Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1130 Stereotypes

Chapter 1130 Stereotypes
The car drove all the way to the factory gate, and after getting off, Duan Yun led Fujio Masuoka into the factory area.

Fujio Masuoka is a technical fanatic. Except for his own technical research work, he usually pays little attention to the outside world, and occasionally goes abroad to attend some conferences, but mainly because of work.

After chatting with Fujio Masuoka for a while, Duan Yun felt that this person is actually a rather boring person, who has a strong purpose in doing things and speaking, and keeps in touch with his own business. He just keeps asking Duan Yun about the situation of the factory and buying their chips for making what.

Before Fujio Masuoka came to China, his knowledge of China was only from TV and newspaper reports. In his impression, China was an extremely backward country, and most people were still in a state of not having enough to eat.

In fact, in the mid-80s, people in Japan held a relatively positive view of China. With the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States in 1976, the relationship between China and Japan also entered a honeymoon period. The visit to Japan also attracted a lot of attention in Japan. In the following years, many organizations such as China-Japan Friendship Associations appeared in Japan. Since World War II, the two countries have entered a new era of cooperation.

But in general, most Japanese people must have some sense of superiority when facing the Chinese, including Fujio Masuoka. He doesn’t think Duan Yun’s company will have a large scale, maybe it’s just a leather bag company .

Even if he came to China this time for inspection, he came here with the mentality of drawing a lottery, because in Fujio Masuoka's view, his flash memory chip technology has not attracted attention in European and American countries, and he really can't think of Chinese companies that can use him. What kind of products can be made by this technology.

"Mr. Fujio, please come and visit our production workshop." After entering the factory area, Duan Yun led Fujita and the translator to the assembly workshop.


As soon as he entered the workshop, Fujio Masuoka couldn't help exclaiming, with a look of surprise on his face.

Of course, Fujio Masuoka didn't think the factory was so advanced, but Duan Yun's factory was completely different from what he had imagined.

In my impression, Fujio Masuoka saw pictures of Chinese factories in Japanese newspapers the year before last. It was a small and dark factory building. A dozen workers were operating very old machines in front of the machine tools. The machines and the ground It was full of filthy oil.

In addition, the Japanese news report also made some comments on Chinese companies, such as backward technology and equipment, poor working environment, etc., and mentioned in the article that Chinese private companies generally have the scale and appearance in the picture.

It is precisely because of that report that Fujio Masuoka’s impression of Chinese private companies has always remained in that picture. However, after entering the factory today, he found that the environment here is very clean, and the windows, floors and walls are almost spotless. , the workers are also wearing clean and tidy uniforms, skillfully assembling the products.

"What products do you mainly produce in this workshop?" Fujio Masuoka turned his head and asked Duan Yun.

"Before producing tape recorders, starting in March this year, mainly producing Walkmans." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and led Fujio Masuoka to a work station, picked up a colorful Walkman that had just been assembled, and said to him: " This is the product of our factory."

"Have you started producing Walkmans in mainland China?" Fujio Masuoka was taken aback when he heard this, and took the Walkman from Duan Yun's hand.

Fujio knows that Japanese tape recorders are selling well in China now, and also knows that the market for tape recorders in China is huge, and Japanese tape recorders have always been high-end products in mainland China.

However, the Walkman has only appeared in Japan for a few years. At present, the Walkman in Japan is mainly dominated by Sony, and their products account for about 7% of the domestic and international markets, because the technical threshold is relatively high. , So far, European and American countries have not started mass production of small Walkmans like Japan.

So when Fujio saw that Duan Yun's factory was actually producing Walkmans, he was still very surprised, especially Duan Yun's electronics factory was only a private enterprise, and before that, Fujio even believed that there were no private companies in China. Enterprises.

"At present, we are the only company producing Walkman products in China, and we are definitely not comparable to your Japan in terms of technology..." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "China's national consumption level is relatively low, but because of its large population, the market has great potential. It is very large, and less than 1% of the country can afford the Walkman products produced by our factory. However, there are tens of millions of consumers who can afford less than 1% of consumers. As long as 1/10 of them buy it, they can Let us make a profit of tens of millions of RMB a month!"

"Is Duan Jun so good?" Hearing Duan Yun report the profit amount, Fujio immediately widened his eyes.

"The products in your country are good, but the price is too high for ordinary consumers in our country. Few people can afford it. Therefore, many companies in your country have also come to China to set up joint venture factories to produce The quality of things must be lower, but because the cost is low and the price is cheap, and there are no tariffs, the profit is still very good.”

"I've heard that too." Fujio nodded.

Since Japanese home appliances entered the Chinese market in the 80s, sales and profits have been rising rapidly year by year, which has also made Japanese manufacturers pay more attention to the Chinese market.

In particular, Toshiba, where Tengwei is located, was the first group of Japanese home appliance giants to enter the Chinese market, especially the slogan "Steal it, steal it, Toshiba in the new era" is well-known. Toshiba The tape recorder and color TV set have become high-end household appliances sought after by everyone in China.

Fujita is a technical fanatic. Although he doesn't work in the marketing department, he also learned that his company's sales in China have been very good in the past two years. He even set up a Chinese marketing department to be responsible for the marketing of Toshiba products in the Chinese market.

Later, at the request of Fujio Masuoka, Duan Yun asked workers to disassemble a Walkman on the spot.

After seeing the movement motor and circuit board parts inside, Fujio Masuoka couldn't help but shine. From the perspective of circuit boards, there is indeed a big gap between Duan Yun's colorful Walkman and Japan's Sony Walkman. However, considering that this is produced in China, where the level of industrial electronics is seriously backward, it is not easy to have such a quality and level.

"Which Japanese manufacturer is your Walkman imitating?" Fujio Masuoka asked.

"In principle, it is based on Sony's Walkman, and the product is redesigned by ourselves." Duan Yun said.

(End of this chapter)

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