Chapter 3487
Listening to the angry tone of Young Master Liu's words, the Queen turned around with a half-smile after putting on the obscene clothes in her hand.

Immediately, she looked at Young Master Liu and asked with a sweet smile: "Giggle, is it too much? Where did I go too far?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Mingzhi looked at the half-smiling expression on the queen's pretty face, gritted his teeth and directly raised the tea cup in his hand to signal.

"To put it mildly, you actually put half a cup of wolfberry in the cup of tea you made for my husband. Isn't it too much for you to behave like this?

A cup of tea, half a cup of wolfberry, what are you metaphorizing?

As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated.

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated, do you understand?understand? "

Seeing Young Master Liu's expression of embarrassment and gnashing her teeth, the Queen withdrew her gaze without caring.

Then, she raised her slender jade arms with a smile, and picked out an emerald green Yunyan Shang from the wardrobe in front of her with a smile.

"Kekeke,kekeke, of course I understand the principle that a person without a conscience can be killed and never be humiliated.

To be honest, I don’t want to do this either.

However, you must at least show the corresponding skills. "

As the Queen spoke softly, she hooked the Yun Yanshang she had just taken out from the closet with her slender jade fingers, held it up in the air and turned it gently.

Immediately, the Queen turned the clothes in her hands with her fingers and looked at Young Master Liu looking up and down with the corners of her lips slightly raised.

"Heartless, just right, I haven't put on my outer clothes yet.

How about you just work hard and use your skills to let me, I don’t want to insult you, so that I can open my eyes and gain insights? "

Hearing the Queen's malicious tone, Young Master Liu's face suddenly stiffened, and the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily.


The Queen looked at Young Master Liu's reaction with her charming eyes and smile, and responded without hesitation.

"What are you doing? What's wrong? I've already insulted you so politely, aren't you going to teach me a lesson?"

Looking at the empress with a smile as bright as a flower, Young Master Liu dodges his eyes, coughs a few times with an angrily expression, and quickly raises the tea cup in his hand and brings it to his mouth.

"Ahem, cough, cough, what, what, politely you should insult me ​​as your husband."

When the Queen heard Young Master Liu's melancholy reply, she immediately gave him a charming roll of her eyes.

"De Xing, weren't you quite capable and powerful just now?
Now, I'll give you a chance to show off your skills. Why can't you be patient? "

Young Master Liu, who was sipping tea, swallowed the tea in embarrassment after hearing the Queen's words full of 'sarcasm'.

"Four times, four times, in about half an hour, you have squeezed me four times.

The tricks you play by yourself are more than those of the three of your good sisters together. As a husband, can I dare to do this with you?
In front of you, as a husband, the best I can do is show off my courage with you.

If we really take action, will I still be alive? "

Liu Mingzhi muttered a few times, gently stroked the tea lid in his hand, and looked up at the Queen with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Oh, to put it mildly, the clothes you chose today look really beautiful.

Even before you put the clothes on, my husband, I can already vaguely imagine how beautiful you will look after putting on these clothes.

When you are dressed neatly, wouldn't you be more beautiful than the legendary seven fairies in the sky? "

As soon as Mr. Liu finished speaking, the smile on his face became even stronger.

Liu Mingzhi, a tough guy, met Wanyan Wanyan, a tough guy.

Thinking back to those days, from the very beginning, I was willing to give in but was weak in strength. Even now, I still have to give in every time.

More than 20 years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it seems that I have never been truly proud of Wanyan.

Again, Liu Mingzhi, a hard worker, met Wanyan Wanyan, a full-time blacksmith.

After all, it’s impossible not to accept it!
Listening to Young Master Liu's unstinting and extremely complimentary words, the Queen couldn't help but chuckle.


Even though he knew that Young Master Liu was trying to coax his happiness with sweet words, he was still involuntarily happy in his heart.

No matter whether your sweetheart's words are intended to make you happy or not, as a woman, it's hard not to feel happy when you can hear your sweetheart's words of praise for you.

After the queen chuckled a few times, she rolled her eyes at Young Master Liu with a coquettish look.

"De Xing, we have been a married couple for decades. You are not ashamed to say such things."

"Hey, it's so polite. For my husband, what I say is truly from the bottom of my heart. For my husband, I speak from the bottom of my heart. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

There is no way, and as a husband, I don’t want to say that.

The key is who told Hao Wanyan that you are so beautiful, with a look that is rare in the sky and unparalleled in the earth, and looks like a flower shy of the moon!

My good euphemism is naturally beautiful. As your husband, I, Liu Mingzhi, can't you tell the truth? "

"Screw you, Virtue, go drink your tea."

Liu Mingzhi nodded happily, drank the wolfberry tea in one breath, and then placed the tea cup on the low table beside the bed.

Then, he looked at the queen who was panting through her clothes one by one, and turned around to pick up the clothes he had thrown on the bedside, and put them on one by one.

After the queen put on her outer clothes, she turned her head and glanced at Young Master Liu who was putting on his clothes, and walked straight to the dressing table a few steps away.

It took about a cup of tea.

The empress carefully put the rouge and gouache on the dressing table into the small box. She stood up and walked towards Young Master Liu who had already put on his clothes and was half lying on the bed and looking through the story book in his hand again. .


Upon hearing this, Liu Mingzhi instinctively raised his head and looked at the stunning beauty coming towards him.

"Hey, Wanyan, what's wrong?"

“These palaces in the Dashi King’s Palace are too dark, and to put it bluntly, I’m really not used to living there.

Yesterday afternoon when a group of us left the palace and wandered on the street, I heard sister Qingrui tell us that you have ordered Uncle Zhang Kuang and Uncle Nangong Ye to build our Dalong-style room for us.

How long will it take to build those houses? "

Listening to the Queen's inquiry, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and replied loudly: "It can take as short as three to five days, and as fast as about seven or eight days.

If we had to pack up and arrange the arrangements more carefully, it would probably only take ten days.

We can move there in fifteen days at the latest. "After hearing Young Master Liu's answer, the Queen suddenly beamed with joy and nodded excitedly.

"Okay, okay, so good, so good."

As soon as the Queen finished speaking, she sat sideways on the bed, and then gently put her elbows on Young Master Liu's waist.

"Heartless, our private matters have been finished, now it's time to talk about other things.

As I politely said before, there is nothing that cannot be done without going to the Three Treasures Hall.

Now, can you tell me that you didn't stay at your place this morning to accompany sister Qingrui, but unexpectedly you came over to politely explain my intention? "

Listening to the beauty's question, Liu Mingzhi casually closed the storybook he had just read a few pages in and placed it next to his pillow. He looked up at the empress and let out a sigh of relief.

"U, politely speaking, because of my husband, I come to see you this time because it has something to do with Brother Huyan."

When the Queen heard this, she looked slightly startled, and there was a hint of doubt in her watery, exquisite eyes?
"What? Is it related to Brother Huyan?"


The Queen gently blinked her eyes with autumn water, and asked softly: "You are heartless, tell me, what is it?"

When Liu Mingzhi heard the Queen's question, he put one hand under the back of his head and put the other hand on the back of the Queen's white and soft hand and stroked it a few times.

"To put it bluntly, it's like this, last night I was my husband...


If Brother Huyan hadn't said it himself, as a husband, I would never have imagined that the reason why he has been alone all these years is like this. "

After about half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi recounted to the queen the complicated feelings between Hu Yanyu, Pei Yuexin, and Wanyan Yanyu.

"To put it bluntly, regarding Brother Hu Yan, Miss Pei Yuexin, and your good sister Yan Yu, this is probably what happened between the three of them."

After listening to Mr. Liu's story, the Queen gradually put away the smile on her face, frowned with a complex expression and fell silent.

Seeing the Queen's reaction, Liu Mingzhi silently lit a pot of tobacco, frowned slightly and took a puff of dry tobacco.

After a long time.

The Queen came back from her thoughts, looked at Young Master Liu who was gulping away his thoughts, and sighed with a look of sadness.

"Alas! Husband.

Regarding Brother Huyan’s issue, when I gradually learned all the truth about that past event from Yan Yu’s mouth, I felt guilty all the time.

Whether your husband believes it or not, I will tell you.

After I learned all the truth, I wanted to apologize to Brother Huyan more than once.

It's a pity that the three kingdoms of Dalong, Jin, and Turks were fighting for years, and all kinds of government affairs, large and small, had already exhausted me.

Later, there was sister Junyao who became a Khan on her own and single-handedly paid homage to the Eastern Turks at that time.

As a result, all kinds of government affairs are flying to my side like snowflakes, and my side has become even busier.

Over time, once some personal matters are delayed, they will eventually be completely delayed due to various reasons.

Therefore, it has been until the eve of the unification of the world.

Even though I have led the remnants of the Jin Kingdom and gradually set up camp on the Turkic grassland, I have never found a chance to face Brother Huyan and discuss some matters in this regard openly. "

As the queen spoke, she raised her jade hand and gently fanned the smoke surrounding her eyes a few times.

"Later, thanks to your unremitting efforts, my husband, the centuries-old war between Dalong, Jin and Turkic Kingdoms finally subsided.

The world is finally unified.

After the world was unified, I originally thought that Brother Huyan would come to me to discuss this issue with me.

I waited and waited for several months and a year.

When husband, you have unified the whole world and the world is completely peaceful, I have been waiting for Brother Huyan.
No matter what, I have been waiting for about a year.

In the end, until Brother Huyan and my unsatisfactory little sister really got married and went their separate ways, I didn't wait until Brother Huyan came to me to discuss the matter between him and Yan Yu.

I, my concubine, have been waiting for Brother Huyan for a long time to no avail. In addition, I later met Yan Yu, and she and Liao Fan, that bald donkey, had already lived a happy life together.

Therefore, I subconsciously thought that Brother Huyan didn't care about the relationship between him and Yan Yu at all.

The sun changed and the stars moved, and another year or two passed.

In the past two years, Brother Huyan has never mentioned this matter to me.

When I saw him, I didn't mention this matter at all. I was also worried that if I suddenly mentioned this topic to him, I might make Brother Huyan unhappy.

Therefore, I didn't take the initiative to talk to him about this matter.

As time goes by, I have already forgotten about this matter. "

As the Queen spoke, she frowned and sighed softly.

"Alas! I have to say something unpleasant to you. If you weren't my husband, you suddenly came to me and talked to me about this matter.

I guess I won't even think about these past events that have happened many years ago.

From the seventh year of Ruian, to the year of Taihe, and then to the first year of Yongping.

In the end, it will be seven years of peace until you, my husband, proclaim yourself emperor and the world is unified.

The years are like a white horse passing by, passing by in the blink of an eye, fleeting.

Before you know it, more than ten years have passed.

More than ten years are such a long time! "

When Liu Mingzhi heard the queen's last sigh, he took a long breath with a melancholy expression.

"Yes, more than ten years are such a long time!"

The queen lowered her eyes and glanced at her sweetheart, who had a melancholy look on her face and was silently swallowing smoke, and gently kneaded her temples a few times with her fingers.

"Husband, according to what I think in my heart, it is already very good that I can still remember these things in the past few years.

It's a pity that I never expected that Brother Huyan's obsession would be so deep.

If you hadn't talked to me about this matter, I'm afraid I would never have thought of it. "

(End of this chapter)

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