Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1136 Three No Policies

Chapter 1136 Three Nos Policy
Throughout the summer, the sales volume of colorful Walkmans at Tianyin Electronics Factory has been increasing at an alarming rate. Although Duan Yun led the technical research and development team to improve the production process and equipment again, there is still no way to satisfy the domestic market. Constant orders.

Cui Jian, Pan Hong, and Liu Xiaoqing endorsed each other passionately. Newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, and advertisements bombarded them one after another. In August, Duan Yun had received orders for 8 million Walkmans, of which 140 were delivered in three months. 567 units, and the remaining orders of more than 60 units are enough for Duan Yun's factory to produce until the end of this year.


This figure is quite astonishing. When many domestic bosses are afraid that their annual profit will exceed 100 million and they will be "cut off the tail of capitalism" by the government, Duan Yun's annual profit has exceeded 80 million, which is a shocking thing. In [-] In China in the [-]s, only Shenzhen allowed such a thing to happen.

In fact, the fact that the annual profit of Duan Yun Tianyin Electronics Factory exceeded the [-] million yuan mark has been notified to the high-level state agency, but this notification is accompanied by a report about Tianyin Electronics Factory's large investment in municipal construction in Shenzhen. The two reports were submitted to the central government almost at the same time.

By 1986, the state’s macro-policy for private enterprises had changed. At the very beginning, the “three no’s” policy was put forward for private enterprises, that is, they should not be promoted, publicized, or banned, but should be guided by the situation. Make it develop towards different forms of cooperative economy.

As for the matter of Shenzhen Tianyin Electronics Factory, the state quickly issued instructions, and this instruction only had one sentence: "Allow the existence, strengthen management, promote the advantages and reduce the disadvantages, and gradually guide."

This has actually acquiesced in the rapid development of Duanyun Tianyin Electronics Factory.

In fact, it shows that although the national leadership has discovered some disadvantages of the private economy, more people believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and Shenzhen is the bridgehead of reform and opening up. Enterprises like Duan Yun have a very strong influence in the country. The policy of the audio electronics factory may cause an uproar in the country, which is extremely unfavorable to Shenzhen's investment promotion work, so the national decision-makers are very clear-headed.

In addition, Duan Yun was able to escape this turmoil smoothly because of many other factors. First of all, there are no other state-owned enterprises participating in the domestic competition for the currently leading Walkman products, which means that Duan Yun has not robbed other state-owned enterprises. The rice bowl will not cause a series of social problems such as a large number of business difficulties and lower workers' income. Instead, it will rob the market of some imported products. Therefore, Duan Yun's impact on the current planned economic system is completely negligible.

Another point is that Duan Yun has generously supported the municipal construction of the SZ municipal government. To a certain extent, Duan Yun has become a "model" for domestic private enterprises. The country also needs thriving private enterprises to undertake some of the social functions of state-owned enterprises. Because of this, Duan Yun and his Tianyin Electronics Factory are of positive publicity significance.

In addition, as early as October 1985, 10, when Mao Zedong met with a delegation of senior American entrepreneurs organized by the American Time Corporation, he once said a very famous saying, that is, "let some people get rich first."

Let some people get rich first, drive most regions, and then achieve common prosperity, and Duan Yun is completely in line with the main idea of ​​this sentence.

"Brother Duan, can you take me to this year's Canton Fair?"

Last night, when Duan Yun and his wife were eating at Li Guosheng's house, Li Yun asked him.

Li Yun, who is now on summer vacation, returned to Shenzhen in July. According to the previous agreement between her and Duan Yun, Li Yun has become a translator for Tianyin Electronics Factory.

At the same time, he is proficient in three languages: English, Japanese and German, and Li Yun's oral English has improved rapidly in the past year. His English level is completely comparable to that of Duan Yun, and the most valuable thing is that his oral Japanese and German are also very high. She can communicate with foreigners without barriers. Such a high language talent makes Duan Yun feel ashamed. Considering that the company really needs an excellent translator, although Li Yun is still in the internship period, Duan Yun has already done so. She was offered a high salary of 600 yuan per month.

In fact, in Duan Yun's company, the average income of those interns in the product technology research and development center is about 400-500 yuan, but that includes various bonuses and benefits, and Li Yun took the 600 yuan as a basic salary. When she has the task of participating in exhibitions at home and abroad, she can still get a very high subsidy. Among college students of the same age in China, Li Yun's salary level is already considered top-notch.

"It's another month. The Canton Fair this autumn will be on October 10th. Then you have to go to the organizing committee for training half a month in advance. I've already signed up for you." Duan Yun said.

"That's great!" Li Yun heard that, a look of excitement flashed across his face.

"Xiaoyun, when you go to the exhibition, you must listen to Manager Duan's arrangements. In addition, you must learn more from Manager Duan. You must have skills when dealing with foreigners. Just being able to speak a few foreign languages ​​is not enough." At this time, Li Guosheng He also settled down with his daughter.

"Dad, don't worry, the customer is God!" Li Yun nodded obediently, and then said to Duan Yun: "By the way, Brother Duan, I want to learn some technical knowledge in the factory these few days, so Then I can better introduce our factory’s products to foreign businessmen.”

"That's easy to say. Usually, your sister-in-law will go to the workshop to inspect it every day. Tomorrow, I will take you to have a look at the workshop. In addition, I will arrange your office in the product research and development center. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you can ask Mr. Zhao and the others." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"That's right, Mr. Zhao and the others are the best technically. I will arrange for someone to move your office there tomorrow." Cheng Qingyan also said with a smile.

Duan Yun and his wife took good care of Li Yun. The main reason was that the two families were very close, and as Li Guosheng's only daughter, Li Yun did have a high degree of education and talent, so Duan Yun and his wife were responsive to her requests. .

In addition, Duan Yun's younger sister, Duan Fang, can also apply for an internship in the company in the second half of her junior year. That is, after this year's winter vacation, Duan Fang will definitely return to Shenzhen and work in the product technology research and development center of Tianyin Electronics Factory...

(End of this chapter)

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