My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3491 Intentional?Unintentionally?

Listening to Liu Mingzhi's gentle and doting words, the Queen spat softly with eyes that seemed both angry and happy.

"Pah, you know how to say nice things."

"Hahaha, it's polite. You know how to say something nice. For my husband, I'm telling the truth, okay?"

When the Queen was about to speak, she suddenly pushed away Young Master Liu who was holding her waist, then turned slightly and looked towards the corner of the palace on the left.

"Here comes someone around the corner."

Seeing the Queen's reaction, Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked at where the Queen was talking about.

Sure enough, after only three or five breaths, a group of patrolling soldiers walked out from the front left corner.

However, they did not turn towards the road where Liu Mingzhi and the Queen were, but continued to patrol along that road.

Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze, smiled slightly and tugged on the Queen's sleeve, then started walking forward without any haste.

"Plainly, let's go. Let's go to Brother Huyan's place."

The Queen withdrew her gaze and immediately followed.

"Hey, here we come."

After the Queen caught up with Young Master Liu, she raised her elbow and gently touched Young Master Liu's arm.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"You're heartless. Let's not say anything joking. I want to have a serious talk with you about this girl Yue'er."

Seeing the empress' solemn expression, Young Master Liu's expression immediately became serious.

"Wanyan, I wonder what you want to talk to my husband about?"

"Husband, you just said that regarding this girl Yue'er's emotional affairs, you meant to let nature take its course, right?"

When Liu Mingzhi saw the queen mentioning the little cutie's feelings again, he chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, let nature take its course."

"This means that if Yue'er really has feelings for Duan Dingbang, you won't object to the matter between the two of them?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded without hesitation.

"Hehehe, of course it is."

Seeing that Young Master Liu answered so straightforwardly, the Queen frowned slightly and nodded her head lightly.

"Okay, I got it Wanyan."

Seeing the changes in the expression on the Queen's pretty face, Liu Mingzhi pondered thoughtfully for a moment, then held the branch in his hand and gently swung it a few times.

"To put it bluntly, husband, I hear what you are saying, and it seems that something is not quite right.

how?Don’t you look down on that guy Duan Dingbang? "

When the Queen heard Young Master Liu's inquiry, she waved her hand hurriedly.

"No, no, I didn't mean that."


Seeing that Liu Mingzhi didn't seem to believe her, the queen immediately smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Keke, of course it’s true.

Do I lie to you about such a small thing?

A few years ago, I politely followed you. When I first met Duan Dingbang, I had a good sense of this kid.

Although I haven't had much dealings with him, and I don't know much about this person's moral character, I do know your vision, husband.

I don’t understand his virtue, don’t I understand my own man?
The young man who can be so valued by your husband and entrusted with important responsibilities should not be far behind in terms of virtue.

In a word, I believe in your vision.

Someone you think is good will definitely not be too bad.

In this case, how could I not look down on this guy Duan Dingbang? "

Hearing the queen's answer, Liu Mingzhi immediately laughed.

"Hahaha, it turns out that's what you think Wanyan."

The Queen turned to look at Young Master Liu and shrugged her shoulders casually.

"if not?"

"To put it bluntly, as a husband, I am just a living person of flesh and blood, not the omnipotent god in the legend. Aren't you afraid that as a husband, I may make mistakes sometimes?"

The queen looked at Young Master Liu and smiled sweetly, then she let out a long breath with her mouth slightly open.

"Hehehe, what's the use of being afraid? Just let nature take its course!"

Seeing the Queen answering him with the words he just said, Liu Mingzhi's expression was slightly startled, and then he chuckled happily.

"Hahaha, yes.

What's the use of being afraid, what you should do is not what you want to do in the end.

To put it bluntly, this stinky girl Yue'er is already 20 years old this year, which is not too young.

According to normal circumstances, she has already reached the age where she should get married.

Over the years, this stinky girl's character has remained the same as when she was a child, with almost no major changes.

No matter what she does, she is still so carefree, not like a daughter at all.

Among the sisters, I am not worried about my husband when it comes to getting married. I am only worried about this stinky girl’s life-long event.

Since this girl Yue'er has grown up, I see that she has no intention of thinking about her life-long affairs at all, and I am still a little worried in my heart.

This girl is so opinionated and full of ideas.

Her thoughts and ideas were completely different from those of her sisters.

To be honest, as this girl gets older and older, even as a husband, I can’t see through this stinky girl’s thoughts. "

Upon hearing Young Master Liu's last words, the Queen's pupils shrank suddenly and she couldn't help but frown.

"This! You are so heartless, can't you even see through it?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and thought for a moment, then turned to look at the Queen and nodded silently.

“Yes, I can’t see through this girl’s current thoughts, even if it’s her husband.

To put it bluntly, I don’t think you can’t guess it.

As a husband, I took all of you sisters out of the capital this time and rushed to the Western Regions to visit relatives. What kind of thoughts did I have in my heart?

As a husband, I can tell you clearly that as a husband, I just hope that the brothers and sisters can compete with each other.

In other words, as a husband, I want to give this stinky girl Yue'er a chance.

It's a pity that Yue'er, this stinky girl, seems to have failed to seize this opportunity. "

Listening to Young Master Liu's straightforward words, the Queen suddenly felt a flash of darkness in her exquisite eyes.

Immediately, she turned to look at Mr. Liu, with a bitter smile on her lips.

"Hehehe, maybe everything is fate."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the queen who looked disappointed, smiled lightly, opened her arms and stretched her body.

"To put it bluntly, you don't understand this stinky girl Yue'er very well.

As my husband said, she did not seize the opportunity I gave her.

However, the fact that she did not seize this opportunity did not mean that this girl could not figure out the intention of her husband's move.

This girl looks carefree on the surface, but actually she knows very well in her heart!
My husband, I can tell you for sure that this girl did not seize the opportunity that my husband gave her. It is not because she is confused and cannot guess my intentions.

But, this girl doesn't want this opportunity. "

Hearing Young Master Liu's seemingly profound words, the Queen couldn't help but froze.


Liu Mingzhi looked at the queen's stunned expression and threw away the branch in his hand with a smile.

"To put it bluntly, you only need to know one thing, that is, this stinky girl has a bigger heart than anyone else! Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and Chenggan are three brothers, and each of them has outstanding abilities.

Among their peers, the three brothers are already very outstanding.

Although as a husband, I rarely praise the three brothers, but in my heart, as a husband, I still very much recognize the abilities and virtues of the three brothers.

However, the three brothers have abilities and virtues.

But in terms of character, she is far behind Yue'er, a stinky girl.

Compared to Yue'er, the stinky girl's character, the three of them tied together can at best be about [-] to [-]% comparable to Yue'er.

Around [-]% to [-]%, what I said may be a bit high for my husband. "

After listening to Liu Mingzhi's evaluation of the little cutie, the queen was silent for a while, and the expression on her pretty face gradually became complicated.

"You are heartless. It seems that you have a very high opinion of this girl Yue'er!"

"To put it bluntly, as a husband, I don't want to have such a high opinion of Yue'er, but this girl really deserves this evaluation.

It's a's a pity..."

Seeing Liu Mingzhi hesitate to speak, the Queen took over his words with a somewhat disappointed expression.

"It's a pity that this girl was born a girl, right?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at the Queen, then nodded sadly.


“If you have no conscience, just say something unpleasant in a polite way.

In this case, you have told me many times.

I felt disappointed from the beginning when I heard you say these words to me, and then continued to feel disappointed later.

I have heard such words so many times that over time, I have become a little numb. "

Listening to the Queen's emotional tone, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but frown, then turned to look at the beauty walking side by side with him, and smacked his lips with a complicated expression.

"To put it bluntly, you know clearly in your heart that as a husband, I have never objected to Yue'er, the girl, inheriting that position.

Even, sometimes, as a husband, I would consciously or unconsciously want to encourage Yue'er to inherit that position.

However, you have also seen the specific situation with your own eyes.

It’s not that I don’t care about my husband, it’s that this girl Yue’er doesn’t care about her!
Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Yueer, Chengqian, Zhenghao, Lingyun and their brothers and sisters are all our sons and daughters, and the palms and backs of these hands are all flesh.

As a husband, I cannot deliberately favor any of my brothers and sisters when it comes to inheriting a great cause.

Therefore, as a husband, I can only settle the matter and let the brothers and sisters fight for themselves.

The reason why I do this for my husband is because I am still young for my husband.

At that time, no matter what kind of things their brothers and sisters have done or what mistakes they have made that do not violate their principles, as husband, I can help them end it at any time.

When it comes to dealing with my children, as a husband, I ask myself, and I can tell you without guilt that I have done it fairly and justly.

However, what is the actual situation?
The fact is, it's not that I don't give girl Yue'er the chance to inherit that position because of my husband, but that this girl doesn't value the opportunities that I give her as my husband.

She doesn't pay attention to the opportunity that I said she would give her to her husband. What should I do if you ask her husband to do this?Do I want to force that position into her hands?
To put it mildly, you are my good wife for my husband. Aren't Yun'er, Yan'er, Lian'er, Sister Ya, Lingyi and other sisters my good wife for my husband?

Yue'er is my biological flesh and blood, Yiyi, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Chengqian, Lingyun, Zhenghao and their brothers and sisters are not my biological flesh and blood.

You sisters are all my husband’s wives, and all my brothers and sisters are my husband’s closest relatives.
Under this situation, as a husband, even if I know that this stinky girl Yue'er is the most suitable person to inherit the throne, what can I do?

As a husband, can I ignore the feelings of everyone except you, Yue'er and Chengrui and your three mothers, and just prefer Yue'er, this stinky girl? "

The Queen listened to Young Master Liu's helpless tone and saw the helpless expression on Liu Mingzhi's face, and shook her head hurriedly.

"Husband, I don't mean this politely.

When we talked about this matter, I have never denied that I was very disappointed that Yue'er could not inherit the throne.

However, this does not mean that I must have Yue'er..."

Before the Queen could finish her sentence, Liu Mingzhi interrupted her with a wave of his hand.

"Be polite."

"Huh? Heartless?"

"To put it bluntly, you don't need to explain anything about this matter. As a husband, I know it very well."


As soon as the Queen spoke, Liu Mingzhi interrupted her again.

"No buts."

“To put it mildly, I’ll tell you this for my husband’s sake.

Yue'er's inheritance of the throne will have great disadvantages in the future.

The most obvious point is that Yue'er will have her own lover in the future, and then she will have her own children.

As a husband, I am not worried about what Yue'er will think, but as a husband, I am afraid of what her future husband and her children will think.

In this way, it is very likely that the tail will be too big to fall off.

If the tail is too big to fall off, it will be a big trouble!

To put it bluntly, if the tail is too big to fall off, it means there is a possibility of blood.

At that time, no matter whose hands are stained with whose blood.

It will be a tragedy for our couple and our whole family.

Therefore, as a husband, I not only hope that Yue'er will compete for that position, but I am also afraid that she will compete for that position.

In short, as a husband, I don’t want to see this happen. "

The queen nodded with a complicated expression as she listened to Liu Mingzhi's sorrowful words.

"Husband, Wanyuan understands, Wanyuan understands."

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, smiled lightly and patted the back of the Queen's hand.

“To put it mildly, as the saying goes, men should marry when they are young, and women should marry when they are young.

This has been the case since ancient times.

Husband, I still said what I said just now. I saw that Yue'er had no intention of thinking about her life-long affairs, and I was still a little worried in my heart.

Duan Dingbang is a boy who is quite good among his peers in terms of his background, personal virtues and abilities.

If this girl Yue'er really has thoughts about the love between children and that boy, as my husband, I will naturally be very happy to facilitate the marriage between the two of them. "

"If not?"

"Hahaha, if not, I'll just let nature take its course."

"Uh! All right."

While Liu Mingzhi and the Queen were talking, they finally arrived at Hu Yanyu's residence.

The Queen looked at Young Master Liu who was adjusting his sleeves, then turned to look at the patrolling soldiers passing by not far away, with complex eyes and silently heaving a sigh of relief.

Silly Yue'er, Silly Yue'er, that's why your father is so confident.

The fundamental reason is that he holds all the soldiers and horses in the world in his hands.

With your current identity and status, coupled with your father's love for you.

The power of the DPRK is within easy reach for you.

However, except for your acquiescence or permission, no one among you brothers and sisters can easily intervene in this military force.

There is great power in the court and the power of soldiers and horses.

Which one is more important between the two is obvious.

You would rather give up all the rights in the Palace of Ten Kings than follow us on a journey of thousands of miles.

Is it intentional?Or was it unintentional?

"Caution." (End of chapter)

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