Chapter 1133
In Duan Yun's entrepreneurial philosophy, he attaches great importance to the aspect of human sophistication.

In Duan Yun's view, sometimes he only needs to have a good network of contacts, and business matters will be much easier to talk about.

If this joint venture can be negotiated, it will be very important to Duan Yun's future business layout. In addition to making money, it can even change China's technological landscape.

For a long time, the state has invested in the chip industry, but because of institutional problems, the large amount of funds invested by the state in scientific research units has basically been in vain. Because there is no clear responsibility system, these scientific research units themselves have no scientific research pressure , and the research projects are also seriously out of the market. Many chip projects that cost a lot of money ended up in the end, and some chip products have already been eliminated by the market after successful research, and it is impossible to put them on the market to recover the cost. This eventually led to China's The gap between China's chip industry and the international advanced level is getting wider and wider, to the extent that it is difficult to catch up.

So much so that some experts in later generations once said that if China's chip industry wants to catch up with the international trend, it is like stepping on a speeding train. Otherwise, a large amount of funds can only be exchanged for obsolete product technologies, which have completely fallen behind before they are put on the market. It is precisely because of this that even after 2000, the country increased investment by several times or ten times. Couldn't get a good result.

However, if Duan Yun succeeds in investing in the development of flash memory chips, he will be ahead of developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan. The market potential of this chip is huge, and Europe, America and other countries have not yet developed it. Duan Yun can seize the opportunity in one step.

"Then... disturb Duan-kun!" Fujio Masuoka said after a while.

In fact, Fujio Masuoka admired Duan Yun very much, and when the two of them talked about technology just now, they still had something to say, so he still agreed to Duan Yun's invitation.

After getting off work that afternoon, Duan Yun drove to his residence in Donghu Liyuan with his wife, Fujio and his translator.

"Mr. Duan's home is very big. He is indeed a successful entrepreneur." After entering Duan Yun's home, Fujio and his translator couldn't help but say in surprise when they saw such a large and luxuriously decorated room.

"If Mr. Fujio likes the house here, I can give you a set." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"That's not acceptable, this gift is too expensive, I can't take it." Fujio shook his head and said.

Fujio Masuoka was rather serious and rigid, he obviously didn't realize that Duan Yun's words were meant as a joke.

"Mr. Fujio, please sit down. My wife and I will cook first. We can drink and talk later." Duan Yun said, and walked into the kitchen with his wife Cheng Qingyan.

Duan Yun and his wife basically do not buy vegetables. Every day Li Guosheng's wife buys vegetables from the vegetable market and sends them to Duan Yun's home. The relationship between the two is very close.

Taking out some ingredients from the refrigerator, the couple fried and fried, and soon got busy.

Duan Yun and his wife are usually very busy, and only at night when they are cooking, eating and watching TV together is the warm time for the two of them to be alone. Sometimes if they are too tired, they might as well go to Li Guosheng's house for a meal.

Faced with the sudden arrival of Japanese guests, Cheng Qingyan didn't know what to cook, while Duan Yun already had an idea, and quickly prepared the dishes.

"Ma Po Tofu! This is so good!" Seeing Duan Yun come out with a plate of freshly fried Mapo Tofu, Fujio Masuoka's face suddenly revealed a look of surprise.

Mapo tofu can be said to be the most popular Chinese dish in Japan. Fujio himself also likes this dish very much. He did not expect Duan Yuan to cook this dish to entertain himself.

"You are welcome to come to my house, just let go and eat!" Duan Yun chuckled, and then said: "The rice will be ready soon, and then you can mix rice with mapo tofu. It tastes amazing. Come, let's have a drink first."

While Duan Yun was talking, he filled his and Fujio's glasses with wine.

The next moment, the two clinked their wine glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

"Good wine..." Fujio never refuses Duan Yun's toast, because in Japanese corporate culture, it has become a habit to go to wine bars late at night after get off work, and this is also an important means to enhance the relationship between colleagues.

"Mr. Fujio, I hope you can treat this place as your home in China in the future, and come to visit often. Even if we can't talk about the joint venture this time, you and I must still maintain this friendship." Duan Yun said.

"I also hope that Mr. Duan can go to Japan when he has time. I invite you to eat sushi in Ginza. I really didn't expect that I am very happy to meet a friend like you when I come to China this time." Fujio Masuoka also followed suit.

Cheng Qingyan who was on the side saw her husband's relationship with Fujio Masuoka so quickly, it was obviously beyond his expectation.

In fact, Duan Yun's social skills have always been very strong. Since he came to Shenzhen, he often has various entertainments. Not only has he improved his drinking capacity, but his mouth has also become more and more powerful. He can quickly make friends with all kinds of people. become friends.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is because of Duan Yun's own strength. He has a high degree of education, rich experience and knowledge, and his conversation is extraordinary. In addition, he is a big boss of a private enterprise. He is young, rich and educated. Such a person is naturally popular.

And the reason why Fujio and Duan Yun hit it off is because he found that Duan Yun's electronic technology is very high. As a technology fanatic, it is not easy to meet a confidant who is equal to his opponent, so he also sincerely invites him this time. Duan Yun will be able to go to Japan in the future.

Subsequently, the two quickly brought the topic to microelectronics technology.

Fujio Masuoka, as a technical fanatic, talks about professional topics, and Duan Yun seems to be equally interested in this topic. The two of them have done a lot of research on the development of the Japanese electronics industry and the future trends of the world electronics industry. I made some prospects and analysis, and each expressed his views, and the conversation was very happy.

Cheng Qingyan, on the other hand, was always unable to intervene, and just kept serving meals and vegetables for the two of them, appearing very enthusiastic.

In fact, until now, Cheng Qingyan did not understand what kind of business her husband was talking about with this Japanese guest, but she was not surprised by Fujio's arrival this time, because Duan Yun had already been to Japan before, and the production line in the factory It was also imported from Japan, and it is normal to have Japanese friends visit.

That night, Duan Yun and Fujio chatted very late, and finally Duan Yun arranged a room for him and the translator to stay in, and then returned to his room with a little drunk...

(End of this chapter)

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