Chapter 3489
"Really? Are you sure?"

The Queen didn't seem to believe Liu Mingzhi's answer, so she asked again softly with a strange expression.
Liu Mingzhi listened to the Queen's follow-up question and nodded vigorously without hesitation.

"I'm sure, very sure. These are my words from the bottom of my heart for my husband."

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, he happily turned towards the queen and gently explored his body.

"To put it mildly, come on, come on, touch my heart as your husband, and you will know that I am sincere in everything I say about you."

Looking at Young Master Liu who had his chest in front of her, the Queen smiled and hid slightly, rolled her eyes at him with a charming look, and quickened her pace with a smile.

"Hahaha, it would be strange to believe you."

Liu Da had seen this situation before, so he immediately quickened his pace to catch up with a look of helplessness.

"To put it bluntly, for my husband, what I say is really true!"

The Queen listened to Young Master Liu's words and repeated what she just said with a smile without looking back.

"Hahaha, it would be strange to believe you."

"Hey, Wanyan, if you don't believe it, then touch my heart as your husband.

After you touch my husband's heart, you will know whether what I am telling you is the truth or a lie. "

“Come on, as the saying goes, people’s hearts are separated from each other.

Your heart is separated by a layer of flesh. What can I do if I touch it ten times?

How about you give me your heart first and I will dig it out and have a look. From now on, I will touch your heart and feel it. "

Upon hearing the teasing words from the Empress, Young Master Liu's expression froze, and the corners of his mouth trembled involuntarily.

Immediately, Young Master Liu immediately quickened his pace to keep up with the Queen's pace, and wailed loudly at the top of his voice, pretending to be in grief.

"It's so polite, we won't do it, right?
What is the difference between the request you mentioned and the murder of your husband?

Just because of the question of whether it is true or not, you are thinking of putting your husband and me to death. You are too vicious a woman, right?

This is really the most poisonous woman’s heart. The ancients would not deceive me! "

When the Queen saw Liu Mingzhi pretending to cry, she turned around with an annoyed look and gave him a charming eye roll.

"De Xing, can't you lower your voice? You're not afraid of being overheard by the patrolling soldiers coming and going outside the palace gate."

Listening to the Queen's reproachful tone, Young Master Liu happily tapped his ear a few times with his fingers.

"Hehehe, that's so polite. My hearing is very good.

I can hear clearly if there are any footsteps within 34 steps around me. "

Seeing Young Master Liu's somewhat amused expression, the Queen was about to retort when she suddenly and subconsciously glanced sideways at the door of the palace, and then sneered twice with a strange look on her face.

"Hehe, hehe, if that's the case, then you can continue howling, I'm here to listen."

Hearing what the Queen said, Liu Mingzhi's expression changed slightly just as he was about to speak.

Then, he coughed a few times, flicked his sleeves, and walked straight out of the palace door.

"Ahem, cough, cough, young master, I am a man of seven feet, how can I be like a little girl, wailing?"

Seeing Young Master Liu heading straight out of the palace gate, the Queen immediately followed him with a disappointed look on her face.


Liu Mingzhi, the Queen and his wife laughed at each other and walked out of the palace one after another.

When Liu Dashao and his wife walked out of the palace gate, a group of patrolling Dalong soldiers happened to walk outside the palace gate.

When the soldiers saw the couple suddenly walking out of the palace door, they stopped in a hurry, turned around with excited expressions and saluted Mr. Liu and Mr. Liu.

"We see your majesty, we see your empress.

Long live my emperor, long live my empress, thousand years old. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the soldiers who suddenly stopped to salute him, and raised his hands happily.

"Free, all free."

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, the Queen smiled slightly and gestured with her hands.

"No need to be polite, all of them are free."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Madam."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at the rising sun in the eastern sky, chuckled and waved his hands to the soldiers.

"Let's continue patrolling."

"We obey, we will take our leave first."

After a group of soldiers hugged each other, they immediately set off to continue patrolling.

Young Master Liu watched the soldiers retreat, pretending to be unhappy, turned around and glanced at the Queen standing next to him, and walked forward unhurriedly.

"To put it bluntly, are you having bad intentions?"

The Queen withdrew her gaze, pretending not to hear Young Master Liu's words, and followed her step by step.

"What did you say?"

"For my husband, I tell you, you have no good intentions!"

Listening to Young Master Liu's seemingly helpless tone, the Queen couldn't help but laugh.


Of course she knew what her man meant when he said that she had no good intentions.

The queen gradually put away the smile on her face, and looked towards Young Master Liu with a slight frown.

"As long as we Dalong's soldiers, almost all of them will recognize you after seeing you.

You are heartless, it seems that your appearance has left a deep impression on the soldiers! "

Liu Mingzhi listened to the Queen's answer to the question, frowned slightly and was silent for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

"Hahaha, maybe it's because of my appearance as a husband, it's easier for people to remember me."

When the Queen heard this, she looked at Young Master Liu with a strange look in her eyes, and nodded her head a few times with a smile on her face.


Liu Mingzhi raised his hands, stretched, and groaned softly.

"Well! Come on, let's rush to Brother Huyan's place quickly."

"Hey, come, come."

Hearing this, the Queen quickly quickened her pace and chased after him.


"Well, what happened?"

"You're heartless, about how you want Sister Qingrui to help you deal with Yue'er, a stinky girl, and make insinuations about what Yue'er thinks of Duan Dingbang.

Yesterday morning, I heard about it from sister Qingrui. "

Hearing the Queen's words, Liu Mingzhi's expression was slightly startled, and then he came to his senses.

"What? Qingrui girl has already told you about this matter?"

"Yeah, you already told me."

After Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment, he shook his head with a smile.

"Hahaha, oh, no wonder you sisters like this girl Qingrui so much.

There is such a person, no matter what the matter is, he will tell you sisters without hesitation and will not hide anything from you sisters.

Such a good sister, if you sisters don't like her, that would be weird. "

When the Queen saw what Liu Mingzhi said, a nervous look suddenly flashed across her bright eyes.

"You are heartless, you shouldn't blame Sister Qingrui, right?"

Liu Mingzhi heard the tension contained in the Queen's words, raised his eyebrows slightly, and waved his hands cheerfully. "Hehehe, no, of course not.

To be honest, I see you sisters getting along so harmoniously with each other. Not only do I not blame Qingrui, but I feel very happy.

You sisters can be so close to each other and live in harmony without distinction.

For me as a husband, this is the best thing. "

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's answer, the queen instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's fine, that's fine.

You are heartless, since you don't care about sister Qingrui, I have nothing to worry about.

Now, it's time for us to talk about this girl Yue'er's relationship. "

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi suddenly frowned and turned to look at the Queen.

"Oh? What are you going to talk to my husband about?"

Looking at Young Master Liu who suddenly frowned, the Queen looked around a few times. After making sure that there was no one around, she moved lightly to Young Master Liu's side.

"You are heartless, I just want to ask you a question.

If, I am talking about if.

If the stinky girl Yue'er insists on following us to the Western Regions to visit relatives this time, and the real purpose of coming with us to feast on the King's City, it is because of this guy Duan Dingbang.

you you……"

After the Queen's tone paused, Tankou took a deep breath with her mouth slightly open.

"If that's the case, what do you think?"

Seeing the Queen's nervous expression, Liu Mingzhi chuckled and raised his eyebrows.

Just like he answered Ren Qingrui's question before, he answered with the word "Queen" with a smile on his face without hesitation.

"Hehehe, let nature take its course!"

When the Queen heard Young Master Liu's answer, the expression on her pretty face suddenly froze, and a look of doubt appeared in her exquisite eyes.

"What? Let nature take its course?"

"Yeah, just let nature take its course.

Otherwise, what else can I do as a husband? "

"This! You're heartless, your thinking is a little too simple, isn't it?"

Liu Mingzhi turned to look at the Queen, chuckled and put his hands behind his back.

"Hahaha, to put it mildly, as a husband, I have told you sisters more than once that when it comes to the emotional affairs of our children, I have always been very open-minded as a husband.

As for my son marrying a wife and taking concubines, as long as his brothers don't find a wife with a notorious reputation and a frivolous woman, I won't object to anything as a husband.

Regarding the aspect of daughters getting married, as long as their sisters do not choose those with poor moral character, greed for money and lust as husbands, I will not object to them as husbands.

In a word, as long as the person their brothers and sisters like is the kind of person who has both ability and political integrity.

Regardless of the origins of the people their brothers and sisters like, whether they come from a noble family or from a commoner family, I have no objection whatsoever to them as husbands.

As long as their brothers and sisters like it, as a husband, I recognize the moral character of those people.

Then, other dispensable issues will become unimportant. "

When the Queen heard Young Master Liu's answer, she suddenly took a breath of cold air.

"Hiss! Is it so loose?"

"Hahaha, for my husband, I told you that I am very open-minded."

The queen looked at Liu Mingzhi who was smiling, her eyebrows slightly furrowed and she turned her eyes a few times.

"You have no conscience, I say something unpleasant.

What if the person Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Chengqian, and Zhenghao and their brothers were interested in was a woman from a humble background or from a brothel? "

When Liu Mingzhi heard the Queen's question, he quickly turned around and looked around for a few times. After making sure that there was no one around, he immediately lowered his head and moved towards the Queen.

"To put it mildly, I would like to ask you, my husband, how are the three sisters, Qing Shi, Bizhu, and Ling Yi, about their moral character?"

"Being impeccable in both virtue and conduct."

"That's okay, Qing Shi, Bizhu and Lingyi, the three sisters, are also from brothels.

Well, the situation of Qingshi is a bit special, so let’s not go into it now.

What does it mean to be your husband? You know it in your heart.

To put it mildly, is there anything rude that Bizhu and Lingyi, two sisters, could do in matters concerning their husbands or in getting along with you sisters? "

When the Queen heard this, she shook her head hurriedly.

"No no."

"Silly Wanyan, it's good that you know.

To put it bluntly, as my husband, I know your character well, and I also know that what you just said was not malicious. I also know that you did not deliberately target the sisters Bizhu and Lingyi. "

However, the two sisters, Bizhu and Lingyi, don't know.

You don't even think about what sisters Bizhu and Lingyi would think if they heard your question.

As a husband, I alone know that your words were unintentional and of no use.

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

Even though you didn't intentionally target Bizhu and Lingyi, can you guarantee that they won't think too much after hearing your words? "

After hearing what Young Master Liu said, the Queen nodded with a complicated expression.

"Hey, I know, I will pay attention to it."

“To put it mildly, I’ll give you a piece of advice as a husband.

Regarding this situation, you either have to tell Bizhu and Lingyi and the two sisters earlier, or you can do it and never mention these things in the future.

As for how you plan to choose, it all depends on your own thoughts. "

The Queen thought for a moment, then suddenly turned and looked at Young Master Liu.

"You are heartless. It would be better for me to tell Sister Bizhu and Sister Lingyi in advance."

"Hehehe, you can just decide for yourself on this point."

“The unscrupulous person mentioned the problem of Chengfeng and Chengzhi’s brothers.

I would like to ask you again, if Yiyi, Feifei, uh...

Yiyi and Xie Yun have already tied the knot, and I don’t have anything to say to you.

Wouldn't you care if the person Feifei, Yaoyao, Yue'er, and Lingyun were interested in was born a beggar? "

Liu Mingzhi turned to look at the queen with a strange expression, chuckled and nodded.

"As long as they are of the same mind and the person is both moral and moral, all problems will not be a problem."


The queen suddenly took a breath of cold air, and her stunningly beautiful expression instantly became tangled.

"Heartless, did you hear clearly what I said?

Beggar, I mean beggar. "

Seeing the Queen's pretty face that suddenly became troubled, Young Master Liu smiled and nodded.

"Hahaha, husband, of course I heard it clearly.

As a husband, I still said what I just said, so it’s not a big problem. "

(End of this chapter)

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