Hearing the beauty's question, Young Master Liu was slightly startled, and for a moment he didn't realize what the beauty's question meant.

"Huh? What?"

When Ren Qingrui saw her sweetheart's stunned expression, she took a deep breath and repeated the question again.

"Da Guoguo, sister, let me tell you, do you think so about the matter between the two of us?"

This time, Liu Mingzhi finally understood what the beauty wanted to ask.

He looked at the beauty's watery bright eyes, which were both nervous and expectant. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Silly girl, what are you thinking about?

What happened between the two of us is completely different from what happened to Brother Huyan. "

When the beauty heard her sweetheart's answer, the tension in her bright eyes instantly eased a little.

However, she still asked in a sweet voice: "Da Guoguo, what's the difference?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, reached out and gently touched the beauty's pretty face twice.

"Silly girl, because there is a clear feeling between the two of us.

The two of us have feelings, so the situation is naturally different from that of Brother Huyan. "

Hearing the words of her sweetheart, a clearly visible joy flashed through the beauty's heart.

Suddenly, the remaining tension in her eyes completely disappeared.

Obviously, Master Liu's answer made her very satisfied.

"Oh, my sister understands."

Liu Dasha saw the situation and nodded happily.

"Girl, do you have any other questions?"

Ren Qingrui shook her head gently, stood up gracefully, and lifted the boxes that had just been placed on the ground into her hands again.

"No, no, Da Guoguo, you can continue reading the documents. Sister, I will send the things I bought back to the main hall first."

When Liu Mingzhi heard this, he smiled and nodded.

"Okay, you go in first."

"Yeah, yeah, then the girl will go in first."

The beauty smiled slightly, nodded, and walked straight to the palace door a few steps away.

She had just taken a few steps when Liu Dashao suddenly waved.

"Girl, wait a minute."

Hearing the greeting from her sweetheart, Ren Qingrui paused slightly and turned back to look at Young Master Liu with a puzzled expression.

"Da Guoguo, how's it going? Do you have anything else to do?"

"Girl, you have run twice since morning, you must be sweating, right?

Do you want to take a shower and change clothes later?If you want, for the sake of my brother, I will ask Liu Song to prepare hot water for your bath. "

When Ren Qingrui heard her sweetheart's question, she nodded hurriedly.

"Yeah, yeah, yes, yes, sister, I was just thinking about telling you Daguoguo later, but I didn't expect you to bring it up first."

"Hehehe, Brother Wei knows. You go in first. Brother Wei, I will ask Liu Song to prepare hot water for your bath."


Ren Qingrui nodded with a smile and walked towards the hall again.

Young Master Liu looked at the beauty's back as she walked into the palace door. He smiled lightly and turned his attention to Liu Song, who was clearing the table.


"The little one is here, master?"

"Girl Qingrui wants to take a bath. After you clear the table, go and prepare some hot water for her to take a bath."

When Liu Song heard Young Master Liu's explanation, he immediately clapped his hands.

"Master, if you're young, I'd better go get ready now. For such a small matter as clearing the table, it won't be too late to do it after you get back."

"Okay, then you can go there now."

"Yes, the little one will go right away."

Liu Song responded loudly and trotted away into the distance.

Liu Dashu saw the situation, gently moved his neck a few times, adjusted his posture, and then opened the document in his hand again.

Gradually, the number of documents in the box decreased one by one.

After half a day.

Liu Song led the four eldest guards carrying buckets and walked gently to Young Master Liu's side.

He looked at Mr. Liu who was looking at the documents in his hand attentively, hesitated for a moment, and bowed.

"Master, the little one is back."

Hearing Liu Song's voice, Young Master Liu directly moved the documents in front of him.

"came back."

"Hey, I'm back."

Young Master Liu looked at the barrels in the hands of the four inner guards and waved his hands with a faint smile.

"Send hot water for bathing in."

"Master, is this inappropriate?

While Miss Qingrui is taking a bath, is it inconvenient for me and my brothers to go over and bring hot water? "

Seeing the hesitant look on Liu Song's face, Young Master Liu immediately rolled his eyes angrily.

"What's inappropriate? I'm asking you to go in and bring hot water to Qingrui. I'm not asking you to help her bathe and change clothes."

After you put down the hot water, why don't you just leave?

Just leave it to Qingrui girl to adjust the water temperature and so on. "

Liu Song saw his young master saying this and nodded gently.

"Okay, the younger one knows, so the younger one will lead the four brothers in to deliver hot water."

"go Go."

Liu Song nodded slightly and led the four imperial guards straight to the palace.

Liu Mingzhi shook his head gently and moved the document in his hand to his eyes again.

After a while, Liu Song led four imperial guards out of the palace.

When Liu Song saw Young Master Liu who was already flipping through the documents, he gestured to the four imperial guards and then walked lightly towards the table not far away.

Seeing this, the four imperial guards followed him with the same light steps.

Liu Song walked to the table that he was clearing before, turned around and hugged the four Ouchi guards, then whispered in a low voice: "Four brothers, I have to clear the table here, so I won't send it to you. "

When the four imperial guards heard this, they immediately bowed back.

"Stay, stay."

Then, the four Ouchi guards turned around and left.

Liu Song rolled up his sleeves and continued to clear the table in front of him.

The sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, time flies.

Unknowingly, the time has come to evening.

Outside the temple gate.

Young Master Liu was still looking through the documents. The documents in the first box next to him were almost all gone.

As for Liu Song, he no longer knew where he had gone.

Next to the palace door a few steps behind Young Master Liu, Ren Qingrui was wearing a tight emerald green silk shirt on the upper body and a light green fringed skirt on the lower body.

At this time, she was sitting on a chair, flipping through a book.

From time to time, she would raise her head and glance at Young Master Liu in front of her.

Whenever she saw Mr. Liu's serious look, her pretty lips would rise slightly, revealing a faint smile.

The serious look of your sweetheart is really something that people never tire of watching.After staring at Young Master Liu for a while, she turned her gaze back to the book in her hand with a smile.

The moment the beauty just looked away, Mr. Liu suddenly closed the document in his hand, raised his arms high and stretched.

At the same time, a slightly tired moan came from his mouth.

"Well, haha—"

Ren Qingrui heard her sweetheart's tired groan and immediately raised her eyes to look at Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, are you tired?"

When Liu Mingzhi heard the beauty's question, he turned back to look at the beauty and nodded with a chuckle.

"Yeah, a little tired."

Ren Qingrui immediately put the book in his hand upside down on the chair, stood up and walked towards Young Master Liu.

"Da Guoguo, do you need me, sister? I'll give you a pat on your back and rub your shoulders."

Hearing the beauty's words, Master Liu's eyes suddenly showed emotion.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the box containing documents next to him.

When he saw that there were only five or six documents left in the box, he hesitated for a moment, then looked up at the beauty and shook his head with a chuckle.

"Girl, forget it.

There are only these five or six books left in the box. I'd better wait until brother, after I finish reading these books, you can help me rub my back and rub my shoulders. "

Seeing what his sweetheart said, Ren Qingrui suddenly felt distressed.

“Da Guoguo, these are the only few books left, it’s not too late for you to take a break and read them again.

It's still early in the morning, so you can rest for a while without any problem. "

As Ren Qingrui spoke, without waiting for Young Master Liu's consent, he walked directly to Young Master Liu, raised a pair of slender hands and put them on his shoulders and kneaded them gently.

"Reading documents is important, but your body is also very important.

No matter how busy you are, you still have to pay attention to your body.

As you are now, if you don't feel sorry for your own body, sister, I still feel sorry for you. "

When Liu Mingzhi saw the beautiful woman speaking, she didn't even wait for him to respond, and already started to massage his shoulders, so he could only smile and nodded.

“Hehehe, okay, okay.

Brother, I listen to you. If you say I should take a rest, I will take a rest. "

When Ren Qingrui saw that her sweetheart agreed with her proposal, she smiled and nodded her head a few times.

"That's right. No matter how busy you are, you must pay attention to the balance between work and rest."

"Hahaha, yes, yes, girl, everything you say is right."

"Dexing, Daguoguo, please lean over here so that I can rub your shoulders."


However, just as Young Master Liu was about to stand up and adjust his position, Liu Song's shouts came from the distance.


Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows, looked at the beautiful woman and shook her head slightly, then straightened her waist and sat up.

"Girl, it seems you have no chance to help me, brother, rub my shoulders and back."

After hearing her sweetheart's words, Ren Qingrui turned her head and glanced at Liu Song, who was trotting over, and sighed helplessly.

"Huh, Brother Liu Song came at the wrong time."

"Hehehe, there is no way."

Liu Song trotted all the way to Liu Dashao and the other two, and bowed cheerfully.

"Master, Miss Qingrui."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, opened his arms and stretched his body vigorously.

"Liu Song, what's the matter?"

"Go back to the young master, Duke Protector, Duke Yong'an and the others have already arranged the reception banquet.

They asked the young one to come over and inform the young master that it was already evening and the sun was about to set. It was time to go to the main hall for a banquet. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and looked at the setting sun on the horizon, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, time flies so fast.

Before I knew it, the day passed like this. "


"The little one is here."

"Uncle, uncle, brother Huyan, Cheng Kai, Fuji, and other brothers, are they all here?"

"Back to the young master, all the generals have arrived. Just wait for you and the young ladies, Miss Qingrui, Miss Yue'er and Miss Lanya to pass over."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded, holding the armrest of the rocking chair with one hand, and stood up directly from the rocking chair.

"Did Yun'er, Yan'er, Lian'er, Sister Ya and the other sisters, as well as Yue'er and Bluetooth, send people to inform them?"

"Back to the young master, before I came to you, I had already ordered some brothers to go to the young ladies, as well as Miss Yue'er and Miss Lanya.

Judging by the time, the young lady and the others should have received the notification. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and pointed sideways at the box next to the rocking chair.

"Liu Song, Master, I will take Qingrui to the banquet first. You can stay and clean up the documents I have read, Master.

Take out the remaining five or six books in the box and place them separately. Master, I will continue to read them when I come back. "

"Yes, the little one knows."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the jade fan on the rocking chair, flicked it, and took the lead in walking towards the main hall of the palace.

"Girl, let's go to the banquet."

"Hey, here we come."

Ren Qingrui responded with a sweet voice, and immediately set off to follow Young Master Liu. At the same time, she also left a sweet message to Liu Song.

"Brother Liu Song, please help me clean up the storybook I fastened on the chair."

Hearing this, Liu Song nodded with a smile.

"Okay, I understand. Miss Qingrui, just leave it to me."

After Ren Qingrui followed Young Master Liu's footsteps, she turned back and waved to Liu Song.

"Yeah, brother Liu Song, it's all thanks to you."

"It should be, it should be."

Liu Song waited until the figures of Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui gradually faded away, and then immediately began to pack up the documents placed next to the rocking chair.

Soon, Young Master Liu and Ren Qingrui arrived outside the gate of the main hall of the palace.

At this time, sisters Qi Yun, Qi Ya, Murong Shan, Yun Qingshi, and Ling Wei were already standing outside the palace gate, chatting and laughing.

As for the third princess, the queen, Qinglian, Yun Xiaoxi and their sisters, as well as the little cutie and others, they have not appeared yet.

Seeing their husband and Ren Qingrui coming towards them, Sister Qi Yun and others immediately stopped talking and saluted Liu Dashaofu with a smile.

"Sisters, I have met my husband."

"No courtesy, no more courtesy."

"Thank you husband."

When Ren Qingrui saw sisters Qi Yun, Qi Ya, and Murong Shan straightened their waists one after another, they bowed with smiles.

"Sister, I have met all of you sisters."

"Oh, no need to be polite, just stop being polite."

"Sister Rui'er, there is no need to be polite between us sisters."

"Thank you, sisters."

Liu Mingzhi looked around as he listened to the chatter and laughter coming from the main hall.

"Yun'er." (End of chapter)

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