"Brother Huyan."


"Brother Huyan, although I am asking you this question on behalf of Yao'er, I believe that Yao'er will care more about you, the elder brother, than me, the husband.

It's just that I asked Yao'er first. "

Hu Yanyu listened to Liu Dashao's words and nodded silently.

"Your Majesty, I understand, I understand."

Liu Mingzhi gently took a puff of his dry cigarette, picked up his wine bottle and filled it with two more drinks.

"So, Brother Huyan, what do you think about the matter between you and Queen Safisa, Brother Huyan?

If it's convenient for you, then we brothers will talk about the things between you in detail.

On the contrary, you just treat me as a young master and I didn’t say anything, but we brothers continued to drink our wine. "

After Hu Yanyu was silent for a moment with his brows slightly furrowed, he quietly turned his head and glanced at the positions of Hu Yan Yunyao, the third princess, Qi Ya, and Queen Safisa.

Then, he withdrew his gaze, put down the tobacco bag in his hand, picked up the wine glass in front of him and gestured to Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, after drinking this glass of wine, how about we go out for a walk together?"

Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows, chuckled and picked up his wine glass in response.

"of course."

"The old minister should do first and respect."

"Hehehe, let's drink together."

Hu Yanyu and Liu Dashao both drank the wine in their glasses in one go.

Immediately, the two brothers put down the wine glasses in their hands and stood up from their chairs at the same time.

"Brother Huyan, you go first. Brother, I will go over and say a few words to Yun'er and then follow."

"Okay, sir, I'll wait outside the palace gate first."

Hu Yanyu chuckled and nodded in response, picked up the tobacco bag still smoking on the table and went straight to the door of the palace.

Liu Mingzhi casually adjusted his sleeves, leaned over and whispered softly into Song Qing's ear.

Song Qing nodded frequently as he listened to Young Master Liu's words.

"Mmm Good."

Young Master Liu chuckled and straightened up, walking directly towards Qi Yun who was sitting in the main seat.

As soon as Hu Yanyu walked towards the door of the palace, Safisa, who was chatting and laughing with Hu Yanjunyao in a low voice, subconsciously cast her gaze over.

Hu Yanyu didn't take a step before her eyes caught up with him.

When Hu Yanyu's back walked out of the palace door, she did not look away. Instead, she subconsciously and gently poked Liu's waist.

It was as if even the eyes wanted to follow him out.

When Huyanjunyao saw Safisa's reaction, her watery eyes were filled with smiles.

"Sister Safisa, stop staring, or you may lose your soul."

Huyanjunyao gently tugged on Safisha's sleeves, her eyes filled with smiles, and she chuckled with a hint of teasing.

The third princess, Qi Ya, and Qinglian sisters all turned their attention to Queen Safisa after hearing Huyan Yunyao's words.

Safisa heard Huyanjunyao's teasing words and reacted suddenly.

Then, she quickly withdrew her gaze and saw Huyan Yunyao and the three princesses and sisters all looking at her, with a blush quickly appearing on her pretty face.

"No...no, I didn't look at Brother Huyan. My neck was just a little sore, so I turned my neck a few times casually."

Seeing what Safisa said, the smile on Huyan Yunyao's pretty face became even thicker.

"Sister Safisa, I just said stop staring, or you may lose your soul.

But, did I say you were staring at my eldest brother? "

Hearing what Huyanjunyao said, Safisa's expression suddenly froze.

"Ah? I...I...that...he..."

She looked at Huyan Yunyao incoherently, and the blush on her pretty face suddenly became stronger again.

Seeing Safisa's reaction, Qi Ya chuckled.

“Puch, gurgle, sister Yaoer, please stop teasing sister Safisa.

Aren't you afraid that she will wear small shoes for you in the future? "

Qi Ya's words seemed to be trying to save Safisa, but they made her look even more embarrassed.

Huyan Yunyao glanced at Qi Ya, who was smiling like a flower, and immediately pretended to be enlightened and nodded her head a few times.

“Yes, yes, sister Ya, what you said makes so much sense, sister, I can’t offend sister Safisa.

Otherwise, if you really wear small shoes for me in the future, sister, I will regret it. "

As Huyanjunyao spoke, he quickly picked up his wine glass and gestured to Safisa.

"Come on, sister Safisa, I'll give you a toast."

Safisa's expression tightened and she hurriedly picked up her wine glass.

"Don't dare, don't dare. My little sister will drink with you. Don't say the word "respect."

Seeing this, Qi Ya, the third princess, and the Qinglian sisters all picked up their own wine glasses and came over.

"Come, come, let's have a drink together, sisters."

Huyan Yunyao, the three princesses and sisters were chatting and laughing, and Liu Mingzhi was leaning over Qi Yunzhu's round ear and whispering something.

He looked at Qi Yun, who was nodding frequently, and raised his hand to pat the beauty's shoulder.

"Yun'er, my husband has gone to see Brother Huyan first."

"Hey, husband, please come over quickly. Just leave all the matters in the palace to my sisters."

Young Master Liu chuckled and nodded, straightened up and walked straight out of the palace door.

When he passed by the third princess, Qi Ya, and sisters Huyan Yunyao, he smiled and waved.

"Sister Ya, Yan'er, Yao'er, please continue chatting. My husband's back hurts from sitting, so he plans to go outside with Brother Huyan for a walk."

"Yeah, sisters, I know."

"Husband, do you need to prepare a lantern for you and my eldest brother?"

"No, no, the moon is quite bright outside. We can just use the moonlight for lighting."

"Hey, that's fine."

Young Master Liu nodded with a smile and walked out of the hall again.

When he walked out of the palace door, he immediately saw Hu Yanyu, a dozen steps away to the left of the palace door, struggling to light the tobacco in the pot with one hand.

Not seeing this happening, Liu Da hurriedly took out the matchbox from his sleeve and trotted over.

"Brother Huyan, I'm coming, I'm coming."

Hu Yanyu heard Young Master Liu's voice and subconsciously put down the Huozhezi in his hand.

Liu Mingzhi trotted all the way to Hu Yanyu, lit a fire and handed it over.

"Brother Huyan, come on, come on and order some."

Hu Yanyu's eyes lit up when he saw the match in Young Master Liu's hand, and he immediately leaned over with a dry tobacco bag.


After taking a puff of smoke, Hu Yanyu looked curiously at the matchbox in Young Master Liu's hand.

"Your Majesty, these matches in your hand seem to be better than the ones I have seen before in our Dalong, don't they?"

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and nodded, then directly handed the matchbox in front of Hu Yanyu.

"Well, this is a new match that has just been produced by our Dalong Academy of Sciences in recent years. It is indeed much easier to use than the old matches.

The old matches were not durable for storage and would fail to make a fire.

Therefore, compared to that kind of matches, brother, I prefer to use fire folding sticks, at least it is more convenient.

Now, after having this kind of match, I don't use fire sticks much. "

After listening to Mr. Liu's explanation, Hu Yanyu nodded with a clear expression.

"I see. It seems that your Majesty's actions in building the Academy of Sciences were indeed very correct."

"Brother Huyan, I only have this box of matches with me for the time being, so I won't give them to you yet. When I go back, I'll ask Liu Song to send you some for you to use first."

When Hu Yanyu heard what Mr. Liu said, his eyes lit up and he nodded with a smile on his face.

"Hehehe, OK, OK, I will thank your Majesty first."

After hearing Hu Yanyu's address, Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly, then refilled a pot of tobacco for himself with a wry smile.


"Brother Huyan, there are only two of us brothers now, so please stop calling me Your Majesty.

To be honest, I am really not used to hearing the title "Your Majesty" from you old friends and brothers.

As I said just now, you can call me brother-in-law or brother.

We two brothers don't have such rules in private. "

Listening to Young Master Liu's helpless tone, Hu Yanyu hesitated for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

"Brother Liu."

When Liu Mingzhi heard Hu Yanyu call out the three words Brother Liu, he immediately nodded happily.

"Oh, that's right!

Above the court is above the court, and between privates is between privates

Let's get along in private, not in court. "

Looking at Young Master Liu with a smile on his face, Hu Yanyu let out a sigh of relief.

"Brother Liu, as a brother, I am mainly worried about the habit of shouting in private, and the other elder brothers can't change it for a while.

At that time, Zhang Shuai, Nangong Shuai, and Senior Wanyan all called you Your Majesty, but I called Brother Liu, what's going on. "

When Liu Dashan saw what Hu Yanyu said, he waved his hand indifferently.

"Hey, if you can't change your words, then you shouldn't stop talking.

As long as you pay a little attention in court or formal occasions, it will be enough.

The rest of the time, brother-in-law, brother, whatever you want to call him. "

When Hu Yanyu heard this, he shook his head hurriedly.

“No, no, you still have to pay attention when you should.

As the saying goes, once you get used to it, it becomes natural. As a brother, I don’t want to shout that once you get used to it, it will become natural. "

"Hahaha, just do your best."

"Okay, for the brothers' attention."

Young Master Liu blew out a puff of smoke and pointed to Hu Yanyu's one arm with a complicated expression.

"Brother Huyan, your arms are still the same as before?"

Hu Yanyu looked down at his one arm along Young Master Liu's finger, and chuckled a few times with an open-minded expression.

"Hahaha, it's been more than 20 years, and as a brother, I have long been used to it.

That is to say, except for some special things that are a little troublesome, in most cases, there are no problems. "

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment and took off the wine bag from his waist.

"Brother Huyan, in our Dalong, the machine arts of the Tang clan in Shu, the machine arts of the Zhuge family in Nanyang, the machine arts of the Mohist family in the East China Sea, and the machine arts of the Duke and Losers of the East China Sea.

The mechanical skills of these families are all renowned for a long time.

After we returned to Dalong together, brother, I sent an order to the current family heads of several families, ordering them to rush to the capital immediately with their family's skilled craftsmen.

Take a look at these companies to see if anyone can help you build a mechanism arm.

Although the mechanical arm is not as convenient as a real arm, it can at least make it more convenient for you. "

After hearing what Liu Dashao said, Hu Yanyu raised a bitter smile on his lips.

"Brother Liu, let's forget it, right?"


"The method you mentioned was already tried by these four famous families in the second year after I lost my arm."

Upon hearing Hu Yanyu's answer, Liu Dashao's eyes suddenly flashed with curiosity.

"Brother Huyan, what's the result?"

“The result is that the mechanism arm has indeed been created.

However, the usage situation is very unsatisfactory.

That mechanism arm is heavy and clumsy to use. Not only can it not help Brother Wei, but it has become a certain burden when Brother Wei practices sword skills.

So, after careful consideration for my husband, I gave it up. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression, a hint of regret in his eyes.

"What a pity, what a pity."

"Hey, it's no shame. As a brother, I've already gotten used to it.

Brother Liu, don’t talk about these things anymore, let’s go for a walk. "

"Hehehe, okay, please."


The moon is like a silver hook, and the breeze fills the courtyard.

Young Master Liu and Hu Yanyu walked forward slowly along the path in front of them.

After the two of them walked about thirty or forty steps in silence, Liu Mingzhi spoke.

"Brother Huyan, what do you think about the matter between you and Queen Safisa?"

Hu Yanyu paused for a moment before continuing to walk.

After a moment of silence with a slight frown on his brow, he looked at Young Master Liu with a complicated expression and gently shook his head.

"Brother Liu, please tell me what's in your heart. As a brother, I don't know what I'm thinking."

"What? You don't even know what you're thinking?"

"That's right. As a brother, I don't even know how to express what happened between me and Queen Safisa.

It’s not like I haven’t thought about what happened between my brother-in-law and Safisa.

However, whenever I first think about this matter, I feel not only confused but also confused.

As a brother, I am also a man of several decades. I have never experienced anything, and there is nothing I can’t understand!

How could I not see what Safisa thinks about me as her brother?

However, when it comes to her feelings for Brother Wei, I really don’t know how to deal with it. "

"Why? Do you dislike Queen Safisa because she is a widow?"

Hu Yanyu hurriedly shook his head when he heard Young Master Liu's question.

"No, no, no, it's definitely not for this reason."

"Then you are doing it because Queen Safisa is a barbarian woman?"

"Not at all."

"Then you think she's not pretty enough?"

"The same is not true. Although Safisa is a barbarian woman, her appearance is not much worse than the women of our Dalong Celestial Dynasty.

In fact, her appearance is better than most of our Dalong women. "

"Hey, this, this, that brother, I can't figure it out.

If you don’t even care about the three most important issues, what else could be the reason? "

Hu Yanyu's expression suddenly became complicated when he heard Young Master Liu's puzzled tone.

"Huh? Brother Huyan?"

Hu Yanyu gritted his teeth hard and sighed with a sad look on his face.


"Because, as a brother, I already have a sweetheart."

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