My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3529 Each has its own autumn

Seeing the interested expression on her father's face, the little cutie hugged the pillow in her arms tightly and exhaled with a slight smile.

"So, Yue'er, I can guarantee that dad, you definitely don't have such an idea!"

Liu Mingzhi listened to the little cutie's affirmative tone and narrowed his eyes slightly as he stared at the cute little girl who was smiling sweetly.

"Smelly girl, are you so sure?"

Listening to Young Master Liu's rhetorical question, the little cutie raised his hands to support his cheeks and nodded with a smile.

"That's right, I'm so sure about Yue'er.

Dad, Yue'er just said that our family has only been in the royal city of Dashi Kingdom for a few days.

In just a few days, Dad, you were able to explain the affairs of the Western countries to Yue'er in a clear and logical manner. This shows that you have already understood the affairs of the Western countries.

In this case, if you, smelly dad, really had this idea, you would have already sent a letter to order your uncle and uncle to act like this.

However, when our family came to the royal city of Dashi Kingdom together.

When Yue'er and I were wandering on the streets, what I saw with my own eyes was that the people of the Dashi Country lived quite happily under the governance of their great uncles and generals.

Although Yue'er and I have not personally asked the people of the Big Food Country how their lives are going, the smile on a person's face cannot be faked.

Yue'er, I can tell at a glance that the smiles on the faces of the people in the Big Food Country are definitely the kind of smiles that come from the heart.

From this point alone, it can be seen that my uncle and uncle managed the Dashi Country very well.

And the people of the Great Food Country are also very satisfied with the rule of our Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty.

In fact, it is not just the people living in the royal city.

On our way west, our family passed dozens of large and small cities.

The people of the big food country in the city also had heartfelt smiles on their faces. "

As the little cutie spoke, she gently swallowed her somewhat dry throat.

Immediately, she leaned sideways and poured two cups of herbal tea into the willow-waisted pot, and then handed one of the herbal teas to Young Master Liu.

“Oh, it can’t be done, it can’t be done, Yue’er needs to drink some tea first to moisten her throat.

Dad, you drink too. "

Liu Mingzhi reached out and took the tea cup from the little cutie's hand, smiled and nodded.


After taking a sip of herbal tea into her throat, the little cutie felt that her throat was much more comfortable, and she exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Phew, feel comfortable, feel comfortable.

Dad, based on the above circumstances, Yue'er has come to an obvious conclusion.

That is, you, smelly daddy, will never do anything like what the imperial courts of Western countries did.

Daddy, if you really have this idea, before our family officially comes to Dashi Country, you can tell Uncle Golden Eagle to do the same thing.

However, until today, the real situation is that my uncle and the others have been obeying your orders and governing the people of Dashi and Tianzhu with great care.

In other words, if you really want to exploit and enslave the people of the two countries, you must have done this long ago.

Why should we spend so much time, energy, and effort to manage them!

It is precisely because of this that Yue'er just answered you so definitely. "

After Liu Mingzhi listened to the long and well-reasoned remarks made by the little cutie, he fell silent for a moment with a complicated expression.

After a long time.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, nodded and took a sip of tea, then directly handed the teacup in his hand towards the little cutie.

"Girl, put it back."

"Hey, okay."

"By the way, let's get the tobacco bag over to my father."

As soon as the little cutie put down the tea cup in her hand, she immediately turned back to look at Young Master Liu with a slight frown.

"Dad, are you still smoking? Try smoking less."

"The last pot. After smoking this pot, my father will not smoke again today."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Hehehe, sure, sure."

The little cutie nodded helplessly, picked up the tobacco bag at hand and handed it over directly.

"Smelly daddy, Jun Wu Xiyan, I promise it will be the last pot."

"Okay, okay, I promise for my father, I promise for my father."

"Yue'er, I'll ask Aunt Qingrui tomorrow morning. If she tells Yue'er that you continued to smoke after I left, I'm not done with you."

"Ouch, hehehe, yes, yes."

Liu Mingzhi stood up and sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed. After skillfully lighting a pot of tobacco, he narrowed his eyes and silently took a puff of dry tobacco.


"Hey, what's wrong?"

After Young Master Liu took a long puff of dry smoke, he turned to look at the little cutie with a sad expression.

"Silly girl, do you know? Considering the current situation of our Dalong, having a territory that is too big may not necessarily be a good thing.

As a father, I constantly ask my soldiers to expand territories, which can certainly demonstrate the great achievements of my father, the current emperor.

However, based on the current situation of our Dalong, the territory it has conquered is too large, and there are also big disadvantages.

Stinky girl, do you know what the disadvantages Daddy and I are talking about? "

Upon hearing her father's question, the little cutie nodded lightly at Young Master Liu without thinking.

"Of course I know, isn't it just difficult to manage?

It is easy for the soldiers to conquer a new territory, but it is not so easy for the court to manage this new territory.

It goes without saying that our dragon is thousands of miles away from the Western countries.

Dad, if you want to transfer some officials to take up their posts here, it is not an easy matter.

Our family traveled westward this time, and we drove very fast along the way. We still walked for several months.

If it were the officials who were sent to take office, it would probably take at least eight or nine months to get here.

Only if everything goes smoothly along the way can the appointment be completed within this time.

During this period, if some unpredictable troubles are encountered, who knows that those officials will not be able to reach their posts until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse?

One year? Two years? Or longer?

Things are unpredictable, and many things are unpredictable.

Some things may change drastically in just a few months.

This is true for a few months, let alone a year or two? "

While the little cutie was speaking, he glanced at Young Master Liu who was puffing away his words with a complex expression while listening to his own words, and immediately clasped his fingers and pondered for a moment. “Dad, Yue’er made a rough estimate.

If we want to maintain a peaceful and stable life in the two countries of Dashi and Tianzhu, our Dalong's left and right western expedition armies will have to be stationed here for at least ten years.

In the next ten years or so, Dad, you need to transfer enough officials, big and small, to take up their posts in Dashi and Tianzhu.

Moreover, these officials must be young and strong. Those who are already old may not be able to endure such a long journey!

But, then again.

The combined territory of the Dashi Kingdom and the Tianzhu Kingdom is quite large.

In this way, even if you, Dad, vacate all the young and strong officials in our Dalong court, you may not be able to gather enough officials, big and small, to be transferred to the two countries of Da Shi Tianzhu to take up their posts.

However, this matter still needs to be done slowly and step by step.

As I said just now, it will take at least ten years to achieve this. "

Liu Mingzhi turned around and blew out the smoke from his mouth, frowning with a deep look in his eyes.

"Ten years, ten years?"

"Yeah, yeah, exactly, it will take at least ten years.

Dad, this is the disadvantage of having too big a territory.

Solving this shortcoming is not something that can happen overnight, it must take a long time to develop step by step. "

Listening to the little cutie's words, Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath of tobacco, stretched his legs and walked behind the bed, pacing back and forth in front of the bed with a melancholy expression.

"Silly Yue'er, you should be able to understand now.

Father, why do I tell you that every time we conquer a new territory, we want to manage it well? This is our biggest mistake.

It is very easy to conquer a new territory, but if you want to manage a new territory well, the price you have to pay is really too high.

It is so big that with our current powerful national power, the Great Dragon Celestial Dynasty will have to spend at least ten years of energy and hard work.

In particular, after paying such a price, my father, the king of a country, may not be able to guarantee that I will be able to govern these two new territories.

Then, I also need to ensure that the two generations of emperors after me can continue to work hard and work hard to govern these two new territories like my father. "

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, he paused slightly and frowned as he looked at the cutie sitting cross-legged on the bed with the same frown.

"Oh, Yue'er, Yue'er.

It is easy to conquer the world, but it is difficult to conquer the world. Now it can be said that it is vividly demonstrated to me as a father! "

Listening to her father's melancholy tone, the little cutie licked her slender fingers with a complicated expression.

At this moment, she finally fully understood why her father told her to behave in this way. This was the biggest problem with her son of the Han family.

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed like this.

Compared with the behavior of the imperial courts in Western countries that after conquering a territory, they directly harm others and benefit themselves.

My father's current practice of Good Shepherd World Dawn requires a lot of effort and energy, and the price he has to pay is really too high.

However, if we talk about these two ways of behavior, which one is better.

For a moment, it was really difficult to evaluate.

The practices of the imperial courts in Western countries can certainly create great benefits for themselves in a short period of time.

However, the hidden disadvantages of this approach are also very obvious.

If they continue to do this, it won't take too long and they will inevitably suffer a huge backlash.

To describe it in one sentence, those who humiliate others will always be humiliated; those who kill others will always be killed.

Unless you can completely eradicate all enemies at once.

Otherwise, sooner or later, you will inevitably pay the consequences for your inhumane evil deeds.

As the saying goes, if you sow melons, you will reap melons; if you sow beans, you will reap beans.

The cycle of heaven, the retribution is unhappy.

Whatever you sow, you will surely receive what kind of results you will receive.

On the contrary, looking at my father's approach, it is indeed difficult to collect too much benefit in a short period of time.

However, as long as you persist, once you succeed, the rewards will be huge.

However, as my father said just now, not only does this approach require a huge price, but it is also difficult to guarantee that there will be rich returns.

If it succeeds, everyone will naturally be happy.

On the contrary, if something big goes wrong during this period, all the efforts and painstaking efforts made in the past will be in vain!

Between the two, each has its own advantages, and each also has its own disadvantages.

It is difficult to evaluate which of these two actions is better.

When the little cutie was thinking about this, he looked at Liu Mingzhi with a slightly curious expression, who was pacing back and forth while holding a dry pipe and puffing away smoke.

"Dad, can Yue'er ask you a question?"

Hearing the little cutie's inquiry, Liu Mingzhi kept turning his head to look at the cutie and nodded with a light smile.

"Hahaha, of course, Silly Yue'er, if you have any questions, it's okay to just ask."

Looking at her father with a smile on his face, the little cutie straightened his straight and slender body, then raised his hand and gently tapped his slightly sore thighs a few times.

"Dad, Yue'er just wants to ask you, which of these two methods do you think is better?

Yue'er just thought about it for a long time, but in the end she didn't come to an accurate conclusion.

So, Yue'er wanted to ask dad for your opinion. "

"Hehehe, what do you think of being a father?"

"Yeah, yes, Yue'er wants to know what you are thinking, dad. Which of these two methods do you think is better?"

Liu Mingzhi clasped his brows, and after pondering thoughtfully for a moment, he looked at the cute little girl with a curious expression on his face with a faint smile.

"Everyone has its own merits."

"Huh? What? Each has its own merits?"

"Yes, as a father, I, like you, Yue'er, don't know which of these two methods is better for a while.

Therefore, as a father, I can only give you a different answer. "

The little cutie listened to her father's helpless tone and nodded a few times with a regretful expression.


As soon as the little cutie finished speaking, Ren Qingrui's somewhat surprised voice suddenly came to mind in the back hall.

"Daguoguo, Yue'er."

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