Chapter 1112

"Minister Qin, are you looking for me?" Ma Fuyuan greeted with a smile when he knocked on the door and entered Qin Bo's office, the vice minister of the Ministry of Electronics Industry.

"Old horse, sit down!" Qin Bo motioned for Ma Fuyuan to sit down after seeing him.

Ma Fuyuan and Qin Bo are also old friends. They were transferred to the Fourth Machinery Department, the predecessor of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, in the same year, and worked in the same department for many years. Now Ma Fuyuan is sent to Shenzhen, and Qin Bo is Became the deputy minister of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, the relationship has been very good.

"I've just been in the capital for a few days, and I haven't visited you. Minister Qin forgive me..." Ma Fuyuan said respectfully.

"Old Ma, what you said is off the mark. There is nothing to say about the relationship between our brothers. I am busy with work now, so I can understand." Qin Bo replied politely, and then said: "My two brothers I have been paying close attention to the development of your Shenzhen side since last year. Last year, when your Shenzhen Electronics Group was established, I planned to visit your place in person, but the work at hand was too busy..."

"You are welcome to come to Shenzhen at any time!" Hearing what Qin Bo said, Ma Fuyuan's face immediately relaxed, and he continued: "I think when we were working in the Fourth Machinery Department, we were in the same office and lived in the same dormitory. At that time We are still young, full of energy and high spirits, more than 10 years have passed in a blink of an eye, and now I think of the days when we struggled together, it is really exciting..."

"Yeah, time flies too fast." Qin Bo nodded, and continued: "But I see that you are still so hardworking and energetic, you really deserve to be the "Five Tigers" of our original Fourth Machine Department. Will "ah..."

"Hahaha! Didn't you also be called one of the five tiger generals by our minister?" Hearing this, Ma Fuyuan laughed.

"Admiral of the Five Tigers" was a title given to Ma Fuyuan and Qin Bo when the old minister praised Ma Fuyuan and others during a meeting when they were in the Fourth Machinery Department.

At that time, in enterprises and public institutions, workers and employees did a good job, and there was no material reward. It was already a very happy thing to be praised by the leader, and this title also accompanied Ma Fuyuan in Siji Good times at Ministry.

"Heroes don't mention being brave in the past, but it is very necessary to maintain this enthusiasm for work." Qin Bo smiled slightly, and then said: "Old Ma, your Shenzhen Electronics Group has made a lot of moves recently. I heard that not only imported You have established an advanced tape recorder production line, and now the Chunmei Electronics Factory under your group company is still engaged in a vigorous price war across the country, the movement is not small..."

When he said this, Qin Bo's face became a little more serious.

Qin Bo obviously puts courtesy before soldiers, and friendship is friendship, but business must be done openly. He came to talk to Ma Fuyuan this time, obviously because of the price war of Chunmei Electronics Factory.

"The thing is like this..." Ma Fuyuan immediately understood Qin Bo's meaning, so he said seriously: "In November last year, we cooperated with Japan's Sanyo Electric and introduced their advanced second-hand tape recorder production line. Relying on the R&D capabilities of our group, we improved the production equipment and designed a new type of recorder with high quality and low price. It cost more than 11 million US dollars in total. After the product was put on the market, another company in Shenzhen that produced recorders Leading companies launched a price war in the three major cities of Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. At this time, we had a large backlog of products, and the cash flow of the company was in crisis. Therefore, our group also began to sell new tape recorders by reducing prices. It is a passive market behavior..."

Before Ma Fuyuan met Qin Bo, he had already guessed that Qin Bo must have talked to him about Chunmei Electronics Factory's price reduction and promotion, so he also thought of the reason for his response early in the morning.

In fact, Tianyin Electronics Factory was the first to engage in price reduction and promotion, and this was exactly in Ma Fuyuan's hands. He mainly wanted to take advantage of this price war to become the overlord of the domestic tape recorder market in one fell swoop. It was not a so-called passive challenge. It is a business strategy that has already been planned.

After all, the current domestic economy is dominated by the planned economy. Although the dual-track price system and the commodity economy are allowed, the state controls this aspect very strictly. The price war that the Shenzhen Electronics Group is fighting this time is indeed somewhat "excessive" in terms of scale and impact, so When confronted with Qin Bo's questioning, Ma Fuyuan tactfully shifted the responsibility to Duan Yun's Tianyin Electronics Factory.

"The other leading tape recorder electronics company you mentioned is Tianyin Electronics Factory, right?" Qin Bo said.

"Minister Qin, have you heard of Tianyin Electronics Factory?" Ma Fuyuan asked in surprise.

"How could I not have heard of it?" Qin Bo smiled, and continued: "Some time ago, when I opened the TV and newspapers, there were advertisements for their factory. It is an electronic company with a very strong development momentum in our country. Their manager Duan Yun is also a young and promising manager. Before going to Shenzhen to start a business, he once served as the general manager of Shanxi Red Star Labor Service Company. National Gold Medal, has been exported to several Southeast Asian countries, and has generated tens of millions of dollars for the country, and is also a very rare talent..."

"Is this Duan Yun so powerful?" This is the first time Ma Fuyuan has heard about Duan Yun's business before he came to Shenzhen. He didn't expect that Duan Yun had already made such great achievements before coming to Shenzhen. .

"This Duan Yun is indeed unusual. Our Minister Li mentioned this Duan Yun in a meeting before, thinking that the current business model of their Tianyin Electronics Factory provides a new way of thinking for our state-owned enterprise reform. "Qin Bo paused, and then said: "But today I came to you, mainly to talk about your Chunmei Electronics Factory's price war in the national tape recorder industry this time. Regarding this matter, my opinion is that your group immediately Stop this kind of price reduction promotion, and all tape recorder products will return to the level before the price war..."

"Minister Qin, isn't that fair?" Hearing this, Ma Fuyuan frowned, and said, "We did not initiate this price war itself. It was Tianyin Electronics Factory that disrupted the market. We only It’s just a passive response. In addition, Tianyin Electronics Factory is still dumping their recorder products at low prices in the market. If our group restores the original price at this time, the original market share will be taken away instantly. In any case, Chunmei Electronics Factory They are all state-owned enterprises under the Ministry of Electronics Industry, and our Ministry can't just sit and watch our own son's company being robbed of his job by a private company, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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