"No, it's not a big problem?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the queen's troubled expression and nodded happily.

“Hehehe, yes, it’s not a big problem.

One day in the future, if one of the sisters really falls in love with a beggar, as long as my daughter really likes that person and that person is both virtuous and virtuous, I will not have any objections to her husband. "

The Queen couldn't help but frowned when she heard Young Master Liu's very calm reply.

Based on my understanding of Young Master Liu's character, the fact that his tone was so calm meant that everything he said was true to his heart.

Even if he is a beggar, is it not a big problem?
The Queen frowned and looked deeply at Young Master Liu, then nodded her head a few times with a slightly tangled expression.

"You are heartless. I know you are very open-minded about the life-long affairs of our children.

However, I never thought that you would be so open-minded.

Your daughter may find a beggar as her husband in the future, and you are planning to object.

This, this, this, this.

What you're seeing is a little too open-minded, right? "

After Liu Mingzhi turned left at the intersection, he looked towards the Queen with a smile.

"What should we do if we are not enlightened? Do we have to forcefully break up the marriage and beat the couple?"
Considering my status as husband, it would be very easy for me to do such things as forcefully break up a marriage and beat a mandarin duck.

However, have you ever thought about what happens after I do something that beats a mandarin duck for my husband?

On the surface, my daughters will definitely obey my wishes as my husband, and they will not dare to object, nor will they dare to show any dissatisfaction.

However, what do they think in their hearts?
I estimate that most of them will feel dissatisfied in their hearts, and they may even complain about my father's behavior.

With the current situation of our family, as a husband, I don’t need to do anything like marrying off my precious daughter to win over anyone among the civil and military officials of the DPRK and China.

How about the top ministers in the cabinet?What about the powerful civil servants in the DPRK?

Among the military attachés, what about those important ministers who hold the power of troops and horses?

Of course, I will not prevent them from taking the initiative to propose marriage to me on behalf of their children and grandchildren. I can also give them this opportunity.

As long as our daughters like their children and grandchildren and are willing to marry their children and grandchildren, I naturally have nothing to say as husbands.

On the contrary, as long as our good daughter does not agree, it will be useless for anyone to propose marriage. "

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, he easily broke off a branch from a nearby branch, held it in his hand and turned it gently a few times.

"It doesn't matter whether you are a prince or general, a member of a noble family, or a famous family.

As long as this young master's good daughter doesn't want to, there is only one answer to them: she can't get married.

Whether you are happy or unhappy, as long as my good daughter is not happy, she cannot get married.

If it's because of something like this, you dare to let me do something that I shouldn't do.

I can give you rights, young master, and I can take back the rights in your hands.

Even if you have the head on your neck, I won't be able to accept it on the spot.

Our dragon’s current world,
I am in control of my husband and have nothing to fear.

In this case, as a husband, why do I need to wrong my precious daughters?
In other words, if we can all be happy, why would I, as a husband, do something that might hurt the relationship between father and daughter? "

Listening to the confident, confident and domineering tone of Young Master Liu's words, the Queen couldn't help but widen her exquisite eyes.

She stared at her man with a smile on her face and was silent for a moment, her eyes instantly showing pride.

Um!He is worthy of being the man whom I love with all my heart.

"You are heartless. Looking at the whole world, you are the only one who can say such words without any scruples and with full confidence.

Anyway, when I was still the king of a country, I didn’t have such confidence.

Even if Li Zheng, the father of you and sister Yan'er, was still alive, he might not have had such courage. "

Liu Mingzhi felt the pride in the queen's eyes mixed with a bit of admiration, and chuckled happily.

"Hahaha, if I don't even have such courage as a husband, how can I conquer such charming beauties like you sisters?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's triumphant tone, the Queen immediately narrowed her bright eyes with a half-smile.

"Oh? Surrender? Are you sure you surrender?"

When Liu Mingzhi heard the Queen's teasing tone, the smile on his face suddenly froze, and the movement of turning the branch in his hand also stopped suddenly.

"Uh! It should be, it should be surrendered, right?"

"Oh? It should be?"

"Hmm, cough, cough, cough, you must have surrendered, right?"

Listening to Young Master Liu's insincere answer, the Queen smiled and shook her head.

"Keke, look at your virtue, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Seeing the Queen say this, Young Master Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

I still had the same idea as before, when a tough guy meets a tough guy, it’s really hard to refuse!
Of course, it doesn’t mean that I really can’t do it.

In fact, since I have practiced the two supreme Taoist secrets of Yin Yang, Hehe Dabeifu and Yiqi Jing, it is not a problem at all to deal with the Queen alone.

He only needs to spend a little more energy, and he can easily express the queen's squeeze on him.

Even when she could take care of it, she complained endlessly and begged for mercy to herself in a charming and charming manner.

The key problem is that I can't use all my energy to deal with the Queen alone!
All the wives he has together are more than he can count on his hands.

As a husband, in order to ensure that his relationship with all his wives is very harmonious, he has to be equally exposed, right?
To put it bluntly, she had precisely grasped this point, so she dared to manipulate herself so wantonly.

Otherwise, if I really get serious with her, tsk tsk tsk, who is afraid of whom is not necessarily sure!

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, rolled his eyes a few times, and gave the Queen a meaningful look with a half-smile.

"Be polite."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"To put it bluntly, if you don't want me to be your husband, I will have a good discussion with Yun'er, Yan'er, Sister Ya, Lian'er and the other sisters, and I will stay with you wholeheartedly during this period of time?

You don’t have to worry that their sisters will be unhappy. As a husband, I will do my best to persuade them. "

When the Queen listened to Young Master Liu's seemingly meaningful words, the smile on her stunning face disappeared instantly, and then she couldn't help but swallow a few times.

"Gudu! Gudu!"

Try your best?Do everything we can?
Go all out?Use all your strength?

The Queen repeated Young Master Liu's firm words in her heart, and her delicate body trembled involuntarily.

If I really agree with Young Master Liu's intention, I know without thinking that I will definitely live a very happy life in the future.

With the current ability of his own man, he can still be sure of this.

However, although happiness is very happy, I am afraid that I may be too happy.

The Queen seemed to have thought of some indescribable scenes, and her delicate body trembled violently again.

Immediately, she looked towards Young Master Liu with a bitter smile.

"Uh! What, this, this.

Husband, don’t you need this? "

When Liu Mingzhi saw the queen's reaction, he turned around with a smile, leaned close to her beady earlobe, and breathed softly.

"Hehehe, to put it mildly, as a husband, I think it's better to use one?"

The queen's pretty face was embarrassed, and she quickly turned to look at Young Master Liu and waved her hand gently.

She knew better than anyone else that the reason why she dared to provoke her man all the time was because he rarely took her seriously.

Then, as long as he really gets serious with himself, he will still be a little scared.Please note that happiness and happiness are two completely different concepts.

Go too far, go too far!

The Queen thought of this and laughed with a slightly embarrassed expression.

“Hey hey hey, it’s better not to use it, it’s better not to use it.

Sister Ya, Sister Shan, Sister Yun'er, Sister Yan'er, Sister Yun Shu, the relationship between us sisters is very deep.

We have a deep love for each other as sisters. Husband, you want me to eat alone. I feel so embarrassed. "

Seeing the empress pretending to be calm, Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows slightly and waved his hand pretending to be disapproving.

"Hey, what's there to be embarrassed about?

I just told you, Yun'er, Sister Ya, Lian'er, Qingshi and the other sisters, I will go and convince them as husband.

Just say politely that there are no problems on your side, and leave all the minor problems to Yun'er, Yan'er, Shan and other sisters to me, my husband, to handle. "

When the Queen heard this, the expression on her face suddenly stiffened again.

"Huh? This, this."

Seeing the Queen's reaction, Mr. Liu quickly looked around. After confirming that there was no one around, he smiled and directly raised his hand and slapped the Queen's buttocks.

"Hahaha, so polite, what is this?"

The Queen's delicate body trembled slightly when she was suddenly slapped by Young Master Liu. Looking at Young Master Liu with a smile on her face, her silver teeth like broken jade instantly made a crunching sound.

Immediately, the Queen took a deep breath and shook her head gently, pretending to laugh.

"Nothing, nothing?"

Seeing the expression on the queen's face, Liu Mingzhi smiled and raised the branch in his hand, shaking it gently in front of the beauty.

"Then, tell me again now, have you surrendered?"



The Queen secretly bit her own teeth, looked at Young Master Liu with a look of reluctance, and reluctantly nodded her head a few times.

Then, she looked at Young Master Liu and groaned angrily: "Surrender, surrender."

"Speak louder, husband, I didn't hear you clearly."

When the Queen saw this, she immediately clenched her jade hands tightly.


Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows and looked at the Queen who was suppressing her anger.He narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Huh? Why husband?"

The queen's lips trembled a few times. If she hadn't been afraid that this heartless man would really get serious with her, she would have grabbed him and rushed him back to her residence.

Then he immediately threw him on the bed and used all his skills on him, allowing him to fully appreciate his methods.

However, the words came again.

What little ability I have, at most, I can control Liu Mingzhi a few times and not get serious with me.

If he was really serious with himself and bullied him alone, he would really be no match for him with his little moral character.

The image of Young Master Liu possibly being serious with her once again appeared in front of the Queen's eyes, and her graceful and graceful body trembled slightly again.

No, no.

If this stinky guy is really serious, I'm afraid he won't be able to handle it on his own! .

After the Queen thought about it again and again, she opened her mouth slightly and softly uttered three words.


Upon hearing these three words of the Queen's reply, Young Master Liu burst into laughter with a proud look on his face.

"Hahaha, hahaha.

This is more or less the same. My husband, why don’t I try to be more serious with you? You really don’t know how much you weigh. "

The Queen looked at Young Master Liu's proud expression and immediately snorted unwillingly.


At this moment, compared to the current Liu Dashao, who has combined Yin and Yang with the Great Compassion and has also practiced the Yiqi Sutra to a small degree.

She couldn't help but feel nostalgic for the old Young Master Liu who always had to eat the big radish from the Kingdom of Jin that she gave him.

Although Mr. Liu, who has practiced two Taoist supreme secrets, can make himself happier as a wife, it also makes him lose his due initiative.

The Queen couldn't help but take a breath when she thought of this.


If you want to be happy, you have no initiative.

Wanting the initiative means losing the initiative.


For a moment, the Queen couldn't help but hesitate.

Do you want happiness or take the initiative?

It’s really hard to decide between these two questions!
Liu Mingzhi looked at the queen's hesitant expression and leaned towards her side with a smile.

"Wanyan, you snorted and stopped talking. What are you thinking of to deal with me as your husband?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, the Queen instantly came back from her thoughts, turned to look at Young Master Liu and shook her head hurriedly.

"No, no, I'm just thinking about this girl Yue'er."


"Hehehe, of course it's true."

Although he knew that the Queen's answer was duplicitous, Young Master Liu still nodded cheerfully.

"Hehehe, my husband believes in you."

When the queen saw Liu Mingzhi believing her words, the look on her pretty face was slightly startled.

"Ah? You believe it?"

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and looked around. After making sure there was no one around, he suddenly stopped, opened his arms and took the queen into his arms.

Immediately, he lowered his head and pecked the queen's delicate lips.

"To put it bluntly, we are husband and wife.

As a husband, I am joking with you, but when it is time to let you go, as a husband, I will definitely let you go.

Husbands and wives support each other, and it is inevitable that there will be occasional quarrels.

However, when it’s time to be soft, you still have to be soft.

When you are serious, you take steps backward for your husband.

When I am being serious about my husband, you take a step back.

It has nothing to do with right or wrong, just because of feelings. This is what should happen between husband and wife.

My husband and you have been together for so many years, and we still don’t understand each other’s character?

If we really took it seriously, we wouldn't be able to get to the point where we are now harmonious as husband and wife and making each other happy. "(End of chapter)

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