Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1135 Profit maximization

Chapter 1135 Profit maximization
After Fujio Masuoka left, Duan Yun did not receive any reply for a whole month.

However, Duan Yun also knows that Fujio is only a middle-level manager in Toshiba Group. Regarding the matter of establishing a joint venture in China, it needs to respond layer by layer. Once the superior raises objections, this matter will be delayed indefinitely. Fujio Masuoka can only constantly report to his superiors for his own project.

In fact, what Duan Yun didn’t know was that on the day Fujio Masuoka returned to China, he had already reported this matter to his superiors, hoping that Toshiba’s senior management would agree to his establishment of a joint venture factory in China.

However, businessmen always like to maximize profits, especially for large groups like Toshiba, which are more shrewd and cautious in formulating business strategies. After receiving feedback from Fujio Masuoka from China, it has indeed attracted some attention from Toshiba's top management For this flash memory chip project, they also held an internal high-level meeting to study whether to establish a joint venture in China.

In the 80s, Toshiba color TVs entered China in large quantities, and the phrase "Steal it, steal it, Toshiba in the new era." has become a well-known advertising slogan.

But in fact, Toshiba is also one of the earliest Japanese manufacturers to start business in China. As early as 1972, after the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, Toshiba had already entered the Chinese market.

What is little known is that in 1977, my country's first bipolar linear integrated circuit production line for color TV was introduced from Toshiba Corporation.


This production line was put into production in October 1982 after the project, and in 10 the front process was put into production.By 1984, the production volume of Factory 1987 exceeded 742 million pieces, accounting for 3000% of the country's total output, and became a specialized chemical factory with advanced technology, the largest scale, and industrialized mass production in my country at that time.

But at that time, the second-hand chip production line sold by Toshiba to China was not a high-tech second-hand production line. It was a color TV chip technology that had already matured in the world. Does not have any international competitiveness.

The flash memory chip technology that Duan Yun wants to introduce this time must use some of Toshiba's latest equipment, and the market for this flash memory chip has not yet been developed, and no one knows the huge commercial potential.

Therefore, in this meeting on China’s investment and establishment of factories, Toshiba executives still have differences on this matter. The main reason is that most Toshiba executives are not optimistic about the commercial value of Fujio Masuoka’s “Flash” flash memory chips. And there are serious doubts about whether this product can be sold well in China.

In addition, for large companies like Toshiba, they have always pursued the maximization of commercial interests. If they can make their own products, they will never establish joint ventures abroad. Moreover, joint ventures in China need to accept strict share restrictions. , the common practice is that the Chinese party accounts for 51% of the shares, while the foreign party accounts for 49%, and the management of the enterprise must also be undertaken by Chinese personnel.

Therefore, after discussions among high-level Toshiba Electronics, they decided to sell this "Flash" flash memory chip to some major manufacturers in Europe and the United States. If the European and American markets can be opened up, then there is no need for Toshiba to set up a joint venture in China. Toshiba will build a flash memory chip by itself. factory in order to maximize profits.

However, if European and American manufacturers are not interested in their technology, and mainland China is willing to invest heavily in the purchase of related chip production equipment, then Toshiba will reconsider setting up a joint venture in China.

It is precisely because of this that Duan Yun has not received feedback from Toshiba Electronics for a long time, but this is also expected by Duan Yun. He still needs to use this time to find ways to earn more foreign exchange.

Throughout May, the sales of colorful Walkmans of Tianyin Electronics Factory hit a new high. Under the 5-hour continuous operation of the factory, coupled with the continuous improvement of the production process by the product technology research and development center, Tianyin Electronics Factory produced a total of 24 With 19 colorful Walkmans, the net profit is as high as more than 3600 million yuan. This figure has even surpassed most of the joint ventures in Shenzhen, and it has become the leading enterprise in Shenzhen's electronics industry without any suspense.

On Children's Day, Duan Yun once again donated 240 million yuan to build two nurseries, two kindergartens, and four primary schools in Bagualing Industrial Zone, Shangbu Industrial Zone, Shenzhen, including Mayor Li Hao. Some leaders of the municipal party committee also participated in the foundation laying ceremony of the school, and highly praised Duan Yun's move.

Duan Yun is not relentless in donating money to build SZ municipal construction. According to his plan for this year, in addition to the 800 million donation he promised before, he plans to add another 500 million to expand the main roads in the upper industrial zone and Badaling industrial zone. The entire project is expected to be completed in the middle of next year. At that time, the main roads of the two industrial areas will be greatly widened, from the previous two-way two-lane to two-way four-lane, and the original cement road will be replaced by asphalt road. The specific construction plan will be completed by the relevant departments of the municipal government and the Shenzhen First Engineering Team.

By doing this, Duan Yun actually hopes to get strong support from the government for their enterprise. On the other hand, Duan Yun has become one of the leading companies in Shenzhen's electronics industry. It is already impossible to make a fortune. In order to avoid being jealous and causing unnecessary troubles, some money should still be spent.

Duan Yun has his own business philosophy, and these municipal projects invested in and built are actually beneficial to Tianyin Electronics Factory. On the one hand, it solves the problem of children of migrant workers going to school, and on the other hand, after the road is widened, trucks It is no longer prone to blockages, which is convenient for Duan Yun to deliver to all parts of the country.

As Duan Yun's investment in the municipal government continued to increase, the SZ municipal government also used its own channels to carry out a lot of positive publicity for Duan Yun. Deeds also often appear in local newspapers in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Duan Yun's frequent donations to municipal construction soon aroused heated discussions among people, not only in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, but also across the country. , most people still very much approve of Duan Yun's approach, but a few people still question Duan Yun's motives for doing so.

In the SZ Municipal Committee, there were also many discussions about Duan Yun. Some leaders of the SZ Municipal Committee even proposed that Duan Yun be a deputy to the People's Congress of SZ City. As soon as this suggestion was put forward, it immediately caused a public opinion shock within the SZ Municipal Government.

In fact, it was not until the two sessions in 1998 that private enterprise owners entered the ranks of NPC deputies for the first time. Before that, whether private enterprise owners could become NPC deputies had always been a very sensitive topic. Because this fundamentally involves the issue of whether a country is "surnamed society" or "surnamed capital". Shenzhen, for the first time in 1, proposed the topic of making private enterprises become representatives of the municipal people's congress. Big, edgy things.

Of course, this incident ended without a problem. In recent years, Shenzhen has been on the cusp of reform, and there are many criticisms of Shenzhen from all over the country. Under the circumstances of such great political pressure, it is impossible for the SZ municipal government to let this incident happen. Things will cause any storms, because Shenzhen's current development path is already very difficult...

(End of this chapter)

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