Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and was silent for a while with a thoughtful look on his face. He looked at Hu Yanyu and nodded gently.

"You can probably guess how much."

"Since Brother Liu, you can guess how far you can go, then as a brother, I won't waste any more time."

"Brother Huyan, your mentor came to Hexi for some reason after knowing your identity.

In other words, his death still has something to do with you after all. "

After listening to Young Master Liu's words, Hu Yanyu withdrew his eyes from staring at the eastern night sky and nodded with a complicated expression.

"Yeah, it does have something to do with it."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and waved to Hu Yanyu sideways.

"Brother Huyan, let's keep walking."

"Okay, please."

Liu Mingzhi casually took off the wine bag that was hung on his waist just now, and took two sips of the wine with a sullen expression.

"Brother Huyan, you have fallen in love with the little junior sister who followed her seven brothers and chased you for thousands of miles, intending to put you to death.

No wonder you just said that things are impermanent and fate plays tricks on people.

Situations like this are indeed unpredictable and fate plays a trick on people.

I have to say that the grievances and hatreds in the world are really hard to describe in one sentence. "

"Brother Liu, you don't know something. Regarding the matter of concealing my identity because of my brother, my mentor actually had a long chat with me before he passed away.

He asked his brother why he had to hide his identity and whether he was Dao Yahai who was appointed by someone.

My mentor was dying at the time, so as a brother, I naturally didn’t dare to hide anything about his problems.

Therefore, as a brother, I later told my mentor all the causes and consequences of concealing my identity in detail.

After listening to my brother and me telling all the causes and consequences, my mentor didn't say much, but just sighed three times in a row.

Later, he asked me a few more questions.

As a brother, I also answered all the questions of my mentor without any concealment.

After listening to my answer, my mentor felt relieved about my concealment of my identity.

It's just Senior Brother Pei and his brothers who can't let go.

Their brothers always believed that the death of their mentor was because of me.

I explained it over and over again, but they didn't listen at all.

In the end, it evolved into a situation where they were always chasing each other as brothers. "

Liu Mingzhi gently took a puff of dry cigarette and nodded with a clear expression.

"and after?"

Hu Yanyu raised his brows slightly, and said with a chuckle: "Brother Liu, you all know what happened next. As a brother, I almost died in the hands of several senior brothers, and in the end I was lucky enough to escape with my life."

After hearing Hu Yanyu's answer, Young Master Liu immediately waved his hand.

"Brother Huyan, no, no, you have misunderstood me.

Brother, what I’m asking is, what happened to you and Miss Pei after we said goodbye outside Jinling City in Jiangnan? "

When Hu Yanyu heard Young Master Liu's inquiry, the forced smile on his face gradually disappeared.

He turned to look at Young Master Liu, blinked his red eyes hard a few times, and then raised a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Obviously, as a brother, I am still alone now, which is the best answer to your question."

Listening to Hu Yanyu's pretending to be open-minded, Liu Mingzhi raised his eyebrows slightly, smiled and nodded.

"Understood, understood."

"Brother Liu."

"Well, Brother Huyan?"

"Actually, there is one thing that none of you know."

"Oh? I don't know what it is?"

After Hu Yanyu forcefully exhaled the light smoke in his mouth, he turned his head and motioned to the wine bag in Young Master Liu's hand.

"Brother Liu, I have to help you again."

Young Master Liu took the opportunity to look at the wine bag in his hand, and immediately nodded happily.

"Okay, raise your head."

As soon as Liu Dashao finished speaking, he took the wine bag and raised it in the air in front of Hu Yanyu.

This time, I don't know if Hu Yanyu is really thirsty, or if he is planning to drink to drown his sorrows.

After half a bag of wine fell into his mouth, he made no move to signal Young Master Liu to stop.

When Liu Mingzhi saw this situation, he took the initiative to put down the wine bag without waiting for Hu Yanyu to give him a signal.

"Brother Huyan, that's almost enough.

Brother, I only ordered this amount of drinks. You drank it all for me in one go. What else should I drink later? "


Hu Yanyu burped softly and turned to look at Young Master Liu happily.

"Brother Liu, Xiaojiazi is angry, isn't he?

Brother, I also have a bag of fine wine hanging on my waist. After you finish drinking your wine, can’t we just drink my wine, brother? "

As Hu Yanyu spoke, he turned to Young Master Liu and motioned to the wine bag on his waist.

"Look, there's a whole wineskin full of wine."

Young Master Liu also knew that Hu Yanyu was joking with him, so he casually glanced at the wine bag on his waist and retorted.

"Hey, Brother Huyan, you should have said it earlier. If you had said it earlier, brother, why would I be so stingy?

Come on, let's not talk about this anymore. You should continue talking about the things that I don't know, brother. "

Hu Yanyu nodded silently, with a hint of memory in his eyes.

“Brother Liu, actually you don’t even know.

When we were in Jiangnan, Yuexin didn't go after my brother, but she went to protect me. "

After hearing Hu Yanyu's words, Young Master Liu suddenly stopped in his steps and turned to look at Hu Yanyu in astonishment.

He couldn't help but wonder if he had heard wrongly because he had drunk too much.

"Huh? Wha...what?
Brother Huyan, tell me again, what did Miss Pei do? "

Seeing the shocked expression on Young Master Liu's face, Hu Yanyu smiled lightly and took a long breath.

"Huh, Brother Wei said that Yue Xin didn't go after me, but she went to protect me."

When he saw Hu Yanyu, he repeated what he just said again. Only then did Young Master Liu confirm that he had heard correctly.

However, he really couldn't understand what Hu Yanyu said.

It was obviously a pursuit for thousands of miles, but why did it suddenly turn into protection?

"No, Brother Huyan, are you sure you didn't drink too much?"

Hu Yanyu turned to look at Mr. Liu and nodded cheerfully.

"Hahaha, brother, I didn't drink too much. I'm very sober now."

"Hey, hey, are you sure you didn't say it wrong?" "Hahaha, as a brother, I am sure that I didn't say it wrong."

Young Master Liu took a deep breath, rubbed his temples with his fingers, and the expression on his face suddenly became tangled.

"Brother Huyan, I still have some vague impressions of what happened back then.

At that time, when the eight brothers and sisters launched an offensive against you, all the moves they used were deadly killing moves.

Especially Miss Pei, when her brother launched an offensive against you, she tried to disturb your mind more than once with the sound of the flute she played.

In that situation, she obviously planned to help her brothers to put you to death.

As a result, now you tell me that she is not going to hunt you down, but to protect you.

This, this, this, brother, I really can’t understand something. "

Seeing the tangled expression on Young Master Liu's face, Hu Yanyu took a long puff of dry cigarette and exhaled with a sigh.

"Brother Liu, how can you be so sure that the sound of the flute played by Yuexin is deliberately disturbing my mind?"

Listening to Hu Yanyu's seemingly profound tone, Liu Mingzhi gently turned his eyes a few times and began to think rapidly.


Young Master Liu seemed to have thought of something and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"Hiss! Brother Huyan, are you saying that Miss Pei is helping her seven brothers on the surface, but in fact she is helping you?"

Hu Yanyu looked at Young Master Liu's shocked expression and nodded without hesitation.

"Of course."

Young Master Liu shook his head vigorously and frowned with confusion on his face.

"This, no, how could it be like this?"

"Because we are brothers, Yue Xin and I have already been in love with each other privately.

The relationship between our senior brothers and sisters is just a layer of window paper.

In addition, Yuexin rushed over in time before her mentor passed away.

In this way, she naturally learned the reasons and consequences of concealing her identity for her brother from her mentor, the old man.

After my mentor and his family explained everything to Yue Xin on behalf of my brother, he told Yuexin very solemnly that he was completely relieved about my concealment of my identity. "

After listening to Hu Yanyu's story, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression and asked again.

"and after?"

"Later, before my mentor took his last breath, he directly pointed out the mutual affection between me and Yue Xin.

So, he solemnly told his brother that he would betroth Yuexin, his only daughter, to his brother.

I must love her well, love her, and not bully her, let alone make her sad.

If I can't do it for my brother, even if he becomes a ghost under Jiuquan, he will never let me go. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and frowned instinctively.

"Isn't it good that everything has been explained and explained?

But how did things turn into the situation they did later? "

Listening to Young Master Liu's puzzled tone, Hu Yanyu sighed softly.


"That's because before my mentor died, only my brother Wei and Yue Xin were present.

By the time all the brothers and sisters arrived at my mentor's residence, my mentor had already breathed his last and drove west.

After Yuexin met her brothers and sisters, she immediately got up and went to explain everything to her eldest brother.

As a result, the furious Senior Brother Pei couldn't listen to any explanation at all, and slapped Yuexin directly.

As a brother, I just promised my mentor, his old man, to take good care of Yuexin and prevent her from being wronged or bullied in any way.

After I saw this situation, I rushed up on the spot to argue with Senior Brother Pei. "

When Young Master Liu heard what Hu Yanyu said, he frowned subconsciously.

"Brother Huyan, if you move like this, the situation will probably get worse."

Hearing Young Master Liu's question, Hu Yanyu smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Yes, Brother Liu, you are absolutely right.

My action was misunderstood by all the brothers and sisters at that time.

They mistakenly thought that I was going to take action, so they immediately used weapons to surround me.

When I saw this situation, I just wanted to explain to them.

However, because of the death of their father and the fact that they already knew that I was a Turk, these senior brothers were filled with anger and were blinded for a while, and they did not give me any explanation at all. Opportunity.

As soon as they came up, they used deadly moves to kill people.

As a brother, if I don't resist, I will definitely die or be maimed under their offensive.

As a last resort, I had no choice but to resist as a brother. "

"Where's Miss Pei? Didn't she explain it to you?"

Hu Yanyu frowned and took a puff of dry cigarette, then sighed with a complicated expression.

"Oh, you explained it, you have been explaining it to me.

At that time, Yue Xin was standing by to help explain to me, but under the circumstances, no matter how she explained, it was of no use.

Under the killing moves of all the brothers and sisters, as a brother, I can only go all out to display what I have learned throughout my life.

In the big melee, Brother Wei took action several times, all out of his instinctive resistance after being in danger.

Therefore, due to my instinctive resistance as a brother, several senior brothers and sisters were left with more or less wounds on their bodies.

Some things, once they see blood, become even more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, a misunderstanding that should have been resolved, instead of being resolved, made the misunderstanding deeper and deeper.

In the end, I deliberately used a life-threatening move for my brother, and barely managed to break out of the encirclement of my brothers and sisters.

However, because of my brother, I rushed out, but left Yuexin behind. "

As Hu Yanyu spoke, his expression suddenly became gloomy.

"Brother Liu, as a brother, I don't want to leave Yuexin behind.

However, if I have any idea, I don't want to do it. "

Liu Mingzhi raised the wine bag and took a big gulp of wine, then leaned over and knocked out the ashes from the pot.

"Since Miss Pei already knows all the causes and consequences, she shouldn't complain to you because of such a little thing, right?"

Hu Yanyu nodded with a wry smile and stretched out his hand to signal the intersection ahead.

"Brother Liu, let's turn left at this intersection and go to the right where the palace ladies live.

After we two gentlemen went to the residence of the palace maids, it was still not suitable. "

"Okay, okay, brother, I understand."

"Brother Liu, you are right, Yuexin is not dissatisfied with me as a brother just because of such a small thing.

At that time, after I escaped from Dao Yahai and found a place to stay, I immediately spent money to find someone to write a letter to Yuexin to report that I was safe. "

"What happened next?" (End of Chapter)

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