Chapter 967

Clouds and dragons are churning, and blue waves are surging!
On the endless ocean, thousands of sea-going ships of different sizes are sailing towards the east, cutting through the wind and waves.

Although the largest treasure ship is different from the big treasure ship that Zheng He, the eunuch of the Three Treasures, took during the Ming Dynasty, it is not much different!

Even compared to Zheng He's big treasure ship, it is faintly bigger!
Under the caress of the sea breeze, the dragon flag of the big dragon on the sea ship is noisy, declaring the ownership of this fleet!
"San Tiao can figure out the same color by himself, 5000 taels of silver per person!"

An Gou'er looked proudly at the sad faces of the Hoe and the others and reached out to ask for money.

He reluctantly put the banknote in front of An Gou'er: "Zongbing An, I'm not feeling well today, I'll fight again later!"

"We are too, we are too, let's go back to the cabin to rest first, Zongbing An, please go ahead!"

Qingminghetu and the two threw down their banknotes and ran towards the cabin. If they continued to gamble, they would not even have any pants left. They originally wanted to rely on the gold, silver, jewelry, silk and porcelain rewarded by Mr. Liu to return to their hometown and become a rich man. After spending a lifetime, I never expected that after sailing, I would fall into the pit of gambling and embark on a road of no return!

An Gou'er stuffed the banknote into his cuff indifferently and looked coldly at the direction in which the four of them disappeared.

"Brother is still right, if you don't squeeze you dry, how can you obediently follow this general soldier to go out to sea and cruise!"

Liu Mingzhi's reply letter to An Gou'er on the West Expedition Road was to tell An Gou'er that the four of them played a key role once they set sail, and their navigation knowledge was far beyond that of the officers and soldiers of Dalong's sailing.

A way must be found to keep the four in the team.

It is definitely not possible to force them to stay. After all, it is difficult to find so many countries in the Western Ocean if they run away.

When the Dragon Fleet sailed from Haijin Port in Haijin Town, An Gou'er brought a full amount of gold, silver and jewelry as well as thousands of pairs of mahjong according to the instructions of his elder brother Mixin.

After sailing at sea for a long time, everyone felt that if they didn't find some entertainment when they were bored, the soldiers would go crazy on the ocean sooner or later.

So the foreign devils who also felt empty, lonely and cold fell into the mahjong pit.

When An Gouer entered the pit at the beginning, he was one of the unlucky ones. A few people almost won all kinds of jewelry and porcelain worth 10,000+ taels.

A few people in Hoe Wo were addicted to it and couldn't extricate themselves!

However, after the Japanese trade, An Gou'er's luck rose in a straight line. Not only did he get back the capital, but the family property that the Hoe and others had saved in Dalong over the past few years came into An Gou'er's hands little by little.

Several people repeatedly warned themselves not to play mahjong anymore, but the gambler's psychology couldn't be controlled at all!
Afraid of driving them into a panic, An Gou'er relaxed and hung the property of the four of them still.

As soon as they sailed on the sea, they lost a lot of their hopes, and as soon as they arrived in the next country, they won a lot of money, leaving the four with less than nothing.

Let them want to escape but are reluctant, if they don't escape, they can only be manipulated by themselves!

After sailing for more than a year, they made friends with 120 foreign countries, large and small, and the four of them did not escape An Gou'er's clutches after all.

After arriving in their hometown, they had to travel across the ocean with An Gouer again, because they really lost nothing but their pants.

"General Soldier, according to the compass, we will arrive at our Dalong Sea in fifteen days. Let's go back to Dalong!"

An Gou'er trembled and looked at the deputy officer Tan Qinghai in a daze, "Go home?"

Tan Qinghai nodded heavily and grinned with tears in his eyes: "Go home!"

"Now in the sea area of ​​​​Wa Kingdom?"

"Yes, Guo Yang, Fang Lu and the others have already led a frigate to Japan to replenish fresh water, and we are going home soon!"

"Okay, go out and have a look!"

"General please!"

On the deck, An Gou'er, who was wearing a fourth-rank official robe all his life, held a horizontal knife in his hand and looked towards the east, as if he could see his hometown across thousands of miles of waves.

"What happened to the messengers?"

"Playing mahjong in the cabin is very comfortable!"

"That's fine. I finally lived up to the emperor's favor. The feat of the Dragon Fleet cruising the Western Ocean and trading nations has been achieved by me, An Jianghe!"

An Gou'er has become more mature and stable, and is no longer the simple and honest boy who went fishing on the Qinhuai River.

Today, An Gou'er has become the chief officer of the [-] officers and soldiers of the Dragon Fleet!
Suddenly, there was a continuous sound of horns on the rippling ocean.

An Gou'er's face changed: "There is an enemy situation, the whole army is ready for war!"

"There is an order, the commander-in-chief has an order, and the whole army is ready for war!"

In a short while, the orders sent from the top cabin of the big treasure ship relying on five kinds of flags spread throughout the big dragon fleet in a short time!
Tan Qinghai held up the binoculars and looked around with some doubts on his face: "There are all my big dragon ships around, and no other ships appear. What's the matter with the warning horn?"

"Let the flag bearer ask the warning soldiers why the horn sounded!"


"Report, report to the commander-in-chief. The early warning ship sent a semaphore. The Japanese attacked the frigate led by Guo and Fang who went to buy fresh water. Three brothers were shot by arrows and were slightly injured. No life is in danger!"

An Gou'er's face turned cold: "The whole fleet turns left and sails towards the country of Wa!"

"The entire fleet turns left! Sailing to the inner sea of ​​Japan!"

The Kung Fu semaphore of the two cups of tea spread throughout the Dragon Fleet, and the ships were separated by a certain distance and headed towards the country of Wa to ride the wind.

After an incense burn, An Gou'er saw the frigate Guo Yang and the others were riding on through the binoculars, and there were many feathered arrows stuck on the ship!

"The entire fleet lowers its sails and waits for Commander Guo to return!"

"The entire fleet lowers its sails and waits for Commander Guo to return!"

After a while, a small boat was lifted onto the big treasure ship, and the two generals hurried towards An Gou'er.

"Guo Yang, Fang Lu sees the commander-in-chief!"

"What's going on? Who attacked my dragon fleet?"

"According to the translation of the officers and soldiers who learned the Japanese dialect, it was a fellow named Yamamoto Junji from the native Yamamoto family of the Japanese country. This Yamamoto family is not recorded in our roster of the Japanese country!"

"Yamamoto died once? This is too false!"

Tan Qinghai muttered a few words with a strange expression!

"Sea chart!"


"Look, Commander, where we are now and where we landed is Nagasaki County in the Wa Kingdom. When we landed in the Wa Kingdom for trade, we docked from the northeast because it is remote and we have not dealt with each other before. When we arrived at the fishing boat of the Japanese Yamamoto family, we were attacked by arrows just after asking a few words! Fortunately, only three brothers were slightly injured!"

An Gou'er rolled up the chart and looked in the direction of Nagasaki County with a gloomy face.

"Yamamoto is a dog, I am an immortal!"

Deng Cong, the military recorder, looked at An Gou'er in confusion. Obscenities cannot be recorded in the book. Think about it for a while and Deng Cong wrote down a pen on the document.

On the [-]th March of the [-]th year of Ruian, the logbook of the Dragon Fleet, Yamamoto lost his ancestors carelessly!

"Order the entire fleet to attack Nagasaki. If you dare to catch our fish without the permission of the commander-in-chief, you are stealing if you don't ask yourself!"

Tan Haiqing looked at An Gou'er in confusion: "General Soldier, according to our charts, that is Japan's sea area, and the fish belong to them too!"

An Gou'er looked at Tan Haiqing with a sullen face: "Tan Haiqing!"

"The end is here!"

"The chief soldier asks you, are you going to go to Suzhou from Yingzhou?"

"Is it the king's land in the whole world? Of course the last general can go!"

"That's right, the ocean is so big, our fish can swim as they want, and they can't swim in their sea to have fun. Are you from Suzhou when you came to Suzhou from Yingzhou?"

"The last general's ancestral home is Yangzhou, and he is a native of Yangzhou wherever he goes!"

"So, where does our fish swim? It's still our fish. Why don't you come to their Japanese country to see the world and experience the exotic customs? How come you become their fish? Don't say a word I also stewed it for Lao Tzu. You lost your parents and you are so anxious to die. How sad their parents are when they die. How can I protect my sea without even a fish? They are insulting the cruiser Make!"

Deng Congrun moistened the brush and wrote: "The fish of the big dragon can only be caught by the fishermen of the big dragon!"

An Gouer stretched his neck and threw the chart to Tan Haiqing.

"Landing in Nagasaki County, if you don't pay any fish, you will cede land to compensate the trauma of the general soldier!"


"Ah, what, they did it first, right? Firstly, the commander-in-chief did not violate the navigation ban by arbitrarily mobilizing unknown soldiers, and secondly, he didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately. I landed in Nagasaki to explain the truth to them."

"General soldier, you can't even speak Japanese! How can you make sense?"

"If it doesn't make sense, then don't talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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