Chapter 970

Tan Haiqing waved the command flag immediately after receiving An Gou'er's order.

"Soldiers, the Wa people were attacked by the Japanese Yamamoto family when Zongbing and a few brothers were wandering around in Nagasaki County to experience the customs. Although the Zongbing has resolved the crisis, the Japanese have no virtue. There is no one to bully me, what should we do now?"

"Kill without mercy!"

"Kill without mercy!"

"Kill without mercy!"

Tan Haiqing saw the angry and indignant expressions of the soldiers and pulled out the saber from his waist and pointed towards the inland of Nagasaki County: "The three armies obeyed the order and invaded Nagasaki County, and took down the Yamamoto family who were working for tigers in Nagasaki County, so as to punish us. Dalong Tianwei cannot be humiliated!"


"Guo Yang obeys orders!"

"The end is here!"

"The sword and shield soldiers are in front, the spearmen are covering, the archers are shooting, and the light cavalrymen are turning around on both sides of the crossbow. Don't let a fish slip through the net!"

"Decree, resolutely don't let go of a barbarian who dares to harm my great dragon Tianwei!"

An Gou'er stood on a hill and looked at the big dragon soldiers approaching inland like a torrent by the sea, and smiled lightly.

"Order Tan Haiqing, don't hurt the local civilian Japanese people, only capture the territory of the Yamamoto family, after all, we need these Japanese people to help build our trade transit residence!"


The messenger walked back and looked at An Gou'er with some hesitation on his face: "General soldier, if we don't clean up all the Japanese, we must leave some people to supervise the surviving Japanese. For most of the year, everyone has been homesick for a long time, so it is not suitable for any team of soldiers to stay here?"

An Gou'er thought for a while, then took out a kit from his waist and looked at it. After a while, An Gou put away the bag in his hand.

"Use the Japanese to rule the Japanese, support a group of Japanese at the bottom to help us supervise those Japanese to build a trade transshipment center, as long as they are given enough benefits, believe it or not, they will deal with these Japanese more ruthlessly than us! "

Fang Lu was a little stunned at first, and then looked at An Gou'er with admiration on his face: "The general understands that it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, and it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. After trying the pleasure brought by power, those Japanese who were supported by us themselves They will not give up their rights!"

"It's good to understand, this is a good idea."

An Gou'er wanted to say that his elder brother gave him this great idea, but when he saw Fang Lu's curious face, he smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing. You go to supervise the battle. There should not be many Japanese in Nagasaki, but brothers, please be careful." Don't be careless!"


The area occupied by the Yamamoto family should be the best location in Nagasaki Prefecture, and there is no family with a larger area than it.

The Yamamoto family is the bright king of Nagasaki. The head of the Yamamoto family, Shinichi Yamamoto, went to pay homage to the Emperor of Japan except on fixed festivals.

Most of the time I usually stay in Nagasaki to study how to annex the surrounding families, and even go out of Nagasaki!
Annexation of each other in the Wa country is already a common thing, even the emperor of Japan will not interfere too much. At this time, the Wa country will compete for natural selection, and the survival of the fittest will be performed to the extreme!

"Father, countless enemies are attacking our city!"

Yamamoto Shinichi's second son, Yamamoto Fuji, hurried to his father, panting and reporting the situation outside the city.

Shinichi Yamamoto knelt on the floor with a calm expression on the proposed sand table and arranged it with branches representing flags
"Why panic, isn't it just the enemy coming? People from the Xinhe family or the Matsushita family? Just let your elder brother lead the retainers to drive them away!"

"Father, it is an unidentified enemy. There are endless soldiers and horses, and they are covered in heavy armor. Their weapons are shining like magic weapons!"

"An enemy of unknown origin?"

Yamamoto Shinichi retracted the branch in his hand with a dazed expression and looked at his second son Yamamoto Teng in surprise: "How many people are there? Where is your elder brother?"

"Brother doesn't know where he went, and the enemies outside the city don't even know how many there are. Father, you should go and see for yourself!"

Shinichi Yamamoto hurriedly put on his clogs and ran up the two-foot-high city wall, looking northwest.

The banners continued continuously, like dark clouds slowly approaching the city.

The people passing by fled in all directions like frightened birds, for fear of offending this well-equipped army of unknown identities!
"Stop the whole army!"

After the [-] soldiers received the order, they were immediately prohibited from standing still and looking at Fujino Castle, the city where Shinichi Yamamoto was located!
Tan Haiqing, deputy cruiser officer, looked at Fujino Castle a hundred paces away with a strange expression, scratched his head in confusion, turned around and glanced at the siege engine behind him.

The siege chariot is two feet two feet high, and when the city is being attacked, it can be extended to a height of four or five feet for the soldiers to ride on it to start the siege.

The city wall is about two feet but less than three feet. If the siege engine is not stretched, it will be two feet and two feet. How can the city be attacked?
Guo Yang touched Tan Haiqing, the deputy officer beside him, with his arm: "General Tan, the soldiers who have practiced kung fu for a little bit for two days will have their feet numb for a long time after jumping off the city wall?"

Tan Haiqing took a glance at Guo Yang, he didn't expect this guy to be so hurtful!

"Come on, order the siege!"

"Huh? Don't you declare war?"

"What are you declaring war on? Do you really think of this as a siege? It's a little more difficult to wipe out a group of powerful bandits in Dalong, isn't it? , Do you need to declare war on this city? It’s not even as high as the courtyard walls of rich people, and there’s no need for siege engines!”

"That's true! It is said that although their city walls in the Imperial Palace of the Japanese Kingdom are not tall, they are still comparable to some of our small county towns, but now this is also called a city? Let's fight, and the catapult archers can break the city after covering it for a while!"

"Order the three armies to attack. Siege the city!"

Tan Haiqing hesitated for a while and finally included Fujino Castle as a city wall.

As soon as Shinichi Yamamoto came back to his senses, he saw a rain of arrows covering the city wall, without any warning!
Seeing his father in a daze, Yamamoto Fuji hurriedly threw Yamamoto Shinichi to the ground in a hurry!He raised the shield woven with rattan to protect the bodies of the two.

What Yamamoto Shinichi huddled on the city wall was the sound of screams and the sound of arrows whizzing past.

"What. Who is this? Why did you attack my Yamamoto family?"

"This! The child doesn't even know!"

"Where's Mr. Yamamoto? Why hasn't he come to support him?"

"Father, let's go home first and gather all the retainers and soldiers to go up the city wall to meet the enemy!"

"Okay, go back to the city first, and get Kameda Jiro and Shinnobei!"

"Father, I will help you."



The city wall was broken, and Yamamoto Shinichi Yamamoto sat softly on the city wall for a moment. How long has it been since the city gate was breached!

"Report, report to the general soldier, General Tan has broken through the city gate!"

An Gou'er looked up at the sky and looked at the messenger in confusion: "The city is broken?"

"Yes! Papa house... The city is broken, please go and watch the battle!"

"Forget it, leave it to Tan Haiqing to deal with it, if you can't hold on for an hour, who will give them the courage to shoot my big dragon soldier!"

"Chief soldier!"

An Gou'er waved his hand lazily: "I'm going to rest on the boat!"

"Fang Lu!"

"The end is here!"

"Tell Tan Haiqing, keep your hands and feet clean, and set sail within three days."

(End of this chapter)

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