When Song Qing saw the soldiers remaining silent, a hint of disappointment appeared in his eyes.

Then, he turned his eyes slightly and hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Zhang Kuang and Nangong Ye.

"Uncles, based on the current situation, how many cities on the border of the Arab Empire have seen a large number of fanatics?"

When Zhang Kuang and Nangong Ye heard the question asked by Song Qing, they immediately turned around and looked at each other.

"Brother Zhang, you are more familiar with the situation in the Kingdom of Daqin, so you should tell us about it."


Zhang Kuang turned his head to look at Song Qing, raised his hand with a thoughtful look and gently stroked the gray beard on his chin.

“King Wuyi, as far as the current situation is concerned, among the many border towns of the Arab Empire, there are seven border towns with a large number of fanatics.

Among these seven border cities, the city with the largest number of mentally ill fanatics is the city of Jerusalem we mentioned earlier.

The second is the city closest to Jerusalem, Amman.”

After hearing Zhang Kuang's answer, Song Qing frowned slightly in confusion.

"What? The Jerusalem we talked about before is also one of the border towns of the Arab Empire?

  Uncle, from what I have understood during this period, isn’t that place a holy place in the eyes of the Arab Empire and several surrounding small countries?

Since this place is a holy place in the minds of those fanatics, how could it become a border town?"

Seeing the puzzled expression on Song Qing's face, Zhang Kuang happily untied the wine bag from his waist, pulled out the cork, raised his head and took a big gulp of the wine.

"King Wuyi, it was indeed not the case before.

However, after the soldiers of our Great Dragon Dynasty's Western Expedition Army completely conquered the Arab Empire, that place became one of the border towns of the Arab Empire.

Regarding this matter, it was actually because they were seeking their own death.

At the beginning, when our soldiers of the Western Expedition had just completely conquered the entire territory of the Arab Empire, we had absolutely no conflict with them.

However, a guy in Jerusalem who claimed to be the Son of God, after being bewitched and instigated by the King of the Arab Empire, actually sent troops to launch a surprise attack on our soldiers.

I will never let off these barbarians who dared to challenge the might of our Great Dragon Dynasty so easily.

Eventually, things turned out like this.

Not only were the soldiers who dared to attack our soldiers killed on the spot, but even the city of Jerusalem became one of the border towns of the Arab Empire."

After listening to Zhang Kuang's eloquent explanation, Song Qing nodded in sudden enlightenment.

  "I see, that's how it is!

I was wondering how this so-called holy land became one of the border towns of the Arab Empire.

So, there must be such a reason.”

Seeing Song Qing's understanding reaction, Zhang Kuang raised the wine bag and took a big gulp of wine with a smile.

Then, he turned slightly and looked towards the southwest, and a contemptuous smile flashed in his eyes.

“Back then, after the soldiers captured Jerusalem, the commander in chief of the army directly sent someone to escort the so-called Son of God to me.

After seeing the so-called Son of God who was escorted back by the soldiers, I was greatly disappointed.

What a bullshit Son of God, he was scared to death when he saw me and others.

  Son of God? Bullshit!

To put it bluntly, in the words of our Dalong, he is nothing more than a charlatan who only knows how to deceive people.

Moreover, he is a brainless charlatan.

Anyone with a little bit of common sense would be able to figure out how powerful the army would be to force the King of the Arab Empire to abandon the city and flee.

Faced with such a powerful army, not only did they not quickly figure out how to avoid its attack, but they even dared to send troops to launch a sneak attack.

"To try to use the power of a city to fight against the power of an entire country's elite army, no one with a brain would do such a thing."

Hearing the disdainful tone in Zhang Kuang's words, Song Qing couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The rest of the people also chuckled with strange expressions on their faces.

"Haha, haha, if you put it that way, this person is really brainless.

No, no, strictly speaking, it should be said that he is a little stupid.

Uncle, let’s not talk about these topics for now.

When we have nothing to do in the future, we can talk about it slowly over a drink.

Right now, our main topic is still about the fanatics."

When Zhang Kuang heard what Song Qing said, he chuckled and nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, yes, yes, let's talk about business first.

  King Wuyi, I was just about to ask you, why are you asking about this matter?

As a result, we unknowingly strayed from the topic.”

Song Qing listened to Zhang Kuang's question, frowned slightly, and then lit a pot of tobacco with skillful movements.

"Uncle, how many people are there in these seven cities you just mentioned?"

Hearing Song Qing's question, the pupils in Zhang Kuang's old eyes suddenly shrank.

Not only Zhang Kuang, but also old foxes like Nangong Ye, Yun Chong, Wanyan Chizha, Yaleha, and Huyan Yu also had their pupils suddenly shrank.

At this moment, these old foxes didn't need to think deeply at all, and they instantly realized the intention of Song Qing asking this question.

Zhang Kuang blinked his eyes gently a few times, then raised the wine bag in his hand and took a few big gulps of the wine.

Then, he sipped the wine from his lips and looked at Song Qing with a hesitant expression.

"King Wuyi, you?"

After Song Qing took a deep puff of his pipe, he looked at Zhang Kuang, who had a hesitant look on his face, and chuckled a few times.

"Uncle, you just need to tell me the number of civilians in these seven cities."

Zhang Kuang frowned with a complicated expression and subconsciously turned his head to look at Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi saw Zhang Kuang turned his head and looked at him, and he smiled and raised the empty wine glass in his hand and handed it to the little cutie.

"Hahaha, girl, pour some wine for your father."

"Hey, okay."

"Uncle, this is a topic between you and my elder brother. What do you think I am doing? Anyway, this is not a major secret. Whatever question my elder brother asks you, you can just answer him truthfully, right?"

Hearing Young Master Liu say this, Zhang Kuang nodded with a complicated look and looked at Song Qing again.

"King Wuyi, are you asking about only the people living in the city? Or are you asking about the people living outside the city as well?"

Song Qing took a puff of his pipe and asked loudly, "Uncle, how many people are there living in the city? How many people are there in total?"

"King Wuyi, there are probably more than 1.2 million people just counting the people living in the city.

If all the people were added together, there would be about three million people."

When Song Qing heard the number Zhang Kuang answered, his eyes widened instantly.

“Fuck!” Song Qing cursed subconsciously, then realized that the little cutie was still standing there, and quickly coughed a few times in a low voice: “Uh-huh, cough, cough, cough.

Uncle, you are right, right? About three million people?

  There are only seven cities, but how could there be so many people?"

Seeing the shocked expression on Song Qing's face, Zhang Kuang skillfully lit a pot of tobacco for himself and nodded with a slightly sad expression.

“King Wuyi, I was not wrong, and you were not wrong, it is about three million people.

King Wuyi, the territory of the Kingdom of Dashi is actually very large, and the people here are not much worse than the people of our Great Dragon Dynasty in terms of having children.

Of course, the main reason is actually because of the city of Jerusalem we are talking about.

Just in this place alone, there are nearly 800,000 people living there.”

As soon as Zhang Kuang finished speaking, before Song Qing could even open his mouth, the cutie standing next to Young Master Liu let out a soft cry of surprise.

"What? How much?"

  "Uncle, how many? How many people do you think live in Jerusalem?

More than 800,000 people. More than 800,000 people live in one city?

Uncle, you have to know that in the capital of our Great Dragon Dynasty, there are only about 1.2 million registered citizens.

Moreover, the registered population that Yue'er mentioned is not just the people living in the two cities inside and outside the capital, but also includes the people living in the counties outside the city.

If we only count the people living in the inner and outer cities, the population would be around 600,000 to 700,000 at most.

Our great Dragon Empire's huge capital city only has about 600,000 to 700,000 people living in it, but the city of Jerusalem has more than 800,000 people living in it?

Uncle, if what you said is true, then this so-called Jerusalem city is bigger than our Dalong capital city, isn't it? "

After the little cutie finished speaking with a tone full of surprise, Song Qing immediately frowned and echoed loudly.

“Uncle, Yue’er just said, uh huh.

The question Her Royal Highness the Princess asked just now is also the question I want to ask.

  More than 800,000 people, this is not a small number!

Even if all the people inside and outside the city are added together, isn't this number a bit too much?"

Zhang Kuang looked at the little cutie with a surprised expression on her pretty face, then looked at Song Qing with a slightly frown on his brows, and smiled as he walked straight towards the huge map behind Young Master Liu.

Little cutie, seeing this, Song Qing and the others instinctively shifted their gazes to follow Zhang Kuang's footsteps.

The rest of the people also subconsciously looked towards Zhang Kuang.

Young Master Liu turned around with a smile, his eyes falling directly on the map in front of him.

"Your Highness, Prince Wuyi."

"Hey, uncle?"

"Uncle, you say."

After Zhang Kuang silently took a long puff of his pipe, he raised his arm and drew a circle on the map with his fingers.

"Your Highness, King Wuyi, you have only been in the capital of the Arab Empire for a short time, and you have not been to Jerusalem.

Therefore, you are not particularly clear about the specific situation in the city of Jerusalem.

The city of Jerusalem that we are talking about is said to be a city, but in fact it is not a city as we usually imagine.

The real situation of the city of Jerusalem is that it is a place that gradually spreads out in all directions with this city as the center.

To put it simply, the surrounding cities of all sizes surround the central city of Jerusalem and expand outward little by little.

Then, the people living in this area eventually all regarded themselves as citizens of Jerusalem.

In fact, the number of people actually living in the main city of Jerusalem is only about a few hundred thousand at most.

As for the remaining hundreds of thousands of people, in order to believe in the so-called God in their hearts and to show their piety, they forced themselves to have an identity as citizens of Jerusalem.

Eventually, the city of Jerusalem gradually developed in this way.”

After listening to Zhang Kuang's explanation, the little cutie nodded a few times with an expression of understanding.

Then, she raised her eyes slightly and quickly glanced at the area where Zhang Kuang had just drawn a big circle with his hand.

"Uncle, if what you said is true, why do I feel that this so-called Jerusalem city is the same as the capital of our Great Dragon Dynasty?

Our Dalong's capital also takes the capital as the main center, and then spreads out little by little in all directions.

Finally, the capitals of various regions in the capital region were gradually formed, with the capital as the main area. "

Zhang Kuang withdrew his gaze from the map, turned around and looked at the little cutie with a smile.

"Hahahahaha, Your Highness, what you just said hit the nail on the head.

As the saying goes, see the big picture from the small.

Essentially speaking, there is not much difference between the capital of our Great Dragon Empire and the city of Jerusalem.

To put it bluntly, if we only count the city of Jerusalem, it won’t count at all.”

The little cutie smiled sweetly with her eyebrows slightly raised, turned slightly to look at Zhang Kuang who was smiling, and nodded her head a few times with a smile as beautiful as a flower.

"Haha, so that's what happened.

  Yue'er, I'm telling you, what would happen if a city had more than 800,000 people?

If this is the case, then our Great Dragon Dynasty's Western Expedition Army has encountered a formidable enemy."

Zhang Kuang looked at the little cutie with a relaxed smile on his face, and nodded with the same smile.

"Your Highness, if that were true, we would not have been able to capture this so-called city of Jerusalem so quickly!" (End of this chapter)

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