My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3460 Gives You a Chance

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on Zhang Kuang's face.

"What? Your Majesty, do you want to meet this person?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhang Kuang's surprised expression and asked with a chuckle: "What? Can't I make an appointment with this person?"

Zhang Kuang responded, chuckled and shook his head.

"No, no, I am just a little surprised that Your Majesty would actually meet with a businessman like him."

"Uncle, I am very interested in the cooperation methods that Krich mentioned, and I plan to talk to him about the details.

If we can really reach cooperation with them, it will be a good thing with no harm to our Dalong businessmen.

It just depends on whether the conditions he mentioned satisfy me.

If he can really satisfy me, I don't mind promoting a mutually beneficial good thing. "

Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, Wanyan Chizha and others saw what Young Master Liu said and after thinking about it for a moment, they roughly understood what he was thinking.

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"Your Majesty, when do you plan to meet with this person?"

"Just within two or three days, when it's convenient for me, I will ask Liu Song to go over and inform you.

Then, you can just send someone to invite Creech over. "

"Yes, I understand."

"By the way, Your Majesty, where do you plan to meet this person?
If the wine was served in the palace, the veteran would not have to arrange anything.

If it is in a restaurant somewhere, the veteran should go and arrange it in advance. "

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment, chuckled and waved his hand.

"No need to waste more energy, just meet inside the palace."

"Okay, I understand."

Young Master Liu raised his head and took a swig of wine, then stood up and stretched.

"Uncle, uncle, Hu Yanyu, brothers, you don't have anything else to do, right?"

When the generals saw that Young Master Liu had stood up, they stood up one after another and saluted.

"Replying to your Majesty, everything is fine."

Seeing the situation, Liu Dash casually closed the cork of the wine in his hand, smiled and waved gently to a group of people.

"Okay, since you have nothing else to do, just go back and do your own business."

"The ministers will retire first."

After a group of generals bowed in unison, they turned around and dispersed.

Young Master Liu looked at the people leaving, suddenly thought of something, and immediately turned his attention to Zhang Kuang.


Hearing Young Master Liu's words, Nangong Ye and Nangong Ye suddenly stopped in their steps, and then looked back in unison.

Then, they asked again in unison.

"The old minister is here, Your Majesty?"

"The old minister is here, Your Majesty?"

Seeing this situation, Mr. Liu chuckled and pointed towards Zhang Kuang.

"Uncle, after you go back, send someone to this young master and I will send over all the documents about the Western countries that you have handled in the past year."

"Your Majesty, nearly a year?"

"Yes, all the documents related to Western countries in the past year will be sent here."

"I obey my order. After I return, I will immediately send my own soldiers to deliver the box containing the official documents to Your Majesty."

"Okay, let's go."

"Yes, the old minister will leave."

Young Master Liu straightened his sleeves, gently shook the folding fan in his hand, and looked at Song Qing, Liu Song, Du Yu, and Tao Li.

"Brother, Du Yu, Tao Li, you all should go back and do your own business.

If there is anything going on here, Liu Song will let you know. "

"Okay, then I'll go back first, brother."

"Commander, our brothers are going back first."

"Hehehe, okay, okay, go ahead and get busy,"

After Song Qing and Du Yu hugged each other, they turned and walked towards their respective residences.

In just a few moments.

Outside the huge palace, only Master Liu and Liu Song's master and servant were left.

Liu Mingzhi's eyes lit up when he saw the rocking chair placed outside the palace gate.

"Liu Song, where did this rocking chair come from?"

"Back to the young master, it was the younger brother and Du Yu who moved here from the Duke Protector."

Young Master Liu nodded happily and walked towards the rocking chair in front of him unhurriedly.

"Liu Song, please clean up the things on the table first. Master, I will lie down for a while."

"Hey, little one knows."

After Mr. Liu fell asleep on the rocking chair, he looked contented and groaned softly.

"Ah! It's comfortable."

After Young Master Liu adjusted himself to a comfortable position, he looked at the warm sun in the clear sky and narrowed his eyes sadly.

My group has been away from Dalong for almost half a year, and I don’t know how the children are doing.

Especially Yiyi, Feifei, Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Chenggan and their brothers and sisters, whether they can handle the affairs in the court in an orderly manner.

Will the civil and military officials in the DPRK follow his instructions and do their best to assist their brothers and sisters in handling the government affairs of the DPRK?

Young Master Liu thought of this, and a flash of light quickly flashed deep in his eyes.

Chengzhi, Chengzhi, as a father, I have already given you the opportunity.

You kid, you must live up to your expectations!
I hope you will not disappoint me as a father.

Thinking of his son Liu Chengzhi, a cute little figure suddenly appeared in front of Young Master Liu's eyes.

I originally wanted to see what kind of disturbance Yue'er, a stinky girl, would cause in the court after she left the capital.

Unexpectedly, this stinky girl didn't play according to common sense at all.

After he left the capital with Yun'er, Yan'er, the Queen, Qinglian and the other sisters, he also left the capital and followed them secretly.

With this, Dalong followed him to the borders of the Western Regions.

Then, they followed from the Western Regions to the present King's City of Dashi.

The opportunities he left for her were completely useless.

Thinking of what the little cutie had done, Young Master Liu sighed to himself with a look of helplessness.


Stinky girl, stinky girl, I won’t give you a chance unless you are a father.

But as a father, I gave you a chance, but you didn't grasp it yourself.

In the future, if your second brother and your third brother really do something great.

I hope, you stinky girl, you won’t complain about my partiality as a father.

Liu Mingzhi thought about it, and the complicated look on the Queen's face when she first saw Yue'er, a stinky girl, appeared at the border a few months ago could not help but reappear in front of her eyes.

From the change in her expression, I could already tell what she was thinking at that time.

Maybe, this girl, Yue'er, is really not destined for that position.

The world is impermanent, good fortune tricks people.

Yue'er, Yue'er, how wonderful it would be if you were born in a male body.

Liu Mingzhi himself couldn't remember clearly. This was the first time he had expressed such emotion.

Knowing that it is impossible, knowing that there is no if.

However, whenever I think about the prince, crown prince, and successor, I can't help but sigh.

For now, with the ability of his second son Liu Chengzhi, he can still control the current civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

But what about the future?

Dalong's world is destined to be more than just the three territories of Dalong's Inner Palace, Beifu, and Xinfu.

There is also a larger territory that will be included in the territory of the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty one day in the future.

When that time comes, can the second son Liu Chengzhi still be able to control him?

While Young Master Liu's mind was racing, time passed quietly.I don’t know how long it took.

Liu Song's voice suddenly sounded outside the palace door.



Young Master Liu suddenly came out of his reverie, opened his eyes and looked towards Liu Song.

"Well, Liu Song, what's wrong?"

Hearing his young master's questioning words, Liu Song turned slightly sideways, stretched out his hand and gestured towards the left front.

"Master, the soldier who sent you the document is here."

Upon hearing this, Young Master Liu immediately raised his head and looked in the direction of Liu Song's finger, only to find four strong soldiers standing not far away.

The four soldiers worked in teams of two, each carrying a medium-sized box.

At this time, they were forcibly suppressing the excitement on their faces, pretending to look calmly at themselves.

Young Master Liu sat up directly and raised his hand to signal to Liu Song.

"Liu Song, hurry, hurry, let them come here."


"Four brothers, my young master asked you to come over."

"We obey orders."

Hearing Liu Song's greeting, the four soldiers responded quickly and hurriedly moved two boxes towards Young Master Liu.

The four of them stopped about two steps away from Young Master Liu. After putting down the boxes in their hands, they quickly knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"We see Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Young Master Liu nodded slightly and held up his hands cheerfully.

"Excuse me, excuse me, get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After the four people stood up, they looked at Young Master Liu with excited expressions.

"Your Majesty, it turns out you have really come to Dashi Country."

"Yes, yes, we thought it was those stupid days... Uh-huh, bah-bah-bah, we thought those brothers were joking with us.

It turns out that what they said was true. "

"Your Majesty, we finally see you again."

"Your Majesty, brothers, it's great to finally see you again."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the four excited people and nodded sadly.

"Yeah, it's great that we meet again."

"Your Majesty, please see, this is the official document that you ordered the commander-in-chief and asked the brothers to send you for the past year."

"Are these two boxes full of documents?"

"Your Majesty, it's all true.

Look, do you need me and the four brothers to move the box to the main hall for you? "

Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze, chuckled and shook his head.

"No, no, just leave it here for now."


"Four brothers, I still need to look through these official documents, so I won't let you reminisce about the past for the time being.

After I finish all these business matters, we will meet again in the military camp. "

Hearing this, the four people quickly raised their hands and gave each other a fist.

"We obey, we will take our leave first."

"Alright, go ahead."

The four of them nodded vigorously, turned around, and strode away in high spirits.

Liu Mingzhi first stood up from the rocking chair, then reached out and lifted the rocking chair and walked towards the shade next to the palace door.

"Liu Song, I feel uncomfortable reading paperwork under the sun. Please move the box over here."

"Okay, little one understands."

"Can you do it alone? Do you want me to help you, Master?"

"Master, I can just come here by myself."

Liu Mingzhi smiled and nodded, casually arranged his clothes, and lay down on the rocking chair again.

Liu Song rolled up the sleeves on his arms, leaned over and lifted a box, and walked towards Young Master Liu at a leisurely pace.

"Master, would you like to put it on the left or the right?"



Liu Song responded loudly and gently placed the box in his hand on the right side of the rocking chair.

Then, he opened the lid of the wooden box directly.

"Master, you watch first while the little one goes to move another box."

"Well, let's go."

Liu Mingzhi closed the Wanli Jiangshan engraved jade fan in his hand, leaned forward and looked at the piles of documents tied with ropes inside the box.

After carefully selecting the documents based on the dates written on the covers, he picked up a pile of documents marked with dates from a year ago and put them in his arms.

Then, he untied the rope on the document, took out the bottom document, and lay on the rocking chair minding his own business.

Then, he casually opened the document in his hand and read the contents attentively.

After Liu Song came over carrying another box, he saw Young Master Liu looking at the documents in his hand attentively, and carefully placed the box in his hand next to the first box.

"Master, please watch first while I continue to clear the table."

Liu Dashao looked through the documents in his hand without moving his head and responded with a soft nasal sound.


Seeing this, Liu Song walked towards the table not far away with light steps.

Time passed quietly, and the sun gradually rose higher.

The documents in Young Master Liu's hands changed one after another.

It was about three poles above sunrise.

On the road on the left side of the palace gate, the laughter like silver bells from Qi Yun, the third princess, Qi Ya, Wenren Yunshu, Chen Jie, Huang Lingyi and others suddenly came.

Young Master Liu heard the laughter of a group of ladies, and his mind immediately moved away from the documents.

He subconsciously put down the document in his hand and turned his head to look at the source of the sound.

When he turned around and looked around, he happened to see Qi Yun, the third princess and their sisters, Little Cutie, Gumelanya, Safisa and the others, talking and laughing towards the palace. Coming from outside the palace gate.

The little cutie saw Young Master Liu lying on the rocking chair, holding two boxes in his hands, and immediately jumped over and ran over.

"Hehehe, stinky daddy, what are you doing?"

Mr. Liu, a cute little boy with a playful smile, held up the document in his hand and shook it casually twice.

"If you have nothing to do, let's take a look at the documents of the two armies in recent years."

"Oh fine."



Qi Yun, the three princesses, the sisters and others all gave him a blessing with smiling eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Gumelanya and Safisa also gave blessings in unison.


"His Majesty."

Seeing this, Liu Dash chuckled and waved his hand.

"Okay, okay, no gifts, no gifts at all."

"Thank you husband."

"Thank you brother-in-law."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Young Master Liu looked at the large and small boxes in the hands of a group of ladies and sat up happily.

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