My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 833 'The Missing Emperor'

Chapter 833 'The Missing Emperor'

The first year of Rui'an was a rare and peaceful year for Dalong.

There is no war at the border, and there is no disaster inside the pass.

Because of the first harvest of winter wheat in Qingzhou, it gradually began to radiate to other prefectures, and the people of Dalong understood one thing, grain can be grown in two seasons a year.

When Young Master Liu learned that Qingzhou Mansion had his own ancestral hall, he couldn't laugh or cry.

What left Young Master Liu speechless the most was that when the plaque on the Shrine of Life turned out to be the words "Reincarnated Shennong", he wanted to cry without tears. How could he dare to win this reputation.

No matter what Young Master Liu thought, the people firmly believed that it was the imperial envoy who made the famine-stricken Qingzhou Mansion full of food for the first time.

There has never been a disaster of starving to death. Qingzhou has become one of the wealthiest state capitals in the surrounding states.

But this memorial finally disappeared without a trace, and the Qingzhou officials had no choice but to let it go.

After all, the growing reputation of Qingzhou government also involves their performance appraisal.

I think this year's dossier of the Ministry of Officials will definitely be full of praise!
Sweet potatoes have also been promoted by the imperial court, radiating more than a dozen state capitals with the capital as a point. The people have changed from initial rejection and worry to eagerly planting sweet potatoes.

Just the tax revenue in the first year of Rui’an allowed Dalong’s treasury to be expanded by two, and now Jiang Yuanming, the Minister of the Household Department, is happy wherever he goes. up.

In April of the second year of Ruian, the ice and snow had melted for a long time, and the capital was once again full of vitality and a new look.

Young Master Liu is sitting in the gazebo at home after the court, sorting out the accounts of the household department for one year.

Jiang Yuanming hugged his thigh and almost begged himself to clean up the bad debts from the household department, but Young Master Liu refused again and again.

"Husband, haven't you finished calculating the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts?"

The voice of the third princess Li Yan sounded from behind, and Liu Mingzhi put down the brush in his hand after making a mark on the account book and writing down a number.

"Yan'er is back, sit down and have a sip of tea before talking, take a breath first, don't move your fetus!"

The third princess nodded lightly and sat on a stone bench covered with cotton wadding while holding her waist. Obviously her lower abdomen hadn't shown yet, but the third princess's appearance was very well done.

"There's no need to support the lower back so early, the fetus hasn't grown up yet?"

"No, I have to take good care of the baby in my womb, other people don't care about my body, just do my own thing!"

Liu Mingzhi poured a cup of warm tea and handed it to the third princess: "How is it? Have you seen your father?"

The third princess lightly took a sip of tea and shook her head faintly: "He didn't even get close to the Jing'an Hall, but was stopped by Manager Zhou, saying that the father was in the middle of the Qing Dynasty and no one was there, so if you have anything to discuss with the prince, you can do it!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and sighed with melancholy in his eyes: "From September [-]th last year to April [-]th this year, my father has not been to court for half a year. If you don't go to court, you won't go to court. Why don't these sons and daughters meet? What the hell is Father doing in Jing'an Hall?"

The third princess put down the teacup in her hand, and looked worriedly at Young Master Liu who gently grabbed her husband's palm and held it tightly: "Husband, do you think something happened to the emperor? It's been seven months, no matter how busy Father is, he won't show his face once, right?"

Liu Mingzhi patted the third princess's hand lightly: "Yan'er, don't worry, the emperor said before that it is to exercise the prince's elder brother's ability to govern the government, so there must be no problem!"

"But the concubine is always worried. There may be something hard to say when the father doesn't see us, but there must be a deadline for when to come out, right? I am in the palace and I heard the maids and eunuchs secretly talking about the father's dragon body."

Although the third princess didn't dare to say it, the meaning was quite obvious.

"There are more and more courtiers in the court opposing the prince's elder brother to oversee the country, and Prince Duan's uncle has been very active recently. Husband, do you think something really happened to the emperor?"

"Yan'er, don't be anxious. Anxiety is not good for the fetus. You should go back and rest first. After handling these accounts for your husband, you will pay a visit to the ministers' homes!"

The third princess took a deep breath and gently caressed her lower abdomen with jade hands: "The concubine is stepping down first, if there is anything wrong, you must tell the concubine in time!"

"Don't worry, you can go to rest with peace of mind, Father Huang will be fine when he is old and strong!"

After the three princesses left, Liu Mingzhi held the brush in his hand but couldn't drop it at all.

The thoughts in my mind were in a mess, and I couldn't calm down at all.

Putting the brush on the inkstone, Liu Mingzhi stopped and looked at the scenery in the mansion, but his thoughts drifted far away!

The emperor did not go to court for seven months, and he handed over the full power of the court affairs to the prince. The longer the time, the more active the minds of the court ministers became.

There was a lot of private discussion about whether the emperor had already passed away, and Liu Mingzhi had heard so many rumors that the reason why he kept the funeral secret was to make the crown prince secure his position.

Now there are only two people in Dalong who can see the emperor, one is the prince Li Baiyu, and the other is the chief executive Zhou Fei.

But whether these two people really saw the emperor Manchu civil and military speculations are different.

"Hey, the situation seems to be really not good! Could it be that His Majesty is really dead as the ministers are discussing in private. Impossible, absolutely impossible! The death of the emperor has nothing to do with the state system. If the crown prince really concealed the death of the emperor Even if he becomes the emperor, he will be condemned by the ministers!"

"Yan'er is His Majesty's most beloved daughter. What kind of thing actually made Yan'er reject her? What is there in Jing'an Palace?"

Liu Mingzhi, who had pondered for a long while, was at a loss for thought. No one in the court except the prince could understand the profound meaning of the emperor's move.

Forcibly removing the matter about the emperor from his mind, Liu Mingzhi began to calculate the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts.

It was only when the sun was setting that Liu Mingzhi had settled the thick pile of accounts.

Some old accounts found out that the loss of 30 taels of silver was missing, presumably it was secretly manipulated by some officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

"Daddy, Daddy!"

"Hey, Yiyi, Feifei, why are you little daddies here? Let daddy, Lian'er, you go crazy, is it really okay for the two of them to play these things so much?"

Young Master Liu, who was about to hug Liu Yiyi and Liu Feifei, immediately took a step back, silently looking at the scorpion and centipede lying on the heads of the two daughters, and felt chills in his heart!
The two little guys who can already walk giggled and laughed, grabbed the silky-haired scorpion and centipede with their immature hands, and played with them casually, without any sense of panic at all!

Standing in plain clothes, Qinglian looked at First Young Master Liu aggrievedly: "Husband, what's wrong? The more you practice the art of Gu poison, the better it will be. Didn't you realize that Yiyi still has Feifei's complexion?" Is Yao much better?"

"The key is that my husband is timid. How can I get close with these poisons every day!"

"Daddy, Chong Chong!"

"You two are my father, little ancestor, put it down quickly, don't play with these dangerous things."

(End of this chapter)

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