My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3527 Human life is like a mustard

The little cutie took a deep breath and looked at Young Master Liu who was drinking tea with a bitter expression.


When Young Master Liu heard the sound, he immediately swallowed the herbal tea in his mouth and looked at the little cutie happily.

"Hehehe, Yue'er, do you have the answer?"

Listening to her father's questioning words, the little cutie looked at the smiling Young Master Liu and rolled her eyes angrily.

"Answer? What answer? This girl, I have a ghost answer.

Dirty daddy, if you don’t like Yue’er, just say so. Why bother torturing me by asking Yue’er this question? "

Seeing the unhappy look on the little cutie's face, Liu Mingzhi showed no surprise on his face. He had obviously expected that the cutie would have such a reaction.


As soon as Liu Mingzhi said these two words, the little cutie's heart suddenly tightened, and her eyes instantly became wary when she looked at her father.

"Smelly dad, what are you doing? What do you want to say?

As the saying goes, blood is thicker than water. I am your biological flesh and blood, girl. Don’t go too far! "

At this moment, although the little cutie didn't want to admit it, she had to admit one thing, that is, she was really scared.

She is now as nervous as she needs to be, and as worried as she needs to be. She is worried that her stinking father will ask her some frightening questions again.

Just the issue of a successor is enough to give me a headache.

If my stinking old man asked another question that was similar to this one, or perhaps even more difficult than this one, would I still be alive?

Seeing the sudden change in the little cutie's expression of embarrassment and alert eyes, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and stroked the tea lid in his hand.

"Smelly girl, as a father, I just want to ask you what you think. Why am I just torturing you?"

When the little cutie saw that Mr. Liu didn't ask any new questions, but was asking about the topic just now, he let out a sigh of relief.

It's great, it's so great, my stinky dad didn't even ask me any new questions, God bless me!

No, no, no, it’s the blessings of our ancestors and ancestors, the blessings of our ancestors and ancestors!

The little cutie sighed with joy in her heart, and quickly opened her pretty red lips and took a sip of herbal tea to calm her agitated mood.

Immediately, she pretended to look unhappy and glared at Young Master Liu.

"Smelly daddy, what are you doing by asking Yue'er this question if you're not torturing me?

Do you know what question you asked me?

The successor, that is the problem of the successor!

Stinky daddy, do you think I, Yue'er, can talk to you about such a problem? Can I join in with Yue'er?

In the final analysis, who will become the successor of our dragon? Isn't that a matter of your own words, stinky daddy?

You can solve the problem with just one sentence, but it’s useless for you to ask Yue’er what I think!

Later, after I said who is suitable for you, stinky daddy, can you really listen to me and pass the position directly to someone?

Even if I say that there are extravagant things, what's the use of praising one of our brothers and sisters?

In the end, the person who makes the decision is not you, stinky daddy.

Since Yue'er's opinion is of no use, what good can I do! "

After the little cutie finished complaining, Liu Mingzhi put down the tea cup in his hand with a slightly raised brow, and picked up the dry tobacco bag on the side.

When he was about to open the tobacco bag containing the tobacco, he seemed to think of something.

Immediately, he hesitantly smacked his lower lip twice and put the dry pipe back to its original place.

Seeing her father's back and forth reactions, the little cutie glanced at the tobacco bag on the low table, rolled her eyes gently a few times, and then pretended to be surprised and clicked her tongue a few times.

"Tsk, tsk, oh, daddy, you actually held it back!"

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the cutie with narrow eyes, picked up the jade fan next to him and flicked it.

"Smelly girl, your father and I still have such a little self-control.

Also, you don’t have to deliberately change the subject. Do you think you can hide your little thoughts from me? "

After hearing his father's answer, the smile on the cute face disappeared in an instant.

She gripped the tea cup in her hand hard, hummed and purred her lips softly.

"Huh! Who deliberately changed the subject? I just mentioned this girl casually."

Liu Mingzhi gently shook the jade fan in his hand and looked at the little cutie with a smile and narrowed eyes.

"Hahaha, just don't change the subject.

In this case, we, father and daughter, will continue to discuss the issue just now. "

The little cutie suddenly stood up, pinching her waist with one hand, and holding the teacup in the other hand, staring at Mr. Liu with a pair of bright eyes widened in anger.

"Oh, stinky daddy, is there anything else we can continue to discuss on this issue?

Yue'er has just told you that who among us brothers and sisters will become the successor is ultimately just a matter of your words, dad.

I still said what I just said. Could it be that if I say Yue'er is suitable, who will you let become your successor?

Since I can't make the final decision no matter how much I say, Yue'er, then what's the point of asking me to discuss this issue? "

Looking at the angry little cutie, Liu Mingzhi responded softly with a smile.

"Yue'er, that's not necessarily the case!

If you don't name the person you think is suitable, how do you know that as a father, I will definitely not adopt your suggestion? "

As soon as Mr. Liu said these words, the cute face suddenly stiffened, and the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily.

No, no, what's going on?

What's wrong with my stinking old man? How come he doesn't play according to the routine at all?

According to common sense, shouldn't he fall into silence with a complicated expression?

After all, how can I have the final say on such an important matter as to who will become the successor?

Xiao Ke could not help but curled her lips and looked at her smiling father who was about to cry without tears and sat heavily on the chair behind him.

"Smelly daddy."

"Hey, you stinky girl."

"You! Me! Good daddy."

"Yes, good daughter."

Seeing Liu Mingzhi answering so smoothly, the little cutie hummed softly with a troubled look on his face.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, good daddy, Yue'er, I am your biological daughter, there is no need for you to torment me like this, right?

Good daddy, Yue'er really can't say anything about this topic. "

Liu Mingzhi paused slightly while shaking the folding fan, with clearly visible disappointment in his eyes.

"Can't say?"

The little cutie pursed her red lips with a complicated expression and looked at Young Master Liu and nodded vigorously.

"Yeah, yeah, I can't say, I really can't.

Good dad, it’s not that there is any estrangement between Yue’er and dad, but that I really don’t know how to discuss this issue with you.

If you ask another question, I can discuss it nonstop with you for half a day without stopping.

However, Yue'er can tell you clearly about the issue of successor. It’s not that I don’t know how to continue chatting with you, dad, but I don’t dare to continue chatting with you. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at the little cutie. After being silent for a long time, looking at the cutie with a lonely expression, he sighed.


"Silly Yue'er, now even you, a bold little girl, don't dare to discuss this topic with me, my father.

As a father, who else can I talk to about all my worries?

Hahaha, hehehe, sure enough, it really corresponds to the words that others often say.

The emperor is always lonely.

When I was a father and a minister, I always felt that this sentence was a bit too extreme.

Now, as a father, I have sat in that position, and I have truly realized how correct this sentence is!

Being an emperor is really lonely.

As a father, I sat in that position for longer and longer, and I was finally able to understand your grandpa Li Zheng's original mood.

There were some things I didn't understand about him in the past, but now I gradually understand them.

It turns out that it is not that the emperor has no emotions, but that the emperor is in a position where he has no access to the so-called emotions. "

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, a bitter smile couldn't help but rise at the corner of his mouth.

"Hehehe, I guess so.

This one speaks cautiously, and the other one speaks cautiously, fearing that something he says may inadvertently offend the emperor's taboo.

As a result, over time, how could the emperor still have feelings? "

Listening to the emotional tone of her stinky daddy, the little cutie stood up from the chair again and hurriedly took two small steps forward.

Immediately afterwards, she leaned her waist and placed the teacup in her hand on the low table next to her.

"Good daddy."


The little cutie lifted up her skirt, knelt on one knee on the bed, and with a smile in her eyes raised a pair of jade hands to gently beat her father's shoulders.

"Hehehe, dear daddy, you want to figure something out, okay?

It's not that I dare not discuss this topic with you, Yue'er, but that no one dares to discuss this topic with you easily about the successor.

Good dad, you have to know that this is a topic about the successor!

For you, dad, this may be just a casual topic.

However, for Yue'er, my mothers, and our brothers and sisters, it is not an exaggeration to say that this issue is a taboo.

Good daddy, Yue'er tells you this.

When Yue'er faces this question of yours, it's just like when you faced the imperial grandfather Li Zhengzhi back then.

It’s not that I can’t say it, it’s not that I can’t say it, it’s that I dare not say it.

Good dad, on this issue, any one person's words may have a huge impact.

So, stinky daddy, please spare Yue'er. "

Liu Mingzhi listened to the little cutie's helpless words and fell silent with a frown on his face.

After a long time.

Young Master Liu gently stroked the bone of the jade fan, looked at the little cutie with a sad expression, and nodded silently.

"Okay, okay, since you, stinky girl, are not willing to discuss this topic with me as a father in detail, then I won't say anything more."

When the little cutie heard this, she nodded vigorously with a look of joy on her face.

"Yeah, yeah, daddy is wise, daddy is wise."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled, shook his head, and lay down lazily.

"Stinky girl, since you don't want you to discuss this topic with me as your father, then we, father and daughter, will continue to talk about the previous topic."

"Huh? What? The previous topic?"

“Hehehe, yes, that’s the topic from before.

Yue'er, do you know how the imperial courts of Western countries acted after they secured a new territory? "

Listening to her father's questioning words, the little cutie shook her head without hesitation.

"Back to daddy, Yue'er is not sure."

"Silly Yue'er, my father tells you that every time we Dalong conquers a new territory, we want to manage it well.

After the imperial courts of Western countries conquered a new territory, they tried every means to squeeze and enslave the local people.

They will use any means to drive the local people and squeeze their lives to benefit the people under their own country.

For the powerful figures in the imperial courts of Western countries, it is enough as long as the people under their rule can live a prosperous life and as long as the rights in their hands can always be supported.

As for the new territories they conquered, how the local people lived, whether they lived or died, had nothing to do with them.

The words I said as a father are the most realistic situation in the imperial courts of Western countries.

As long as it can give me enough benefits, everything else doesn't matter. "

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, he stood sideways and picked up the teacup on the low table above the bed, taking a sip of tea to moisten his dry throat.

"Silly Yue'er, there is a saying in Dalong that businessmen value profits.

My father, your grandfather is a businessman, and he is a big businessman who has made our Liu family's business famous all over the world.

As a father, I can tell you very frankly that in my impression, your grandfather is a very profit-oriented person.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration for our Dalong to say that businessmen value profits.

But, silly Yue'er, do you know?

What our Dalong people call merchants' profiteering is nothing compared to the big shots in the imperial courts of Western countries.

While your grandfather pays attention to interests, he also pays great attention to some rules in the shopping mall.

As long as his opponents didn't touch his bottom line and did something illegal, he would rarely do anything harmful to people's lives.

However, the actions of those big figures in the imperial courts of Western countries that I mentioned to you are completely opposite to what your grandfather did.

As long as it harms their interests, they will not have any conscience at all.

In a word, they regard human life as nothing. "(End of chapter)

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