Chapter 1111
Duan Yun still has 300 million US dollars in foreign exchange reserves. Naturally, he exchanged this money not to put it in the bank to earn interest, but to introduce a video recorder production line.

In addition to importing video recorder production lines from Japan, Duan Yun also wants to purchase some technologies with relatively high commercial value through some international exhibitions for the future development of his company.

In fact, if Duan Yun is only for the development of the domestic market, then he does not need to participate in any exhibitions at all. He only needs to select one from some manufacturers willing to sell second-hand video recorder production lines through a foreign trade company, and directly introduce it to the country for installation, commissioning and production. Yes, but Duan Yun's eyes are not only on the domestic market, its ultimate goal is the international market.

When CES was first established, it was not a professional exhibition, but a part of the Chicago Music Show, which was regarded as a subsidiary event.The address of the first exhibition was not Chicago or Vegas, but the Hilton and Americana Hotel in New York. At that time, the influence was average, and there were only 14 manufacturers. Today we are familiar with Motorola, LG, and Philips, so the opening guests of the first exhibition It was Bob Gavin of Motorola.

But after entering the 80s, many world-changing technologies appeared at CES, including video recorders, laser discs, Nintendo game consoles, Tetris and 3D printers, and a series of epoch-making products at that time. Oscar".

In fact, exhibitions like CES, in addition to some well-known manufacturers in the world, will also participate in some small American technology start-up companies. Although they do not have the technical strength of large companies, some technologies have very strong market potential. , the VCD digital transcoding technology was created by a small company in the United States. It did not attract much attention when it participated in the exhibition for the first time, but it later became an epoch-making technology that changed the electronics industry.

These small companies lack funds, and they hope to attract investment or be directly purchased by large manufacturers by participating in such exhibitions. However, there are still a few successful ones. Most of the technologies are lack of commercial value in the market, and eventually no one cares about them, and they are submerged in the torrent of the times. middle.

So in Duan Yun's view, participating in such an exhibition sometimes requires some luck, just like picking up leaks in the antique market, the things that many people despise are actually priceless, but some people don't realize its value. .

Duan Yun has always had a dream, that is, to be able to set up a world-class product technology research and development center and attract top talents from all over the world to join. However, this dream is still relatively far away now, and it is not only possible to achieve it with money. Many of the world's top talents not only pay attention to salary, but also pay attention to scientific research atmosphere and living environment. Many people pursue high-quality life, which cannot be provided in China at present.

Therefore, in Duan Yun's plan, he may establish a research and development center abroad in the future. This is also a strategy adopted by many multinational companies in order to attract some top scientific and technological talents who are unwilling to leave their hometowns.

"What is CES?" Cheng Qingyan asked curiously.

Compared with Duan Yun, Cheng Qingyan's vision is not so broad. She has always focused her energy and attention on the domestic market, and does not pay too much attention to the development of the international electronics industry, because most of the sales markets of Tianyin Electronics Factory are currently limited. In China, the only thing that can contact the international market is the Canton Fair in spring and autumn.

"This exhibition is currently the largest exhibition of electronic technology products in the world, where you can see the latest and most advanced electronic products in the world. Aren't we planning to produce repeaters at the end of the year? We cannot produce some key chip components domestically. , can only be purchased through the international market.” Duan Yun said.

"Then how long are you going to go?" Cheng Qingyan asked.

"Including the round-trip flight time, I estimate it will take a week." Duan Yun thought for a while and said.

"Alright then." Cheng Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief when Duan Yun said that she only needed to leave for a week.

She doesn't care if Duan Yun can really discover any new technology at the exhibition, because Walkmans will be launched in large quantities at the end of April. With Duan Yun by her side, she will feel more at ease.

"Lead me to the new workshop." When Duan Yun was in BJ, he learned that the production line of the new workshop had been installed and debugged, and had entered the production stage, so he wanted to see how the new workshop was doing now.

Then the two walked to the workshop in the new factory area together.

The new factory area covers an area of ​​60 mu. There are three rows of new factory buildings, two of which are assembly workshops, and the other row is a dust-free workshop. The three production lines including 6 plug-in machines in the dust-free workshop have all been debugged.

When Duan Yun entered the assembly workshop, he saw that all the workers inside were already in place and busy in their respective workstations.

"These workers are all newly recruited, and many of them are not very proficient in the process." Cheng Qingyan pointed to the production line on the left side of the factory building, and said: "The wages of our factory have always been higher than those of other small and medium electronics factories in Shenzhen, so corresponding Yes, I have relatively high requirements for them. Now every employee in the factory has his own production number. I only give them one week. If there are too many, you can leave directly, I will not sign an employment contract with them, the elimination rate is about [-]%..."

"The elimination rate is [-]%?" Duan Yun was stunned when he heard this, he didn't expect the elimination rate of production line workers to be so high.

"Some female workers are born with fast hands and feet, while others can't learn it no matter how they are taught. This is also a matter of talent. Our production line seats are limited. If we want to improve production efficiency, we can only use the best workers." Cheng Qingyan said.

"If the elimination rate is so high, can we guarantee to recruit qualified workers?" Duan Yun asked.

"There are a lot of workers coming to Shenzhen to work now. If you recruit 10 workers, there may be 1000 applicants. Don't worry about not being able to recruit people." Cheng Qingyan looked relaxed, and then said: "The current workers are smart. Which factory pays more money? Wherever they go, the salary level of our factory is already very high in Shenzhen, and some workers have jumped over from other factories. Since the workers pick us, we can of course pick the workers. Just go, I have already said ugly things before."

"Wife, you are now a qualified capitalist!" Duan Yun said to his wife with a thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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