Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1105 Cracks

Chapter 1105 Cracks
"Everyone, we are about to win..." Seeing that the situation is not right, Tian Song said quickly: "Persist on, everyone has persisted for more than a month, I think we should win a big victory!"

Of course Tian Song didn't want these suppliers to restore their original prices.

For a long time, enterprises that set up factories in SZ City have enjoyed a relatively loose value dual-track policy. Except for the production tasks of national unified purchase and sales, the remaining products can be priced independently. This is why Shenzhen enterprises develop faster than other state-owned enterprises in the mainland. important reason.

It is precisely because of the dual price system that Tian Song can obtain low-priced raw materials this time, which gives him more confidence to fight a price war across the country. However, if these companies restore the original national pricing, it will undoubtedly increase Chunmei’s price. The production cost of the brand recorder, the price war originally fought by the group company collectively, has become a one-man show of Chunmei Electronics Factory, and all losses and consumption are borne by their factory. This is something that Tian Song finds it difficult to accept. .

However, in the eyes of other raw material manufacturers, Chunmei Electronics Factory has taken advantage of all the promotional benefits, and now they are reluctant to restore the original pricing, which makes them somewhat angry.

"Are you going to hold another month's price reduction promotion?" Hearing this, the directors of the several material factories present showed dissatisfaction unabashedly.

"Isn't our factory's sales promotion just to build a brand for our group? In the future, if our factory grows bigger and becomes the largest tape recorder company in the country, everyone can get a lot of orders from me, and I guarantee that everyone will not suffer. "Tian Song explained again.

"But you've been doing promotions for too long, and we can't hold it anymore!"

"Yeah, besides, even if we restore the national pricing, it's just because we don't want to lose too much. I said, Lao Tian, ​​don't get cheap and act good!"

For a while, Tian Song argued with several people at the wine table.

"Everyone, don't be noisy!" At this moment, Xu Fuguo also came over and said to everyone: "Everyone, listen to me first..."

Xu Fuguo had seen the dispute between Tian Song and these factory directors just now, but he didn't want to get ahead easily, thinking that Tian Song could persuade them, but he didn't expect the quarrel between them to become more intense. As the deputy general manager of the group company, he can only come forward in person.

"Manager Xu, the group company said they want us to help Chunmei Electronics Factory fight a price war for tape recorders. We want money for money, and people for people. Now that our business is in trouble, we want to restore the original pricing, but Director Tian stubbornly disagrees. , how can you say there is such a reason?"

"That's right, our factory is also very difficult now. We can't lose everything with just such a fortune."

Several factory managers present said to Xu Fuguo one after another.

"Don't get excited, everyone. The situation is like this. At present, Chunmei Electronics Factory has indeed achieved some good results, but the market share of Chunmei Recorder Factory is indeed unstable. We still need to continue this promotion." Seeing The directors of several companies around were a little impatient, and Xu Fuguo quickly said: "But please rest assured, our group will not treat you badly. At present, Director Ma has gone to BJ for a meeting, and he will be back in a few days. I will give you a proper compensation measure. In addition, several Hong Kong consortiums have invested in our Shenzhen Electronics Group recently, with an amount as high as 2 million U.S. dollars. Our group will introduce foreign advanced production lines and technologies to each company in batches in the next step. , to improve the technology and production strength of each company in our group, especially those companies that have made great contributions to our group company, we will give priority to supporting them!"

Xu Fuguo understands that interests are the greatest cohesion of the team, so when necessary, he will draw some big cakes for these companies so that they can continue to willingly obey the group company's arrangements.

"2 million US dollars!?" Hearing this figure, everyone's eyes lit up.

At the beginning, these companies were willing to join Shenzhen Electronics Group, on the one hand because of Ma Fuyuan's personal prestige, on the other hand, they also wanted to keep warm and get a share of it.

At present, almost all domestic manufacturers that introduce foreign production lines do not make money, especially in the field of home appliances. The story of Ariston's "one dragon giving birth to nine sons" is widely circulated in the industry. The most amazing thing is that these nine companies have all made money. Some of them made a lot of money, which made almost everyone in the country firmly believe that introducing foreign production lines is a shortcut for enterprise development, so when Xu Fuguo announced the new investment of 9 million US dollars, he was right The allure of everyone present can be imagined.

"When we engage in business, there is no such thing as saying that we can only earn but not lose, and high investment can lead to high returns. This is an inevitable market law." Seeing that everyone is no longer so excited, he continued: "Everyone continue to support us. Chunmei Electronics Factory for a period of time, and when Director Ma returns from BJ, I guarantee that everyone’s hard work will be rewarded.”

"Listen to the words!"

"It's still Manager Xu who has a big structure, and we all listen to you."

"Drink and drink!"

At this time, everyone picked up the wine glass again.

After drinking a glass of wine, the atmosphere of the banquet returned to calm, and everyone in the restaurant gathered together in twos and threes to chat. For them, this kind of entertainment was also a good opportunity to make contacts.

But at this moment, the Shenzhen Electronics Group, on the surface, is harmonious, but invisible cracks have appeared inside. Benefits can make people unite into a team, and it can also make a team fall apart.

And this has also become a fuse for the subsequent reform of Shenzhen Electronics Group...


At the same time, Cheng Qingyan was sitting in her office, staring at the report in her hand in a daze.

As one of the initiators of the national tape recorder price war, Tianyin Electronics Factory also consumed a lot of time during this period.

In fact, from Cheng Qingyan's original intention, he still hopes that his company can continue to cultivate steadily and deeply in the tape recorder market, and rely on this best-selling product to make long-term profits.

But Duan Yun is determined to transform the company's products, and judging from the current price war, the tape recorder market has entered an era of meager profits.

Moreover, in order to maintain the stability of the Tianyin Electronics Chamber of Commerce, Cheng Qingyan must guarantee the interests of the members of the Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, during this period of time, in order to help the members of the Chamber of Commerce of the company dump the tape recorder inventory through a price war, Tianyin Electronics Factory has issued nearly 400 in just half a month. The subsidy of 3 yuan, the enterprise was in a state of negative growth throughout March.

However, the result still made Cheng Qingyan feel gratified. When the domestic tape recorder war was raging, the members of the Tianyin Electronics Manufacturers Association basically retreated unscathed. The previously purchased product inventory has been dumped. In the next few days, almost all of them will be sold out.

At the beginning of April, after the new production line is put into production, the Walkman products of Tianyin Electronics Factory will be fully launched, and the members of the chamber of commerce who have already recovered their capital are all eagerly looking forward to the shipment from Tianyin Electronics Factory...

(End of this chapter)

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