Chapter 3463
"Hey, my concubine is here."

"Yan'er, Lian'er, Yun Shu, Bizhu, the sisters, and Yue'er haven't arrived yet?"

Qi Yun nodded slightly and replied sweetly: "Back to my husband, sisters Yan'er, Lian'er, Bizhu and Yue'er live a little far away. They should be on their way now."

As soon as Qi Yun finished speaking, the clear and melodious voices of the three princesses, Huyan Yunyao, Yun Xiaoxi and their sisters could be heard not far away.

"Husband, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"Husband, my sisters are late."

Liu Mingzhi followed the sound, looked at the beauties rushing towards him and others, chuckled and waved his hand.

"It's not too late, it's not too late. It's just the right time. My husband, I've just come here."

When the beauties heard this, they all smiled and nodded their heads a few times.

"It'll be better if it's not too late, it'll be better if it's not too late."

Liu Mingzhi waved the folding fan in his hand, raised his head and glanced at the path of the beauties.

"Yue'er, that stinky girl, and Lanya, why haven't they arrived yet?"

Wenren Yunshu smiled sweetly, raised his arm and pointed in the direction of the palace where the little cutie lived.

"Husband, Yue'er has gone back to change her shoes, and Lanya is waiting for her.

I estimate that the two of them should be here in less than half a cup of tea. "

Hearing what Wenren Yunshu said, Young Master Liu smiled and nodded.

"Hehehe, let's wait for the two of them."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, a cutie's voice, as clear and sweet as a silver bell, suddenly came from a few dozen steps away.

"Stinky daddy, this girl is here, this girl is here."

Hearing the shouting of the little cutie, everyone turned their heads and looked, only to see the cutie waving his hands and running straight towards the main hall gate.

Gumelanya, who was accompanying her, had to speed up her pace because of the cutie's speed.

It seemed that they heard Xiaocutie's shouting. Xiaocutie and Gumelanya had not arrived yet, but Song and Qing took the lead to greet them from the main hall.

Arrogantly, Song Qing saw Young Master Liu and his party standing outside the palace gate, and they all bowed cheerfully.

"Your Majesty, the Queen, ladies and gentlemen, I am polite."

"Your Majesty Song Qing is polite."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Zhang Kuang and the two casually, chuckled and waved his hand.

"Okay, okay, no need to be polite."

Qi Yun, the three princess sisters and others also smiled and held up their hands.

"Uncle, big brother, no need to be polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, ladies and gentlemen."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the cute two people who had already rushed over, and pointed to the palace door in front with a slight smile.

"Uncle, brother, let's go in."

Zhang Kuang and the two men immediately turned aside and waved their hands cheerfully.

"Your Majesty, ladies and gentlemen, Your Highness the Princess, please come first."

"Come on, please, please."

"Together, together."

When Young Master Liu walked into the hall at the lead, a large group of people who were already waiting in the hall bowed in unison.

"I see your majesty and my queens, long live my emperor, and my queen may live a thousand years."

"See Your Highness the Princess, Thousand Years Thousand Years Old."

"My little lady meets His Majesty the Emperor..."


Liu Mingzhi glanced at the people in the hall, and held up his hands with a smile on his face.

"No courtesy, no courtesy at all."

Afterwards, Qi Yun, Qinglian sisters and others, as well as Little Cutie, also held up their hands.

"No courtesy, no more courtesy."

"No need to be polite, let's all get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you all, ladies and gentlemen, thank you, Your Royal Highness."

Zhang Kuang walked to Young Master Liu's side in three or two steps, raised his hand and waved to the chief seat in the hall.

"Your Majesty, Queen, please take a seat."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and walked straight towards the main seat.

When Qi Yun saw this, she immediately followed him with light steps.

Liu Mingzhi walked all the way to the main seat. After sitting down on the chair, he glanced at the people in the hall and raised their hands to signal.

"Sit down, too."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After everyone was seated, Mr. Liu lowered his eyes and looked at the table. He saw a dozen delicious dishes placed on the table.

Next to more than a dozen dishes, there are two bottles of wine that are full of aroma and you can tell from the first smell that they are old wines.

Liu Mingzhi secretly counted in his mind that there were sixteen dishes on the table, including hot dishes, cold dishes, fruits, desserts, and soups.

Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, Yun Chong, Song Qing and others suddenly tightened their expressions when they saw Young Master Liu looking at the fine wine and food on the table without speaking.

Based on their understanding of Young Master Liu, if nothing else happened, Young Master Liu must have felt that there were too many fine wines and delicacies on the table.

Sure enough, it was just as they thought.

Young Master Liu folded the Wanli Jiangshan jade fan in his hand and placed it on the table. He then raised his head and looked at Zhang Kuang, who was sitting below and to his left.


"The old minister is here."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and pointed at the fine wine and delicacies on the table, and let out a sigh of relief with a slightly helpless expression.

"Huh, uncle, sixteen dishes.

There are two of us, this young master, myself and Yun'er sitting on this table. You have placed so many dishes, how can we finish them all?

Please prepare more drinks, I won’t say anything else, there are so many dishes, it’s a waste! "

When Young Master Liu finally said these four words, it was a waste, there was a hint of blame in his tone.

Zhang Kuang has known Young Master Liu for decades, and he knows very well what Young Master Liu's character is like.

After hearing the blame in Young Master Liu's tone, he quickly cupped his hands with a smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, this table of food is a reception banquet prepared by me for you and the Queen, as well as all the noble concubines, Princess Yue'er, Miss Lanya, King Wuyi and your group.

It's a banquet to welcome the wind and wash away the dust. I can't prepare some simple meals.

Your Majesty, you have such a noble status. It is really not a luxury to prepare these fine wines and delicacies for you to take care of you. "

Upon hearing the arrogant answer, Young Master Liu immediately shook his head angrily.

However, it was not easy for him to say anything too blaming in front of everyone.

In that case, not only will he lose face, but his heart will also be chilled.

It is not suitable for both public and private purposes.

Some things are more appropriate to say in private.

Liu Mingzhi breathed out silently, picked up the pot and filled himself up with a glass of wine.

When Zhang Kuang saw Young Master Liu carrying a pot and pouring wine, he immediately reacted. He knew that Young Master Liu no longer planned to pursue these matters against him.

However, this topic still needs to be expressed before it can be ended.

"Your Majesty, because this meal is a reception feast, I will prepare it in a more luxurious way.

The veteran promised that in the future, when preparing meals, he will follow the simple method. "

Liu Mingzhi gently put down the wine bottle in his hand, smiled and nodded.

"Well, that's great, sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi turned around and scanned the people in the hall. When he saw that they had all poured drinks, he happily picked up his own glass. "Everyone, we have been separated from Northern Xinjiang for several years, and finally we meet again.

Come, come, let's have a drink together. "

As soon as Mr. Liu finished speaking, everyone present picked up their wine glasses.

"Sisters, I would like to propose a toast to you husband."

"Da Guoguo, I'd like to give you a drink, sister."

"Smelly...cough cough cough, daddy, Yue'er gives daddy a drink."

"I respect you by doing the first thing."

"Brother-in-law, do it first as a courtesy."

"We are waiting to pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor. Let's do it first as a token of respect."

Liu Mingzhi nodded cheerfully and raised the wine glass to his mouth.

After drinking a glass of wine, Mr. Liu chuckled and put the glass on the table.

Upon seeing this, Qi Yun immediately raised the wine bottle on the table to pour wine for her husband.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun who was pouring himself wine and picked up his chopsticks with a smile.

"Yun'er, after you pour me a glass of wine, I can pour the rest for my husband and drink it myself."

"Hey, I already know."

After taking a bite of the cold dish, Liu Mingzhi turned his head and waved to the people around him.

"Use your chopsticks."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After a group of generals took a few bites of the dishes, they all picked up their wine glasses and began to toast to Young Master Liu.

Cheng Kai swallowed the food in his mouth and directly raised his wine glass to signal to Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, as the saying goes, there are four great joys in life, and meeting an old friend in a foreign country is one of them.

Our reunion this time, although not exactly like meeting an old friend in a foreign land, is even better.

Our monarch and his ministers are reunited after a long absence, and I am overjoyed.

Your Majesty, I offer you a drink. "

Young Master Liu smiled and nodded, then picked up his wine glass and responded.

"Hahaha, brother, now that you are no longer above the court, you should stop calling me His Majesty all the time.

When drinking, just call him Marshal directly, as Marshal will sound more pleasant to your ears.

Come, come, let's drink together, drink together. "

Hearing what Young Master Liu said, Cheng Kai nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, Commander, I will do it first as a courtesy to the last general."

Major General Liu drank all the wine in his glass, picked up the pot and refilled himself with a glass of wine, and then glanced at the group of generals on the left and right with a smile.

"The same goes for you, if you can call me Marshal, please do your best to call me Marshal."

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, a group of generals nodded in unison.

"I will obey your orders."

"Yes, at the end will obey."

Generals such as Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, Yunchong, Wanyan Chizha, and Yeluha still call themselves ministers.

Generals such as Feng Buer, Ning Chao, Chu Jing, Han Peng, and Jiang Lei from the Six Guards of the New Army changed their names.

These generals of the Sixth Guards of the New Army have been with Young Master Liu through life and death for many years, and they are very familiar with Young Master Liu's character.

They knew very well that since Young Master Liu said this, it meant that he wanted his brothers and others to call him Marshal.

After Cheng Kai's introduction, the other generals began to toast to Young Master Liu.

"Marshal, I will toast you at the end."

"Okay, okay, good brothers, let's drink together."

"At the end, it's respectful."

"Come on, let's have a drink."

Gradually, the atmosphere in the hall became more and more lively.

A group of people began to toast each other.

Time passed quietly, and the sunset in the sky finally set.

In the main hall, candles were already lit before the sun set.

Therefore, the setting sun did not have any impact on the lively atmosphere in the palace.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

As a group of people toasted one cup at a time, six or seven empty wine bottles were already placed on the table in front of Young Master Liu and Qi Yun.

At this time, Liu Mingzhi's eyes were already a bit drunk.


After Liu Mingzhi burped, he casually put the wine glass in his hand on the table.

Then, he picked up the knife at hand and cut off a piece of roasted lamb leg and put it in his mouth.

Qi Yun saw her husband's red face after drinking, and moved closer to Mr. Liu by picking up vegetables.

"Husband, are you alright?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced sideways at Qi Yun, chuckled, shook his head and whispered: "It's okay, I just drank so much wine, I still have no problem as a husband."

Seeing what Young Master Liu said, Qi Yun immediately felt relieved.

"Yeah, yeah, okay, it's okay, it's okay."


Liu Mingzhi took a breath of wine silently, picked up his wine bottle and shook it gently a few times. After making sure that there was still a lot of wine in the bottle, he stood up directly.

"Yun'er, please sit by yourself first. For my husband's sake, I'll go sit at Brother Huyan's table."

After hearing this, Qi Yun thought for a moment and guessed what her husband was thinking.

She put down the bowl and chopsticks in her hand, and tugged on the sleeve in Young Master Liu's hand in a subtle manner.


Liu Mingzhi looked slightly stunned and immediately leaned towards Qi Yun.

"Yun'er, what's wrong?"

Qi Yun turned her head and glanced at Hu Yanyu, who was toasting with Song Qing, and then pretended to glance casually at the Queen of Dashi who was sitting next to the three princesses, Qi Ya, Hu Yanyun Yao and their sisters. Fraser.

When she saw that Safisa was being treated by Huyan Yunyao, and the Qi Ya sisters were surrounding her, discussing something softly with smiles on their faces, she directly ignored her.

She made sure that neither of them noticed the situation on her and her husband's side at the moment, and immediately moved towards Young Master Liu.

"Husband, when you go over to Brother Huyan, you probably want to ask about what happened between him and Queen Safisa, right?"

When Liu Dashan saw Qi Yun reveal his purpose at once, he looked startled at first, and then he realized what he was doing.

Then, he looked at Qi Yun and nodded with a slight smile.

"Yun'er, you are right, I have this idea as my husband."

Qi Yun hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Husband, on this occasion, it seems a little inappropriate for you to go over and talk to Brother Huyan about these things, right?

If you don't do it right, it may be very embarrassing.

I thought it would be better to talk in private at another time. "

Listening to Qi Yun's slightly worried tone, Young Master Liu chuckled and shook his head.

"Yun'er, you don't understand this.

As the saying goes, speak the truth after drinking.

It is the most appropriate time for me to go there at this time. "

"This! This! All right."

(End of this chapter)

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