Chapter 3469 Conspiracy
Hu Yanyu sighed softly and waved his hand towards the pavilion in front of him.

"Brother Liu, we've been wandering around for so long, let's go to the pavilion in front of us to have a rest."

Hearing this, Young Master Liu turned around and looked at the pavilion a dozen steps ahead on the left, and nodded with a slight smile.

"Okay, after walking for so long, it's time to find a place to sit."

Seeing that Young Master Liu had agreed with him, Hu Yanyu smiled and nodded.

"Brother Liu, please."

"Hehehe, please do the same."

After arriving at the pavilion, Liu Mingzhi sat on the stone bench and casually placed the wine bag on the stone table.

Seeing that Liu Mingzhi had already sat down, Hu Yanyu lifted up his clothes and sat down directly on the stone bench opposite him.

Liu Mingzhi took a puff of dry cigarette, took out the folding fan from his waist, flicked it, and started shaking it slowly.

"Brother Huyan, keep talking, brother, I'm listening.

Hu Yanyu took a long puff of dry cigarette and looked at Mr. Liu and nodded gently.

"After Yuexin received the letter to report that my brother and I were safe, she immediately replied to a letter to me.

She said in the letter that she wanted to meet me at a certain place. "

When Liu Mingzhi heard Hu Yanyu's words, he frowned instinctively.

He had a vague feeling that what Hu Yanyu said was going too smoothly.

Just when he was about to say something, Hu Yanyu suddenly pointed at the wine bag in his hand.

"Brother Liu, you're done."

"It's okay, raise your head."


After the last drop of wine dropped from the wine bag, Hu Yanyu directly pulled the wine bag from his waist and put it into Young Master Liu's hand.

"Brother Liu, please drink my drink later."

"Hahaha, okay, okay."

Hu Yanyu nodded happily and took a deep breath of wine.

"Phew! After I packed my bags, dressed up, and was about to leave to meet Yuexin, I suddenly received another letter from Yuexin.

After I read the contents of the second letter, I realized that the book in which I reported to Yue Xin that I was safe had been discovered by Senior Brother Pei, as well as other senior brothers and sisters.

The first letter that Yuexin sent to me was a letter that Senior Brother Pei and others forced Yuexin to write to me.

At the place Yuexin mentioned in her first letter, Senior Brother Pei and the others had already laid an ambush in advance.

The second letter was written to me secretly by Yue Xin without telling Senior Brother Pei and all of them.

The content of this letter is what Yuexin really wants to say to me.

Yuexin told me that after reading the contents of the letter, not only should she not go to the appointment, but she should also leave the place where I was staying immediately.

Hide as far as you can.

As long as I don't receive another letter from her here, I will definitely not take the initiative to return to Dao Ya Hai.

If anything happens, she will find a way to contact me in the future.

I received the second letter from Yuexin, and knowing the truth of the matter, naturally it was impossible for me to go to the appointment again.

At the same time, I also knew that the place I was staying at was no longer safe.

I put away the letter, carefully sorted out some of the traces I left, immediately left the place where I was staying, and hurried to it. "

After listening to Hu Yanyu's words, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and pulled out the stopper on the wine bag, raised his head and took a big sip of wine.

"This is really thrilling!"

Hu Yanyu was silent for a moment, then nodded with emotion on his face.

"Who says it's not the case? Yue Xin's letter came a step later. Maybe as a brother, I had already lost my head and turned into a pile of loess 20 years ago.

Senior Brother Pei and the others were in vain. At that time, they suspected that it was Yue Xin who had secretly reported to me again.

Therefore, when they returned to Daoyahai, they immediately found Yuexin and questioned Yuexin.

Of course it was impossible for Yuexin to admit it. No matter how much Senior Brother Pei and the others pressed him, Monthly Salary vehemently denied it and had never written a letter to me.

Senior brother and the others don't have any substantial evidence, so naturally there is nothing they can do against Yuexin.

Furthermore, Yuexin is their biological sister after all. No matter how angry Senior Brother Pei and the others are, they can't really do anything to Yuexin. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a clear expression and asked softly: "Then what? Your senior brother Pei and the others believe it like this?"

"Of course it's impossible, Senior Brother Pei and the others didn't get anything useful.

So, they asked Yuexin again if she knew where I was.

Because, under the circumstances at that time, Yuexin was the only person who might know my whereabouts.

Regarding this question, Yuexin answered straightforwardly with three words: "They don't know."

They still didn't believe Yue Xin's answer and had to swear it in front of them. "

Young Master Liu clasped his brows with his fingers and raised his brows with a strange expression.

"Oh, what vow?"

"They forced Yuexin to swear what would happen if they knew where my brother was but didn't tell me.

Of course, they are just small vows that are not worth mentioning.

As a brother, I still said what I just said. After all, Yue Xin is their biological sister. Of course, they can't force Yue Xin to really swear any poisonous oath.

The seven of them, Senior Brother Pei, usually love Yuexin, their only sister.

They forced Yuexin to swear that they were just deliberately deceiving her. "

"I see, I'm telling you, no matter how angry your senior brother and the others are, they won't be so cruel to Miss Pei, the only sister.

Then what?How did Miss Pei do it? "

"Then, Yuexin swore an oath without hesitation, and it was a poisonous oath.

After all, she really didn’t know where I was at that time, so she didn’t have to be afraid no matter what kind of oath she swore?
When the brothers and sisters saw that Yuexin had already sworn a poisonous oath, they naturally stopped saying anything.

The poisonous oath Yue Xin made was a loophole. After all, it was an oath that would never come true. "

Listening to Hu Yanyu's sighing tone, Young Master Liu smiled and nodded.

"Later, since you two love each other so much, why haven't you two gotten together yet?

Could it be that something went wrong in the middle?
"After something like my mentor happened, I thought that after a while, after Senior Brother Pei and the others had calmed down and their anger subsided, I would go back and explain the details to them.

However, I didn't expect that Senior Brother Pei and the others would be so resentful towards me.

Let alone a period of time, about half a year has passed, and they have not let go of their resentment towards me as their brother.

Not only were they still angry, but many other brothers and sisters in the sect who had returned from their experiences in the world were also furious after learning about this matter.

Then, like Senior Brother Pei and the others, they also started to hunt down my brother.Facing their pursuit, as a brother, I can't really just surrender.

If they asked me about my situation in a friendly voice, I would have no problem in arresting them without restraint.

However, under the circumstances at that time, if I didn't resist, I would most likely be killed on the spot.

With no other choice, I had no choice but to resist.

As a brother, if I resist, I will inevitably see blood.

As a result, not only was the matter not resolved satisfactorily, but the misunderstanding became deeper and deeper. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his head and took a sip of the wine, then stood up and gestured to Hu Yanyu.

"Brother Huyan, let's continue walking around."

"Okay, please."


After Liu Dashao walked out of the pavilion at the lead, he turned to look at Hu Yanyu who was half a step behind him.

"This situation can be described as a dilemma."

"Huh, who says it's not?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, and after a moment of silence with a sad expression on his face, he raised his wine bag and took another sip of wine.

Then, he grabbed his sleeve and casually wiped the drink that fell to the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Huyan, such a long time has passed. Didn't Miss Yuexin think of a way to explain to her brothers what happened that day?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's question, Hu Yanyu had a complicated look on his face, frowned in silence for a long time, and sighed forcefully.

"Oh, I explained it, why didn't I explain it?

However, Senior Brother Pei and the others did not listen to any explanation at all.

Come to think of it, after all, it is the revenge of killing my father, how can it be so easy to let go.

Later, I also thought that perhaps Senior Brother Pei had already believed the words Yuexin explained to me.

It's just that they just can't untie this knot.

After all, the death of my mentor was partially related to me.

After listening to Hu Yanyu's seemingly profound words, Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment thoughtfully, and nodded with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Yes, since ancient times, the hatred for killing one's father and the hatred for taking away one's wife have been irreconcilable.

Maybe they already know the truth of the matter, but they are unwilling to let go of this hatred.

In addition, Brother Huyan, you were a Turk at the time, and they will only hate you even more.

Not only the hatred for killing his father, but also the hatred between countries.

"Brother Liu, you are so right, as a brother, I thought the same way at the time.

After thinking about these issues, Brother Pei, I tried my best not to confront them head-on when faced with the pursuit of Senior Brother Pei and others. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly: "Brother Huyan, according to the situation at that time, what you did was right.

However, the key point is that continuing like this is not an option. "

"Brother Liu, you hit the nail on the head.

Yuexin thought the same way, and she also thought it was not an option to continue like this.

Therefore, one time when I sent her a letter to report that I was safe, she immediately took the opportunity to reply to me a letter.

Yuexin told her brother in the letter that she could not continue like this and that she had to find a way to solve the problem.

As the saying goes, when will the injustice be repaid?

What's more, there is no grudge between us, just misunderstandings.

As long as the misunderstanding is explained and solved, I won't have to go on like this anymore.

It's a pity that neither I nor Yuexin can think of a way to solve this matter in a short period of time.
Moreover, despite the fact that Senior Brother Pei and the others tried their best to surround and block me, I was able to cleverly escape from this situation every time. Senior Brother Pei and the others had begun to suspect that Yuexin was secretly tipping me off.

As a result, every subsequent action of Senior Brother Pei and the others began to avoid Yue Xin intentionally or unintentionally.

Yuexin is so smart, she has naturally discovered from the changes in Senior Brother Pei and others that Senior Brother Pei and others deliberately avoided her when discussing matters.

Yuexin knew very clearly in her heart that if she could not know in time the plans of several brothers to kill me, and notify me in time.

As a brother, I will most likely die in the pursuit of Senior Brother Pei and the others.

Yue Xin was naturally worried about this situation, so she immediately sent a letter to discuss it with me.

After we exchanged four or five letters in a row, Yuexin finally thought of a good idea. "

When Liu Mingzhi heard what Hu Yanyu said, a hint of curiosity suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Oh, I don't know what kind of good solution Miss Pei has in mind."

"Brother Liu, it's like this. In order to dispel the suspicion of Senior Brother Pei and the others, Yue Xin took the initiative to pursue me.

At the beginning, Senior Brother Pei and the others thought Yuexin was causing trouble and deliberately disrupting their hearing.

Therefore, they did not pay attention to Yuexin's proposal at all.

This situation suited Yuexin's thoughts better, so she pretended to be very unhappy and left.

Then, she secretly took a few of her senior fellow apprentices who were above average in the sect and went down the mountain to hunt down my brother. "

When Liu Mingzhi heard what Hu Yanyu said, he vaguely understood in his heart, what was the good way Pei Yuexin said?

"Brother Huyan, if it goes as expected, Miss Pei's pursuit plan should have been discussed between you two."

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, Hu Yanyu's face suddenly showed admiration.

Then, he gave Young Master Liu a thumbs up.

"Brother Liu is worthy of being Brother Liu, he is still so quick-thinking.

Brother Liu, you are right, just as you guessed.

Yuexin's plan to take several of her fellow apprentices down the mountain to kill her was exactly what we had already discussed.

Later, the two of us had a chance encounter at the agreed place.

Later, when Yuexin saw me, she quickly gathered around me with her fellow apprentices.

As for some of the processes, I think Brother Liu, you should be able to guess it, so you might as well not tell me because of your brother.

Under the siege of Yuexin and the others, we passed about a hundred moves, and then I followed the plan discussed between Yuexin and I, deliberately exposing a flaw to Yuexin.

After Yuexin left a skin injury on my body that seemed very serious but was actually not serious, I rushed out of their encirclement with all my strength.

As for what happened next, I don’t need to go into details, brother Liu. I think you can guess it, right? "

Liu Mingzhi rolled his eyes a few times, raised the wine bag and took a sip of wine, then looked at Hu Yanyu and nodded with a half-smile.

"Well, I've probably guessed it."

(End of this chapter)

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