made the next best thing. "

"Oh? What kind of request is it?"

"Your Majesty, he is willing to provide a batch of silver to ensure that his several shops in the royal city will not be treated unfairly.

At the same time, when his shop encounters harassment from some local gangsters, the soldiers in the city can rush over immediately to help him resolve the dispute. "

After listening to the arrogant answer, Liu Mingzhi nodded thoughtfully.

"Then do you agree?"

"Your Majesty, I agree.

After all, ensuring peace and stability in the city is originally the duty of ministers.

Since he is willing to provide a batch of silver, it is just a matter of convenience for me to pay more attention to the stability of his shop.

All the money he took out was used to supplement food for the soldiers who were training hard.

It's the best of both worlds, why wouldn't I do it. "

“Well, you’re doing pretty well at this point.

I am also idle, young master. Please make an appointment with this person. "

(End of this chapter)

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