My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3461 Is this the case too?

"Yun'er, Yan'er, how are you? Have you sisters bought everything you need to buy?"

Qi Yun, the third princess, Qinglian, Yun Xiaoxi and the other sisters all nodded with smiles on their faces when they heard their husband's question.

Then, all the beauties unanimously lifted up the large and small boxes in their hands and gestured to Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Husband, my sisters have already bought back all the things that should be bought."

"Husband, in addition to the things we sisters need, I also bought you some things that you may find useful.

After I go back and pick out the things, I will deliver them to you immediately. "

"Okay, okay, Sister Shan, you are interested."

"Oh, this is what I should do."

Liu Mingzhi nodded happily, turned around and took a look at the boxes in the little cutie's hands.

"Yue'er, you should have prepared everything you can use on a daily basis, right?"

The little cutie held the box in his hand and shook it gently a few times, looking at Young Master Liu and nodding with a smile.

"Hehehe, smelly old man, look, as long as I can use this girl, I have everything ready."

Young Master Liu glanced at the box in the little cutie's hand, then chuckled and shook off the jade fan in his hand.

“Hehehe, it’s good to have everything ready, it’s good to have everything ready.

Save it when the time comes, girl, you either lack this thing or that thing, and I won’t be able to rest in peace if you come here to disturb me every day. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's teasing words, the smile on the cutie's pretty face suddenly froze.
She looked at Young Master Liu with a teasing smile on his face, and immediately pouted his cherry lips angrily, raised his lotus feet wearing cowhide boots and stomped on the ground a few times.

At the same time, he snorted angrily.

"Hmph, stinky daddy, what do you mean by that?"

Young Master Liu saw the little cutie's angry look and shook the folding fan in his hand with a smile. The teasing look on his face not only did not diminish, but intensified.

Every time I see this stinky girl fuming in front of me, I can't help but feel happy in my heart.

When you have nothing to do, teasing your children is always one of the joys of life.

Even if the child is very old, it will still give people a sense of fun.

Teasing children is fun.

There is also fun in teasing older children.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie's pouty cherry mouth that could hold an oil bottle, and raised his brows happily.

"Yue'er, you stinky girl, you are so smart, how come you can't understand what my father's words mean?

Of course, if you really can't understand it, as a father, I don't mind explaining it to you in detail. "

Seeing that her stinking old man continued to tease her, the jade-like teeth in the little cutie's red lips suddenly made a crunching sound.

"Crack, creak, creak."

My stinky dad is really too much.

Seeing the little cutie gritting his teeth angrily, Liu Dashan laughed happily again.

"Yue'er, why are you grinding your teeth all the time? Do you have a toothache?"

"Smelly daddy, you!"

"Oh? What happened to me as a father?"

"Smelly daddy, you! You! You!"

All the beauties looked at Young Master Liu who was bickering with each other. The cute father and daughter all looked helpless and chuckled while shaking their heads.

The father and daughter are two decades old, and the other is a 20-year-old girl.

But they were still like children, bickering among themselves.

I really don’t know when the father and daughter will be able to calm down.

As for Gumelanya and Safisa standing next to Qi Yun, the third princess, Xue Bizhu and their sisters.

One looked like he was used to it, while the other looked at the husband and wife in shock.

Gumelanya's reaction was because she had become accustomed to such situations.

On the way to the Dashi King City, the father and daughter would stage such a scene every now and then.

She has seen it so many times that she has gone from being surprised at the beginning to being surprised now.

The reason why Safisa looked shocked was because it was the first time she saw a father and daughter getting along like this.

It turns out that father and daughter can get along so harmoniously.

Safisa looked at Liu Dashao and his daughter, and blinked her eyes slightly with curiosity on her face.

Dalong Tianchao is really a magical place.

If the matter between myself and Brother Huyan really comes to an end.

One day, I must follow him to the Dalong Heavenly Kingdom to have a look.

Take a look at this place, which is completely different from the West.

Naturally, Dashao Liu didn't know what was going on inside a group of beauties.

At this time, he was still deliberately teasing the little cutie who looked angry when buying her beautiful face.

“Stinky girl, you’ve always been yours.

What's wrong with me as a father, you tell me! "

The little cutie turned her head and looked at the people around her. She opened her little cherry mouth and took a few deep breaths to calm down her mood.

Now that Safisa, a person she was not particularly familiar with, was around, she had to stay calm.

Otherwise, it will be hard to give up on your natural beauty, and your image as a stunning beauty in the world will be completely ruined.

The little cutie forcibly restrained the urge to "fight" directly with her stinky dad, and her pretty face once again showed a smile that is more delicate than a flower.

Then, she looked at Mr. Liu and shook his head with a smile.

"Hehehe, good daddy, I wish you a long life."

Liu Da had never seen this situation before, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

What's the situation? This is not in line with the character of this stinky girl.

If things were left in the past, even if her name was not his opponent, she would definitely pounce on him and "fight" with him.

It wasn't until he was beaten with his shoe in his hand that he screamed and screamed. After he couldn't bear it anymore, he would admit his dissatisfaction and surrender unwillingly to himself.

How could this stinky girl be so calm this time?
Liu Mingzhi was puzzled when he suddenly noticed that the little cutie was looking to the side intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing the little cutie's reaction, he subconsciously glanced in the direction where the cutie's eyes were looking.

When he saw Safisa, who was a few steps to the left of the little cutie standing in front of him, he suddenly understood.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out to be for this reason.

Hehehe, hehehe.

Young Master Liu chuckled a few times in his heart and shook his head with a strange expression.

It turns out that this stinky girl sometimes pays attention to her own image.

Liu Mingzhi casually closed the folding fan in his hand, lay down on the rocking chair behind him again, and then raised his eyes to look at Qi Yun, Wenren Yunshu and the other sisters.


"Hey, my concubine is here."

"Yun'er, Yan'er, Yun Shu, you sisters, don't stand here all the time.

Don't you feel tired and flustered with such things in your hands?You should go back first and put the things in your hands in your respective rooms. "

As soon as Liu Mingzhi said this, a group of people reacted belatedly.

I was just focused on watching the show, but I forgot that I was carrying a lot of things in my hands.

Qi Yun lowered her eyes and looked at the things in her hands, then smiled and nodded lightly at her husband.

"Hmm, I know.

Husband, the concubine sisters, Lanya sisters, and Safisa went back first. "

"Okay, then you can go back first."

"Husband, sisters who are concubines will retire first."
"Brother-in-law, little sister, please leave first."

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I will take my leave first, little lady."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, smiled softly and waved his hand.

Qi Yun gave Ren Qingrui a meaningful wink with a smile on her face, then turned and left first.

When the third princess, Qinglian and others saw this, they glanced at Ren Qingrui vaguely.

Ren Qingrui noticed the glances of the good sisters, her beautiful eyes were shy, and she nodded her head a few times with subtle movements.

The third princess, Murong Shan, Chen Jie, sisters Yun Qingshi and others received responses from Ren Qingrui, and then they set off one after another to catch up with Qi Yun.

As for Gumelanya and Safisa, they just chuckled and followed.

The little cutie turned to look at Ren Qingrui, smiled, and waved gently to her.

"Aunt Qingrui, see you later."

Ren Qingrui also smiled and responded softly.

"Well, see you later."

Xiao Ke turned to glance at Young Master Liu and snorted.


Then, she didn't care what Young Master Liu's reaction was, and chased after Qi Yun, the third princess, Qing Lian and the other sisters with an arrogant expression.

"Moms, please wait for me."

Young Master Liu looked at the little cutie trotting away, chuckled and shook his head.

"soy Mujer."

As the figures of the group of people gradually receded into the distance, Young Master Liu happily retracted his gaze.

However, when he withdrew his gaze, his last glimpse happened to pass over the body of the Queen of Eaters, Safisa.


Young Master Liu suddenly raised his head and his eyes fell directly on Safisa.

He looked at Safisa's graceful figure, frowned slightly and shook his head.

Previously, when Hu Yanyu, Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye and the others were still here, he only focused on talking to them about business matters, but he forgot to leave Hu Yanyu behind and asked him what was going on between him and Safisa. .

That's it, that's it.

Anyway, I have plenty of time here. When I receive Feng Yan in the evening, I will find a suitable opportunity to ask Hu Yanyu about this matter.

When Ren Qingrui saw Young Master Liu staring at the backs of Qi Yun, Qinglian, Ling Weier, and Xiaocutie, she bent her slender waist towards Young Master Liu with a curious expression.

"Da Guoguo, what are you looking at?"

When Young Master Liu heard the sound, he immediately withdrew his gaze, looked up at the beautiful woman's curious expression, flapped the Wanli Jiangshan jade fan in his hand and chuckled a few times.

"Hehehe, Brother Wei saw Queen Safisa and couldn't help but think of what happened to Brother Huyan."

"What's going on with Brother Huyan?"

"Yes, when Brother Huyan was still here just now, Brother Wei and I were just talking about business with them.

Now when I saw Queen Safisa, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to leave Brother Huyan behind and ask about the situation between him and Queen Safisa. "

After hearing Young Master Liu's explanation, Ren Qingrui nodded his head a few times with a clear expression.

"So that's it, my sister knows."

Immediately, Ren Qingrui turned her jade neck and looked around for a few times. After confirming that there was no one else around except Liu Song, she picked up the hem of her clothes and squatted down gently next to Young Master Liu. .

Liu Dashan was slightly startled when he saw the beauty's behavior.

"Girl, are you?"

Upon hearing this, Ren Qingrui directly put her slender arms on the armrests of the rocking chair and looked up at Young Master Liu with a curious expression.

"Da Guoguo, do you also think that Brother Huyan and Sister Safisa are a good match?"

When Liu Mingzhi heard Ren Qingrui's question, he paused while shaking his folding fan. He did not expect that the beauty would ask such a question.

"Girl, what's the matter? Are you curious about what happened between Brother Huyan and Queen Safisa?"

Ren Qingrui smiled slightly and rolled her eyes a few times, and said in a sweet and soft tone: "If you want to say that you are very curious, it is not true. If you want to say that you are not curious at all, then it is naturally false."

Listening to the beauty's frank answer, Young Master Liu smiled and nodded.

"Hehehe, hehehe, it's normal."

"Hehehe, Daguoguo, so, do you think Brother Huyan and Sister Safisa are suitable for each other?"

Seeing the beauty asking the same question again, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and pondered for a moment, then put his hand on the beauty's shoulder and patted it gently a few times.

"Girl, if it were 20 years ago, I might have thought about your question carefully before telling you the answer."

When Ren Qingrui heard what her sweetheart said, her face, which was originally full of curiosity, suddenly became even more curious.

"Daguoguo, how about spreading it now?"

Liu Mingzhi turned sideways and adjusted a comfortable posture, and gently hooked his finger on the beauty's pretty nose.

“Now, as a brother, I mean, let everything take its course.

Brother Huyan is a few years older than Brother Wu Chi. As far as Brother Wu knows, he should be around 43 to 46 years old this year.

As for his specific age, I didn't ask him carefully.

As a man in his 40s, what should I tell you? "

"Huh? Da Guoguo, is this kind of thing difficult to say?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to clasp the tip of his nose, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Girl, let me tell you this for my brother's sake, after reaching Brother Huyan's age.

For many things, there is no such thing as appropriate or inappropriate.

What is appropriate?What is inappropriate?
As long as life can be lived well, it doesn't matter whether it is appropriate or not.

If it's appropriate, that would be perfect.

If it is not suitable, it can be suitable.

In other words, if it's not suitable, what can I do?

Some things, after reaching a certain point, you have no choice. "

When Ren Qingrui heard her sweetheart's words, she fell silent as if thinking.

After a long time.

The beauty gently pursed her red lips a few times, and looked at Mr. Liu with complex eyes.

"Da Guoguo, do you think the same way about me, my sister?" (End of Chapter)

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