My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3466: Thinking a little bit crookedly

Chapter 3466 Think a little crookedly
When Liu Mingzhi heard Hu Yanyu's words, he nodded habitually.

"Oh, it turns out that Brother Huyan already has a sweetheart, no wonder..."

Suddenly, Young Master Liu's words stopped abruptly, and he suddenly turned his head towards Hu Yanyu with an expression of shock?
"Ah? What? Brother Huyan, what did you just say? What do you have?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's shocked expression, Hu Yanyu smiled bitterly again and let out a sigh of relief.

"Brother Liu, you heard me right. As a brother, I already have a sweetheart."

Hearing Hu Yanyu repeat what he just said, Young Master Liu reacted and scratched the back of his head with a strange expression.

Then, he pointed at Hu Yanyu with suspicion in his eyes.

"Brother Huyan, you! Already have a sweetheart?

Are you sure you're not kidding me, brother? "

Seeing Young Master Liu's reaction, Hu Yanyu nodded gently.


Although Hu Yanyu only responded with a nasal sound, this nasal sound gave Liu Dashao a great shock.

Young Master Liu looked at Hu Yanyu, who looked very calm, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

real?Is this actually true?
To be honest, I couldn't accept the answer given by Hu Yanyu for a while.

In the eyes of people like myself, Huyanyu and Huyandamu, who have always been equal to beauty, actually already have a sweetheart.

This, this, this, isn't this a big joke?

In addition to being unable to accept it, I also cannot understand it.

Well, I can't say that I can't understand it. It's mainly because I can't figure it out.

You said, since you already have a sweetheart, why haven't you gotten married and started a career at this age?
Don't you know how old you are now?
If Hu Yanyu were only about 26 years old now, he would be able to understand it a little better.

A manly man with ambitions in all directions. He started a family and started a career a little late, so it doesn't matter at all.

Among the many people I know, there are not a few men who started a family in their 20s.

However, Brother Huyan is not only 26 years old now, but already 46 years old.

In today's age of around 30, it is an era when one can call himself an old man at around 35 years old.

It is conceivable that at the age of 46, he has not yet married and had children, which would be a strange behavior in the eyes of others.

You know, 26 and 46.

There is a full 20 years difference between these two ages.

20 years, what a long time it is for a person?
After all, how many 20 years can there be in a lifetime?
Liu Mingzhi took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down his surprised mood.

However, no matter how deeply he breathed, he could not calm down his state of mind.

In the end, Young Master Liu looked at Hu Yanyu with an expression of disbelief and repeated the question again.

"Brother Huyan, are you sure you are not joking with me? Do you really have a sweetheart?"

Hu Yanyu looked at Young Master Liu's expression of disbelief, breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded vigorously.

"Brother Liu, what I said is true. Don't even think about it. How could I laugh happily with you over such an important matter?"

Seeing what Hu Yanyu said, Young Master Liu nodded subconsciously.

"That's true. It's okay to make some other harmless jokes on weekdays. This kind of thing really shouldn't be joked about.

Besides, with your personality, Brother Huyan, you don’t seem to be joking about such a thing. "

"Hehehe, Brother Liu, just understand."

Mr. Liu nodded slightly, raised the wine bag and took a sip of wine.

Afterwards, he wiped the wine from his lips and frowned at Hu Yanyu's confused expression.


Seeing that Mr. Liu was still a little reluctant to believe him, Hu Yanyu nodded without hesitation and raised a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he chuckled and said decisively: "Hahaha, of course it's true."

When Young Master Liu heard Hu Yanyu's decisive answer, he nodded with a strange expression and let out a sigh.

"Oh my God, Brother Huyan, you already have a sweetheart."

Listening to Young Master Liu's slightly emotional tone, the corners of Hu Yanyu's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

"Brother Liu, what do you mean by this? What do you mean that I already have a sweetheart?
What's going on?As a brother, shouldn’t I have my own sweetheart? "

Seeing Hu Yanyu's question, Young Master Liu immediately reacted and waved his hand quickly.

“No, no, brother, I definitely didn’t mean that.

Mainly, the answer you gave me, Brother Huyan, surprised me.

Regarding the reason why Brother Huyan has delayed accepting Queen Safisa's affection, I have guessed many reasons.

But, brother, I didn't expect it to be for such a reason. "

As Young Master Liu spoke, he took a long breath.


"Brother Huyan, to be honest, if you hadn't taken the initiative to explain it to me, brother, I would never have thought of the reason.

No, I should say it’s not just my brother and me.

The same is probably true for Yun'er, Yan'er, Yao'er and other sisters. "

Hu Yanyu heard Young Master Liu's slightly sad tone, took a puff of dry cigarette, and nodded silently.

"Brother Liu, this matter is indeed for my brother's sake."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled, waved his hand, and directly handed the wine bag in front of Hu Yanyu.

"Brother Huyan, would you like some drink?"

Hu Yanyu nodded slightly, first clamped the cigarette rod between his middle finger and ring finger, then spread his thumb and index finger to take the wine bag and directly raised it in the air and tilted it down.

The fragrant wine flowed down smoothly and directly into Hu Yanyu's mouth.

After Hu Yanyu drank several large gulps of wine, he happily handed the wine bag to Young Master Liu again.

"Brother Liu, good wine, really good wine."

Young Master Liu took the wine bag and nodded with the same smile.

"Hahaha, as long as Brother Huyan likes it."

"Brother Liu, you drink too."

"it is good!"

Young Master Liu replied with a good word, then directly raised the wine bag and drank heavily.

After Young Master Liu put down the wine bag, the two brothers looked at each other and laughed loudly.

"Here, hahaha."

"Hahaha, hahaha."

After Liu Mingzhi's laughter subsided, he waved his hand to Hu Yanyu.

"Hu Yanyu, let's continue walking around."

Hu Yanyu smiled lightly, nodded, and followed him with high strides.

Liu Mingzhi sipped the drink from the corner of his mouth and turned his head slightly to look at Hu Yanyu.

"Brother Huyan, since you already have a sweetheart, why haven't you gotten married yet?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's curious question, Hu Yanyu was silent for a moment with his brows slightly furrowed, then he squinted his eyes with melancholy and sighed softly.

"Alas, things in the world are unpredictable and fate has its way with people!"

Young Master Liu's eyes lit up slightly when he heard what Hu Yanyu said. From the very brief words Hu Yanyu answered, he smelled the gossip...well, cough cough cough, smelled the breath of the story.

"Brother Huyan, brother, I heard what you said, it seems that you also have an unknown past."

Hu Yanyu gently took a puff of dry cigarette and looked at Mr. Liu who nodded noncommittally.


Liu Mingzhi was silent for a while with his eyebrows slightly raised, then he raised the wine bag with a smile and took a big sip of wine.

"Brother Huyan, brother, I am a good listener.

I just don’t know if you are a good storyteller? "

Hu Yanyu raised his head and looked at the bright crescent moon that had passed the willow branches on the horizon and slowly exhaled the light smoke from his mouth.

"Can I choose not to speak?"

"Of course, this is your freedom.

If you want to say something, I'm all ears, brother. Otherwise, it's just a matter of laughing it off. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's answer, Hu Yanyu instinctively narrowed his eyes and fell silent again.

After staring at the crescent moon in the night sky for a long time, he looked away.

"Hehehe, we brothers have already agreed before that we should open the skylight and speak frankly.

Now that I have promised to open the skylight and speak frankly, if I continue to cover up, it will not be beautiful. "

When Liu Dashan saw Hu Yanyu say this, he chuckled cheerfully.

"Hahaha, hahaha, Brother Huyan, if this happens, I will listen to that brother with all my ears."

Hu Yanyu took a long puff of dry cigarette, then raised his finger to point at the intersection ahead.

"Brother Liu, let's turn left at the intersection ahead and go to the right to see the residences of the various female relatives in the palace.

It was somewhat inappropriate for us two grown men to go over there. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the intersection ahead, turned around and looked around a few times, then nodded with a slight smile.

"Okay, brother got it."

"Brother Liu, speaking of brother, you also know my sweetheart."

Hearing Hu Yanyu's words, Mr. Liu's face was suddenly stunned, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at Hu Yanyu.

I have to say that this is the second time that I have been surprised by Hu Yanyu's words.

"Master, do I know this person?"

"Yes, you know Brother Liu."

Liu Mingzhi took a breath of cold air, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

In his own impression, there are only a few women that he knows who are familiar with Hu Yanyu and have a close relationship with him.

However, among the few women he knew, there seemed to be no woman that could make Hu Yanyu fall in love with him.

If there is Hu Yanyu's sweetheart among those women, wouldn't he not be able to tell any clues based on his decades of experience among women?

Could it be that Hu Yanyu hid his feelings too deeply, so he didn't notice it?

"Brother Huyan, are you sure I know your sweetheart?"


Seeing Hu Yanyu's decisive and firm answer, Liu Dashan reached out and touched the stubble on his chin, and began to recall again.

However, he thought about it over and over again, but still couldn't think of a reason.

Among the women he knew, there was no one who could make Hu Yanyu's heart flutter.

Unless the woman Hu Yanyu was talking about didn't know her.

However, he just told himself that he knew this woman.

Young Master Liu was thinking about it. He didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly his body trembled.

Etc., etc.

What Hu Yanyu said just now has always been his sweetheart.

Sweetheart, sweetheart.

He only mentioned his sweetheart, but he did not say that his sweetheart was a woman.


Young Master Liu suddenly took a breath of cold air and turned towards Hu Yanyu with a horrified expression.

"Huyan...Brother Huyan."

Seeing Young Master Liu's suddenly frightened expression, Hu Yanyu's expression was slightly startled, and she had no idea why Young Master Liu reacted like this suddenly.

"Brother Liu, what's wrong?"

"Gudu, Gudu."

Young Master Liu swallowed involuntarily and instinctively took two small steps to the side.

"Brother Huyan, what, what, the sweetheart you are talking about should be a woman, right?"

Hu Yanyu's face froze when he heard Young Master Liu's question.

At this moment, if he didn't know why Young Master Liu suddenly reacted like this, then he would be a complete fool.

However, he never expected that Young Master Liu would actually think that way.

No matter how you look at it, you don't seem like the kind of person who likes men, right?
Hu Yanyu took a deep breath and shook his head helplessly.

"Brother Liu, you are overthinking. As a brother, I don't have that kind of hobby."

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Hu Yanyu's answer.

"Huh, that's good, that's good, but I'm scared to death."

"Brother Liu, to be honest, as a brother, I really don't know what you think.

I just can't figure it out, how did you come up with the idea of ​​doing that? "

Listening to Hu Yanyu's helpless tone, Young Master Liu looked embarrassed and laughed a few times.

“Hehehe, hehehe, brother Huyan, the misunderstanding is purely a misunderstanding.

Brother, I have thought over and over again about the women we brothers know together, and I really can’t think of who the sweetheart you mentioned is.

But you told me with absolute certainty that I know your sweetheart.

Brother, I thought you were just talking about your sweetheart, and then...

Uh-huh, then I couldn't help but think a little bit wrongly. "

"A little bit, is this a little bit wrong?"

Young Master Liu looked embarrassed and coughed a few times, then looked at Hu Yanyu with an apologetic smile and kept apologizing.

“Cough, cough, cough, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it’s brothers and I’m overthinking it.

Sorry, sorry, really sorry. "

Seeing Young Master Liu's appearance, Hu Yanyu rolled his eyes angrily.

"Brother Liu, if I knew that you would think that way, I might as well tell you directly who my sweetheart is."

When Young Master Liu heard this, he nodded eagerly.

“Yes, yes, that’s how it is originally!
Brother Huyan, since you have already planned to tell me who your sweetheart is, you might as well just say it directly. Why do you have to let me guess? "

(End of this chapter)

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