Chapter 968

Yamamoto Junji is leading the retainers under the command of the Yamamoto family to celebrate the military exploits on the ship happily.

The sea boat, which was several times larger than his own fishing boat, was successfully expelled from the territory of the Yamamoto family by himself and his soldiers.

"Yamamoto-kun, you are so mighty, you even led hundreds of people to expel such a powerful ship."

Yamamoto Tanaka, Yamamoto's retainer, looked at Yamamoto in admiration.

Little Japan's nature causes them to always submit to the strong.

Beings stronger than themselves bowed their knees and begged for mercy.

This has been verified time and time again by history.

As for Yamamoto's daring to attack Guo Yang and Fang Lu's frigate bravely, they won the unanimous respect of these retainers.

Yamamoto shook the wine glass in his hand in turn and said with a wild smile with a drunken appearance.

"If it wasn't for fishing his favorite shark's fin for my father, this general would not have expelled this ship of unknown origin, but would have captured them in one fell swoop and presented them to my father. At that time, I, Yamamoto, will be the head of the family. .”

In the cabin, there was a slightly older middle-aged man with a mustache and a sparse bun on top of his head, and his triangular eyes revealed a gloomy light.

"Young Master, the people on that ship seemed to say that they were from the Dragon Dynasty when they shouted. Do you still remember what the Inoue family and the Watanabe family talked about when we went to meet the emperor?"

Yamamoto was stunned for a moment and seemed to remember something!
Suddenly, Yamamoto's eyes widened in turn: "That Dalong trading fleet with thousands of ships?"

Triangle Eyes nodded solemnly: "If your expectations are correct, it should be that huge fleet. We may have caused big trouble."

Yamamoto Tanaka looked at the triangular eyes unhappily: "Takeshi Yamamoto, you coward, what are you afraid of? This is our Nagasaki, our Yamamoto family's territory. No matter how powerful they are, what can we do? Although our ships are not as good as Their sea ships, but on land are still dominated by the powerful warriors of our Yamamoto family."

In turn, Yamamoto, who was still a little worried, became more serious after hearing what Yamamoto said.

"Takeshi Yamamoto, what Tanaka-kun said is right. Our Yamamoto family has more than 1 powerful samurai retainers. As long as they dare to come, we must let them all stay and hang their heads on the flagpole."

The triangular-eyed Takeshi Yamamoto's face became anxious: "Young master, don't be careless. The Inoue family are not fools. Have you ever seen them respect someone so much? Their families are much bigger than ours."

"Takeshi Yamamoto, don't be discouraged by those rumors. Thousands of ships may be just rumors. None of us have seen them with our own eyes. What can we worry about?"

Yamamoto turned his face a little gloomy: "Stop making these unnecessary quarrels, go back and think about it..."

" master...ship..."

"Ba Ge, why don't you go fishing for the head of the family and panic?"

"Boats... Countless ships are attacking us, and the biggest one is bigger than the mountain!"

Takeshi Yamamoto's face froze, and his triangular eyes flickered with a hint of retreat.

Looking at Yamamoto who was also a little panicked, Takeshi Yamamoto stepped back quietly.

Following Bushido beliefs does not mean being a fool, knowing that you are invincible but fighting hard is tantamount to death in vain.

Yamamoto hurriedly walked towards the deck one by one.

The seagoing ships that reached the horizon occupied all the sea area in a radius of dozens of miles, showing the momentum of Mount Tai pressing down on the coast of Nagasaki.

"God Amaterasu, is this your punishment for me?"

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the big dragon fleet coming towards them with the wind and waves, no one noticed that the triangular eye jumped into the ocean from the side of the boat and disappeared!

"Quick, row the boat and go back to the land."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of retainers and samurai of the Yamamoto family rowed towards the coast with the strength they had never seen in their life.

Our own side only has three half-sized sea-going boats used for fishing, and the other side can't tell how many boats there are, and it will be too late if we don't run for our lives.

An Gou'er looked at the three fleeing boats in the binoculars with a smile on his lips.

"Tan Qinghai!"

"The end is here!"

"Order the soldiers of the three armies to disembark and reason with the samurai of the Yamamoto family, except for 3000 people left to protect the foreign friends who came with the fleet!"


"General Soldier, do you want to use those brothers who have learned the Japanese dialect as translators in the future, so as not to cause any unnecessary problems due to improper communication!"

An Gou'er thought for a while and nodded lightly: "Just bring someone over."

"Is there too little one person, once a large area is logged in, one person can't be busy at all."


An Gou'er frowned and scanned the generals around him.

An Gou'er studied under Liu Yi, and Liu Yi is a ruthless guy, and the simple An Gou'er has become more and more reticent since he followed him!

Only the gloomy light flickering in the eyes from time to time represents his mood, words and deeds!
These generals have been with An Gou'er for a year, and they know the habits of the general soldiers, they know that the general soldiers are not bad, and they take care of their brothers in every possible way!
It's this character of He Bing Cube that makes the brothers helpless. People who are not familiar with An Gou'er think that he is so alien to strangers.

"The last general takes orders, pull him back immediately."

Without hesitation, the general leaned on the plank connecting the ship and leaped over to deliver the order.

An Gou'er looked at the fleet approaching the coast and smiled coldly. More than 2 soldiers had already put down their boats and rowed towards the coast.

"Chief soldier, brother brought it here. He speaks the Japanese language best."

An Gou'er looked at the slightly cautious soldier standing in front of him and smiled lightly.

"Don't be nervous, the general soldier asked you how to swear in Japanese dialect?"

"Huh? Cursing words?"

"That's right, for example, to sleep with your mother, you can do it with your mother!"

"Bagaya Road."

"Bagaya Road, I remember the general soldier, is there anything else?"

"The subordinates didn't expect that friendly trade would use curse words, so they just learned one."

An Gou'er nodded disappointedly: "Okay, let's just have one, just make use of it, you go back first!"

"Go back, Chief Soldier, who will translate after the humble post goes back?"

An Gou'er shrugged his shoulders at the soldiers: "I am the general soldier who translates by himself. Didn't I learn a sentence just now?"


An Gou'er patted the soldier's shoulder lightly: "Don't be surprised, go back at ease, let's reason, it's useless to go to so many people, you go back and rest."


The surrounding generals looked at An Gou'er in embarrassment, Chief Soldier, are you sure you are trying to reason and not seek excitement?

Is it reasonable to use the words of greeting other people's mothers?

It's impossible not to fight!

Thinking of these generals looking at their generals strangely, they are not fools.

I'm afraid that his chief soldier has no intention of reasoning with the Yamamoto family at all.

Whose family brought 2 people to reason, and it was the first time I saw it.

"Order the three armies. Dalong is a state of etiquette. You must not strike first. You must be reasonable and get off the boat!"


(End of this chapter)

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