My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3464 Sure enough

"Okay, that's it. I'll go over first for my husband's sake."

Qi Yun smiled slightly, straightened her sitting posture, and tapped her head a few times with imperceptible movements.

"Yes, I understand. Husband, please come over."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded, then picked up his wine bottle and walked straight to the table where Hu Yanyu, Song Qing, and Yun Chong were sitting.

Qi Yun looked at her husband's back, then turned to look at the tables on the other side of the three princesses, Qinglian, and Queen Safisa. The look on her pretty face hesitated slightly, but in the end she did not get up and walk over.

My husband went over to the table where Hu Yanyu, Song Qing and the others were sitting. Others might think that my husband just went to drink with them.

If you are here, after your husband has passed there, you also get up and go to the table where Sister Yan'er, Sister Lian'er, and Queen Safisa are.

As long as a discerning person takes a look like that, he will immediately guess what the couple is planning to do.

Before your husband gets the specific thoughts in Brother Huyan's heart, if he rashly goes to Sister Yan'er's place, it will easily cause other people to misunderstand.

In addition, all the generals present had drunk a lot of wine and were drunk at this moment. When they were drunk, after seeing such a situation, they would inevitably stop making noises.

If Brother Huyan and Safisa were in love with each other and fell in love with each other, it would be fine if the generals around them started to make noises.

Maybe if they coax together, they can more quickly promote a good relationship between Brother Huyan and Sister Safisa.

If that's the case, that would be great.

However, just be afraid, this is a marriage that will be careless and ruthless!

At that time, the generals will join in the coaxing, which will definitely make Brother Huyan and Sister Safisa very embarrassed.

Especially on sister Safisa's side, a careless move may put her in trouble.

Brother Huyan is a rough guy, and if he makes a haha ​​casually or deliberately makes a few jokes, it might be over.

However, Queen Safisa is a daughter's family.

Even if her current identity is that of a widowed person who has been married, it does not change the fact that she is from a daughter's family.

As a daughter of the same family, Qi Yun naturally knows best what kind of situation a woman will be in when facing such a situation.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, let’s wait until the husband gets the results before talking about anything else.

Otherwise, it would be bad if it turns out to be self-defeating.

Just as Qi Yun's thoughts were racing, Young Master Liu had already arrived beside Song Qing, Hu Yanyu, and Yunchong.

At this time, Song Qing and Hu Yanyu all had their backs to Young Master Liu. They were talking and laughing, changing cups and cups, and did not notice that Young Master Liu had walked behind them.

On the other hand, Feng Buer, Ning Chao, and Han Peng, who were sitting next to them, saw Young Master Liu walking over and quickly stood up from their chairs.


As soon as the Feng Buer brothers opened their mouths, Song Qing, Hu Yanyu and the others looked back subconsciously.

Seeing Young Master Liu standing behind them, they quickly put down their wine glasses.

"His Majesty."


Liu Mingzhi saw several people trying to get up and waved his hand cheerfully.

"Sit, sit, sit, no need to get up, no need to get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Thank you sir."

"You guys should all sit down too."

"Yes, Marshal Xie."

After Han Peng saw several people sitting down one after another, he immediately pulled out the chair behind him and waved to Young Master Liu sideways.

"Commander, you can sit here, General."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Han Peng's position, first chuckled and waved his hand, then raised his hand and patted Song Qing's chair a few times.

"Han Peng, you don't have to worry about me, just take your own seat.

Big brother, please move to the side. Little brother, I will put a wedge between you and Brother Huyan. "

Song Qing heard Liu Dashao's words and nodded with a smile.

"Hey, okay."

"Commander, you sit on the general's chair first, and the general will bring another chair over."

"Good good."

Young Master Liu chuckled, nodded, and sat carelessly on the chair that Han Peng had just put down behind him.

Then, he put the wine bottle and wine glass on the table.

"Uncle, eldest brother, brother Huyan, Fuji, you are very happy to drink."

Song Qing nodded with a smile and said with a hearty laugh: "Hahaha, third brother, I haven't seen you for many years, so naturally I have to have a few drinks."

After hearing Song Qing's words, Hu Yanyu and others immediately agreed.

"That's right, that's right, in the blink of an eye, he disappeared for several years.

Now that we get together again, we naturally want to have a few more drinks. "

"Hahaha, if you ask me, I should just get drunk and stop."

Liu Mingzhi listened to the hearty words of several people and poured himself a glass of wine with a smile.

“Come on, come on, I’ll have a few drinks with you, young master.

Over at the main table, there are only me and Yun'er sitting there, it's really too monotonous.

Although you would toast to me from time to time, you never got together to have a good drink. "

"No problem, Marshal, I will give you a toast."

"Your Majesty, I would also like to toast you a toast."

"Commander, let me toast you with my brothers."

"Well, let's drink together."

Safisa seemed to have been paying attention to Hu Yanyu's situation. When she saw that Young Master Liu had started drinking with Hu Yanyu, she immediately glanced at Young Master Liu secretly.

The reason why she peeked at Young Master Liu instead of Hu Yanyu, her sweetheart, was not because he had any thoughts about Young Master Liu.

It was because she knew very clearly in her heart that Young Master Liu's presence could play a crucial role in the matter between herself and Hu Yanyu.

If Young Master Liu was willing to help him, maybe he wouldn't have to work so hard in love.

Therefore, Young Master Liu had just communicated with Hu Yanyu, and she began to shift her attention to Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu, who was drinking, seemed to feel something, and instinctively turned his eyes towards Safisa.

When Safisa saw Young Master Liu actually looking towards her, her pretty face tightened slightly and she quickly withdrew her gaze.

In fact, she didn't know whether Young Master Liu was looking at her, or if he just turned sideways casually.

However, because of her guilty conscience, she did not dare to touch Young Master Liu's eyes.

Afterwards, Safisa quickly averted her eyes, but Liu Mingzhi still saw her.

Young Master Liu saw Safisa's guilty behavior, drank the wine in the glass with a chuckle, and then put the glass on the table.

"Brother Huyan."

Hu Yanyu quickly wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth and turned his attention to Young Master Liu.

"Well, Your Majesty?"

When Young Master Liu heard Hu Yanyu's name, he shook his head helplessly, then picked up the wine bottle and poured a glass of wine for himself and Hu Yanyu.

"Brother Huyan, why do you even call me your majesty, young master?

Based on our relationship, you can either call me brother-in-law or brother. Isn’t this closer than calling me brother? "

Listening to Young Master Liu's slightly helpless tone, Hu Yanyu smiled bitterly and picked up his wine glass.

"This! This! This is just a habit of shouting. It will be difficult for me to change this for a while. Your Majesty, I will punish myself with a drink."

As soon as Hu Yanyu finished speaking, he drank all the wine in the cup.

Liu Dashu saw the situation and waved his hand angrily.

"Yes, yes, I won't force you. Brother Huyan, you can shout whatever you want, as long as you are happy."

"Okay, okay, thank you for your understanding, Your Majesty."

Immediately, Hu Yanyu poured a glass of wine and gestured happily to Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, I would like to propose another toast to you."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled, shook his head, picked up his wine glass and responded.

"Drink together, drink together."

After drinking the wine in one breath, Liu Mingzhi gently put the glass down.

After Hu Yanyu put down the wine glass in his hand, he immediately picked up the wine bottle and filled it with two more drinks.


Liu Mingzhi let out a gentle belch. Looking at Song Qing who was puffing on a tobacco bag next to him, he took out the tobacco bag from his waist and made two gestures to Song Qing with a smile.

"Brother, give me a pot."

"Got it."

Song Qing tore open the tobacco bag, took out a handful of tobacco and stuffed it into Young Master Liu's smoking pot.

Then, he pulled his pipe and pointed at Yun Chong and Hu Yanyu.

"Yun Shushuang, brother Huyan, do you want some too?"

"Okay, I'll have a pot too."

"Brother Song, you're welcome."


Liu Mingzhi turned around and blew out a puff of smoke, then looked sideways at Hu Yanyu who had just lit the tobacco.

"Brother Huyan."

"Huh, Your Majesty, tell me."

"Brother Huyan, are you in your forties this year? Three? Four? Five? Six?"

Hearing the question that Mr. Liu asked him, Hu Yanyu looked slightly startled at first. After he realized what he was doing, he looked a bit sad and took a breath of alcohol.

"Your Majesty, I am [-] years old this year."


"Your Majesty, that's right. I'm sixty-forty."

"Oh, Hu Yanyu, brother, I thought you were only 44 or 45 years old this year!

Who would have thought that you are already in your forties this year. "

"Hehehe, otherwise, time is not forgiving!"

In the blink of an eye there is spring, summer, autumn and winter, in the blink of an eye there is spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Year after year, it goes by too fast.

Suddenly, more than 20 years have passed. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, took a puff of his cigarette, and raised his glass to signal.

"Brother Huyan, come on, let us brothers have another drink."

"Okay, I'll do it first as a courtesy."

Young Master Liu sipped the wine on his lips, held the wine glass with his fingers and turned it gently.

"Brother Huyan, I have a question to ask you. I wonder if you should answer it?"

Seeing what Young Master Liu said, Brother Huyan thought of what Young Master Liu had just asked about his age, and seemed to have vaguely guessed what question his brother-in-law wanted to ask him.

He looked at Young Master Liu's expression of hesitation and silence for a while, and finally nodded with a wry smile.

"Your Majesty, it's okay to say it. I'm all ears."

Liu Mingzhi saw Hu Yanyu's wry smile and understood without thinking that Hu Yanyu had already guessed what he wanted to ask him.

Thinking of this situation, Mr. Liu couldn't help but hesitate.

He didn't know if he should continue to ask.

Liu Mingzhi hesitantly took a puff of the cigarette, and with the rising smoke in front of him, he turned his head slightly and quickly glanced at Huyan Yunyao, Qi Ya and the others.

As soon as he turned aside, he saw Huyan Yunyao with a smile on her face, discussing something softly with Safisa sitting next to her.

After seeing this situation, Young Master Liu quickly withdrew his gaze and secretly gritted his teeth.

Judging from Yao'er's attitude towards Queen Safisa, he could already see it.

Yao'er very much hopes that her elder brother Hu Yanyu and Safisha can broker a marriage in the future.

If my good wife has this idea, how can I, as a husband, not help her?
Yes, you’d better keep asking yourself.

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and blew out a puff of dry smoke, then raised his hand to fan the light smoke in front of his eyes.

"Brother Huyan, I just want to ask you, brother, what do you think of the saying that there are three ways to be unfilial and to have no heirs is to be great?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's question, Hu Yanyu first took a strong puff of dry smoke, and then silently exhaled a puff of light smoke.

"There are three types of unfilial piety, and the greatest thing is to have no descendants?"


Hu Yanyu turned around and took a deep look at Young Master Liu, and then glanced sideways at Safisa, who was talking and laughing with her little sister Hu Yanjunyao, and sighed with a look of sadness.


"Your Majesty, you probably want to ask me about my relationship with Queen Safisa, right?"

As soon as Hu Yanyu finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and waved his hands cheerfully.

"No, no, no, I should say yes. You should be asking about this matter because I want to help my little sister."

Although he had already thought of Hu Yanyu, he had guessed the question he wanted to ask him, but when he saw him speaking the question so straightforwardly and unabashedly, Young Master Liu couldn't help but froze for a moment.

I never thought that Hu Yanyu would be so straightforward.

After Young Master Liu came to his senses, he clasped his brow with his fingers and nodded with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Brother Huyan, since you know everything, I won't be secretive anymore.

We brothers have known each other for many years. You know my character and I know yours.

In this case, let’s open the skylight and speak frankly. "

"Stick what you want."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, filled the pot with two glasses of wine.

"Brother Huyan, cheers."

"Okay, cheers."

"Brother Huyan, as you said, I am asking you this question precisely because I want to ask you about what happened between you and Queen Safisa.

The same is true as you just said.

I, the young master, ask this question to help my wife, Yaoer, your little sister ask you. "

When Hu Yanyu heard what Mr. Liu said, he smiled and nodded without any surprise on his face.

"As expected!" (End of chapter)

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