My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3743 Can’t Carry

Chapter 3743 Can’t Carry

"Hehehe, that's true. Yue'er understands."

  "It's good that you understand, Princess. It's good that you understand."

After Zhang Kuang responded to the little cutie with a smile, he turned slightly and looked at Song Qing who was standing aside.

"King Wuyi, do you have any other questions about the situation in Jerusalem?"

When Song Qing heard Zhang Kuang's question, he looked a little conflicted and bent his fingers and gently tapped his eyebrows a few times.

Seeing Song Qing's somewhat conflicted expression, the little cutie immediately walked towards Song Qing with light steps.

"Uncle, Yue'er will pour you some wine."

Hearing what the little cutie said to him, Song Qing instinctively handed over the empty wine glass in his hand.

"Okay, okay."

The little cutie smiled with her beautiful eyes as she filled Song Qing's glass with wine from the jug, then lifted her lotus feet and took a small step back.

Song Qingdan smiled and nodded to the little cutie, then he frowned and drank half a glass of wine in one gulp, then turned to look at Zhang Kuang with a troubled expression.

"Uncle, well, if all the people in the seven cities are added together, is there really a number of about three million?"

Zhang Kuang looked at the conflicted expression on Song Qing's face and knew exactly what was going on in his mind.

  Around three million people is not a small number!

Faced with so many people, not everyone can be so cruel.

Zhang Kuang looked at Song Qing with a complicated look, then casually raised the wine bag and took a big gulp of wine, then walked towards Song Qing with a sigh.

“King Wuyi, the people of the seven cities combined really number about three million.

And, no more, no less!"

When Song Qing heard Zhang Kuang's serious answer, his brows, which were already slightly furrowed, furrowed even more tightly in an instant.

About three million.

About three million, that’s about three million people!

Let’s not talk about whether we can be so cruel as to do this for now.

  The key issue is that such a pot is really too big to bear alone!

That’s right, for such a blame, it’s not a question of whether you are willing to take the blame, but rather that you simply cannot take it!

Song Qing's mind raced as he thought to himself for a moment. Then he looked at Zhang Kuang, who was smoking silently, with a depressed look on his face.


Upon hearing the voice, Zhang Kuang immediately exhaled the smoke in his mouth and looked at Song Qing with a slightly nervous look.

"Hmm? King Wuyi, you say."

Seeing the clear nervousness in Zhang Kuang's eyes, Song Qing raised his head slightly, drank the wine in the glass, then slowly exhaled the alcohol with his lips slightly opened.


"Uncle, what, what.

I have no further questions about the city of Jerusalem."

Hearing Song Qing say this, Zhang Kuang, whose tense heartstrings were at the moment, breathed a sigh of relief, and the tension in his eyes immediately disappeared.

Just now, he was really worried that Song Qing might lose his temper and say something he shouldn't say.

If it's just some insignificant little pot, or even a bigger one, you can just take the blame.

  After all, Song Qing’s status as the King of Wuyi is there!

As long as Young Master Liu, the Emperor, does not have any special thoughts in his mind, no one in the entire court can shake his status and position.

No, no, no, that's not right. Strictly speaking, looking across the entire world, no one can shake the position of Song Qing, the current King Wuyi.

However, Song Qing could not shoulder the responsibility of shouldering such a huge responsibility that concerned about three million people.

Such a pot is really too big, so big that looking at the entire Dalong Dynasty, except for the current Emperor Liu Mingzhi, no one else can carry the pot of three million people.

If these three hundred people are indeed enemy soldiers, then everything will be easy to deal with.

If that were really the case, who would bother racking their brains to think about all these things? They could just dispatch troops to the battlefield to kill the enemy and achieve great things.

  But the key issue is that those three million people were not enemy soldiers, but three million unarmed civilians!

Killing the enemy on the battlefield and massacring a city are two completely different things.

Zhang Kuang's mind raced and he pondered for a moment, then he looked up at Song Qing with a cheerful look and nodded gently.

"Haha, hahaha.

If King Wuyi has any other questions, please feel free to ask me at any time."

After Song Qing took a long puff of the tobacco from his pipe, he looked at Zhang Kuang, chuckled, and nodded.

"Uncle, I understand.

If I think of anything else, I will ask you again."

Zhang Kuang nodded with a smile, then pressed the wine bag in his hand and poured a glass of wine for Song Qing.

"That's good, that's good.

King Wuyi, let's stop talking and have a drink to quench our thirst."

"Okay, thank you very much, uncle."

Song Qing chuckled and thanked him, then raised the wine glass to his lips and took a sip of the wine.

Then, he turned with a complicated expression and looked at Young Master Liu who was standing two steps away.

"Your Majesty, regarding the matters of those fanatics, I cannot think of any strategy to deal with them at the moment."

Young Master Liu listened to Song Qing's somewhat low voice and narrowed his eyes slightly with a smile.

"Big brother."

"The minister is here."

Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at Zhang Kuang and Song Qing, gently waved the jade fan with a picture of a vast landscape in his hand, and then walked forward slowly.

Seeing this, Xiaokeai, Song Qing, Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, Duan Dingbang and others hurriedly followed.

Young Master Liu stopped, sat down gently on the chair behind him, and crossed his legs casually with a smile.

"My dear ministers, there is no need to stand aside. Please all return to your seats."

"I obey your command. Thank you, Your Majesty."

Dozens of generals saluted to Young Master Liu and then dispersed to their respective positions.

Seeing this, the little cutie first filled Young Master Liu's glass with wine with a smile on her face, and then gently pushed Young Master Liu's shoulder.

"Father, please move aside. Yue'er has been standing for so long. I'll sit down and take a rest for a while."

Young Master Liu nodded and took a sip of the wine in the glass, then rolled his eyes at the little cutie in a displeased manner. "Stinky girl, isn't there a chair for you over there? You have to sit on the armrest of my chair to get comfortable, right?"

Seeing her father's pretending to be unhappy look, the little cutie raised her eyebrows and smiled foolishly a few times.

"Hehehe, hey, father, doesn't Yue'er have to help you pour the wine?

I've been staying by your side the whole time, so I don't have to run around all the time, right?"

Young Master Liu looked at the little cutie's playful face, gently put down the wine glass in his hand, and then grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the plate.

"Silly girl, I have both hands, I don't need you to help me pour wine."

"Oh, good father, you have hands, that's your business.

But, Yue'er, I should express my filial piety. I still have to express my filial piety."

As soon as the little cutie finished her sweet voice, without waiting for Young Master Liu's reply, she turned sideways and sat on the armrest of her father's chair.

Seeing the little cutie behaving like this, Young Master Liu shook his head with a slightly helpless expression on his face, and had to slightly turn sideways and support his arm on the armrest on the other side.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at the dozens of generals and commanders who had already sat down, while cracking the melon seeds in his hand and chuckling.

Finally, his eyes fell on Song Qing.

"Big brother."

"The minister is here."

Young Master Liu gently spat out the melon seed shell between his lips and teeth, and looked straight at Song Qing with a hint of interested mockery in his eyes.

  “Brother, about three million people is not a small number!

But, then again.

"With your current status, the three million or so people can still resist!"

When Song Qing heard what Young Master Liu said, the expression on his face suddenly froze slightly.

It wasn't just Song Qing. The expressions on the faces of Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, Wanyan Chizha, Yun Chong, Huyan Yu and others also froze slightly.

At the same time, their minds couldn't help but become nervous.

In just a moment, the same thought emerged in the minds of all the old foxes.

  Your Majesty, Your Majesty, he is not really planning to let King Wuyi take the blame, right?

About three million people, these are about three million people!

To massacre about three million civilians in one fell swoop, not to mention Song Qing, the King of Wuyi at that time, even if the two generals of the Western Expedition Army were added, they could not bear such a huge blame!

Song Qing has been dealing with Young Master Liu for decades and knows his character very well.

After Young Master Liu said this, he already understood clearly in his mind that his third brother had already guessed what he was thinking.

Fortunately, Song Qing was only stunned for a moment, and he had already seen the mocking look in Young Master Liu's eyes.

Therefore, his mind was only slightly jolted, and then he immediately relaxed.

At this moment, Song Qing understood in his heart that his third brother was obviously joking with him!

Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, Yun Chong, Wanyan Chizha, Yaleha, Huyan Yu and others also noticed the mocking look in Young Master Liu's eyes, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness, God is still the same Majesty as before.

After Song Qing slowly exhaled the alcohol, he looked depressed and raised his hand to bow to Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, what, what.

If there are only 300,000 to 500,000 people, or even 600,000 to 700,000 people, it won't be a big problem for me, an old minister, to grit my teeth and resist.

As an old minister, the worst that can happen to me is that I will be scolded by the military clerks, and then criticized by the censors in the court.

  However, since this concerns more than 300 ordinary people, I, an old minister, really cannot resist it!

Faced with such a number, I, an old minister, cannot bear it even if I grit my teeth and break all my teeth!

Your Majesty, more than three million people are really too many.

I, your old servant, really can’t resist it!”

Young Master Liu looked at Song Qing's face full of helplessness and ate a melon seed with a smile.

"Big brother."

"The minister is here."

After swallowing the melon seeds between his lips and teeth, Young Master Liu chuckled, reached out to pick up the wine glass on the table and took a sip of the wine.

"Brother, you think some things are too simple."

Hearing what Young Master Liu said, Song Qing was slightly stunned. After he reacted, he immediately punched Young Master Liu.

"This old minister is confused, please enlighten me, Your Majesty."

Seeing the sudden puzzled expression on Song Qing's face, Young Master Liu raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one breath.


“Brother, there are seven cities and about three million people.

It’s no longer a question of whether your back can carry this big pot.

The real question in this matter is whether you can guarantee that the news will not leak out eventually.

  Once the news of this matter leaks out, all the hard work of the soldiers of our Great Dragon Dynasty's two armies on the Western Expedition over the years will be wasted in an instant!

No, no.

Strictly speaking, we also have to add the hard work of the soldiers of the Anxi Protectorate and the soldiers of the coalition forces of the Western Regions over the years. "

When Young Master Liu said this, he glanced at the dozens of generals, big and small, not far away with a complicated expression.

  "My dear ministers, it is easy to massacre a city, but it is difficult to eradicate the roots!

Who among you can guarantee that no one will escape alive?"

After hearing this question from Young Master Liu, Song Qing, Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, Wanyan Chizha, Huyan Yu and others looked at each other in bewilderment, and immediately shook their heads at Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, I cannot guarantee that."

Young Master Liu gently put down the wine glass in his hand, raised his brows slightly, and changed his sitting position.

Seeing this, the little cutie quickly picked up the wine jug beside him and refilled his father's glass of wine.

Young Master Liu gently shook the jade carving of a vast landscape in his hand and glanced with a smile at the dozens of generals who were looking at him.

"My dears, it's okay if you don't dare to guarantee it.

People are not fools, especially ordinary people. Not only are they not fools, but they are also very smart.

For ordinary people, there is always a rule to follow.

  That is, I can't afford to offend, but I can afford to hide from you!

It is human instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm.

Under such circumstances, how could you possibly leave no one alive?

Once you leave someone alive, it means that your massacre will no longer be a secret."

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