Chapter 1000

One generation of equipment, one generation of research and development, and one generation of vision. This is actually a slogan put forward by the military industry field. For large international companies, they also adhere to this idea and strive to be the leader of the industry.

Duan Yun is currently developing and producing tape recorders, and at the same time developing Walkman equipment. His plan for three or four years is to develop VCD and DVD products. If the technology is mature, he will also research more digital electronic products.

Japan chose the wrong route at the beginning. Japan, which originally occupied the absolute dominance of recording electronic equipment, can be said to have brought analog technology products such as tape recorders and video recorders to the extreme, but underestimated digital electronic products, which eventually led to being overtaken by the United States. Digital LCD TVs and After the launch of DVD and other products, Japan's televisions, video recorders and other fields were completely defeated. Since then, the glory of the 80s has never been reproduced.

Duan Yun comes from a later generation, so he naturally has a clear understanding of the development of the world's electronics industry, so the route he chooses will never go wrong, and he only needs to follow his plan to develop steadily step by step.

"How about the contract with Teacher Pan Hong?" Cheng Qingyan asked.

In terms of the company's future development and product research and development, Cheng Qingyan is naturally far inferior to Duan Yun. She is now mainly focusing on the management of the company. Some time ago, she asked Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing to speak at a high price, and she was going to invest 30 yuan for this. So Cheng Qingyan is also very concerned about this matter.

In fact, from Cheng Qingyan's point of view, although Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing are very famous, she still feels that the endorsement fee is not worth so much, because there is no such thing as celebrity endorsement products in China, and it is unknown whether the money can be earned back.

"Li Guosheng has been away for three days, and he should be arriving at BJ soon. I guess he will call in just two days." Duan Yun paused, and then said: "If the endorsement signing process goes well, the next step I plan to place advertisements on radio, television, newspapers and magazines all over the country, and it is estimated that at least 100 million or more advertising fees will be prepared..."

"Are you crazy!?" Cheng Qingyan said in surprise when she heard the words.

Cheng Qingyan now feels that her husband spends money like water, even a little crazy and unreasonable.

"And I think 100 million may not be enough. If advertisements are spread across the country, it is estimated that at least 200 million will be needed..." Duan Yun thought for a while and said.

"Duan Yun, the more than 2000 million yuan in the company's account is not our money. If we spend all of it, no bank will lend us money anymore, and we will never be able to pay back so much money in our lifetime!" Cheng Qingyan was a little excited , only to hear her go on to say: "We have to spend our money wisely..."

"I'm spending my money wisely now!" Duan Yun spread his hands, and continued: "We have less than 2 months to repay the 500 million yuan loan, and audio sales alone are far from enough. Recorder products are the focus of our sales this year, but now the new product has not yet become famous, so if we want to make a lot of money, we can only take a slant, launch a wave of intensive advertising, and then turn on the horsepower to produce. Only in this way can we make money Pay it all back."


"What we need now is the courage to fight to the death, but it is definitely not the courage of a reckless man. This year is a major development opportunity for our company. If the opportunity is delayed, it will be difficult to develop again in the future..." Duan Yun Zhengse said.

"I think we can actually be more stable. There are still a lot of audio orders. Although it is a little less than last year, this year should be the same as last year, and we can earn 1 million." Cheng Qingyan bit her lip and said.

Cheng Qingyan doesn't have the foresight and boldness of Duan Yun, she still thinks that since she can earn money steadily, there is no need to ruin the boat.

"My wife, let me tell you that Shenzhen is about to establish an electronics industry guild. The city government wants to integrate the electronics industry and concentrate its superior forces to vigorously develop the electronics industry. However, the members of this electronics guild only accept state-owned enterprises. This kind of private enterprise does not take us to play at all. To put it bluntly, after the formation of this guild in the future, they will have the best policies, the strongest supply chain, and the largest sales and after-sales network. What can we compete with them?" Duan Yun sighed softly. After taking a deep breath, he continued: "You have to be strong in blacksmithing. Since they don't take us to play, we have to find a way to develop quickly. Do you think you can make money steadily now, and you can keep it like this in the future? This is purely a dream, maybe by next year, our electronics factory will be devoured to nothing, this is definitely not alarmist talk.”

"It's not that serious, is it?" Cheng Qingyan's expression was slightly touched.

"Business is a game where big fish eat small fish. Are you playing tricks?" Duan Yun shook his head lightly, and then said: "If we can strongly open up the sales of new product recorders this year, then by the end of the year Before that, we could accumulate a lot of funds, and now our product technology research and development institute is on the right track. We have money and technology. Even if we have the right to speak in the Shenzhen electronics industry, by that time, even the Shenzhen Electronics Guild It is not easy to eat us, but before that, we have to gamble, if we fail, we will be benevolent, not to mention that I still have some chances of winning."

"I really can't see through you..." Hearing this, Cheng Qingyan couldn't help shaking her head slightly.

"It seems that I have never let you down before, right?" Seeing his wife's complicated emotions, Duan Yun smiled and comforted her.

"Marry a chicken as a chicken, and marry a dog as a dog. If something really happens, I will admit it!" Cheng Qingyan pondered for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "Just do as you said, anyway, the money in the account is not spent. You just won't give up."

At this point, Cheng Qingyan also knew that it was impossible for her to convince her husband. From her point of view, Duan Yun would definitely stick to what she had decided, and even ten cows would not be able to pull back.

Moreover, Cheng Qingyan also learned about Ma Fuyuan's establishment of the Shenzhen Guild. Some of Duan Yun's words are not alarmist. Shenzhen's electronics industry is indeed undergoing a new round of reshuffle. Cheng Qingyan also has a certain keen sense of the current situation. .

"My wife is better." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"Then you cook tonight, I'm really not in the mood." Cheng Qingyan gave Duan Yun a white look and said.

"No problem, let me show you tonight." Duan Yun chuckled, rolled up his sleeves and walked to the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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