My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 969 The First Hand

Chapter 969 The First Hand
2 dragon soldiers slowly landed on the beach in Nagasaki County, Japan in a small boat and began to line up and wait for the arrival of the general.

Staring eagerly at the invisible beach, An Gou'er was wearing a scarlet cloak and walking towards the beach with a horizontal knife in his hand.

The deputy officer Tan Haiqing and several generals under his command followed behind An Gou'er with weird faces. They understood completely, the bullshit is reasonable, is this posture reasonable?

To be reasonable, [-] soldiers with complete swords and soldiers are waiting in formation. This is clearly the rhythm of preparing to attack Nagasaki.

Tan Haiqing grabbed An Gou'er's arm hesitantly.

Chief Soldier, you can think clearly. Your Majesty’s proclamation to go to sea has three orders and five orders not to take the initiative to attack other people’s land. We go to sea to make trade and make friends with all nations. If you use your weapons today, our reputation will be completely stink if it gets out. up!
An Gou'er leisurely glanced at the generals around him: "Your Majesty said that the unknown soldiers are not allowed to be used. First of all, the general soldier did not use the unknown soldiers. Secondly, the disagreement was caused by a member of the Yamamoto family who shot someone. In the end, they didn’t ask to catch our sea fish. Even so, I didn’t say that I would attack Nagasaki, did I? This general soldier is going to convince people with virtue, and if they don’t agree, just say something else!”

"But 2 people tell the truth, do you believe it yourself when you say that you can convince others with virtue?"

An Gou'er nodded heavily: "You also know that the general is relatively withdrawn and not good at speaking. If it's not reasonable for them, local opponents, if you bring more people, you won't be at a disadvantage! I can't speak alone, so let the brothers Let's reason together, we are a country of etiquette, how could I act rashly?"

Tan Haiqing looked around, especially his gaze fell on Deng Cong, the military officer, for a while.

"Soldier, how about moving?"

"it is good!"

Deng Cong, the military recorder, just wanted to follow up to record the conversation. Tan Haiqing gave Guo Yang, Fang Lu and the other two a look, and they immediately embraced Deng Cong's shoulders knowingly.

"Deng Sima, we brothers have something to ask you for advice!"

Deng Cong was about to say something when he was driven by Guo Yang and walked towards the rear.

"Chief soldier, we brothers don't know who is who. It is not impossible to attack Nagasaki, but there must be a legitimate reason!"

An Gou'er smiled wickedly: "I know that I can't hide your shiny dog ​​eyes. I already have a plan in my heart. Let me tell you about it!"

Tan Haiqing snorted twice and rubbed her nose: "What the general thinks may coincide with what you think, Chief Soldier, so there is no need for the general to say it?"

An Gou'er smacked his lips: "Let's talk about it, there is a strategy to deal with it if the plan fails, what if it is different?"

"Chief soldier, you are the cruiser commander of my Dragon Fleet, representing the face of my Dragon Dynasty and His Majesty's Tianwei. If people in Nagasaki County don't respect you, they are treating me, Dalong. In the cruise ban, there is indeed a law that prohibits unscrupulous teachers, but His Majesty once explained that anyone who dares to insult my great dragon Tianwei will be killed without mercy!"

An Gou'er nodded in disappointment: "You actually think the same as I think. I thought you had some novel method!"

"General Soldier, other methods besides this method will fall into the hands of Deng Cong!"

"Then let's do it like this. I will go to the inland area to meet the Japanese people for friendly exchange. You will order Guo Yang and the others to stand in line. When I give the order, I will immediately invade Nagasaki and take down the Yamamoto family. If there are no accidents, I will go home." We may have gained an extra territory overseas before!"

Tan Haiqing nodded solemnly: "This is the best, so that when we go to the Western Ocean next time, we will have an additional trade transit place that is completely under our control! We will not be afraid to do anything! "

"You go and order, let Fang Lu lead fifty soldiers to follow me to make troubles, huh, to have friendly exchanges!"

"The end will be ordered!"

Looking at Tan Haiqing's back, An Gou'er scratched his chin indifferently and muttered.

"It may be a misunderstanding to shoot the three brothers under my command. After all, the language barrier will inevitably cause some friction. To insult the general soldier is to insult your majesty. If you don't hit you, the general soldier is disloyal and unrighteous. Master Liu Yi taught me that I must not do it. If you are an unfaithful and unrighteous person, then I have to give you bright guys!"

After muttering, An Gou'er looked at Dongfang in a daze with a puzzled expression on his face.

Brother, why do we have a strong army and a strong horse, why do we have to reason with them and do business, and just grab their territory?In any case, it is also expanding the territory for Dalong.

If you are worried that the younger brother will be recorded in the history books as a bloodthirsty butcher and will be stigmatized for thousands of years, just kill the grass and kill the chickens and dogs, and ensure that nothing will be spread.

"The last general, Fang Lu, has met the commander-in-chief!"

An Gou'er came back to his senses and looked at Fang Lu with a faint smile: "You don't have to be polite, I'm going to Nagasaki with this general soldier, I feel uncomfortable after staying on the boat for a long time!"

"Decree, Commander-in-Chief please!"

According to Yamamoto, they had long since disappeared, and An Gou'er and the others walked slowly towards the populated areas of Nagasaki.

While walking, An Gouer recorded the surrounding terrain and made a battle plan in his mind.

From time to time, he glanced at the few soldiers behind him with questioning eyes.

Several personal soldiers noticed the general soldier's eyes and nodded slightly, indicating that they had memorized all the terrain and appearance, and prepared the appearance of the sand table in their minds.

An Gou'er nodded with a wicked smile. As long as he can gain a firm foothold in Nagasaki, the rest of the matter will be much easier. No matter what, he must take the gold mine in the country mentioned in the elder brother's letter and transport it back to Dalong.

Although I don't understand why my elder brother told me not to conflict with the barbarians of the Western countries, An Gou'er always followed his elder brother's orders and never disobeyed.

In An Gou'er's mind, the eldest brother is the most worthy person to obey.

The high and mighty Great Dragon Monarch, the Emperor Li Zheng who gave his high-ranking official a generous salary could only be ranked second.

"Chief soldier, there are Japanese people!"

An Gou'er immediately looked up, and saw a dozen short Japanese people walking forward, talking and laughing, holding sea fish tied with straw ropes.

"Follow up, I want to communicate with them friendly!"


"Stop, you guys, An Jianghe, the chief military officer of the official history of the Great Dragon Cruiser, has something to ask you!"

A soldier next to An Gou'er suddenly called the Japanese in front of him in Japanese, An Gou'er frowned and subconsciously looked at Fang Lu.

Fang Lu hurriedly approached An Gou'er: "General Soldier, we won't be at a loss if the Japanese conspire with him, and we'll just let him talk less as long as there is no order from you!"

An Gou'er's brows relaxed: "I won't settle accounts with you, but you are thoughtful!"

"The commander-in-chief praised you. This was ordered by General Tan. After all, when General Tan arranged for the brothers to disembark, he didn't know that the commander-in-chief didn't intend to bring a brother who is proficient in Japanese!"

"Nani, what are you doing!"

More than a dozen Japanese people looked at An Gou'er and his party in surprise, not knowing what the general officer of Dalong Zhengshi meant.

That's right, Yamamoto, the local snake, didn't know that the Dragon Fleet was coming without Yamamoto Takeshi's reminder, and it's even more impossible for the common people of the Japanese country to know!
"Hit me, what do you say?"

"That's blocked!"

An Gou'er walked towards more than a dozen Japanese people arrogantly.

"Bagaya Road, it's blocked!"

More than a dozen Japanese people looked at An Gou'er in astonishment. How could there be such a strange request? I have never seen it in my life.

"Bagaya Road, who are you from?"

An Gou'er looked blankly for a moment and looked at the dozen or so Japanese people in a gloomy manner: "Bagaya Road, it's blocked!"

"Bagaya Road!"

"Bagaya Road!"

"Bagaya Road!"

More than a dozen Japanese people threw away the sea fish in their hands with red faces and rushed towards An Gou'er.

"Bagaya Road, you are dead!"

An Gou'er stood still, and when one of them hit him with a fist, An Gou'er smiled slightly.

The light of the knife flickered, and more than a dozen Japanese people lay on the ground with death.

The blood on the neck continued to squirt!
An Gou'er inserted the blood-dripping horizontal knife into the scabbard and turned to look at the somewhat astonished soldiers, pointing to the fist marks on his armor.

"You've also seen it. They moved first, right? Why are you still in a daze? The Japanese attacked Dalong Zhengshi for no reason, so they should be killed."


An Gou'er adjusted his cloak.

"Order the three armies to flatten Nagasaki."

(End of this chapter)

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