Chapter 832

"What is this place?"

After the hot air balloon landed, Young Master Liu looked blankly at the surrounding scenery, nothing familiar at all.

Young Master Liu had lost himself just now, and he didn't even know in which direction the hot air balloon was flying.

The empress lay lazily on Young Master Liu's back, her eyes moved slightly a few times, and finally fell into a doze against Young Master Liu's shoulder.

Young Master Liu couldn't help but chuckled when he noticed the Queen's actions.

There is reincarnation in the sky, this young master finally avenged a "white radish" today, and he no longer needs to be ashamed and ashamed when facing the queen in the future.

The empress who fell into a dormant sleep was not disturbed, Young Master Liu took out a fire pocket from her arms, lit the hot air balloon that had run out of fuel, and then stood aside quietly watching the hot ball burn out and turn into ashes together with the basket.

Even if someone saw it, they might not understand what it was, but Young Master Liu adhered to the idea of ​​being cautious, the less people know about this kind of thing, the better.

Otherwise, if it is used by someone with a heart, the high-walled courtyard and the gate of the palace will no longer be effective protection.

It's fine for the common people and merchants to lose some treasures, and the fearful and desperate guy will sit on this thing and go to the palace to assassinate the emperor. In that case, things will be serious.

Lifting the queen up, Young Master Liu looked up at the position of the Big Dipper, estimated the position of Jinling City, and walked in one direction.

In the case of using hot air balloon fuel, it can only float for a distance of [-] miles at most, and it cannot be far away from Jinling City at all.

The only difficulty is that the direction is not easy to identify.

Fortunately, during the bandit suppression period in Jinling, Young Master Liu learned the skill of distinguishing directions from the scouts in the army.

Observing the branches and leaves of trees has a series of ways to identify the direction, the most reliable of which is the position of the Big Dipper.

Of course, the premise is that the weather is clear at night. Anyway, the scout's operations made Young Master Liu dumbfounded.

Navigation without a positioning system The ancients forcibly found ways to identify directions from various gifts of nature.

This is also a kind of ability.



The empress let out a lazily groan, changed into a comfortable position and fell asleep on Young Master Liu again.

"I said that the food in your country of Jin is quite good! Why do you feel that you are so much heavier than before? By the way, your country of Jin does not prohibit the slaughter of cattle, so what about plowing? You can't use people to pull the plow, right?"

"Is it heavy? Maybe it's because you eat too much raw beef. I will pay attention to my diet in the future!"

"Neither heavy nor heavy, one point more will make you fat, and one point less will make you thin. It's just right. It may be that my young master has exhausted his physical strength, so I feel that you are a bit heavy. However, try to eat as little raw beef as possible, which is not good for your health. Our ancestors paid such a high price to let us learn to use fire, but we didn't want us to live a life of ruthlessness!"

"Well, then I won't pay attention to my diet! I will eat roasted beef from now on!"

Young Master Liu couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "Then what kind of polite words! If it's convenient for you, let me have some beef jerky. You know Dalong's law. It's not easy to eat some beef. Although my young master is home You have to pay attention to the influence of the great cause, it is impossible to eat and drink too much!"

"Okay, how much do you want?"

"Thirty thousand catties, after all, children need nutrition!"

Empress Zhi Leng, who was lying on Young Master Liu's back, raised her head and her eyes brightened immediately: "Thirty thousand catties? Are you eating?"

"No way? Isn't it normal to eat beef and mutton every day in the Turkic Grassland?"

"Three thousand catties, do you want love!"

The queen lay lazily on Young Master Liu's back again, and set a certain amount for Young Master Liu.

"Okay, three thousand catties is three thousand catties, less is better than nothing!"

First Young Master Liu originally thought that it would be good to give a few hundred catties, but he didn't expect the empress to promise three thousand catties of beef jerky, which was a surprise.

Thinking of this, First Young Master Liu sighed silently, as expected, he still hadn't recovered from his petty mentality, only after seeing the empress and the old man did he know what majesty is.

One buys [-] horses just for fun, and the other asks for [-] catties of beef jerky.

Beef jerky has more content than freshly slaughtered beef, and it would take at least tens of thousands of catties of fresh meat to replace it with beef.

Dalong is no better than Jin Guo, the preciousness of the beef is clear from the fate of those special products bought by Liu Dashao when he came back from Jin Guo.

"Liu Mingzhi, are you really unwilling to go back to the Kingdom of Jin with me? I am willing to give you the throne and you still don't want to go. What exactly do you want to go?"

After the queen finished speaking, she breathed evenly.

Liu Mingzhi also didn't know whether the Queen's words were said soberly or just the Queen's dream.

Wordlessly, he carried the queen on his back and walked towards Jinling City.

The moon is bright, the stars are bright, the breeze is cool, and the birds are singing.

It's exactly the same mood as the people carrying Qi Yun on their backs. Once they carry it on their backs, they don't want to let it go!
"The Ice and Snow Maiden enters the mortal world, and sees the sunshine by the West Lake for the first time!"

"Right and wrong are like shadows, full of love, full of hatred, a wisp of breeze and a wisp of soul!"

"Walking with a sword and carrying wine to the lake, how many grievances and grievances are drunk in dreams"

Liu Mingzhi hummed a little song from later generations in a low voice and quickened his pace.

Two lines of clear tears flowed from the queen's tightly closed eyes, it turned out that what the little girl said was true.

Enemy, it's a pity that you and I are both involuntary, meeting each other by fate, but not walking together by fate!
"Niece Yun Shu, my young master doesn't have any food left at home. If you want to live here, you have to pay for food. Based on our past friendship, I'll charge you 100 taels of silver!"

Wenren Yunshu held the jade flute in his hand and turned his big flexible eyes slightly: "The moon is rare."

"That's right, stay as long as you want, you can treat it as your own home, as long as you don't burn down my house, and you live here for the rest of your life, I welcome you!"

There was cunning in Wenren Yunshu's eyes, and she smiled triumphantly and took Qi Yun's arm: "Sister Yun, let's go in, the one surnamed Liu may have to say goodbye to Brother Wan!"

Qi Yun looked at her husband curiously, what happened to Yue Xingxingxi?

On the way from Jinling to the capital, as soon as sister Yun Shu mentioned these four words, Husband would immediately give in and apologize, without any temper at all!

After Qi Yun and the two entered the house, the queen got on the horse and looked at Liu Mingzhi quietly: "Brother Liu, please tell Fei Xiong that I can't come for this year's birthday, and tell her not to be angry!"

"It's already home, why don't you go in and have a seat?"

"No need, it's been delayed for a long time. I can't do without me because of the many affairs at home. Let's catch up on the old days when we have a chance!"

"Do you want me to see you off?"

The queen hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly: "Okay, bring two thick clothes and wait until it's snowing again in the north!"

"Buy it on the road!"


"Master, you order!"

"Tell the young lady that the young master is going to see off the guests!"

"Yes, young master, be careful!"

"Brother Wan, please!"


Sure enough, as the queen said, when we arrived at Shanhaiguan, there was already heavy snow in the sky, but there was still an endless stream of merchants in the Shanhaiguan mutual market.

Liu Mingzhi wore a cloak and looked at the bustling Shanhaiguan exchange market. The reason why he was able to idle all day long and take the time to send the queen back home all depended on the peace brought by the exchange market in front of him.

"Ruian's first year is about to pass, and I don't know how long this peace can last!"

The queen withdrew her gaze from the exchange market and looked slightly sideways at Liu Mingzhi.

Raising the wrist covered in the snow-white cloak, he tightened the cloak behind Young Master Liu: "My friend, do you believe that the tiger father has no dogs?"

"It's hard to say, why would you ask such a question?"

The empress smiled lightly like a fairy in the snow, and clenched her fists slightly at Young Master Liu: "Goodbye!"

Liu Mingzhi punched back slightly in a daze: "Goodbye!"

Yiqi Juechen headed south in the face of the wind and snow, just like back then, coming in pairs, one person and one horse leaving alone.

"If the Three Kingdoms still cannot be united within ten years, you will encounter a rare opponent in your life, because I also believe that a tiger father has no dogs!"

"Your Majesty, King Zhennan has been waiting for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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