"If you ask me, you'd better just tell your brother who I am, so I don't have to think too much."

Upon hearing this, Hu Yanyu turned to look at Young Master Liu, nodded with a complicated expression, and spoke a name loudly.

"Pei Yuexin."

After hearing the name Hu Yanyu said, Mr. Liu's face was slightly startled, and his eyes suddenly showed a hint of confusion.

Pei Yuexin?
Pei Yuexin?
Pei Yuexin?
Young Master Liu whispered the name three times in a row without remembering who this woman was.

Who is this woman?Do you really know this woman?

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry cigarette and turned to look at Hu Yanyu with a slight frown.

"Brother Huyan, Pei Yuexin?"

When Hu Yanyu heard Young Master Liu's inquiry, he looked up at the bright moon in the sky and let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh, yes, it's her."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Hu Yanyu who looked filled with emotion. He twitched his brow with his fingers and asked a question that directly made Hu Yanyu's face freeze.

"Brother Huyan, what is that? Uh-huh, what is that? Who is Pei Yuexin?"

Sure enough, as soon as Master Liu asked this question, Hu Yanyu's expression suddenly froze with emotion.

Then, he took a deep breath and turned his head with twitching eyes to look at Young Master Liu who was walking with him.

"Brother Liu, Pei Yuexin, as brother I am talking about Pei Yuexin."

Seeing Hu Yanyu's twitching eyes, Mr. Liu nodded awkwardly and laughed a few times.

"Hehehe, Brother Huyan, brother, I know the name you are talking about is Pei Yuexin.

But, who is this Pei Yuexin? "

Hu Yanyu looked at the embarrassed expression on Young Master Liu's face, and then determined that he was not joking with her, but that he really didn't remember who Pei Yuexin he was talking about.

Thinking of this, Hu Yanyu smiled softly and shook his head.

"Hehehe, hey, Brother Liu, I never thought that you would dare not remember her.

I thought before that you might still have some impression of Yuexin. "

Liu Mingzhi listened to Hu Yanyu's slightly helpless tone and shook his head apologetically.

"Brother Huyan, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

Brother, I just thought about it over and over again, and I really can’t remember who Pei Yuexin is.

How about you give me a heads up, brother? "

Hu Yanyu nodded slightly and said loudly: "Donghai, the eldest daughter of the Pei family, Daoyahai, Pei Yuexin."

When Liu Mingzhi heard what Hu Yanyu said, he began to ponder with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Donghai, the eldest lady of the Pei family of Daoyahai, Pei Yuexin."

Young Master Liu softly repeated what Hu Yanyu said, and the pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank.

In the blink of an eye, eight figures of seven men and one woman appeared in his mind.

"Donghai, Pei family."

"Donghai, the eldest daughter of the Pei family, Pei Yuexin."

"Brother Huyan, brother, I have an impression, I have an impression.

This Pei Yuexin you are talking about, isn't she your so-and-so? "

Seeing Young Master Liu's reaction, Hu Yanyu smiled lightly, nodded, and directly agreed.

"Little sister."

"Yes, yes, yes, junior sister, she is your junior sister.

Brother Huyan, she should be the girl we met in Jiangnan 20 years ago, holding a jade flute, proficient in music, and using music to enter the martial arts, right?
At that time, she was following her seven brothers to hunt down your senior brother. "

When Hu Yanyu saw Major General Liu Da describing Pei Yuexin's situation in such detail, he knew that he had completely recalled who his sweetheart was.

He looked at Young Master Liu and nodded gently, sighing melancholy.


"Brother Liu, you remember correctly, as a brother, my sweetheart is her."

When Young Master Liu heard Hu Yanyu's affirmative words, he raised his wine bag and took a big sip of wine. He shook his head helplessly and exhaled the alcohol.

"Huh, I said why can't I remember who Pei Yuexin is.

Brother Huyan, it has been more than 20 years. It was already [-] years ago when I last saw Ms. Pei Yuexin.

Half of my life passed in the blink of an eye, and I have never seen him again since then.

Under such circumstances, brother, it would be weird if I could think of her all at once.

To be honest, if Brother Huyan hadn’t reminded me, I wouldn’t have remembered that such a girl existed in my life.

Perhaps, when my brother and I get old and recall my life experiences, I may also recall the figures of these eight brothers and sisters.

However, it is not certain whether I can still recall Miss Pei's name at that time. "

Listening to Young Master Liu's tone full of regrets, Hu Yanyu raised a self-deprecating smile on his lips, and then took a long puff of dry cigarette with a lonely expression.


"Brother Liu, maybe I take it too seriously for my brother.

I thought you would be very impressed by that exciting past event.

Now, after hearing what you said, brother, I suddenly realized that that past incident only left a very deep impression on me, a caring person.

For you, it is nothing unforgettable. "

When Liu Mingzhi heard what Hu Yanyu said, he smiled and nodded.

"Hehehe, Brother Huyan, you are right!
Because during that past event, Brother Huyan, the sweetheart you cared about so much and never forgot, was present, so you will never forget it for a long time.

Even though more than twenty years have passed, the memory is still fresh in my mind.

However, for me, brother, this past event is just a small experience in my life.

Worth remembering, but not worth remembering all the time. "

Hu Yanyu pondered thoughtfully for a moment, then laughed and nodded vigorously.

"Hahaha, in one sentence."

Liu Mingzhi raised the wine bag and drank two large gulps of wine, then turned sideways and delivered the wine bag to Hu Yanyu.

"Brother Huyan, come and have a drink."

Hu Yanyu smiled lightly and nodded. He was about to take the wine bag from Young Master Liu, but Young Master Liu dodged it with a backhand.

Seeing this situation, Hu Yanyu's expression was slightly startled.

"Brother Liu, what are you doing?"

"Brother Huyan, it's difficult for you to move. Brother pours the wine. You come and drink."

"This this!"

Young Master Liu waved his hand and lifted the wine bag into the air in front of Hu Yanyu.

"Oh, stop doing this and that, come on, come on, raise your head and open your mouth."

"Hehehe, okay, then there is Brother Laoliu."

As soon as Hu Yanyu finished speaking, Young Master Liu held the wine bag and made a backhand move.

In an instant, the crystal clear and fragrant wine poured down directly and fell into Hu Yanyu's mouth.

After taking several sips of the wine, Hu Yanyu immediately turned sideways and waved to Young Master Liu.

Seeing this, Liu Dashu immediately put down the wine bag in his hand. "belch!"

"Phew, good wine, good wine, really good wine."

Liu Mingzhi listened to Hu Yanyu's bold words, raised the wine bag again and drank a large sip of wine for himself.

"Brother Huyan, to be honest, brother, I never thought that your sweetheart would be Miss Pei.

When you were outside Jinling City in Jiangnan, Miss Pei Yuexin and her seven brothers wanted to kill you dozens of times in a row.

Although you managed to escape with your life in the end, there is a life-and-death feud between you.

By the way, what is the hatred between you?

It seems, it seems to be revenge for killing his father, right? "

Hu Yanyu's tiger body trembled and she nodded gently.

"Yes, it can be regarded as revenge for killing my father."

Immediately, Hu Yanyu leaned over and knocked out the burned tobacco from the pot, then held up the dry pipe and handed it to Young Master Liu with a complicated expression.

"Brother Liu, I am one-armed and can't help you. If you can help me, please give me another pot of tobacco."

"Brother Huyan, you have already smoked two pots of tobacco in a row, are you still smoking?"

Hu Yanyu looked at the dry tobacco pole in his hand and sighed with a lonely expression.

"Oh, if it's normal, I rarely smoke so many at one time.

However, right now, if I don’t smoke, I can’t calm down because of my brother. "

Mr. Liu nodded slightly, opened his tobacco bag, picked up a handful of tobacco and stuffed it into Hu Yanyu's smoking pot.

Then he took out a match from his sleeve and lit the tobacco in the pot.

Looking at Hu Yanyu who was puffing away smoke, Liu Dashao first put the wine bag on his waist, and then also refilled a pot of shredded tobacco for himself.

"Brother Huyan, let me ask you a rather presumptuous question. If you kill your father to kill your father, you kill your father to kill your father. If not, then you don't. What does it mean to kill your father to kill your father?"

Hu Yanyu was shocked again when he heard Young Master Liu's question.

He suddenly stopped, raised his head and stared at the stars in the sky. After being silent for a long time, he blinked his sore eyes hard several times.

"Back then, my brother's mentor, Yue Xin and her father, Pei Guangming, the old master, unfortunately passed away in Hexi due to some special reasons.

Although it was not my brother who directly killed his mentor, his death was somehow related to my identity.

Therefore, the brother and sister blamed my brother for the death of their mentor. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and tried his best to recall some situations that happened 20 years ago.

"Brother Huyan, I still have some vague impressions. Miss Pei and her siblings said that their father was your mentor, Grandmaster Pei.

It seems that it was because he knew your identity that he died... ahem... and went to Hexi, right? "

"Yes, that's exactly why.

At that time, the world was not yet unified, and there were constant disputes among the three kingdoms of Dalong, Jin, and Turks.

At that time, not only the courts between the Three Kingdoms, but also the rivers and lakes between the Three Kingdoms were also full of grievances and hatreds.

The parents of his mentor, for some reason, unfortunately died in the hands of some masters from our Turkic side.

For this reason, my mentor hates us Turks very much.

Brother Liu, regarding some of the experiences we endured as brothers and my little sister when we were young, you and your little sister have been married for so many years. She must have told you a lot, right? "

Young Master Liu took a puff of dry cigarette silently, looked sideways at Hu Yanyu and nodded gently.

"Well, when I have nothing to do, Yao'er has talked to my brother, my husband, many times."

"Back then, as a brother, in order to protect myself and my little sister, I wanted to practice martial arts.

It's a pity that my brother and I have encountered obstacles in our studies because our mothers are from the Han family.

Among the masters on the Turkic grassland, after knowing my brother's identity, no one was willing to accept me as my brother.

Just because my brother's mother is a Han woman kidnapped from the Han family by that old bastard my father.

Even though I am the second prince of the Huyan tribe, they are still unwilling to accept me as their disciple.

So, after thinking about it for a long time, I secretly told my younger sister in private, and then went alone to study in Dalong, which was very hostile to the Turks at that time.

Unfortunately, because I am a Turk, my education path is still full of obstacles.

Even more serious than in the Turks.

For more than a year, I, as a brother, have not been able to truly join a sect.

At that time, all the financial burdens I had brought with me were almost exhausted. "

As Hu Yanyu spoke, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued walking forward.

Liu Dashu saw the situation and followed him slowly while drinking wine.

“All kinds of unfair experiences have made me extremely frustrated as a brother.

But, for my brother’s sake, I won’t give in.

I haven't learned martial arts yet, and I haven't achieved my original wish.

If, as a brother, I return to the Turkic grasslands like a lost dog, how should I protect myself from harm?
How can I protect my little sister and not be harmed either?

When my mother passed away, with a look of grief and reluctance, she told her that she was a brother, and that I, the brother, must protect my sister.

As a brother, I will never forget her original voice, smile, and last words.

Therefore, I am not willing to give up for my brother, and I am not willing to give up for my brother.

Why should we brothers and sisters suffer all kinds of unfair treatment?

Why should we, brothers and sisters, suffer the cold eyes of those from the tribe?

Why should we brothers and sisters be bullied by others everywhere?

I learned a lot for my brother and finally made up my mind.

I am not willing to just go back to the Turkic grassland without achieving anything.

Because, I don't know how to face my little sister.

As a brother, I promised my mother that I would protect my little sister.

I said goodbye to my little sister, and before I left the grassland, I promised her that when I go back, I will not let her be bullied in the slightest.

Anyone who dares to bully our brothers and sisters, I will make them pay with blood, even with their lives. "

Listening to Hu Yanyu's gritted tone, Liu Mingzhi raised the wine bag and took two large sips of the wine, sighing melancholy.

"Hey, Brother Huyan, please continue talking."

"Later, I had no choice but to hide my true identity because of my brother.

Then, by chance, I was accepted by my mentor.

My mentor, seeing that he was my elder brother, he accepted me as his direct disciple and taught me Dao Yahai's Zhenpai Kungfu.

Of course, as a brother, I have lived up to the high expectations of my mentor. Since I started practicing martial arts, my martial arts have been improving rapidly.

In just a few years, my martial arts skills surpassed many of my brothers and sisters.

Although my senior sister is not as good as some senior brothers who started training earlier than me, in Dao Ya Hai, my skills can be considered as one of the best. "

As soon as Hu Yanyu finished speaking, he turned around and looked towards the eastern night sky with a guilty look on his face.

"As for what happened next, take into account what I said as a brother.

Come to think of it, Brother Liu, you should be able to guess it. "(End of chapter)

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