Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1001 Quick Layout

Chapter 1001 Quick Layout
The next morning, as soon as Duan Yun arrived at the office, the phone on the desk rang.

"Which one?"

"Manager Duan, I've arrived at BJ." Li Guosheng's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Have you found a place to rest?"

"The cashier and I have already stayed in the hotel, and I will meet with Director Qin later. I will make a long-distance call to report to you." Li Guosheng said on the other end of the phone.

"A poor family is rich, and don't be afraid to spend money. As long as things can be done, it doesn't matter if you spend more money." Duan Yun settled down.

The celebrity endorsement is a very important move for Duan Yun, so he must successfully complete the contract.


"That's it. If you have any news later, call me as soon as possible." Duan Yun said.

"Okay, if the signing is successful, I will call you as soon as possible." After Li Guosheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

After putting down the phone, Duan Yun immediately called the Shanghai office.

"What's the matter, Manager Duan?" Cao Dong immediately asked after the call was connected and he learned that it was Duan Yun who was calling.

"Dongzi, do you know friends from newspapers or radio stations in Shanghai?" Duan Yun asked.

"I don't know." Cao Dong replied very simply.

Cao Dong's education level is not high, and he doesn't usually have the habit of reading newspapers and books, let alone know any friends from newspapers and magazines.

"In the past few days, I have given you a task. You can help me find several newspapers and magazines with the highest circulation and popularity in Shanghai, and then ask them if they are willing to accept advertisements. If they are willing to accept advertisements, call and tell them the quotations. Me." Duan Yun paused, then continued: "Look for more magazines and radio stations, and find out about their situation, the more detailed the better."

"Okay, I'll take care of this matter later." Cao Dong said very simply.

"The sooner the better, I'm waiting for news."


"Then go get busy." After Duan Yun finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Immediately afterwards, Duan Yun called Zhao Changfeng from the Xiamen office, and also arranged for him to ask the local media for advertising quotations.

BJ, Shanghai, Xiamen, and Guangzhou are all the most prosperous commercial cities in China. Duan Yun's advertising campaign must first start from these cities.

After signing the agency contract with Pan Hong, first shoot some advertising posters and videos, then add the TV commercials of the new products to the CCTV time slot I bought, and then carry out advertising bombing all over the country, and finally use some newspapers and media reporters to hype Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing endorsed advertisements for charity. Under such a strong advertising campaign, the new product recorder produced by Duanyun Electronics Factory will immediately become famous.

As for how many orders and sales can be brought by such a strong advertising campaign, it is still unknown, but in any case, the products produced by Tianyin Electronics Factory will once again greatly increase their popularity.

After dealing with these matters, Duan Yun arranged for an army of apprentices to go to Guangzhou, contact local newspapers, magazines and radio stations, and inquire about advertisement quotations.

After arranging all these matters, Duan Yun welcomed a distinguished guest, who was lawyer Yao Feng from Shekou Law Firm yesterday.

"Manager Duan, let's meet again." As soon as he entered the door, Yao Feng warmly greeted Duan Yun.

"Hi Lawyer Yao, sit down!" Duan Yun signaled Yao Feng to sit down, and then poured him a cup of hot tea.

Speaking of which, Yao Feng is also a national cadre at the deputy county level, much higher than Duan Yun, a deputy department-level cadre, but now Duan Yun's private company hires legal consultants, so this administrative level is useless. , Duan Yun is the employer.

After a few courteous words with lawyer Yao Feng, the two finally got to the point, discussing the matter of representing the lawsuit and hiring a legal consultant.

Duan Yun had already offered a salary package before, a bonus of 800 yuan per month, plus a 3% commission for all economic dispute contracts in the company. Lawyer Yao Feng usually does not work in Duan Yun’s factory. If you have something to do, you can call directly call him over.

For Yao Feng, who seldom received business in law firms before, Duan Yun's offer was indeed very attractive, and most importantly, it did not delay his usual work in law firms, so the two got along very quickly. An agreement was reached and an employment contract was signed.

The contract was in duplicate, and after the two signed it, they each kept one copy, and the effective date will start today, which means that Duan Yun's company has finally become the first private company in Shenzhen to have a legal adviser.

After signing the contract, Duan Yun immediately handed over the documents of the previous economic dispute with the dealer to Yao Feng, including evidence such as receipts and orders, which are necessary for economic lawsuits.

In fact, Duan Yun felt that it was very difficult to get the money back, but he could not take this loss in vain, he had to make the person who owed the money sued, and this was the price for the dishonest person.

The two chatted in the office until noon, and then had a meal together in the private room of the cafeteria. Finally, Yao Feng left the electronics factory with the evidence Duan Yun gave him.

When he was about to get off work that afternoon, Duan Yun finally received a call from BJ again. Li Guosheng told Duan Yun on the phone that Pan Hong's product endorsement contract had been signed and he would start shooting related videos with the help of Director Qin from tomorrow. Commercials and posters, plus meeting some of BJ's local newspaper friends.

Li Guosheng is relatively at ease in handling Duan Yun. This person has worked in sales for more than 10 years and has very rich social experience. If there are no major accidents, he will definitely be able to complete the tasks assigned by Duan Yun.

In any case, being able to sign a product endorsement contract with Pan Hong is a very crucial move for Duan Yun, and then he can start his advertising campaign crazily.

After putting down the phone, Duan Yun came to the dust-free workshop of the electronics factory.

At this time, there are more than a dozen workers in the clean room, all wearing standard protective clothing, mainly to keep the workshop clean, and there are special personnel to check at the entrance.

Some people think Duan Yun's approach is a bit of a fuss, and there is no need to be so strict. To Duan Yun, he is actually cultivating the awareness of the company's employees and making them realize the importance of dust-free operation.

Workers in China have always been perfunctory in their work attitudes and do not pay attention to details. Especially in some state-owned enterprises, they also turn a blind eye to safety work. As long as they can make do with the work, it is fine. This is as precise and precise as a machine. Compared with the rigorous Japanese and German workers, it is obviously much worse. Duan Yun will introduce more sophisticated equipment in the future, and Duan Yun is also consciously cultivating a rigorous working attitude among workers.

(End of this chapter)

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