Chapter 3488 So Simple?
"Husband, I really don't know my identity, but things have turned out like this.

Otherwise, if I had known that Brother Huyan’s obsession was so deep, I would have taken the initiative to go to Brother Huyan to talk to him about this past incident. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the depressed expression on the queen's pretty face, frowned silently, and sighed with a complicated expression.

"Alas! To put it bluntly, it's not just you who didn't expect this situation. It's everyone who didn't expect this situation.

If it weren't for Brother Huyan who took the initiative to confess all the truth to my husband last night, who would have known that there was such an unknown thing hidden in his heart.

Moreover, it has been hidden for so long. "

Listening to Liu Mingzhi's words full of emotion, the queen gently fanned the lingering smoke that floated in front of her eyes.

"Husband, if I say something unpleasant to you, it's Brother Huyan's fault for this matter.

The relationship between him and that girl Pei Yuexin and Pei has reached this point, and he has a large part of the responsibility.

Really, I really don’t know what he is thinking in his heart.

Men should be married when they are older, and women should be married when they are older. This has been the case since ancient times.

The love between children is not something that is difficult to talk about. If there is anything to hide, you should just say it, right?
It's fine now, it wasn't really a big problem at first.

As time went by, it gradually evolved into a very troublesome problem. "

Liu Mingzhi saw the empress frowning slightly, with a slightly angry look on her face. He narrowed his eyes and took a puff of smoke.

"To put it bluntly, this is just your personal idea, everyone's idea is different.

Brother Huyan also has his own difficulties! "

When the Queen heard what Young Master Liu said, she let out a sigh of relief with a complicated look in her eyes.

"You're heartless, the difficulty you are talking about about Brother Huyan should be the poisonous oath that Brother Huyan and Miss Pei were forced to make, right?"

When she saw the queen, she immediately talked about the crux of the problem, and Liu Mingzhi nodded silently.

"To hit the mark, the poisonous oath that Brother Huyan and his two lovers were forced to swear back then was like an invisible shackles to Brother Huyan.

It was this invisible shackles that kept him trapped in guilt for that girl Pei Yuexin.

As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear.

Not to mention Brother Huyan, if it were people like us, it might not be impossible for us to fall into the same situation because of such a shackles.

The reason why we here can see clearly and think clearly is because these things have not happened to us.

If it were us, we wouldn't necessarily be any better than Brother Huyan.

How do you say that, if the knife doesn't fall on your body, you won't know the pain. "

Listening to Young Master Liu's very fair evaluation, the Queen frowned slightly, then directly raised her slender hand and patted the edge of the bed lightly but not heavily.

The jade hand fell, and there was a muffled sound in the back hall.

The Queen took a deep breath, frowned and snorted coldly.

"Hmph! The father of Hu Yanyu and sister Yao'er, that old man is really vicious.

I really don’t understand how he could be so cruel and force Brother Huyan, his own son, to make such a poisonous oath.

It doesn't matter if you don't love her, but you don't know that you have gone too far, right?

Back then, Brother Huyan took off his head with a knife for the sake of sister Yaoer, which was really not a loss to him at all. "

Young Master Liu listened to the Queen's atmospheric words, adjusted his posture at will, and chuckled a few times with a sad expression.

"Hehehe, put it politely, let's talk it over.

Back then, the main reason why my father-in-law acted like this was because he wanted to form an alliance with your Kingdom of Jin?
If you hadn't suddenly granted marriage to Brother Huyan and Yan Yu, maybe things wouldn't have developed like this. "

Seeing Young Master Liu say this, the Queen's delicate lips pursed lightly a few times, and the expression on her stunning face gradually became gloomy.

"Yes, you are right, heartless. If I hadn't suddenly granted marriage to Brother Huyan and Yan Yu, things might not be like this.

In the final analysis, I am also responsible. "

As the queen spoke, she took a deep breath, then raised her hand and slapped the edge of the bed again with an annoyed look on her face.

"Not only Brother Huyan, but this stinky girl Yan Yu is also pretty good.

After so many years, she didn’t know how to mention the past events between her, Brother Huyan, and Miss Pei to my sister.

If only one of the two people took the initiative to talk to me about this situation, how could the matter have reached this stage today! "

Liu Mingzhi saw the Queen's unhappy expression, opened her mouth and silently took a breath of dry smoke.

"Maybe my husband's sister-in-law thought that Brother Huyan had already mentioned this convenient matter to you, so she didn't talk to you about these past events.

It could also be Yan Yu..."

The Queen waved her hand to interrupt Young Master Liu before he could finish his sentence.

"Definitely, there are not that many possibilities for those who have no conscience, and there are not that many possibilities.

Now that things have come to this, I have nothing to explain.

It's my problem, I admit it, there's nothing to defend.

Just tell me directly, how do you plan to deal with Brother Huyan's matter? "

Seeing that the Queen got to the point directly, Liu Mingzhi immediately sat up cross-legged, picked up the pillow on the side and placed it across his legs.

"To put it bluntly, as you just said, it's about the matter between Brother Huyan and the others.

In the final analysis, you are partly responsible for something here.

It just so happens that as a husband, I also think so. "

The Queen looked at Young Master Liu who was sitting cross-legged and puffing away smoke, and immediately reached out to fan the light smoke that was about to float in front of her.

"so what?"

Hearing the Queen's inquiry, Liu Mingzhi hesitated slightly on his face.

"To put it bluntly, no matter how you say it, you have this part of the responsibility.

Therefore, as a husband, I want to take you to Brother Huyan's place, apologize to him in person, and completely explain everything.

It will be of no benefit to anyone if this matter continues to be delayed.

If it could be said earlier, it would be better to say it clearly. "

After Liu Mingzhi said these words, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

I know very well what the Queen's character is like.

He was afraid that the queen would not approve of his idea because of her face problem.

If this is the case, not only will the problem between Wanyuan and Hu Yanyu not be resolved, it may also affect the relationship between herself and Wanyan. "

From the time Liu Mingzhi sat cross-legged, the Queen's eyes had been looking at each other.

Therefore, the trace of hesitation that flashed quickly in his eyes did not escape the Queen's eyes.

After the Queen noticed the change in Young Master Liu's eyes, her heart felt slightly sad, and there was a hint of sadness in her exquisite bright eyes.

She never thought that her man would be so embarrassed because of this matter, which was not a big deal or a small matter.Liu Mingzhi saw the melancholy look in the Queen's bright eyes, and his heart tightened slightly.


The Queen's mouth was slightly open and she let out a breath, her delicate lips raised into a faint smile.

"Heartless, it's that simple."

Upon hearing the Queen's words, Young Master Liu's expression suddenly froze.

"Huh? What? Simple?"

The Queen looked at the stunned expression on Young Master Liu's face, and immediately smiled with her red lips slightly opened.

"Keke, yeah, isn't this simple?"

Liu Mingzhi immediately came to his senses when he heard the Queen's clear and melodious laughter. Immediately after he calmed down, he suddenly understood the meaning of the Queen's words.

After understanding what the Queen meant, Young Master Liu smiled excitedly.

"Plain words, so you agree?"

Looking at Young Master Liu who was suddenly smiling, the Queen tapped her finger on Young Master Liu's forehead with coquettish eyes.

"Silly, are you like this?"

"Hey, hey, that's so polite. As my husband, aren't I worried that you might disagree?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's cheerful look, the Queen frowned slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Silly, I have told you before, since the unification of the world, I have wanted to take the initiative to talk to Brother Huyan about this matter more than once.

I have explained to you in detail what happened later.

As for why things have turned out the way they are now, I have already made it very clear to you.

Mom, I've already had this idea myself, so what do you idiot have to worry about? "

Liu Mingzhi saw the queen's angry expression and happily scratched his neck.

"Hehehe, for the sake of my husband, I was only thinking about Brother Huyan's affairs for the moment, and I didn't listen carefully to the answers you just said in Wanyan.

I have neglected my husband, I have neglected my husband. "

Seeing Young Master Liu's reaction, the Queen said with a smile: "Giggle, silly, okay, just tell me how to apologize to Brother Huyan, right?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyebrows slightly and pressed the tip of his nose with a smile.

"Hey, after we meet, just talk about what needs to be said and explain clearly what needs to be said.

My husband said he wanted you to apologize, but in fact it was not an apology at all.

The main reason is that I want to use your words to untie the knot that has been accumulated in Brother Huyan's heart for a long time. "

When the queen heard what Liu Mingzhi said, she nodded with a smile and stood up from the bed with a slight smile.

"Yeah, I know, then let's go."

Liu Mingzhi got off the bed directly and put on his shoes under the Queen's service.

"Be polite."

The Queen, who was combing Young Master Liu's messy hair with ten slender jade fingers, immediately touched her waist against Young Master Liu's back after hearing this.

"Hey, heartless?"

"Wanyuan, have you really thought about it?
Regarding Brother Huyan, I don’t want to force you or anything. "

The Queen smiled sweetly, and after combing Young Master Liu's somewhat messy hair, she walked up to him with swaying steps.


When he saw the queen, he called out the word husband instead of the three words heartless.

Liu Mingzhi knew in his heart that the beauty was serious.

"Hey, polite?"

"Husband, you are the king of the day and the king of the country doesn't mind if your wife goes to apologize to her ministers. You may lose the face of the king of the day.

As your wife, I am my concubine, so what should I care about? "

When Liu Mingzhi heard the queen's answer, he chuckled happily.

"Hehehe, hehehe.

She is worthy of being a good wife to her husband, she is reasonable, she is indeed reasonable. "

Listening to Young Master Liu's compliments, the Queen pretended to be unhappy and rolled her eyes.

"De Xing, stop talking nice, let's go to Brother Huyan's residence while it's still early.

If he delayed any longer, he would probably have to rush to have breakfast. "

When Liu Mingzhi saw the queen pretending to be unhappy, he took a long puff of dry cigarette, patted the beauty's slender arm with his backhand, and walked out of the palace door first.

"Alright, let's go."

Seeing this, the Queen trotted to the dressing mirror and turned twice in front of the mirror.

After she made sure that there was nothing wrong with her dress and makeup, she quickly chased after Liu Mingzhi who had already walked out of the back hall door.

"Oh, you are heartless. Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Wait for me."

Listening to the Queen's shouts behind him, Young Master Liu immediately slowed down and looked back happily at the beauty who was chasing him.

"Hehehe, to put it mildly, Yue'er and you are exactly the same when it comes to asking me to become your husband!

When my husband and I stay with this stinky girl Yue'er, and when we and I are on the road together, as long as my husband and I walk a little faster, this stinky girl can't keep up with my footsteps.

Then, this stinky girl will start chirping from behind.

She either asked me to walk slower or asked me to wait for her, which has never changed. "

The Queen listened to Young Master Liu's teasing words, and after following his footsteps, she gave Young Master Liu a blank look with an angry look.

"Nonsense, Yue'er is my biological daughter. It would be strange if she didn't look like me anymore.

What's going on?Do you mean by saying this, do you think we, mother and daughter, are entrusting you? "

Young Master Liu, who was puffing away the smoke from his tobacco bag, heard the Queen say this, but without spitting out a puff of tobacco, he suddenly started to cough out of breath.

"Ahem, cough, polite words, so polite words, I definitely don't mean this as a husband.

It is my blessing that you two can keep pestering your husband.

To tell you the truth, as a husband, I wish that you, mother and daughter, could pester me every day. "

When the Queen heard Young Master Liu's answer, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Pfft, cluck, cluck, is it true or not?"

"Hey, of course what you said is true!"

(End of this chapter)

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