My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3528 His enemy is my hero

“It can be said that the most important thing in their eyes is profit. Apart from profit, everything else is unimportant.

For their own vested interests, they can do any shameless thing at any cost.

In a word, profit comes first! "

After listening to his father's somewhat low-toned words, the cute young master Wei Liu paused for a moment while slapping his shoulders, and pursed his red lips with a frown.

Liu Mingzhi nodded and took a sip of the tea in his hand. He sat cross-legged and looked up at the cutie who was half-kneeling on one knee behind him.


"Ah? Ah, daddy, what's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, chuckled and sipped the tea leaves at the corner of his mouth.

"Yue'er, you may feel that the words I just said to you as a father are a little too biased.

After all, our Dalong Celestial Dynasty stands on a different stand than the imperial courts of the Western countries. My father and I are the kings of a country called Dalong.

In terms of emotion and reason, in public and private matters, it is impossible for my father to praise the imperial courts of those Western countries that stand opposite to me. "

When the little cutie heard what her father said, she shook her head hurriedly.

"Dad, no, no, Yue'er definitely didn't think so.

Dad, what kind of character you are, Yue'er, I still know very well. You are definitely not the kind of person who deliberately discredits the other person just because he is our enemy. "

Listening to the cute little girl's fair reply in a soft voice, Liu Mingzhi immediately chuckled and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hehehe, stinky girl, it seems you are quite smart!"

When the little cutie heard this, she pouted her red lips with a sweet look on her face: "Oh, stinky daddy, what are you talking about?

What do you mean, it seems that I am quite smart, Yue'er, I have always been smart, okay? "

"Hahaha, yes, yes, you are smart, you are the smartest."

"That's a must."

Liu Mingzhi gradually put away the smile on his face, and his eyes suddenly became heavy.

"Yue'er, as you just said, as a father, what I said just now was not intended to smear the imperial courts of the Western countries.

But because that's the truth.

Many years ago, the experiences of more than 3,000 merchants and common people in our Dalong Dynasty are the best evidence. "

Seeing that his father suddenly mentioned what happened to thousands of people a few years ago, the smile on the cute face disappeared in an instant, and Hao Mu narrowed his brows slightly.

Liu Mingzhi gently turned the tea lid in his hand and looked deeply at the flickering candle on the table.

“Dashi and Tianzhu, these two foreign countries, are also great countries after all.

However, as two big countries, those in power in their courts actually committed the abominable act of massacring the people of our Dalong merchants without authorization for their own selfish interests.

Such evil deeds are simply inhumane and too indescribable to describe.

There are more than three thousand common people, that's more than three thousand common people.

If they hadn't done such a heinous and evil deeds driven by their own interests, how could the two countries of Tianzhu have fallen into this situation. "

Seeing the way his father gritted his teeth when he said these words, the little cutie uttered a sentence in a faint tone.

"As the saying goes, if you do evil by God, you can still forgive it, but if you do evil by yourself, you can't live!"

Liu Mingzhi raised his head slightly and drank the remaining herbal tea in the cup in one breath. His eyes faintly shifted from the flickering candlelight to the map on the table.

"Yue'er, as the saying goes, people of the same kind flock together, and things divide into groups.

Western countries are neighbors to each other, and their territories are therefore intertwined with each other.

From the behavior of Dashi and Tianzhu, we can roughly guess what the virtues of the courts in other Western countries are.

Of course, as a father, I made such an evaluation of the other Western countries’ courts based on nothing but the practices of Dashi and Tianzhu.

Regarding such evaluation, as a father, I admit this time that the words I said are indeed biased. "

Liu Mingzhi paused slightly as he spoke, then turned to look at the cutie behind him.

"However, time will prove whether the words I just said as a father are right or wrong!"

The little cutie rolled her eyes and thought thoughtfully for a moment, then looked at Liu Mingzhi and silently nodded his head a few times.

"Yeah, yeah, then let time verify whether your evaluation of them is right or wrong, dad."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, looked at the little cutie, smiled and waved his hand.

"Yue'er, there's no need to beat me. You should take a rest."

"Hey, okay."

The little cutie responded with a sweet voice, put away her jade hands, and sat down sideways behind Liu Mingzhi.

Liu Mingzhi leaned forward and put down the tea cup in his hand, grabbed a pillow and placed it behind his back.


The little cutie had just put another soft pillow behind her and immediately turned her head to look at her father.

"Hey, dad, what's the matter?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie lying half on the pillow behind him, and turned sideways with a smile.

"Yue'er, we are outsiders. From our perspective, every time the imperial courts of Western countries conquer a new territory.

They will try their best to squeeze and enslave the local people at all costs, so as to benefit their own country.

In our opinion, their behavior is indeed heinous and extremely cruel.

However, to the people of their own country, they are well-deserved heroes.

As long as your home country gets enough benefits, this is enough.

As for whether other people live or die, that has nothing to do with me.

Therefore, whether their approach is good or bad depends on the angle from which they look at it. "

Listening to his father's somewhat emotional tone, the cute little girl turned her beautiful eyes and nodded lightly.

"Dad, what do you mean, his enemy is my hero?"

"Yes, that's exactly it. His enemy is my hero!

For us Dalong, your uncle and uncle, as well as many generals and hundreds of thousands of soldiers, he is a well-deserved hero.

He is a great hero who opened up territory for our Great Dragon Kingdom and avenged more than 3,000 suffering people.

However, for the imperial courts of Dashi and Tianzhu, they were enemies who had captured their territory and made them lose their glory and wealth.

In this case, who can say for sure what is right or wrong?

Yue'er, Yue'er. " "Um? Dad. "

"Silly girl, have you ever thought about something?

That is, if our dragon, after conquering Dashi and Tianzhu, follows the same approach as the courts of these Western countries.

He tried his best to enslave and exploit the people of Dashi and Tianzhu.

Then, go to bless the people of our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty.

So, what kind of life do you think the people of our Dalong Dynasty should be living now? "

When the little cutie heard her father's last question, she couldn't help but take a deep breath with a complex expression on her face.


“This, this, dad, that, that, that.

Dad, aren't you telling Yue'er that you want to learn from the methods of the imperial courts of Western countries? "

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the cutie with a calm look.

"Girl, as a father, if I tell you that I do have thoughts about this, would you believe it?"

Hearing his father's retort, the little cutie's delicate body trembled a few times involuntarily.

Immediately, after a moment of hesitation and silence, she looked at Liu Mingzhi and shook his head vigorously.

"Dad, Yue'er doesn't believe it."

"Oh? Don't believe it?"

"Exactly, Yue'er doesn't believe it."

Young Master Liu gently shook the Wanli Jiangshan engraved jade fan in his hand, and changed into a comfortable posture with his brows slightly raised.

"Girl, why don't you believe it?

You have to know one thing, if as a father I really do this, it cannot be said to be completely beneficial and without any harm to our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty.

At the very least, our dragon definitely has great benefits.

If, as a father, I learn from the methods of the imperial courts of Western countries, looking forward, our Dalong Dynasty will be able to obtain great benefits in just a few years.

In this way, the lives of the people of our Dalong Dynasty will be better and better.

On the contrary, looking back, the worst thing in the end is that the Western Expedition failed.

At that time, my father directly ordered the soldiers of the Western Expedition Army to evacuate the territory of Dashi and Tianzhu, and return to the territory around Congling, the border of the Western Regions, to garrison.

In this way, the soldiers of the Western Expeditionary Army could not only escape from difficulties, but at the same time, the dangerous terrain around Congling could be used to prevent the enemy's counterattack.

As for the miserable life that people in Western countries live, what does it have to do with me as a father? What kind of relationship does it have with our Dalong Celestial Dynasty?

As long as we, the people of Dalong, live a prosperous life, our lives will get better and better.

As a father, I, the executioner in the eyes of the people of the Western countries, am still the prosperous and wise king in the eyes of the people of Dalong.

In the future, when I am a father for a hundred years, my great achievements in acting like this will be left a strong mark in the history books.

As you just said, his enemies are my heroes.

As long as our Dalong people think that I am our Dalong hero and a prosperous and wise king, it will be fine.

As for how other people besides us, the Great Dragon, would evaluate my father, the king of a country with the Great Dragon, this shouldn't be an important thing, right?

After all, as a father, I am the king of a country in our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty. I only need the people of our Dalong Kingdom to recognize my great achievements. It is enough.

In layman's terms, being a father means actually giving orders to your uncles, uncles, and generals to act in this way.

Our dragon is still in a position where we can advance and attack, and retreat and defend.

To advance can be attacked, and retreat can be defended.

In just a few years, the lives of our Aaron people will become better and better.

Yue'er, come and tell me, something like this is of great benefit to me as a father. What reason do I have for not to do it as a father? "

The little cutie heard her father's last question that hit her heart, and her brows that had just been relieved a moment instantly frowned again.

Immediately afterwards, her lips pursed and she looked at Young Master Liu hesitantly, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

Yes, just as the smelly dad said, this approach has such great benefits for him, what reason does he have not to do it?

For a moment, the little cutie's heart was filled with confusion.

Could it be? Does his father really intend to act like this?

As soon as this idea came to mind, the little cutie immediately rejected it in her heart.

No, no, my stinky dad is definitely not such a person.

This way of doing things is simply not in line with the character of the smelly daddy.

The little cutie was tangled up in her heart and tightly grasped her slender hands. Looking at Young Master Liu's bright eyes, she revealed an inexplicable and complicated meaning.

At the same time, her heart kept denying it.

No, no, no, no, no, that stinky dad is definitely not this kind of person, definitely not this kind of person.

Daddy, there is something wrong with him discussing such a topic with himself, absolutely.

But what is this problem?

The little cutie glanced at Young Master Liu, and her mind began to think quickly.

Suddenly, the little cutie's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.

Immediately, she let out a sigh of relief, and watched with intent as Young Master Liu let go of her clasped jade hands, and a faint smile involuntarily appeared on her lips.

"Smelly daddy, Yue'er is sure that you will never act like this."

Seeing the little cutie speaking so firmly, Liu Mingzhi paused slightly while shaking his jade fan, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh? What do you say?"

Seeing the somewhat surprised reaction on Young Master Liu's face, the little cutie leaned Liu's waist with a smile and casually took off a pair of cowhide boots on her lotus feet.

Then, she sat cross-legged on the bed, smiled slightly, picked up the pillow behind her and held it in her arms.

"Stinky daddy, it's only been a few days since our family arrived in the royal city of Dashi Kingdom.

In just a few days, Dad, you were able to tell Yue'er clearly about some of the past actions of the imperial courts of Western countries.

Under normal circumstances, it only takes a few days.

Stinky daddy, you just stay up and discuss a series of situations in the Western countries with Yue'er's uncle and uncle, and Uncle Huyanyu.

It is absolutely impossible to understand some things about Western countries so clearly in such a short period of time.

Since you, Stinky Daddy, cannot understand these things so clearly in a short period of time, it means that you, Stinky Daddy, have actually started paying attention to all the issues in Western countries a long time ago.

Only under such circumstances, you, smelly daddy, would know so much about the affairs of the imperial courts of Western countries.

In addition, Yue'er really can't understand why, dad, you can tell Yue'er and me about the matters concerning the imperial courts of Western countries in such a clear and logical manner in just a few days.

It's as if, dad, you have witnessed these things with your own eyes. "

"Hehehe, so what?" (End of chapter)

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