Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1106 Commodity Economy

Chapter 1106 Commodity Economy
In the conference hall of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, more than 240 key enterprises of the Ministry of Electronics Industry across the country, including Ma Fuyuan, gathered together.

"Since the founding of New China, my country's electronics industry has grown from scratch, from small to large, and has gradually grown, especially since the "65" period, the electronics industry has developed more rapidly, breaking through the original closed development model, embarked on a new open road..." At this time, Zhang Ting on the stage made the opening remarks at the meeting, only to hear him go on to say: "Now we can mainly rely on our own strength to produce original devices and radars. , communications, navigation, television, broadcasting and more than 20 categories of more than 2000 varieties, thousands of types of electronic products, the introduction of a number of advanced production technology and production equipment, to promote scientific research and development and technological transformation of enterprises and institutions, Accelerated the development of electronic technology..."

At the meeting, Zhang Ting spoke impassionedly, with a bit of pride in his tone.

Today, the domestic electronics industry is indeed developing very fast. Compared with 1985 in 1980, the total output value of the national electronics industry increased by nearly 1.8 times, profits and taxes increased by 1.9 times, and the labor productivity of all employees more than doubled. Benefits have increased simultaneously, and a new situation of sustained and stable development has emerged.

Hearing the foreword delivered by Zhang Ting, there was warm applause from time to time in the venue, and Ma Fuyuan and other leaders of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, who were sitting in the front row, also looked serious at this time, and recorded the speeches of the leaders on the stage with notebooks and pens. .

As early as 1983, Ma Fuyuan, as a member of the party group of the Ministry of Electronics Industry and the director of the general office, came to Shenzhen to investigate and study the development of the electronics industry. Until July 1985, he established Shenzhen Electronics Group and became a domestic electronics company. A flagship enterprise for industry development.

So when Ma Fuyuan came to BJ, he also received the attention of the leaders of all parties, especially some of his colleagues who used to work in BJ also visited the party in private. For Ma Fuyuan, the Ministry of Electronics Industry is like his home .

After the morning meeting, leading cadres from the Ministry of Electronics Industry from all over the country ate in the cafeteria, and leaders from some other provinces took the initiative to sit at a table with Ma Fuyuan.

"Director Ma, Chunmei Electronics Factory is a subsidiary of your Shenzhen Electronics Group, right?"

At the dinner table, an old man sitting opposite Ma Fuyuan asked him.

This old man is the director of the Shanghai Office of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, named Jia Gui, and he worked with Ma Fuyuan in BJ before.

"Yes, Chunmei Electronics Factory is a subsidiary of our group." Ma Fuyuan nodded.

"Director Ma, our relationship has been good before, but this time I have something to say." Jia Gui's face darkened, and he continued: "The behavior of the Chunmei Electronics Factory is too bad. The Chunmei brand recorders produced by their factory are sold all over the country. Fighting price wars, dumping products at low prices, and using all methods have caused great damage to our domestic tape recorder industry, resulting in the production of several tape recorder manufacturers in Shanghai, including Shanghai Electronics No. [-] Factory and Electronics No. [-] Factory. The serious slowdown has already caused some companies to run into difficulties, so I would like to ask, can you restrain your subordinate companies? Ask them to stop this behavior that seriously damages the market environment immediately!"

"Director Jia is right. Our tape recorder factory in Jiangsu has also been seriously affected. The main reason is that the Chunmei Electronics Factory of your Shenzhen Electronics Group is fighting a price war and engaging in unfair competition. If other industries are like yours If the group does this, wouldn’t the national electrical appliance market be messed up? It’s illegal for you to do this, do you know that?” Another middle-aged man sitting next to Jia Gui also said.

Obviously, many local enterprises have been affected by this recorder price war, not only in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, but also some recorder enterprises in other second- and third-tier cities have also caused more or less impacts, and the leaders of these local authorities cannot turn a blind eye to this , So taking this opportunity to come to BJ for a meeting, they also want to ask Ma Fuyuan to stop his subordinate Chunmei Electronics Factory.

"Old Jia, the commodity economy has its own laws. Competition among enterprises has always existed. Moreover, the country now advocates the development of a commodity economy and allows free commercial competition among enterprises. If Chunmei Electronics Factory's practice is illegal, It has been stopped by the state a long time ago, so since he is legal, then we leaders should not interfere with some legitimate operations of the company..." Ma Fuyuan said calmly.

Ma Fuyuan is a very cautious person. He will carefully consider everything he says and do, with reasons and evidence, and will not easily leave excuses for the other party.

Before the 80s, there was no concept of a market economy. This concept was not proposed until the 90s. The so-called market economy is a socialized commodity economy, an economy in which the market plays a fundamental role in the allocation of resources. , As for the commodity economy, because it will not affect the circulation of the country's key strategic materials and commodities, after the reform and opening up, the country's top leaders have been arguing fiercely about it.

A few years ago, it would have been absolutely illegal for Chunmei Electronics Factory, as a state-owned enterprise, to engage in price wars, because the production and flow of commodities in state-owned enterprises were all allocated by the state, and the enterprise itself had no independent pricing power, let alone price competition. war.

With the implementation of the domestic price dual-track system, especially after enterprises in Shenzhen fully enjoy the preferential policies, some enterprises have the ability to fight price wars, and it is not illegal.

On October 1984, 10, the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in BJ.The meeting unanimously adopted the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Economic System Reform", clearly stating that further implementation of the policy of invigorating the economy at home and opening up to the outside world, and accelerating the pace of reform of the entire economic system focusing on cities is the current development of my country's situation. urgent need.

The basic task of reform is to establish a socialist economic system with Chinese characteristics, full of vigor and vitality, and to promote the development of social productive forces.

The "Decision" holds that: To reform the planning system, we must first break through the traditional concept of opposing the planned economy with the commodity economy, and clearly understand that the socialist planned economy must consciously base and apply the law of value, and it is a planned commodity economy based on public ownership.The full development of the commodity economy is an insurmountable stage of social and economic development and a necessary condition for the realization of my country's economic modernization.

It is precisely because of the introduction of this policy that Ma Fuyuan dared to concentrate the resources and strength of Shenzhen Electronics Group to fight a nationwide price war for tape recorders. In fact, this itself requires a lot of courage.

(End of this chapter)

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