My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3486 Chapter 110 Unreasonable

"Hahaha, of course it's true. Brother, what can I do to lie to you about this kind of thing?"

When Ren Qingrui heard this, she nodded her head a few times without hesitation.

"Yeah, yeah, Da Guoguo, sister, I understand.

After I wash up tomorrow morning, I will go to see Sister Yaoer immediately. "

Listening to the beauty's decisive words, Liu Mingzhi chuckled and shook his head.

"Rui'er, although as a brother I know everything, your sister Yao'er also knows everything clearly.

But, as a brother, I can’t guarantee whether your sister Yaoer will tell you about Brother Huyan. Whether you can learn something from her mouth depends entirely on your own ability. "

After listening to her sweetheart's words, Ren Qingrui waved her hand casually.

"Oh, Da Guoguo, first of all, this is not a particularly important thing. Besides, my relationship with sister Yao'er is so good, she has no reason not to tell me.

Sister Yao'er is not like you, Da Guoguo, who is so disappointing. She suddenly stops talking in the middle of talking.

It directly made my sister feel so upset that I couldn't even sleep well. "

"Haha, hahaha, yes, yes, since you are so confident, Rui'er, then you can go directly to your sister Yao'er tomorrow morning.

See if your good sister Yunyao will tell you about Brother Huyan’s knot.

Brother Wei suggests that you'd better start praying right away, praying that Yao'er will tell you the truth tomorrow, otherwise you'll be slapped in the face. "

Ren Qingrui turned over gently, raised her jade neck and snorted arrogantly.

"Hmph! You don't need to worry, Sister Yao'er will definitely tell me."

"Hehehe, let's wait and see."

The beauty listened to her sweetheart's laughter and snorted softly again.

"Hmph! Just wait and see."

Liu Mingzhi listened to the beauty's tone full of himself, chuckled and turned his head to look at the night outside the window.

Immediately, he withdrew his gaze, and just as he was about to say good night to the person in his arms, another thing suddenly came to his mind.


"Hey, what happened?"

"Girl, for my brother's sake, I asked you to help me with this stinky girl Yue'er. Have you asked Yue'er?"

"Oh, Da Guoguo, from last night to now, only one day has passed.

In just one day, how can I, sister, have any chance to gossip with Yue'er about this matter?
During today's day, we first went out of the palace and walked around the streets for a long time.

After we came back, before my sister and I had time to rest, I went out with Sister Yun, Sister Yan'er, Sister Wanyan, Queen Safisa, and Yue'er for most of the day.

After we returned to our residence, we just sorted out the various things we bought.

Not long after, the feast that Uncle Zhang Kuang and the others had prepared for us started again.

At the end of the day, sister, I didn’t even have time to rest, so how could I have the chance to go to Yue’er to gossip about the things you told me? "

Listening to Ren Qingrui's slightly complaining tone, Mr. Liu laughed a few times with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Hehehe, Rui'er, I'm sorry, sorry, it's because of my brother that I didn't think carefully."

"Da Guoguo, my sister knows that you are very concerned about Yue'er's life-long issues.

However, this kind of thing cannot be rushed, it must be done gradually.

Yue'er is so smart, I don't need to say more, sister, you also know Daguoguo.

If my sister had acted too anxiously when I asked her about Duan Dingbang, with Yue'er's intelligence, she would have immediately noticed that the questions I asked her had ulterior motives. .

If that's the case, do you think Yue'er will still tell her true feelings to my sister? "

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment with his brows slightly furrowed, then nodded with a sad expression.

"That's true, Rui'er, what you said makes sense."

"So, Da Guoguo, no matter how concerned you are about Yue'er's lifelong events, you can't be too anxious.

As for my sister, the only way for me to do this is to proceed step by step and talk to her about this topic bit by bit until things finally fall into place. This is the most correct choice. "

Listening to the beauty's words, Young Master Liu smiled and nodded.

"Okay, okay, Rui'er, it's up to you to decide what to do.

As a brother, I will never interfere with your every thought. "

"Yeah, yeah, then it's settled.

Da Guoguo, just don't worry, sister, I will help you find out what Yue'er really thinks from her mouth as soon as possible. "

Liu Mingzhi reached out and gently pulled the silk quilts on himself and the beauty, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Rui'er, it's already dark, let's get some rest."

Hearing her sweetheart's words of good night, Ren Qingrui's pretty face hesitated for a moment, her beautiful eyes shyly raised her waist and whispered softly into Young Master Liu's ear.

"Da Guoguo, if you can't bear it anymore, sister, I can help you like before..."

Before the beauty could finish her words, Young Master Liu immediately raised his hand and patted her lightly on the shoulder, interrupting half of what the beauty was saying.

"Silly girl, as a brother, you know what my character is like.

There is really no need to wrong yourself, just rest early. "

Ren Qingrui listened to her sweetheart's answer, feeling happy but also a little disappointed and nodded.

Immediately, she silently retreated into her sweetheart's arms.

"Yeah, Da Guoguo, good night."

"Good night."

The night is getting darker and the bright moon is gradually moving westward.

One night passed quietly.


The next day.

The sky was getting brighter, and after Master Liu finished washing, he left the palace where he lived.

Outside the palace gate, Liu Mingzhi looked at Ren Qingrui, who was arranging the ribbon around his waist, and waved his hand with a smile.

"Girl, for my brother's sake, I'll go to your sister Wanyan's place first."

Ren Qingrui looked at Young Master Liu with a bright smile, raised her hand and responded with a smile.

"Hmm, Da Guoguo, my sister is going to sister Yao'er's residence too. Let's see you at breakfast."

"Hahaha, okay, see you later."

After Liu Mingzhi said goodbye to the beautiful lady, he went straight to the Queen's residence.

After the beauty watched her sweetheart go away, she shook her sleeves with a smile and hurried towards Huyan Yunyao's residence with brisk steps.

In less than half a cup of tea, Young Master Liu arrived at the palace where the Queen lived.

When he came to the back hall where the Queen was sitting with a smile on his face, she was wiping the water stains on her beautiful face with a towel.Liu Da had seen this situation rarely and knew that the Queen had just finished washing herself.

"Be polite."

Upon hearing Young Master Liu's words, the Queen gently put down the towel in her hand, turned around with a smile and looked at Young Master Liu who had walked into the back hall.

Judging from her calm and calm expression, it was obvious that she had already heard Young Master Liu's footsteps.

"Hey, you are heartless, what is going on?

This morning, if you didn't stay at your place and spend some time with the beautiful woman next to you, why did you come to my place? "

Listening to the Queen's teasing words, Young Master Liu casually looked at the decorations in the back hall, and walked towards the bed where the Queen rested a few steps away with a smile.

Then, he lay down directly on his side on the queen's bed.

"What? As my husband, can't I come and sit here with you?"

The Queen casually placed the towel in her hand on the changing rack nearby, and then carefully arranged her toiletries.

"Hey, I didn't say that, mother."

"Hehehe, that's fine then."

The Queen raised her slender arms high, and her stunning face stretched lazily and coquettishly. Her graceful figure and mature charm were even more alluring than a cyan beauty like Ren Qingrui.

Then, she moved lightly and walked directly towards Young Master Liu with a smile on her face.

"Heartless, you have to know that I have been with you step by step since you were young.

Therefore, I know your character very well.

According to common sense, this morning, you should stay in your own room and spend some time with your young, beautiful and charming beauty.

However, you suddenly came here to see me, an old woman who has long since aged and lost her beauty.

This is obviously unreasonable. "

As the queen spoke softly, she sat sideways on the edge of the bed, raised her green-white jade fingers and lightly tapped Young Master Liu's forehead.

"Those who have no conscience, as the saying goes, will not go to the Three Treasures Hall for any reason.

Judging from what I just said, it is obvious that you suddenly came to my residence and it was not a sudden rise.

But because you, a heartless person, wanted to see me for something, you suddenly came to my place in the early morning.

How about it, what I said should be right, right? "

Seeing that the Queen analyzed the matter so clearly, Mr. Liu pulled up the brocade quilt that still had residual warmth with his backhand and put it around his waist. He looked up at the Queen and chuckled helplessly.

"Hahaha, I don't know whether I should be happy or sad that I can have a group of beautiful women like you, all of whom are beautiful and intelligent, as my husband."

The Queen lowered her eyes and looked at the helpless expression on Young Master Liu's face. She raised her hand to comb her black hair that was scattered on her chest a few times. She lay on the bed sideways with a smile like a flower.

Then, she turned sideways and snuggled directly into Young Master Liu's arms.

"What? Could it be that sister Qingrui didn't behave very well last night and didn't let you, a heartless person, fully enjoy herself.

That’s why you came to my place early in the morning, wanting me to help sister Qingrui and share the burden? "

Listening to the Queen's teasing words, Young Master Liu rolled his eyes angrily.

"Stop, stop, stop, politely, do you want to listen to what you are saying?

As a husband, I do not deny that I am very obsessed with the beauty of Yun'er, Yan'er, Yajie, Lingyun and your sisters.

However, as a husband, no matter how much I indulge in the beauty of your sisters, I will not force myself to stay up all night and come to your place again to do what, what, right? "

Listening to the somewhat irritated words from Young Master Liu's mouth, the Queen smiled and raised her eyebrows, raised her slender hands and gently pulled off the underwear that had not yet been changed on her graceful body.

"He has no conscience, isn't that important?"

"Huh? What?"

"Hehehe, I said this is not important."

"What? Not important?"

"Yes, what happened between you and sister Qingrui is not important to me at all."

Mom, the only thing I'm thinking about right now is how to get the fat meat into my mouth.

As soon as the Queen finished speaking, she gently lifted her slender jade fingers and directly untied the jade belt around Liu Dashaohu's waist.

Seeing the Queen's movements, Young Master Liu's expression changed instantly, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

"No, no, that's not right.

To put it bluntly, as a husband, I came to you because I have something to talk to you about...well..."

"Well, politely."

"To put it mildly, uh huh... um..."

"Hey, good husband, love me."

It is late autumn, but the spring tide brings rain that comes late.

The world is so wonderful.

Unknowingly, the apse was full of spring.

After a long time.

Clouds and rain.

The Queen stood in front of the washing rack with a springy look on her face, her pretty face was like a cloud and she started washing herself again.

It's about time I came over for a cup of tea.

The queen's stunning beauty has lingering lingering charm, and she is holding a cup of freshly brewed tea with her charming eyes. She is lying on the bed lazily, looking at Liu Da, who is looking through the storybook in her hand. Shao walked over.

"Husband, the tea is here."

Liu Mingzhi immediately put down the storybook in his hand, looked up at the pretty and blushing beauty, and happily took the tea cup into his hand.

"Fairy, do you know how powerful I am as my husband? Do you still dare to show off to me as my husband in the future?"

The Queen looked at Young Master Liu's proud look and gave him a wink-like look.

"De Xing, drink your tea."

As soon as the Queen finished speaking, she turned around and walked straight towards the wardrobe not far away with swaying steps.

Seeing the Queen's attitude, Liu Mingzhi immediately raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, Wanyan, are you obviously not convinced?"

The queen looked back at Young Master Liu with a strange expression, and opened the door of the wardrobe in front of her.

"Hehehe, I will still say the same thing, drink your tea."

Regarding the Queen's answer, Mr. Liu happily lifted the tea lid on the tea cup in his hand without caring.

However, when he picked up the lid of the teacup and saw that there was about half a cup of wolfberry in the teacup, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the empress who was resting on her pillow and changing her clothes.

"Euphemism, euphemism, it's too much. Are you going too far?" (End of Chapter)

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